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Chapter 731: Here Comes Lin Ke!

The Rock Knight and the female teacher didn't say much, but all sat on their mounts.

The female teacher actually has a part-time job as a [Knight]!

As for the students?

One of the screening conditions this time is that you must have the [Knight] profession.

Even Pando has taken office.

However, only two of the ten students have mounts, and only two of them have space rings.

The other eight students obviously have poorer family conditions than them, so they don't have space rings to use.

However, the [Knight]'s charge is not only possible while riding a mount, but can also be charged with the help of both legs.


"Lord Lin Ke!"

"Do we really need to charge?"

"That's legendary!"

Several students spoke one after another, and even Pan Duo couldn't help but dissuade him.

That's a legend!

Not to mention legends, they are all crooked melons and jujubes. Even a starlight can knock them all away. They can't even withstand the aftermath of the battle between two epic level experts.

Just rush forward with them?

Could it be that in the battle between the coniferous tree people and the spider-like hyena, the shock wave alone could kill them directly?

But they immediately looked at the two teachers.

One is [Rock Knight], a strong man who has become famous in the mainland early.

The other one is even called the Witch, the former [Arch Mage of the Undead].

These two people didn't have the slightest objection to Lin Ke's words.

At this moment, the girl from the Knight Academy suddenly said: "Obey!"

As soon as this statement came out, everyone was stunned for a moment.

The girl said seriously at this time: "Everyone, our Knight Academy students basically have to go to the battlefield... and on the battlefield, they must obey their superiors!"

"He can become your superior in Dahuang City, not because of connections, but because of ability! This kind of ability is not just about level!"

"As the military master Mr. Yale said, your superiors basically have a longer-term vision, and what they can see may not be visible to you."

"Of course, even subordinates can give opinions, but never before the battlefield, but during the preparation stage... But in short, what we have to do now is obey!"

"If we are asked to die, then we will die. I believe I will die well. If I can live, then I will continue to live and work hard to live!"

As soon as these words came out, everyone woke up.

Where they are now is a battlefield!

The one in front is Lin Ke!

There must be a reason why he can lead them to charge.



It was a little hard for everyone to accept.

They are students of Dahuang University, with bright futures, and families at home, and even their own ideals and futures.

Just die like this?

"Our value is not worth it." At this moment, Pando said.

Pando had already proven himself through previous battles, and his words were also taken seriously at this time.

Everyone reacted immediately after hearing Pando's words.


Compared to that level of battle, their battles are indeed insignificant!

In other words, when Lin Ke charges, it probably won't make much difference whether he has a few of them or not.

Then why take them?


Shouldn't they be allowed to put themselves at risk?

As soon as everyone thought about it, they figured it out.

Lin Ke wanted to do something, and he could take them with him, and he could also take them out safely.

It's just like... when you go to fight, a little bit of dust falls on your body. It's insignificant to the person fighting. It doesn't matter whether it's there or not.

However, this is a way for "that gray" to get up close and personal with "fighting".

This is not to want them to die, but to give them benefits!

Take them to truly experience the battlefield firsthand!

At this time, Lin Ke also looked at the female students from the Knight Academy and Pando with approval, and then spoke to everyone again: "Gentlemen and ladies, if you are ready, then charge!"

Everyone immediately responded.


The thunder wrist ball above Lin Ke's head shot out streams of plasma, wrapping around them and forming a shield.

At the same time, he held the bicycle faucet, lowered his body slightly, and the "physics" lit up with rays of light, indicating that the various secret texts on it were taking effect.

"Everyone, follow me..." Lin Ke's voice was slightly high.

In an instant, Pan Duo felt his heart begin to get excited, as did the other ten students.

At the same time, they silently recited those words in their hearts...

"...I will lead the charge!"

Lin Ke's voice was solemn and solemn, and the morale of the thirteen-man team headed by him suddenly rose.

This sentence……

They actually became participants in this sentence!

Lin Ke's legend began with this sentence. As a lord, he was able to attract countless followers because of this sentence.

I will lead the charge!

Just as the Marquis of the Great Sword said, charge with me and charge for me, these are two completely different words.

The former is the leader and the latter is the lord.

Pan Duo felt that his blood was boiling, and he even thought that if he did not become a [Physicist] in the future, but become a [Knight], it would be okay to follow Master Lin Ke and conquer the star realm.

No magic or skills are needed to motivate!

Sometimes, it only takes one word, one word, and one look to make a person give everything!

At this time, the motivational effect of Lin Ke's words completely exceeded the morale-boosting magic and skills in their hearts!

The next moment, the team moved forward.

At the same time, human arms formed between them.

She is a female teacher who is an [organic member]!

At this time, the female teacher used the skill she had used before to create arms out of thin air.

These arms gently hold everyone's arms, and they are equipped with buffing magic.

The female teacher’s task is to serve as a connector to connect them all into the team as a whole!

Suddenly, each of them felt the inexhaustible power in their bodies, which was continuously flowing in from their arms.

Coupled with other buffing magics, people like Pando who don't have mounts can run quickly to keep up with the team.

Hundreds of miles away, but it arrived in an instant!

They were in the sky, like a meteor flashing with thunder and lightning, rushing down, but it was the spider-shaped hyena that was aimed at it.

Originally, when [Rock Knight] started, for everyone, the distant battlefield was like a pebble on the roadside during World War II that no one noticed.

But when Lin Ke walked to the front of the team, the surging magic power fluctuations immediately affected the battlefield, attracting the attention of countless intelligent beings.

"Look! What is that!"

"A meteor! What a powerful magic wave!"

"This is the epic powerhouse on our side!? No, it's more than just..."


This chapter has been completed!
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