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Chapter 735 Battlefield Doctor

After Elder Cuiye took root, the roots became a very large territory with intricately intertwined roots.

In this complex root knot, teams one after another are walking through it.

Some special legendary lives can become a refuge for other lives.

This is the case with Elder Cuiye's body.

As a legend, his entire body has turned into a giant tree tens to hundreds of meters tall, and many ethnic groups survive under his protection.

At least in the gray sand plane, this is the safest place.

If even Elder Cuiye can't resist it, then the Gray Sand Plane will probably be annihilated.

Therefore, many troops from Nasenge live here.

Including Lin Ke.

Lin Ke was standing on a branch at this time, looking into the distance.

"Lava, your people are already here."

At this time, Elder Cuiye's voice sounded in Lin Ke's mind.

Lin Ke retracted his gaze and looked back in another direction.

There, a line of little black dots were speeding towards them, and at the head of the line were Nicks, who had white hair, and John, who was wearing a black suit.

After one black and one white, there are people riding various flying objects, wearing white coats.

This is the battlefield medical team of Dahuang City!

What is the most important thing in a protracted war?

Of course it’s the wet nurse!

In continuous combat, medical conditions are very important.

The battles in the Gray Sand Plane are not just elemental and law battles above level 15, but also include ordinary battles below level 15.

In this kind of battle, what would happen if a group of wet nurses joined in?

Wounded man: My intestines came out!

Nurse: Put it back and I'll give you a healing spell.

Wounded man: My arms and legs are broken! And they were left on the battlefield!

Nurse: It’s a bit troublesome. I’ll give you a regeneration technique. Remember to take more meat, eggs, and milk.

Wounded Man: My brother’s head is off!

Grandma:...Go and ask for Mr. Nix.

Therefore, as long as there are wet nurses, the loss of troops can be greatly reduced.

Death turns into serious injury, serious injury turns into minor injury, and minor injury heals itself.

It can greatly preserve the vitality of the gray sand plane.

At this time, Nicks can be regarded as one of the representatives of Nassenger Medicine.

Although Nix's level is not high, many skills are not as good as those of high-level professions such as [Witch Doctor] and [Priest].

But at the same level, the Knicks' medical capabilities can completely defeat them.

And in addition to medical skills, even if Nix uses ordinary methods, he can also rely on his accumulated knowledge in the "Herbal Encyclopedia" to treat patients.

Just like someone has a cold or fever, Nix can use skills to instantly cure it, or he can make corresponding herbal medicine to cure it.

This is something that creates an era.

Like before, when Lin Ke fell ill when he was a child, Fulong had no choice but to ask a [Witch Doctor] to cure him.

Now, at least there are many hospitals and pharmacies in Dahuang City.

This greatly increases the survival rate of intelligent life. There are many research laboratories that specialize in pharmacology, including the School of Physics, Chemistry and Biology, as well as specialized medical disciplines.

In addition to Dahuang City, other newly built cities also have their own medical teams.

But at this time, those who came to the gray sand plane were not normal hospital doctors and nurses, but field doctors and nurses!

These [doctors] and [nurses] are specially trained and set up specifically for war.

On the battlefield, there is no time to wait for you to prepare a sterile room, a scalpel and the like. You can just stuff the intestines back and then do a healing technique.

Because the battlefield is changing rapidly, every second of delay will be in danger.

These field doctors and nurses have experienced in the secondary plane, so they naturally have good skills.

It can withstand the intensity of low-intensity battlefields, and can also get a little experience in high-intensity battlefields and gradually adapt.

Thinking of this, Lin Ke also flew up and flew towards John and Nicks to greet them.

Lin Ke's flying speed was not slow, and he also had air pressure skills, so he arrived here in a short time.

"John, Nicks, is everything okay outside?"

Lin Ke didn't say much and was straightforward.

John and Nicks stepped forward and lined up with Lin Ke, and then began to briefly talk about the recent situation outside, but nothing major happened, it was smooth and stable.

As for the professionals behind them, they all came to Cuiye with Lin Ke and the others.

Everyone was naturally amazed when they saw the green leaves.

After all, there are many conifers and many have taken root. However, they are still very rare or have never seen the power of legendary level roots after taking root.

The tree man, which is tens to hundreds of meters tall, was taller than many office buildings in Lin Ke's previous life.

And that’s not counting the size of the tree’s crown and root system.

"John, Yale is lost in the realm of Horulus. It takes the two of us to integrate the team... Hey, your Lolita didn't come?"

Lin Ke said to John and looked at Nicks again.

You know, people like Lolita who are afraid of chaos in the world like to fight and stuff like that the most.

"She...she..." Nicks' face suddenly turned red and he did not continue.

The three of them had already arrived at Cuiye's root system and were walking towards the inside. Lin could see Nicks blushing and couldn't help but smile:

"You would blush when you were a child, you were very shy, and you cried a lot... It's been so many years, why are you blushing again?"

"Master, Lolita is pregnant."

At this time, John said with a smile: "And they are triplets."

Lolita is pregnant?!


Lin Ke stopped, his eyes widened, a little surprised, and then subconsciously asked: "Is it a rabbit, a human, or a bunny?"

It turns out that rabbits and humans really don’t have reproductive isolation!

"Master!" Hearing Lin Ke's rash question, Nicks had no choice but to answer: "I asked a [biologist] to take a look and found that the three boys are all bunny people."

Three bunnymen?

It seems that the Knicks have stronger genes? Or what is the reason?

But now that the Knicks have descendants, Lin Ke is naturally very happy as a brother.

"It's okay that she didn't come, just take care of the pregnancy." Lin Ke smiled and patted Nicks on the shoulder: "With your mother there to take care of her, we can rest assured."

Then, he looked at John again: "How is it? Can it be solved?"

"Okay, I'll be responsible." John said, "Before that boy from Yale grew up, wasn't I the one responsible?"

"Come on." Lin Ke glanced at him: "Uncle Billy is in charge, you and Knicks are hiding and eating and fishing all day long."

"How can there be..."

While chatting, the three of them led the team into the root system of the tree, and then came to a combat command room.

Here is a topographic map of the entire gray sand plane, as well as some rough military distribution.

What needs to be done now is to break the medical team into parts and place them in each team to ensure maximum rescue efficiency.

This chapter has been completed!
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