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Chapter 743 Forced to Retreat


The two spider hyenas over there gathered together and immediately used all their strength.

The wailing soul exploded from the two spider hyenas, and then rushed over with billowing black mist.

Three realms and three visions frightened the two spider hyenas to the point of using all their strength.


There was a shocking loud noise in the void.

Logically speaking, there should be no medium for sound propagation in the void, but the laws here express this collision using the laws of sound.

Lin Ke almost went deaf.

But now he can't go back to hide in the aircraft carrier, but has to finish his work in one battle!

He took advantage of the collision to take back the domain, still retaining the vision to fight against the thinking power of the two spider hyenas.

At the same time, his figure quickly approached the front.

The Mountain Mushroom and the Giant Blue Turtle immediately saw Lin Ke's intention.

Although they didn't know what Lin Ke was going to do, they knew that Lin Ke was definitely not a fool who wanted to die.

Coupled with the results of the previous battle in the gray sand plane, this gave them an immediate decision.

"Heavy mountains!"

The Mountain Mushroom stopped spitting spores, the magic power boiled in its huge body, and a phantom of a mountain range suddenly condensed in front of it.

[Mountain Mushroom] Skill - Heavy Mountain!

At the same time, the magic power in the giant blue turtle's body also boiled:

"Vineweed penetrates!"

[Wave Giant Turtle] Skill - Vine Algae Penetration!

Suddenly, dense brown seeds appeared in the sea wave field of the blue giant turtle Los Dur.

Those seeds sprouted and grew in an instant, and many types of seaweed grew.

All these seaweeds penetrated towards the spider hyena, weak ones, hard ones, green ones, red ones...

Countless vines and algae penetrated it, like sharp swords filling the void. On the other side was a huge mountain pressing down on it, and although the laws on the mountain were not perfect at all, they were numerous in number.

The legendary skills of the two legends!

These two legends absorbed the laws and magic power of the crystal wall of the Roseside plane nearby. The use of these two skills directly reduced the element concentration of the Roseside plane a lot.

Legendary battles are bearable for a plane with stable time and space and strong magic power like the main plane. Only the Dominator level can't bear it with all its strength.

As for the secondary plane, the power to accommodate the legends of the main plane can be accommodated, but it will definitely have a great impact.

Just like now.

Previously, the Mountain Mushrooms did not use powerful large-scale skills to fight because this was their own plane, and the plane would be useless after it was drained.

Therefore, they generally fight against the enemy through steady consumption and accumulate advantages.

When the advantage is almost accumulated, it is a good time to kill the enemy with one strike.

This is also the reason why the battles of many high-level experts are very long.

Of course, if the level difference is too big, or the strength difference is too big, then the battle will only take minutes.

At this time, the two legendary skills were used, and the pressure on the two spider hyenas immediately doubled, and they also retracted their original methods and used their own skills.

Although crazy, spider hyenas must also be quite intelligent.

They could see that what the two legends were doing was to allow Lin Ke to get closer to them!

"Roar!! Nasenge!!"

One of the spider hyenas opened its huge mouth across its body, its tongue protruded from it, and then broke off on its own.

The broken tongue did not shed a trace of blood. Instead, it bloomed from the tip of the tongue like a flower bone and hit the Mountain Mushroom's skill.

The dozen or so spider spears on the back of the other spider hyena, which looked like spider legs, all broke off, and then flew towards the giant blue turtle with a smelly juice.

And after it broke, the spider hyena's back had sprouts flying again, and new spider spears grew out and shot out at extremely fast speeds.

And during this kind of spider spear firing, the pustules on the spider hyena's body were also drying up at an extremely fast speed.

A four-way fight!

However, even straw can break the camel's back, let alone three Dahuang-class aircraft carriers?


The three aircraft carriers, inspired by the spirit of the ship and the commanders at the helm, fired massive attacks from their main guns.

The meaning of an aircraft carrier is to condense and expand.

In other words, the original power of ten thousand ones is transformed into the power of 1+1+1...+1, and a few squares are added.

Originally, a legend had to kill 10,000 level 15 professionals, so I guess the law would be sufficient.

But what happens when these 10,000 level 15 professionals unite?

One gram of gunpowder explodes 10,000 times in sequence, which is completely different from 10,000 1-gram gunpowder exploding simultaneously.

At this time, as the last three aircraft carriers to overwhelm the camel, the two spider hyenas finally fell into a disadvantage.

However, just when Lin Ke got close and took out a certain amount of uranium from the space ring, the two spider hyenas changed.

The spider hyena, which was originally weird, crazy, and extremely evil, now showed a hint of cowardice.

The two spider hyenas turned into billowing black mist in an instant and hit the nearby planet Roside.

Seeing this, Lin Ke immediately stopped.

In the distance, on the planet, you can see an area shrouded in black fog, accounting for about one-third of the entire planet.

The planet Roside, also known as the plane Roside, is a place where only about 40% of the area is land.

And the place where the spider hyena landed is most of the land and a corner of the ocean.

There, the darkness shrouded in mist.

"Hey, force them back!"

At this time, Los Duer, which was the size of a city, swam over with its sliding limbs and followed Lin Ke's gaze.

Lin Ke nodded slightly and took back the uranium element.

The two spider hyenas obviously wanted to leave here. Whether it was to escape or to go to the gray sand plane, it was possible.

But no matter what, as long as these two spider hyenas are firmly trapped here, the two legends plus the army from the Roside plane, plus the three aircraft carriers and the gray sand army above...

It won't be a problem to slowly wear them out over several years or decades.

Of course, if the battle situation changes, you can also be more aggressive and spend a certain amount of money to get rid of these two spider hyenas, and then go to support other planes.

But in short, they now have the initiative.

"Lord Lava!"

At this moment, the Mountain Mushroom from the distance, which was larger than the mountains, flew towards us, shrinking its body as it flew, and it seemed that it had solidified some kind of transformation skill.

Finally, the Mountain Mushroom, which looked very much like an ordinary fungus, came to Lin Ke.

Poisonous mushrooms and their subtypes all have one characteristic, that is, they have no facial features and instead transmit sound through sound vibrations.

The same goes for vision. Without eyes, they perceive the outside world through light perception.

After the mountain mushroom in front of him shrunk, it came to Lin Ke like a giant 1.8-meter enoki mushroom, and then said doubtfully:

"Strange... Lava, you are not a legend yet?"

This chapter has been completed!
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