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Chapter 780 The proposal is approved!

Do whatever you want based on your contribution?

Criticizing others based on their contributions?

Do you disrespect your elders based on your contribution?

Brother, can you please speak some truth...

Some of the humanities and customs in Nasenger are indeed the same as some old habits in previous lives.

When you are older and more senior, you feel that you can dominate the younger and junior generation unscrupulously.

Is this a reasonable question?

Some people say that this has been the case since ancient times.

It has always been like this, so is that right?

Therefore, what Lin Ke means now is very obvious.

If you contribute a lot, you can do whatever you want!

After finishing speaking, Lin Ke stood up from the peak, and the entire mountain peak was dyed red.

He stood like that on the top of the mountain, a presence on every major peak around him.

After all, there are only two peaks with humans on them.

Of these two people, one is the Wumian Emperor and the other is him.

Other intelligent races have their own forms. The Prince of Stars and the Goddess of the Moon are both glittering mermaids, and the Mother of Five Dragons is a colorful dragon...

All in all, they are all magical.

But what about the Wumian Emperor and Lin Ke?

The Wumian Emperor naturally sits on the top of the mountain, wearing king's clothes, with a majestic and grand temperament.

In fact, everyone who is familiar with him knows that the most natural state of the Wumian Emperor is that of an ordinary big man, as if he is butchering a pig.

And what about Lin Ke?

Lin Ke didn't have any bling or majesty about him. Instead, he looked like an ordinary scholar, approachable and approachable.

However, at this time, Lin Ke, the scholar, was furious and stood with a sharp posture, allowing the Nasenger intelligent beings in front of the live photo stone to see another side of Lin Ke.

"I would like to invite the next leader to speak."

Lin Ke looked at the next master on the main peak like a host. Prince Xingchen had no expression on his face, but he didn't say anything else.

As for the title, although logically he should be called "Congressman", Lin Ke felt that Fengzuo was also acceptable at this time, so he naturally called him "Congressman".

The host under the peaks also silently closed his mouth that he was about to open, and stopped explaining anything, leaving it to the audience to see for themselves.

At the same time, he felt bitter in his heart.

Although I had expected that it would be difficult to interrupt in such a high-level meeting, I didn't expect these elders to be so irritable!

In this case, if he makes arbitrary comments in front of the camera or says something inappropriate.

Let alone whether these elders will blame him or not, he may not be able to handle even the millions of fanatical admirers outside who adore the elders.

Originally, all journalists and colleagues were eager to participate in this kind of event.

He also had a hard time winning it.

Who knew that a big boss would show off his power at a time like this...

The host felt bitter in his heart, but on the surface he didn't say a word, just smiled, and asked the photographer to focus the camera on each peak.

At this time, the camera was also focused on the person on the next peak.

Of course, at this time Lin Ke also reminded: "Everyone, let me remind you that at this time we should speak from the interests of the entire Nasenger, not our own interests."

Everyone gives me a dollar, and I have 1.3 billion. This is from the perspective of personal interests. It does not change much for the overall situation. It is just a flow of resources, and it also damages the personal interests of all.

If I help everyone earn one yuan, we can earn 1.3 billion - this is the overall benefit, and it is a positive benefit, creating wealth, and this is without harming personal interests.

Lin Ke's words were impeccable as soon as he spoke them. Coupled with the previous influence, each legend began to re-examine their position.

When speaking, were they speaking from their own perspective or from Nassenger's perspective?

Lin Ke saw that some strong men had begun to meditate, and he nodded with satisfaction.

You don't have to expect that you can change these people's minds right away with just a few words, but at least you have to give this kind of meeting a personality.

That is, no matter what meetings are held in the future, anything that needs to be discussed here needs to be discussed in a selfless manner.

Whether it is true or false, whether it is superficial or not.

He does not want to see future elders unabashedly speaking for their own interests, allowing the interests of a small number of intelligent beings to override the majority of intelligent beings.

"I have no meaning to this proposal, but I also have my own demands..."

At this time, the purple-eyed sawtooth tiger, the representative of Warcraft, spoke.

The Purple-Eyed Sawtooth Tiger is a dominant monster from the Elemental Forest. Its true body is estimated to be the size of a mountain, but what is here is only a four- to five-meter-tall incarnation.

As the master of the elemental forest, it was born in ancient times. Many intelligent beings did not know its existence at all, and even Lin Ke only learned about it later.

His legendary Storm Rat only knew that there was such a warcraft master in their elemental forest, but he had never seen it before, and only legends circulated about it.

"My request is to connect the new secondary plane to the elemental forest and expand the area of ​​the elemental forest, so as to ensure species diversity." Purple-eyed Sawtooth Tiger said slowly.

This request of his is quite satisfactory.

Lin Ke also nodded and said: "I can't make the decision for you, but you can submit the inclusion to the Community. If it cannot be handled, the Community will hold another meeting to vote."

The Purple-Eyed Sawtooth Tiger nodded, and then the Warcraft King below spoke.

They basically only believe in the law of the jungle and the strong, and the conflict between the weak and the strong on the field has been very obvious.

In addition, all of them are quite intelligent, so they naturally know that they need to take responsibility for speaking out at this time, so they all basically agree.

Occasionally one or two disagreed, but some considerations were mentioned, such as changes in the ecological environment, climate change, etc.

You must know that biology and environmental studies are also popular subjects at Dahuang University, and there are many related books in the big library.

As intelligent monsters, they have learned a lot about them.

In a sense, some books study them even more thoroughly than themselves.

It is understandable to say some more academic words at this time.

After talking about the mountain of Warcraft, it’s time to move on to the next one.

In this rotation, whether they agree or disagree, each has given some reasons.

Regardless of whether they are repeated, these reasons are enough to show that the perspective they consider is no longer their own.

This also prevented Lin Ke from retorting in an angry manner like the previous times, and he didn't even say a few words.

Finally, it was the sleepless emperor's turn.

"Agree." The indifferent voice of the Wumian Emperor reached everyone's ears, and a series of grand dukes and dukes who sat down also spoke out.

“Agree!” “Agree!” “Agree!”…

A series of continuous sounds sounded, announcing the final result of this meeting.

Proposal passed!

This chapter has been completed!
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