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Chapter 78 Azan Coin and Performance Appraisal System

In front of Azane Castle, slaves were lined up in several rows, with several servants guarding them.

"Master, everyone is here. Look..." A bald man holding a barbed whip came to Lin Ke with a flattering look on his face.

Standing on Lin Ke's shoulder was a trembling, hairless bird with a sleepy face. It was a little lucky bird.

Little Lucky recovered quickly after breaking out of its shell, but the hair on its body grew very slowly, and now it is a hairless bird.

Although he is hairless, little Lucky is not afraid of the cold and wants to cling to Lin Ke at any time.

Lin Ke has a kind of affinity for Little Lucky, perhaps because of the illusion that Little Lucky was like a phoenix when it broke out of its shell, or maybe because of its own strength.

Therefore, as long as conditions permit, Lin Ke will let Little Lucky follow him.

"Who are you?"

Lin Ke looked at the bald man in front of him and couldn't remember that there was such a person in the castle.

"Hey, Master, I'm Jack." The bald man said with a flattering face: "I used to be a cook, specializing in making jam and juice. Two days ago, Butler Billy saw that my arms were strong and asked me to take care of the slaves.


"Well, are the slaves ready? There are also tools. We will go mining later." Lin Ke nodded slightly.

"Yes, you're ready." Bald Jack nodded and bowed.

Lin Ke stopped looking at him and continued to say to the slaves: "The thing I want to announce is very simple, that is... you all have the opportunity to become civilians! Nasenge civilians!"

These slaves were bought from the city and were generally prisoners captured by some lords in other secondary planes.

The captives were sold to slave traders, and then trained into slaves by some professional [slave owners] before being sold.

Therefore, these slaves should be people from various planes. After all, there are few wars in Nasenge.

"Civilian?" The bald Jack in front of him was stunned, not understanding why his young master was so crazy.

Slaves can become civilians, but after becoming civilians, no matter what job they do, they basically need to be paid.

And slaves...

As long as the slaves don't starve to death, that's fine.

Of course, no one cares even if I starve to death.

Therefore, the numb slaves below became agitated when they heard Lin Ke's words, but their expressions were only agitated and their bodies did not dare to move.

This is a conditioned reflex formed by the body over a long period of time. They dare not move unless the owner tells them to move.

"Exactly how to become a civilian, I will announce the requirements now, and let...well, it will be announced by Jack!" Lin Ke originally wanted John to be responsible, but John was tired enough, and the bald Jack looked pretty good


"Are you literate?" Lin Ke looked at him.

Bald Jack nodded subconsciously.

"Read it!"

Lin Ke raised his eyebrows, then took out the regulations he had prepared long ago from his arms and threw them to Bald Jack.

Bald Jack took the papyrus made by Lin Ke with fear. He didn't have time to be surprised by the difference between the paper and parchment. He immediately unfolded it gently and began to read:

"If all the slaves belonging to Azan Castle are...if they meet the following conditions, they can redeem the corresponding rewards:

1. If you work twelve hours a day for a small month, you can get 1 Azan coin.

2. If you work a total of ten hours of overtime in a small month of work, you can get 1 Azan coin.

3. If the total overtime exceeds fifteen hours, one Azan coin will be deducted.

4. One Azan coin can be exchanged for daily lunch plus a meat dish.

5. If you get sick three times, you will need one Azan coin to be cured.


34. If you collect sixty Azan coins, you can obtain civilian status! Including descendants!"

There are thirty-four articles in total. It took Bald Jack more than ten minutes to read through them. Many of the words were read incorrectly. It was obvious that he only knew a little bit about writing.

And many of the words and grammar are combined by Lin Ke, just like a Tang Dynasty person reading a news broadcast. It’s not that you can’t understand it, but you need to adapt to it for the first time.

After reading it, the expressions of the slaves obviously changed.

I haven’t heard much about other things, and I haven’t remembered much about them, but I heard that you can become a commoner, and your descendants can also come...

The slaves' eyes changed from numb and stiff to fiery and full of life.

Lin Ke looked at this scene and nodded with satisfaction.

For non-innovative and creative things, people's subjective initiative is the best nourishment. It would be better if some catalysts called interest can be added.

Just like the working dogs in Lin Ke's previous life, they worked day after day, year after year, and made money without hesitation.

What for?

The purpose is to change one's own identity and life, and even change the lives of future generations for the better.

Lin Ke knows this stuff well.

Just look at the slaves below.

In the future, these slaves will work hard and fanatically worship Lin Ke who gave them the opportunity to become masters.

Of course, this is indeed an upward path given to them by Lin Ke. Whether they can change their destiny depends on these people themselves.

"Okay, you can take charge of the next slave inspection and do not affect the operation of the castle." Lin Ke motioned to Bald Jack: "There is a teleportation circle in the dungeon, and mining will begin tomorrow morning."

Then, Lin Ke pointed to the papyrus in Bald Jack's hand: "There is a scoring chart on the back. The slaves will be graded according to their obedience, effort, work efficiency, etc. If they pass 60 points, they will only pass the daily workload."

Calculate, John will teach you the details."

After saying that, Lin Ke turned around, ignored the excited Bald Jack and the excited slaves, entered the castle, and walked towards the underground prison.

There are guards guarding this entire road, especially in the secret room with the teleportation array carved on it. Lin Ke also hired two particularly strong guards to guard it.

"Master! Master!"

Two stout guards stood in front of an iron gate holding heavy iron swords. When they saw Lin Ke, they hammered their chests with one hand and saluted to say hello.

Lin Ke smiled and nodded to the two of them, walked in and came to the teleportation array, and input his magic power into it.

The magic power required for teleportation is related to the magic power of the teleporter and the magic power content of the magic items carried.

Lin Ke is now alone, with a little luck and artifacts placed in the bedroom.

But maybe due to a little luck, Lin Ke input almost half of the magic power.

There was a faint flash of light and the body disappeared.

There was lightning and thunder in the sky, and below was a towering cliff with several cabins on the cliff.

Halfway up the mountain, there is a teleportation array, and Lin Ke's body appears from here.

This is Orv's own plane or demiplane, and Orv named it "Thunder Power".

"Thunder Power" plane!

"Xiao Linke, come here." Aofu's voice came from the front.

Lin Ke took a look at the sky and the surrounding environment, and admired in his heart.

In addition to this mountain, there is a vast space here, and some of the magical beasts captured by Auf also live in it.

It's like a separate little world here.

If Aof dies in the future, perhaps this small world will be inherited by Lin Ke, just like this small world was passed down from Aof’s teacher’s teacher’s teacher.

Of course, Lin Ke now has his own plane, a gift from Ms. Montenegro.

"Quack." The little Lucky on his shoulder opened his eyes sleepily and looked around. He found that he didn't respond to the change of environment, so he closed his eyes and went to sleep again.

This chapter has been completed!
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