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Chapter 791 The Second Disciple

"Ah? Then, okay then."

Frivers still couldn't react.

It's just that everything is a little different from what he imagined.

A few days later, he was taken back to the village by Shen An, including going to Silver Wing Castle. All of this made it difficult for him to adapt.

The originally kind and kind grandfather of the village chief, the fierce but gentle Aunt Sophia, the little Coco with a runny nose...the way these people looked at him changed!

Fear, awe, alienation...

And the news that the King of Silver Wings was beaten up also came.

Countless challengers lined up outside the Silver Wing Castle, waiting to challenge the Darkness and its disciple Freefus.

It had only been three days, and Frivers was scared.

Three days later, he also met the young nobleman he had competed with before, a peer named Willy.

The two teenagers sat opposite each other, the atmosphere showing a bit of embarrassment.

But the two people named "Photon" and "Darkness" were filled with fighting spirit there.

"Guangzi, you are a bit reserved with this guy!" The dark voice was full of arrogance.

"Darkness, Freefus seems to be as sharp as you." Photon's voice was slightly deeper.

"Showing your edge? Isn't it good? Hahaha! Do you want to hide it like you?"

"Hide your weakness and hide your edge. Sometimes it is better to hide your weakness than to rush forward blindly."

"Tch, do you want to go out and have a fight?"


As a result, both of them jumped into the air, and soon they were fighting each other.

Only Frivers and Willy were left, looking at each other awkwardly.

"Um...is your hand healed?" Frivers spoke first.

Willy nodded: "It has been cured by Teacher Guangn."

After saying this, both of them fell silent.

After a while, Willy spoke again: "How about... let's have a fight."

"Yes, yes, let's have a fight." Frivers nodded desperately.

The two stood up suddenly and looked at each other.

The next moment, Willy bent his fingers and grabbed Frivers' chest.

Frivers' body was soft and his hands were wrapped around him.

However, as soon as they fought, the two of them noticed the changes in each other.

In Frivers's eyes, Willie, who had been a little hesitant before, became extremely strong and unafraid of the palm that slapped his head.

Trade injury for injury?!

Frivers was startled and instinctively wanted to go up, but the next moment he thought of what he had seen in the past few days.

Sometimes, rushing forward is a sign of recklessness!

Thinking of this, Freefus's arms became softer, as if they were boneless, and then his body leaned back slightly, and his head avoided Willy's attack.

Willie was also a little surprised after being dodged by a blow.

In his impression, the Frivers of the past few days did not have the wisdom to "retreat despite difficulties".

Ever since, every attack and defense between the two people made each other secretly sigh.

The opponent has grown!

After the two of them fought for a while, the "photons" and darkness also fell from the sky.

"Humph! Barbaric." Lin Ke snorted coldly and glanced at Freefus: "You are soft and soft, and cannot be used for much purpose."

"Hey!" Shen An raised his eyebrows: "Your family is too strong and easy to break. You told me this! Bah!"

"You are too reckless, but my disciple is brave enough to move forward!"

"You are brave! My disciples are full of wisdom and well-founded in their advances and retreats. They are much better than you, a docile guy like you!"



The two looked at each other, with a strong fighting spirit in their eyes.

Next to them, Frivers and Willy couldn't help but look at each other, their eyes full of helplessness.

They suddenly felt that the sense of fateful showdown between them had become much duller.


The contrast is so obvious!

Do they have a deep hatred for each other?


At most, they just regard each other as competitors because they have done it a few times.

What about photons and deep darkness?

In their teacher's narration, the two had many grudges against each other.

Although they are disciples of the same teacher, the conflicts have reached an irreconcilable level, and it is said that they involve family affection, friendship, love, teacher-student affection, brotherhood, etc.

Anyway, it's very complicated.

This made Willie and Frivers feel that the only opposition between them now was the ring of fate.

Unfortunately, now that they have two teachers, Photon and Deep Dark respectively, although there is demand for the Ring of Fate, the demand is not that strong.

What they didn't know was that when the two of them had this idea, the legendary [astrologer] Debius on the other side once again glimpsed the fluctuations of fate.

Originally, Willie and Frivers were destined to be mortal enemies, the kind of enemies who were also friends.

But now that Lin Ke was so disturbed, the two of them immediately felt boring.

It's boring, very boring.

The two of them read the same thoughts from each other's eyes, so they began to think about it.

At this time, as expected, Photon and Deep Darkness began to fight again.

Seeing the two fighting again, Frivers quickly leaned over and whispered: "I think the two teachers fought too much..."

Willy took a deep breath and nodded vigorously.

"I don't really want to be like that..." Frivers said helplessly, "That's so tiring..."

How tiring!

They stay at each other's side all day long, making each other unhappy.

Such a confrontation is extremely meaningless!

Both Willy and Frivers would rather choose the path to the top than any other path.

"Then let's change our teacher..." Willy's eyes were glaring: "They were supposed to be the best brothers, but due to some misunderstandings they turned against each other. As disciples, we should help the teacher restore the brotherhood..."

"That's right, that's right..."

"We do this..."

"Ok, Ok……"

The two discussed it excitedly, but they didn't see the photons in the sky or the dark smile on their lips.

Lin Ke, who had fought with him, finally returned to their respective places with his clones, Frifus and Willy.

The harvest this time was huge!

According to Debius, the fate of Freefus and Verley had changed beyond recognition.

There is also a little bit of a butterfly effect, and some related people, things, things, etc. have changed.

At the same time, Debius used his legendary power to activate the prophecy skill and told Lin Ke...

The best opportunity to observe your destiny is three years from now!

That was when Lin Ke left the ring of destiny in the name of Duke Lava, and promised to accept a disciple!

At that time, Freefus and Willy will face a fateful battle.

In that battle, the winner will possess the Ring of Fate and become the second public disciple of Duke Lava in the star realm.

Who was the first disciple?

René Descartes!

Therefore, no matter who becomes Lin Ke's second disciple, it will definitely be a big deal for Nasenger and Keyes!

At that time, it was also the time when Lin Ke could really pry into his destiny.

This chapter has been completed!
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