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Chapter 796 Probability and Destiny Speech

Hruf couldn't laugh or cry: "Teachers, you have really misunderstood! I really... at least I don't know the news!"

What a joke!

That's Master Lin Ke!

Those who want to be his disciples are probably waiting in line for the Beast Spirit, right?

How did he get his turn?

By the way...

Why do these big guys think it’s him, Hruf?

After hearing Hruf's words, everyone immediately turned their attention.


"Auf, where did you get the news?"

"Yeah! What's going on?"

"Does Lin Ke want to accept a disciple?"

Everyone's eyes focused on Aofu, and Aofu felt a little uncomfortable.

"I did hear Lin Ke say that he wanted to accept a disciple..." Aofu's face was hot, but with his legendary strength, that heat was directly converted into electric energy.

As soon as Aof finished speaking, his eyes turned to Hruf again.

If looks could kill, Hruf would probably be dead.

And by the way, legends can indeed kill with their gaze.

"But I really have no news!" Hruf didn't know what to say.

Everyone looked at Auf again.

Aofu said slowly: "Xiao Lin can say that his disciple has a strong character and extremely outstanding physical skills. He can even surpass the level and kill Warcraft..."

The title "Xiao Lin Ke" made all the strong men jealous and jealous, and they only wished that they could not replace him.

After hearing Aof's words, everyone looked at Hruf again.

"No, brother..." Hruf had no choice but to speak subconsciously, and then quickly stopped: "Well, guys, Principal Lin Ke will be here later, can't you just go and ask him?"

Ask Lin Ke?

The strong men present looked at each other.

After all, they still felt that it was too much to waste Lin Ke's time.

With Lin Ke's strength and status, especially his research strength, it is really a waste to study those problems that have troubled them for a long time!

They felt that what Lin Ke needed was to study the more advanced issues that bothered most people.

For example, if Lin Ke studies the problems that trouble the twenty-seventh level, wouldn't that give Nasenge one more master?

Therefore, the next best thing is to study it with Lin Ke's disciples, that would be easy.

Lin Ke's disciples went to study a certain problem, and then they couldn't figure it out. If they had problems, they went to their own teachers for answers.

Is it reasonable?

Very reasonable!

Anyway, Lin Ke was supposed to mentor his disciples, so it doesn’t make much difference when it comes to mentoring, right?


This group of strong men stared at Hruf carefully, all of them smiled extremely kindly, and were about to speak the next moment.

Hruf was like a white, soft and woolless lamb, which could only tremble in the face of these ferocious wolves.

But at this moment, the audience burst into warm applause.

The next moment, John's voice also sounded at the right time: "Welcome Principal Lin Ke!"

Lin Ke is here!

Everyone was shocked and quickly returned to their seats.

Hruf also cheered up, and then began to stare at the podium attentively.

Lin Ke's voice, holding the lava scepter, appeared directly on the podium: "Hello, everyone!"

These three words triggered waves of cheers like landslides and tsunamis, mixed with the screams of countless girls, middle-aged women, old women, thousand-year-old women, and ten-thousand-year-old women.

Lin Ke turned on the projector with a warm smile, and then began to speak: "The theme of my speech today is mainly about...destiny!"


Countless people were shocked.

One of the reasons why it attracts countless people today is, in addition to Lin Ke’s own reputation, his previous articles published in the journal Science.


This is fate!

When can fate be written down into an article?

Does this mean... ordinary people can also control their destiny?

"...Some people often say that you can control your destiny, some people often say that you can break the shackles of fate, and some people often say that your fate is unfair."

Lin Ke started in his usual way, opening with culture and science, and then slowly entered the field of science and engineering:

"However, today I want to tell you that destiny is not static, nor is it a pool of stagnant water, nor is there the so-called world line closing in novels... Destiny has always been changing!"

As soon as this statement came out, although the audience was already prepared, they couldn't help but start talking among themselves.

"He has indeed reached out to a better place now!"

"Destiny, has Lin Ke begun to touch the profound laws of destiny?"

"He doesn't have the aura of legend yet, but I always feel that ordinary legends may not be able to beat him."

The legends present are not weak, so they naturally know what the law of fate means.

If Lin Ke really entered the legend by understanding the law of destiny, then his strength would definitely surpass most legends.

Most legends, or most people, will basically stagnate at level 21 after being promoted to legends.

How hard is it to get feedback?

But they also thought that since it was Lin Ke, it was normal.


They even felt that the Law of Destiny was not worthy of Lin Ke's talent.

At the very least, a lot of laws such as life, destruction, light, darkness, soul, etc. must be gathered together.

"...So, the probability appears in front of me."

While everyone was thinking, Lin Ke suddenly looked up, his eyes bursting with a huge amount of light.

"Everyone, I am spying on your fate..."

A lot of people here stood up, especially those legends, gods, and some relatively powerful star-level beings.

They felt strange movements and early warnings from the gods or laws, so they showed varying degrees of reactions.

"Someone is spying on me!!"

"Idiot, Lin Ke already said that he is using his skills!"

"But, even he can't..."

Everyone had different reactions, but while they were discussing, Lin Ke spoke again.

"Don't panic, my skill is not to spy on your true future destiny, but... probability!"

Lin Ke's eyes were like the light of a powerful flashlight, focusing on Aofu: "For example, my teacher has a 90% chance of sitting down, a 9.6% chance of continuing to stand, and a 0% chance of sitting down.

The probability of flying away is 0.003..."

Lin Ke explained, letting everyone understand the meaning of probability.

And in this explanation, everyone gradually understood what fate is.

Destiny is a collection of probability and choice!

And as Lin Ke explained, experimented, calculated and verified, two lights suddenly lit up on the field at the same time.

"Haha! I learned about probability theory today, and I, Whitebeard, have finally become a legendary [mathematician]! Hahaha!"


"No, no, no! The head of the white tiger lady next to me suddenly exploded!"



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