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Chapter 798 Observer

Off asked?

Lin Ke smiled helplessly: "Teacher..."

"No, Mr. Principal, I am a student at this time." Aof stood solemnly: "You said that if anyone has something they don't understand, if three people walk together, they will definitely have my teacher."

Hearing this, Lin Ke could only nod: "Teacher, please tell me."

In the audience, the deans and professors around Auf changed their faces one by one.

"Andrew's legs! Orv cheated!"

"You are so shameless, which [historian] said that Auf was afraid?!"

"Sociophobia? Isn't the full name social communication phobia?"

"If you are careless, you will fear the society."

"As expected, I'm scared. I'm scared that this shameless guy Auf will waste a lot of time."

The deans and professors around him were all talking and gnashing their teeth.

At this time, Aof also asked his own question: "Is the essence of electromagnetism light? Or, is the essence of light electromagnetism?"


Lin Ke heard the words and was silent in thought.

This was also the first time that he fell silent since he had so many answers.


Because many studies on light, quantum, electromagnetism, etc. were only in the initial stage in previous lives.

So he shook his head and said: "I can't directly explain his nature. After all, I am not the God of Truth, I am just the Duke of Lava."

As soon as this was said, there was some good-natured laughter in the audience.

This is the case in some secondary planes. Many arrogant gods will claim to be the God of Truth and claim to be omniscient and omnipotent.

But in the end, it was just reduced to a test subject on the experimental bench.

Being dissected, sectioned, observed, and experimented on.

The more powerful the intelligent life is, the more humble it becomes.

"However, as far as I know, the essence of light is electromagnetic waves and particles. This is correct, but it is not accurate to say that this is the wave-particle duality of light..."

"Light is a particle, quantized energy quanta, which shows its particle nature; but in the process of propagation, it shows the form of a probability wave, that is, there is no way to know where the photon will be at the next moment, similar to

It takes the form of an oscillating or streak-like electron cloud moving forward."

"This shows its wave nature; so it should be said that the essence of light is electromagnetic wave, which exhibits both particle and wave properties. This is the wave-particle duality of light."

Lin Ke explained it first, and then started his conjecture: "But in this case, there are some other unexplained doubts. Regarding this doubt, I think experiments should be done to solve it."

"What experiment..." Aof looked very serious at this time, as did some people from the School of Physics.

Because this may represent the research direction of most projects in the School of Physics in the future.

"Any variable."

Lin Ke's voice was deep and magnetic: "Everything that may come into contact with or affect the experimental subject needs to be considered."

"We have considered all kinds of lights, lights in various worlds, and different obstructions..." Auff mentioned a lot of variables piecemeal, and even more different experiments have been tried.


The final result was the same as Lin Ke's original experimental result.

In other words, various results ultimately show that light is both a particle and a wave.

But what is the nature of electromagnetic waves?

"Teacher, do you think we are variables?" Lin Ke asked something that surprised everyone.

"I...we?" Aof was stunned.

"Observers, recorders, operators..." Lin Ke said with a smile on his face: "Why do you conclude that these things will not affect the experimental results?"

As soon as this statement came out, everyone was shocked.

"What?! Observation, recording, and operation will also affect it?!"

"No, what the principal said is that these things may have an impact."

"Yes, it's just possible, but it also gives me ideas."

"The principal is worthy of being the first [scientist] in Nasenger and the star world."

"Yes! I admire you so much! I want to give birth to a monkey for the principal!"

Countless people began to discuss heatedly, and it took several minutes for John to maintain order.

Within a few minutes, Aof also tore open the space rift and ran to study it.

Even many professors are like this, eager to go back to experiments.

Lin Ke could only shake his head and smile.

Then, another person asked a question.

"Principal, our research in the Department of Mechanics has fallen into a dead end." A female professor said with pain on her face: "We don't know what to study anymore..."


Indeed, many times, mechanical research will fall into a dead end and eventually turn to the study of work and energy.

"About power..."

Lin Ke thought again whether he should reveal some deeper research.

Looking at the curious eyes in the audience, Lin Ke finally made up his mind.

"I believe that based on current observations and experiments, there are four basic forces in the star realm."

The four basic forces!

Are there four most basic forces in the entire universe of stars?!

"How is it possible? Four forces?"

"Force? Is this some kind of friction that we talked about in physics class?"

"What the principal means is that he discovered four kinds of forces? Can he summarize so many forces?"

"It's so scary... it's so scary..."

Countless people were shocked.

At this time, there was also a live broadcast here, and countless people saw Lin Ke through the live broadcast photo stone and heard Lin Ke's words.

The four basic forces?!

Isn’t Lin afraid of headshots?!

And if Lin Po could say it, he would naturally be confident.

"The four fundamental forces refer to the four basic forces in nature, including gravity, electromagnetic force, weak nuclear force and strong nuclear force!"

Lin Ke shared the research and summary of countless outstanding people in previous lives.

He is now standing on the shoulders of giants, so he speaks with great confidence:

"Gravity is the attraction between substances and is related to the mass of the object; electromagnetic force is the force between charged particles or charged macroscopic objects; the weak nuclear force only shows importance in certain particle reactions, and its force range is greater than that of the strong force.

It is even shorter, and the force is very weak; the strong nuclear force is the force that exists between hadrons such as protons, neutrons, and mesons."

"The four fundamental forces can be unified through fields. The grand unified theory believes that strong interaction, weak interaction and electromagnetic interaction can be unified into one interaction."

"However, I still haven't found a method or theory to unify the four basic forces."

"Perhaps, you can start from the study of these forces and find new research directions."

After Lin Ke finished saying this, he then said apologetically: "Everyone, I think I have dropped enough bombs today, and I hope you all can gain something."

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"Then, this research and sharing session on destiny will end here."

After saying that, Lin Ke waved the lava scepter lightly, and his body immediately disappeared.

This chapter has been completed!
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