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Chapter 850 Start! Cross-dimensional continental shelf fusion!

The fact that the fox tribe writer was on the list was not only noticed by Dahuang Newspaper, but also by many people.

After all, now, under the management of Nasenger Destiny Community, the famous writers of Dahuang Newspaper are well known to everyone.

And every time the contribution list is released by the frontline, it is also what many intelligent beings like to talk about after dinner.

As soon as a new person appears, many people will immediately search for information on the Internet and see if there is anything interesting.

The emergence of mobile phones has enabled many people to be exposed to more information.

Coupled with the popularization of education and the improvement of productivity, everyone has many weird ideas.

Even to a certain extent, this is caused by leisure and fullness.

But on this ordinary day, many people suddenly felt that the magic network was unstable.


A moment later, a terrifying tremor came from the sky.

Countless people looked up and saw a mysterious and magnificent scene.

Worlds hang across the sky like giant screens, in which you can see all kinds of buildings and all kinds of animals and plants.

"Initiate the interdimensional continental shelf fusion plan."

A majestic voice resounded throughout Nasenge, and with the voice, the sunlight suddenly became dazzling.

The guardian of the Holy Life Alliance, the Supreme, the Lord, the powerful Sun God - Polo Boyeta!

At the same time, a full moon also appeared in the sky, hanging on the other side.

"Initiate the interdimensional continental shelf fusion plan."

A cold voice followed.

Moon goddess!

After the two men appeared, the rules, laws, and elements of the entire Nasonge began to fluctuate to varying degrees.

Next to the sun and moon, there are two boundless phantoms of the Kingdom of God appearing, attached to the plane crystal wall system.

After the two dominant gods, kingdoms of gods, large and small, also appeared on the plane crystal wall.

The stars appear day by day!

Each star represents the kingdom of a god.

Endless kingdoms of gods, large and small, appear in the sky and hang on the crystal walls of the plane.

"Initiate the interdimensional continental shelf fusion plan."

"Initiate the interdimensional continental shelf fusion plan."

"Initiate the interdimensional continental shelf fusion plan."

Each god makes his own voice.

Mountains, flames, light, darkness, water, killing, mathematics, finance, wealth, nobility...

Various laws appear and then flash in the sky.

Countless intelligent beings look up to the sky and are shocked in their hearts.

Big move!

Absolutely a big move!

"What happened?"

"Gods! Gods appear!"

"Are you stupid? The gods have already said that the continental shelf fusion plan has been launched!"

"What is that? It's beautiful!"

"The lava is above, are there still people who don't watch the news?"

Countless intelligent beings began to talk about this matter, including people at work who secretly glanced out the window.

Such a thing is so fantastic!

Nothing like this has ever happened in the history of Nasung!

Connect the other two main planes, namely the eternal twilight continent Feldgama and the beast spirit continent Kees, to Nasenger.

Of course, the method of connection is not just to close the distance, but to first break the plane crystal walls of the other two planes, and then integrate the plane crystal wall system into the periphery in another way.

In the current three main plane system, the plane crystal wall system has actually been integrated together for a long time, but there are still barriers between them. It is impossible to swim across the sea and can only pass through the teleportation array.

However, after fusion, the three planes can communicate with each other through navigation.

This is a good thing for all three main planes.

After fusion, the three planes become one in the true sense!

And this is only rough, there are more detailed divisions. For example, the stars and the ocean of waves will be divided into inland seas and outer seas. For example, there will be countless rivers and straits planned out.

Big makeover!

Big plans!

This was decided before when the Nasenger Destiny and Community held a plane meeting, so the two gods will take the lead and use all available forces to transform the plane.

After the transformation, transportation, climate, food, water sources, etc. will be clearly and carefully divided and planned.

Agriculture, commerce, animal husbandry, mining... countless industries will be well planned to avoid waste of land and transportation.

The population will also experience explosive growth, and various forms such as intermarriage, walking marriage, monogamy, and polygamy will coexist.

The Nasenge plane will also truly usher in more surging development.

In the past, the Holy Life Alliance, the Black and White Kingdom, the Eternal Frozen Council, the Stars and the Ocean of Waves, including some small forces and countries, including the Elemental Forest, the Death Singing Abyss, the Primeval Storm Sea, etc., will all belong to Nathan.

Management of personality, destiny and community.

Of course, it also includes the two continents of Beast Spirit and Eternal Twilight.

This is only on this planet.

At infinite heights, outside the planet, in the void, and within the crystal wall, a ring-shaped building is slowly rotating, like the meteorite belt of the planet Nasenger.

Fearless Tower!

In the tower, Andrew also cast his sights on the plane crystal wall system.

Andrew, who had no legs and fluttering robes, was suspended in the air on his experimental table. Violent white light burst out from his eyes, and he waved his right hand fiercely in the direction of the crystal wall:


With just two words, all the crystal wall systems in the secondary planes and the other two main planes were illusory for a second.

Although it was only a short second, it caused an impact like a landslide and tsunami.

Volcanic eruptions, tsunamis, earthquakes, ice and snow, sandstorms, hurricanes... countless disasters occur.

However, the boundless and huge shadow of the Wumian Emperor suddenly appeared, occupying the sky of the entire plane.

"I say: Ding."

The powerful power of rules surged out, and everything came to a standstill.

The Sun God, Moon Goddess and others also exerted their strength at the same time.

They treat their own kingdom of God as a rope, and the secondary planes outside the crystal wall system of the three main planes as hanging weights, and pull hard.


Sound can spread energy.

Countless lands and mountains were forcibly pulled into the main plane by the gods, and then used the divine power as glue to merge them into the Nasenger continent.

The ocean and water gods lift up from the secondary plane with the mighty water flow, and then merge into the ocean or rivers and lakes of Nasung.

The gods of the secondary planes, with great expectations, joined the local crystal wall system of Nasenger, placing their kingdom on the kingdom of the gods of the main plane and becoming slave gods.

The connection between the two main planes is left to the two masters, the Sun God and the Moon Goddess.

It's not difficult for the two of them.

Thus, in just a few seconds, the entire cross-dimensional continental shelf fusion plan was formed.

Of course, the most important point is the increase in gravity, including changes in the earth's crust, core, etc.

These were all left to the Five-Colored Dragon Mother to do, and they have already been completed.

After today, the Nasenge plane will become a super large comprehensive plane system that has never been heard of or seen before!

This chapter has been completed!
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