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Chapter 866 The killer will definitely kill her own children!

Not only the human form, but also very obvious gender characteristics.

Four males and one female.

They look not much different from the human leader of Nasenge.

Four metal wings as thin as cicada wings grew out of a man's back, like blades, and there were sharp thorns piercing the flesh at the joints of the body.

The other man's body was covered with cracked gray-red soil, with only holes and no flesh around his eyes and nose. A smelly black liquid flowed out of it and slowly flowed all over his body along the cracks.

The other two men are similar, they don't look like humans, but their bodies can be seen to be human.

The last one, that woman, was a little different.

This woman has no mouth, and her entire head is wrapped in a pure white smooth and solid shell, revealing only a pair of indifferent human female eyes.

She has a tall body, and her arms have no palms, but two sickle-like axes, with the tips hanging freely downward, and the length even exceeds her feet.

Even the soles of the feet have been shaved off, leaving only a cylindrical tip wrapped in a pure white shell.

And the palm of my hand that had been sleepless just now was scratched by the last woman.


Walking around the sleepless city, one could not help but feel like a god for a moment.

These people are not only the life of Horulus, but also the life of Nasenge!

"This is fusion." A look of madness appeared in the deep blue eyes: "This is the real evolution! This is the real road to strength!"

Deep Blue pointed at these five weird and twisted creatures with a smile on his face: "This is the masterpiece of the person behind the scenes! It is different from...those trash."

Deep Blue looked at the Lords of Horulus who kept attacking Mianwu but to no avail, with a trace of disdain and disgust in his eyes.

"In the past, the works produced by the man behind the scenes were too ordinary. It was not until he came into contact with Nassenger that he gained endless inspiration and produced these five masterpieces!"

At this time, Deep Blue was like a fanatical missionary, introducing his "god" to Wu Mian.

Wu Mian only lost consciousness for a moment and recovered immediately.

He looked in the direction of Shenlan, carefully identified it for a few seconds, and then sighed again: "Shenlan, I see the power of faith in you... How can you, the master of Nasenger, believe in that kind of thing!"

Speaking of the last few words, Emperor Wu Mian's tone changed from sadness to anger.

The power of faith is the foundation for the survival of gods below level 25.

It is also an important basis for believers to prove their piety.

Shenlan snorted coldly: "Why can't I? Not only do I want to kill you, but I also want to destroy Nasenger, and..."

"I, declare it in my name!"

The Wumian Emperor interrupted Shen Lan mercilessly, and his tone became solemn: "I will expel you from the Black and White Family, expel you from Nasenger, and expel you from the Crystal Wall System!"

As soon as he finished speaking, a mysterious force descended on Shenlan, trying to peel off something.

"Expulsion? I have already abandoned those." Deep Blue sneered: "You are destined to die without the help of those behind the scenes."

"Just these few?"

Wumian's eyes also became indifferent, and he glanced contemptuously at the five new humanoid masters who had just appeared.

However, with just this scan, Wu Mian immediately noticed details that he had not noticed before.

"This is...Mantes?!"

After Wumian saw it clearly, he immediately opened his eyes angrily: "Old Viscount Mantis?!"

As a king, Emperor Wumian should have recognized his former subjects at a glance, but because the auras of these five masters were powerful and their bodies had been transformed into humans and ghosts, he did not recognize them for a while.

The old Viscount Mantis initially had a dispute with Garosei, and there was a conflict between the Azan Territory and the Mantis Territory. Later, he was seriously injured by Garosei. He fell ill in bed and died soon after.

Wu Mian never expected to see the body of old Viscount Mantis here.

"Yes, you finally saw it." A smile appeared on Deep Blue's face. Even when he was smiling, the smile still showed a meticulous taste: "You should be familiar with the other few."

"Is this the supervising minister of the school?" Emperor Wumian looked at the next person and his pupils shrank again.

Previously, the supervisory minister was jumping around and teasing Lin Ke. He was directly expelled by Lin Ke and then disappeared. Unexpectedly, he appeared here!

"And... the wild boar man? No, it's the rat man who killed Off once!"

"The other one... Sorel Azane? The father of Garosi? No, no, no! This is..."

The Wumian Emperor looked at the last male, and his mind went blank for a moment.

This man is exactly the clay man with the smelly black liquid flowing out of his eyes. His body is like a dry river bed, he is tall, has no eyes, no nose and no mouth.

"Yes, it's Azan." The corners of Deep Blue's mouth smiled softly, but the corners of her mouth became higher and higher. In the end, the majesty and rigidity on the entire face were of course gone:

"Azaan, that's his name!"

"Azan, haha, it's Azan, that Azan! Our Generalissimo Azan, the hero of the human race, haha, haha!"

Shen Lan laughed out loud, and then laughed again, causing her originally neat hair to fall down to her forehead, and then spread out messily.

He covered his face with his hands, bent over with laughter, and then two lines of clear tears fell from his fingers to the edge of his jaw.

"That's Grand Marshal Azan, look! His turbulent blood is still flowing! Haha, look! Look! Azan's blood, the blood of the human race! We humans all have his blood in our bodies!"

Deep Blue laughed wildly, almost hysterically, almost crazy: "Don't you admire Azan? Haha! Why can't you beat your chest? Haha! Haha! Haha! Azan! Haha!"

"Grand Marshal Azan..." The body of the Wumian Emperor trembled.

Even in the turbulence of the astral world, my hair began to move automatically without wind.

A round golden crown appeared on the head of the Wumian Emperor, and a red cloak appeared on his shoulders out of thin air.

"You are unforgivable!"

Wu Mian's voice was trembling: "Tanish the body of your ancestors and the blood of the human race, and you will die!"

The next moment, his body unleashed a terrifying momentum without reservation.


The momentum of each layer was like a wave, and it was like nuclear bombs exploding one by one, directly clearing the surrounding star realm for hundreds of thousands of miles, causing an effect even more terrifying than the power of his punch before.

Even Lord Hornulus and the five humanoid beings were forced to retreat thousands of miles.

Deep Blue was also forced to retreat while laughing wildly.

Then, Shen Lan slowly stopped her crazy laughter, put down her hands covering her face, her messy hair and crazy eyes looked like there was no trace of old-fashioned rules at all, and she looked at Wumian from afar.

"I have been dead a long time ago, I have been dead a long time ago!" Shen Lan did not continue to laugh crazily, but instead imitated Wu Mian's grin.

It's just that Wu Mian's smile has the feeling of a kind uncle returning to his original nature.

But the deep blue smile was as vicious and scary as a spider snake hyena hiding in the darkness.

"You have gone crazy." Wu Mian's face gradually calmed down: "You are all going to die."

"Are we all going to die?"

Deep Blue smiled: "Why don't you take a look and see who the Blade Queen of Honulus is..."

Emperor Wumian turned his eyes, and the next moment, his heart trembled again.

He subconsciously looked behind him, where Lin Ke was protected by a pair of black and white swords.

Then he looked at Shen Lan again: "You are already crazy."

He didn't want to speak.

"Haha, you saw it! You saw it!"

"Your son-in-law, his mother, became the most powerful work of the person behind the scenes, and became the pure white, sacred Queen of Blades! Haha!"

Deep Blue laughed exaggeratedly: "The most twisted Hornulus gave birth to the most sacred killer, and killed the most powerful king of Hornulus! And..."

"Killed the king's beloved queen!"

"Killed the king's closest brother!"

"Killed the king's favorite daughter!"



"Ha ha!"

"The murderer can and will kill her own children!"

This chapter has been completed!
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