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Chapter 89 Shocked Curry all night (4k)

"Mr. Lin Ke, you win." Curry finally sighed with a relieved expression.

Lin Ke smiled and nodded.

Which one is more important, research related to creative professions or [singer] profession?

There is no doubt that as long as Lin Ke knows some research that even Aofu doesn't know about, the profession in his hands will surely explode like a normal explosion.

"The profession I envision is similar to the [Bard] and the [Praiser] in the choir. It is a profession with 'singing' as its core characteristic. Specifically..."

Lin Ke immediately took the lead in describing the characteristics of the "Singer", supplemented by the drama troupe, Sophie's self-enlightenment and other supporting evidence.

As for the many professions in the troupe that have not yet been discovered, why did Lin Ke tell Butler Curry in such detail?

Because entertainment and culture always complement each other.

Even the invasion of ideas and culture is often based on the invasion of entertainment.

Movies in previous lives focused on special effects first and beat other movies in terms of viewing experience.

Then the private goods were brought in.

In some movies, freedom is equated with not obeying the law but obeying chaos, advocating beautiful scenery, and advocating violence to fight injustice...

In fact, there were many ways to fight injustice in previous lives, and violence was the most harmful to others and to ourselves.

Some movies portray people who obey the law as old-fashioned, evil and brainless.

For example, if so-and-so is a decent person, then set him up to be extremely old-fashioned, so that the audience will feel that it's this time, and you still abide by the law, wouldn't it be better to just shoot him in the head?

As everyone knows, if you and I are shot in the head because of some trivial things, you may have been shot in the head by someone else in some trivial things.

There are also movies where lawless people are set up as genius scientists with a heart for human goodness and justice.

Or first add the friendship, bond, justice, etc. that humans possess into the anime, and then make the protagonist of the anime a samurai or ninja, so that people can boast that ninjas are equal to friendship and bond.

But in fact, some people in history have always been false, cruel and tyrannical.

The so-called whitewashing is like this, using the same identity to interpret Guang Weizheng's influence in order to distort the perception of this identity by uninformed people.

After the entertainment export is successful, then export those works such as Haruki Murakami and let others worship and read them, and then support a wave of cultural highlands, saying that the people have high quality and craftsmanship spirit.

Or create a group of idol stars, tell everyone that men must be refined to be handsome, and only refined can be handsome, relegating some tough men to rough men, and weakening the inner qualities such as responsibility, responsibility, and strength...

There are so many examples!

You must know that many examples of cultural invasion start with entertainment.

If Lin Ke wrote a few books on the Four Books, Five Classics, Three Obediences and Four Virtues as soon as he came to this life, and then vigorously publicized them...

Is anyone really watching?

Just think about the failure in the previous life... or the cultural output that was not very successful.

If people don’t like to see something, who will like it if it is exported?

However, if Lin Ke makes a mobile phone here, he can make some short video Gula version, short video Nasenge universal version, or some chat software, shopping software...

At that time, we will use movies, short videos, advertisements, live broadcasts, products, etc. to output a wave.

Among these, beautiful places such as heaven, free highland, and perfect country are all named "Azan".

Then the protagonists are all just, free, kind, and cute Azan benefactors, and the villains are all hostile people from other noble territories.

That's right. Over time, Azane will become a free and beautiful highland on the Nasung continent. Everyone will yearn for this place and be proud to be a resident here.

When the time comes, talents will come here in an endless stream and then be used by Lin Ke.

Of course, I can't remember.

Take one step at a time, start a drama troupe!

First, work with the royal family to make the drama troupe cake bigger.

Come up with some cultural works such as dramas and novels and promote them first.

But now, facing Curry, Lin Ke basically stated some career ideas except [Singer].

He also explained part of the future development ideas of Azan Repertory Theater.

It even includes many aspects, such as money earned through entertainment should be invested in production, infrastructure and research and development.

Create products based on demand, or create new demands directly with products.

These products will become new sources of income and invest in new research and development.

A large number of products and by-products may be produced in the process, and these products and by-products will give birth to new industries, and more professionals may be born in these industries.

It may also spawn various financial institutions such as banks, insurances, and lotteries.

By that time, it’s just snowballed.

The most important thing is that here, no matter how big the snowball of capital gets, it can still be controlled by professionals and nobles.

After all, many times, the promotion of many professionals is not related to money. No matter how much money you have, it may not be useful.

Therefore, Lin doesn't mind unleashing the beast of capital.

Only by releasing the beast of capital can he hope to solve and resist the curse from the King of Gods.

"...So, I have a long-term plan for Azan's future. What do you think? Mr. Curry."

Lin Ke was sitting on the velvet armchair, with his short legs crossed, holding a cup of sweet Gula milk and sipping it in small sips, looking at Curry with a smile.

If Lin Ke were a little older, the cup would be replaced by a goblet, and the milk would be replaced by red wine, with that kind of temperament, he would be a domineering president.

"This...this...this, this, this..." But Butler Curry was a little confused at this time.

You know, as the main person protecting Princess Lika, Butler Curry's potential strength is already stronger than some weaker eighteenth-level marquises.

Even because he was protecting Lika, he still had some things rewarded by people above, some things that could die together with the Star Glory class.

However, now, the always polite butler Curry is constantly wiping the sweat on his forehead with a delicate handkerchief.

How many years?

Butler Curry can face the pressure of legends and gods without changing his expression. After all, the person behind him is the royal family, the daughter of the King of Black and White, Wumian Emperor...

However, today, when facing Lin Ke, Butler Curry only felt pressure coming one after another.

Entertainment system, cultural system, accounting system, monetary system, financial system...

Your Excellency, the Mianless Emperor... What kind of undead is this kid talking about?!

I... I just want to hear about the career ratio of the [Singer], can you not say so much?

Butler Curry only felt that the child in front of him had a temperament that he could not look directly at.

This kind of temperament is different from the strong aura like Emperor Wu Mian, nor is it the temperament of many nobles who have a sense of superiority.

It is a kind of self-confidence, which is different from self-confidence in strength.

Speaking of which, he has the same temperament as those [Great Sages] and [Mathematicians] in the abyss.

"Mr. Lin Ke, what do you mean..." Curry couldn't help but have a hint of respect in his voice, using the word "you" to address Lin Ke.

He no longer regarded this child as the heir of a small country noble.

Possessing such wisdom must be brought by blood.

I don’t know how special and ancient bloodline it takes to make a six-year-old child so smart.

If such a smart aristocratic heir did not die young, his future achievements would be limitless.

"It's very simple." Lin Xiao smiled, put the gula milk on the table aside, and sat up straight: "Cooperate!"

"Cooperation?" Curry breathed a long sigh of relief, secretly thinking that it was a good thing it wasn't an alliance.

Cooperation is just a one-time or multiple event directed at something, a certain item, or a certain aspect, and is not like an alliance.

Forming an alliance means that both parties are tied together and advance and retreat together, so cooperation may be possible in all aspects.

Of course, it is not a marriage. An alliance can be terminated, but a marriage is almost impossible to stop.

Forming an alliance with Princess Lika is almost equivalent to forming an alliance with the Black and White Royal Family, and the significance of the alliance is also very important. The descendants of the royal family are not allowed to form alliances with other nobles at will.

It would be fine if we cooperate, and Rika can even decide whether to cooperate or not.

Princess Rika's urine...

"What is the specific content of the cooperation?" Curry asked cautiously.

A strong man of level 18 started to be cautious when dealing with a six-year-old child who was only level 2.

Perhaps just now, when the second-level child gave the shock to the eighteenth-level strong man, this kind of caution had already formed.

"What is the cooperation content? Let's look at it like this. I will decide everything about the troupe. After all, I am more suitable and know better. The royal family is responsible for two things. One is to protect me, and the other is to ensure the normal operation of the troupe without anyone obstructing it."

Lin Ke had a kind smile on his face: "Of course, the Azane family and my teacher can handle the general troubles. The trouble I am referring to is the future. When the benefits are big enough, I worry about the gods and legends coveting them.


Gods and legends!

Curry couldn't help feeling dizzy when he heard this. Gods and legends... those are gods and legends!

In total, there aren't many existences above the twenty-first level in Nasenger.

The promotion of every god and legend is likely to attract a lot of eyes and attention.

Every god and legend, their own growth and shaping, represents the endless sweat, resources and flesh and blood behind them.

Master Lin Ke, do you know that you are only a Level 2 [Scholar] now?

do you know?

do you know?

do you know?

Moreover, Emperor Wu Mian would not offend a being above level 21 for no reason, even if it was a weak god.

This is mutual respect between people, the strong and the strong.

Of course, those gods and legends would not offend Wumian because of some petty profits, and they are not stupid.

But... what Mr. Lin Ke said is indeed...

Steward Curry seems to see endless new careers and new paths being generated in those systems, along with the fall of old gods and old legends.

Every career path that is certain to lead to legend or god will cause shock to the world.

Because that means opportunities, and it means that many people who are hopeless legends and unable to condense their godhood can have the opportunity to enter that field with a new path.

Although it may not really be suitable, it is at least a hope, right?

And Lin Ke?

Lin Ke gave us not just one career path, but several!

Even many new career paths seem to be able to be summarized into different systems.

This will be something that affects the entire Nasenge continent, the Black and White Kingdom, the Permanent Frozen Council, the Holy Life Alliance...

Countless pantheons, schools of thought, small and medium-sized kingdoms, various races, etc. will be involved.

Even eventually, such changes may spread to endless secondary planes.

He seemed to see that all the stars in the sky would be turbulent because of this.

That time...that time...

No, don't talk about that time.

The local god of Nasenge may be the first person to find a way to stop or take advantage of someone by force.

Thinking of this, Curry couldn't help but shed another wisp of cold sweat, and couldn't help but remind him: "The goddess of wealth is a powerful neutral god with level 26, and the god of joy and love has level 24.

The strength, and..."

"We have your Majesty, don't we?" Lin Ke looked at Butler Curry: "What do you think? A more powerful, emerging black and white kingdom will be afraid of those gods or legends? And, that is your Majesty."

That's Your Majesty... That's Your Majesty... Curry muttered words, and his originally frightened mind gradually calmed down.

As long as the Sleepless Emperor of the Black and White Kingdom is still around, no one can break through the abyss.

That is the most powerful man of Gula Kingdom!

"Okay, Steward Curry, I have said enough. I think my sincerity is enough. If you are undecided, you can bring my thoughts to Your Majesty. As for now... we can start some small

If you cooperate, you don’t have to worry too far.”

Lin Ke naturally leaned on the backrest and said: "Now, could you please tell me something about careers? Please be sure to be detailed, the more detailed the better, you know, this will be related to my vision of those careers.


Lin did not forget that what he needed most at this time was to complete that task.

Every time he creates another profession, he will have one more talented follower.

After seeing that most people could only have middle and lower bloodlines, Lin Ke began to pay attention to "very good" bloodlines.

Of course, the most important thing is that the phrase "never betray" attracted Lin Ke.

In the "chaotic" life of the previous life, betrayal became the norm.

Now the followers who will never betray really attract Lin Ke.

He looked at Butler Curry and saw a look of struggle in Butler Curry's eyes.

Struggle? Struggle proves success!

Well, there is hope for creating a career!

Lin Ke raised the cup and wanted to take two sips of Gula milk, but found it empty, so he shook the cup and shouted outside: "Come here! Add some milk to me! Damn it, I want to drink to my heart's content today!"

There was joy, excitement, and a hint of relief in his voice.

It's like an alcoholic who has been thirsty for fine wine for many years and finally sees the most precious wine.

He didn't expect that he would gain so much today.

Now not only are there some secrets to creating a career, but there is also a background.

I have a backer!

This chapter has been completed!
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