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Chapter 887 The terrifying [Quality Controller]

In the distance, Lin Ke's body closed its eyes and devoted its mind to the deep dark clone.

That’s right!

The Deep Dark clone had awakened when he became a legend.

In other words, when the Wumian Emperor led him to realize the Brilliant Light and the Ultimate Darkness, he greatly accelerated the process.

As a clone that uses a lot of good materials, Deep Darkness has completely become a legendary clone. Its physical strength alone is legendary.

Not to mention the dark laws contained in it.

Of course, although the Deep Dark Clone is strong, it is not at the top of the level classification of clones.

Normal, elemental, epic, law, legend, astral.

Originally a clone of the law level, it became a legendary level due to the blessing of the ultimate dark law.

However, it is still too far away from the level of the star realm, even further away than Lin Ke's promotion to the master level.

Therefore, although the Law of Darkness can block Deep Blue, it only blocks it for a moment.

Seeing the face of Shen An's clone in front of her that was obviously Lin Ke's, Shen Lan was shocked and angry.

"court death!!"

The power of rules in Shenlan's body exploded, turning into a sparkling blue whip made of water and whipping at Shenlan's body.


The dark clone that was originally hugging Deep Blue suddenly turned into a ball of powder.

This is what is most likely to happen when a normal legend faces the Dominator!

Shen Lan saw that the Deep Dark clone was not as perverted as Lin Ke, and before she could breathe a sigh of relief, she saw René Descartes and Frogel also coming over.

Although the Deep Dark Clone only blocked it for a moment, this moment of effort was completely enough for a dominant existence!

At the same time, Lin Ke in the distance was also working hard to condense the Deep Dark clone.

As a legendary level clone, even if it is beaten to pieces, it can still be reunited.

It just requires a lot of energy and material investment, preferably a lot of precious materials.

However, for Lin Ke, spending some precious materials can get the result of killing the master. How can it be considered cost-effective?

Moreover, the Deep Dark Clone still has some power of faith that he left behind before, and these powers of faith seem to play a role in accelerating atomic healing.

While healing the shattered Deep Dark clone, Lin Ke was also paying attention to the battlefield.

"Lin Ke..." The Grand Duke of Elements looked at Lin Ke with a more complex look. The most common emotion among them was regret: "Maybe I should have killed you in the first place."

Lin Ke replied coldly: "Needless to say, in the past, since you had an old relationship with Shenlan, and you abandoned your official career for personal reasons, you should be buried here with Shenlan today."

He had actually investigated the Deep Blue Grand Duke's relationship network before. Under the search of the Scarlet Wilderness Intelligence Agency, some old events naturally came into his view.

Deep Blue has the best relationship with the Grand Duke of Elements. At the same time, the Grand Duke of Elements seems to have had many love-hate entanglements with Deep Blue in his early years.

For these, Lin Ke naturally had to make plans in advance.

Therefore, he hid the awakened Deep Dark clone nearby in advance, catching the laws of ultimate darkness and the powerful special effects of the clone itself, and no one noticed it for a while.

And at this critical moment when a dragnet had been formed and the Dark Blue Archduke was about to be killed, the Archduke of the Elements actually rebelled.

"Only you?"

The Grand Duke of Elements' voice was cold, and his entire body became confused.

Elemental body!

However, someone was already ready to deal with her.

"Elements? It's just your imagination." Frogel stood quietly in front of the Grand Duke of Elements: "You, a little girl, were quite talented at the beginning, but now you have lost to love."

"Ms. Flogel... I don't necessarily think I will lose." The Grand Duke of Elements looked indifferent, as if he had had some trouble with Flogel.

The two women immediately fought together.

In just a short moment, before Lin Ke and the others could intervene, the Grand Duke of Elements was defeated.

As a veteran master, when Flogel became the master, the Archduke of the Elements was probably not even born yet!

"The Sea of ​​Fury."

The Grand Duke of Elements looked calm, and his body instantly turned into a deep blue ocean, spreading tens of thousands of miles around.

Among them, there are lightning and thunder, rough waves, and magma eruption...

All kinds of chaotic elements come together and explode, and then disperse and combine into other elements, and then come together again and explode.

The entire ocean is like a chaotic plane, about to be shattered in a wail.

"Fancy." Frogel frowned. Although his tone was disdainful, he still pointed towards a certain location on the ocean with a solemn expression.

Above her index finger, a black thunderbolt shot out, which seemed to be full of life and contained the meaning of destruction.

Thunder and lightning are like a ray of light, extending in the sea, forming a straight path, passing through the entire ocean and penetrating into the star realm.

Then Flogel gently turned his index finger, and the thunder immediately shattered and turned into countless distant points, distributed throughout the ocean in a certain mathematical space form.

During this period, the elemental riot that was so violent that it could distort the law could not harm Flogel at all.

Flogel herself seemed to have become a black hole, and all matter and energy close to her were shattered into the most primitive points and then absorbed by her.

At this time, the points distributed throughout the ocean instantly became countless particle black holes.

At the same time, Lin Ke's body expanded infinitely, turning into a giant thousands of miles away, and then enveloped the ocean.

"Zero degree!"

Lin Ke's voice was like a bell, and his body also emitted waves of suction, which acted simultaneously with Flogel's suction in the infinite sea of ​​elements.

The entire body of the Grand Duke of Elements turned into the elemental sea. At this time, after sensing the crisis, a new round of riots began.

However, facing the [Quality Controller], the Physics Queen Flogel, and Lin Ke who is strong enough to fight against the Overlord, the Grand Duke of Elements is still powerless.


The screams of the Grand Duke of Elements came from the elemental sea, and the originally rough sea with lightning and thunder gradually turned into a burning appearance.

All the rules have changed!

But a certain rule emerged.

Rules of Fire!

Although the Grand Duke of Elements is known as the Grand Duke of Elements, his promotion to Master is based on the rules of fire!

As for other elements, they are only at the law level.

What an amazing amount of heat... Lin Ke couldn't help but let go of his arms, and his body shrank back to its original size.

His zero-degree skill was born out of the laws of thermodynamics, but it did not transform into rules.

The laws of thermodynamics at the legal level are difficult to fight against rules.

The only thing that can resist the power of rules is rules!

However, Frogl's black hole is not so easy to solve.


Frogel opened his arms, his eyes shot out a few feet of light, the mage's robe automatically moved without wind, and an invisible wave erupted with her as the center.

Those countless particle black holes expanded dozens of times in an instant, from the size of a fingertip to the size of a planet.

Hundreds of planet-sized black holes!

In an instant, hundreds of thousands of miles of elemental flames were filled with darkness.

The legends and gods of Nasung looked at this scene in shock and were speechless for a long time.

Flogel's strength is comparable to that of the Five-Colored Dragon Mother, and even compared to the Wumian Emperor, it is probably not much different.

This chapter has been completed!
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