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Chapter 914 The second rule!


Lin Ke was shocked in his heart, and instantly stopped thinking about other experimental research, and instead listened and thought about the voice of this believer with all his strength.

This is a race that looks like ants and lives underground all year round.

In other words, the plane they are in seems to be a newly born plane with extremely strong earth elements. There is not much life above the ground yet, and most life exists underground.

A huge underground plane.

Among them, Ant-Man is the leader of this plane.

It's just that this plane is just a medium-sized plane, Ant-Man's empire has only just begun to take shape, and even the tallest and strongest one is only at level nine.

Even magic is still in the exploratory stage, let alone laws and rules.

However, the Church Pope of the Ant-Man Empire raised a question.

The observer effect is the most typical research result and typical case in which observation affects the laws of the real material world.

All experiments performed by Lin Ke are related to everything in the material world.

But during this period of time, these intelligent beings who have not received twelve years of compulsory education, like a piece of white drawing paper, often raise some ridiculous questions.

It is often these naive and even basic, stupid questions that give Lin Ke a different perspective.

Sometimes, something that is hard to think of in one frame may be a trivial matter in another frame.

"Observer...observer effect...matter and consciousness..."

Lin Ke kept his instinct of galloping forward, and kept a few nouns running through his mind.

These nouns collide, merge, and combine to form new nouns.

Each collision represents dozens of experiments, either success or failure.

These experimental results improved Lin Ke's vision. Although it did not allow him to go higher, it allowed him to see farther.

Gradually, his entire body even slowed down, from super-light speed to light speed, and finally even the speed of sound.

Until it comes to a complete stop.

All his consciousness was immersed in the imagination and experiment of the four basic forces.

One of the greatest abilities of intelligent life is thinking.

And as he stopped, the magic power no longer maintained the protective shield, and countless spatial turbulence washed over him.

Fortunately, he is a regular body, and the rules he understood when he was promoted to legend are mass-energy equations, so these spatial turbulences cannot harm him.

It's just that his position was naturally changed by the turbulence of space.

It is like a stone floating in the universe, or like a leaf in the river, drifting everywhere with the turbulent currents of the star world.

And one day, an astral virtual beast saw Lin Ke and swallowed Lin Ke's body directly.

The astral void beasts do not have much intelligence, only instincts like wild beasts.

Therefore, he swallows everything he sees and runs away if he can't beat him, following his instinctive actions.

After being swallowed again, Lin Ke remained in a thoughtful state, curled up and hugging each other like a baby.

Even the turbulent currents in the astral realm can't wash away Lin Ke's body, let alone the void beasts in the astral realm?

And one day, the astral virtual beast also felt that there was something uncomfortable in its stomach, so it vomited Lin Ke's body out again.

And one day, he was swallowed again.

After being hesitated dozens of times, Lin Ke suddenly opened his eyes.



After opening his eyes, Lin Ke's body suddenly spread out like particles, silently, and then quickly condensed.

"No, it's not the four basic forces, but the essence of the world..."

Lin Ke's eyes burst with white light, and there was excitement in his tone:

"The essence of the world is more than just matter! The four basic forces are actually the surface phenomena of matter, energy, and information, or even just the manifestation of energy!"

"Material, energy and information blend and separate from each other. This is a philosophical form..."

Lin Ke muttered to himself, and amidst this muttering, the huge tree of blood in his soul space trembled crazily.

Until a certain point, all the bloodline trees burst apart, dripping into the soul like raindrops.

Bloodline collapse is a matter of life and death.

However, for Lin Ke, this is not a bad thing, but a good thing.

The regular body has been formed, but the blood and soul are independent of the body.

At this time, they were directly integrated together.

He had previously consulted René Descartes and the others about the criteria for becoming a master.

The complete integration of the entire body and soul is one of the criteria for reaching the Dominator level.

In addition, there are also things like understanding the rules, having enough magic power, etc.

Except for magic power, it seems that he has reached the criteria for promotion to master.

But what hinders him from becoming a master now is precisely the level of magic power that needs to be accumulated over time.

Others have lived long enough to have enough magic power, but not enough understanding of the rules.

Now, Lin Ke has understood the second rule, but the magic power is not enough.

"Rules...the four basic powers..."

Lin Ke slowly closed his eyes, and his blazing gaze gradually disappeared.

For him now, does it matter what level he is?

The unity of the four basic forces makes him almost omnipotent.

Rules—mass-energy equation!

Rules - the four basic forces!

He unified the four basic forces!


Lin Ke opened his eyes and slowly exhaled.

The next moment, his body appeared hundreds of millions of miles away.

Skill - Gravity!

Now, he can already travel in a non-energy way!


The turbulence of the astral realm is not a liquid, but the product of intertwined rules and laws. However, Lin Ke's stroke through it still caused widespread ripples.

The speed is too fast, the kinetic energy is too great, and the inertia is also increased due to the mass of his body.

He didn't realize it himself, but his own existence seemed to be the source of a certain gravity.

Countless planes immediately followed him when he moved.

If I had to say it, it would look like a galaxy.

Just like the sun took the earth and other planets to travel, Lin Ke's existence is also invisibly driving countless planes forward.

But Lin Ke naturally discovered this later.

But this didn't stop him from moving on.

Originally having traveled for three years, Lin Ke now arrived at a familiar place in less than a month.

He didn't care about the countless surrounding planes behind him, because he had already controlled gravity to keep these planes in the right position with him.

But in front of him was a familiar, huge, endless "tower".

Fearless Tower!

"came back……"

Lin Ke breathed a sigh of relief, but his expression darkened the next moment.

Fearless Tower...

No breath of Andrew?!

This chapter has been completed!
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