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Chapter 922 Invincible

Eternal Twilight frowned, but the next moment her face changed wildly.

"How did you find it?!" Before he could finish his sentence, he burst and dissipated like bubbles on the water's surface.

And disappearing with him was a mirror somewhere in the original Eternal Twilight Continent of the Nasenger Continent.

Eternal Twilight hides its true spirit here, so it can fake death again and again.

After all, this kind of suspended animation is different from the body without heartbeat and breathing. This suspended animation gives people the feeling that not only the soul is broken, but even the true spirit is annihilated.

That's why many people misjudged it. Even Emperor Wumian made a misjudgement at the beginning. Of course, at least it was a misjudgement on the surface. Lin Ke didn't know the real situation.

But now, the operation of the four basic forces allows Lin Ke to detect abnormalities immediately.

"Your Excellency Lin Ke, what are you doing now..." The Life Deer, also known as the Master of the Original Leaf, looked shocked: "You are only at level 25 now!"

He has always been as neutral as a third party and has not participated in the fight between the parties.

His tribe is also peace-loving and rarely participates in wars.

That’s why I dared to speak this time.

"I have realized that level is meaningless to me now." Lin Ke looked at Life Deer and nodded slightly: "You have done a good job, at least you are not helping others to do evil."

As he said that, Lin Ke looked at the other masters, such as [Giant Hunter] Jellal and the others, and scanned them one by one.

Every master was afraid that Lin Ke's gaze would stop, but fortunately, Lin Ke did not continue to act.

"Now Nasenger seems to be divided..." Lin Ke pointed to the huge planet below and said to all the masters: "From now on, Nasenger has only one voice, either surrender or die."

Hearing this, the Tiger God of the Elemental Forest couldn't help but frown: "Lin Ke, isn't it good for us to maintain the peace like the previous Destiny and Community..."

Obviously he doesn't really want to surrender to anyone.

"I am not sleepless."

Lin Ke waved his hand, and slapped the Tiger God on the face with a huge force: "From now on, anyone who is promoted to a legend must accept my rule."

With that said, Lin Ke simply flew forward.

The eyes of the Tiger God behind him were still in shock, and the other masters were also stunned.


Too domineering!

Their brains could bear the bombardment of a mountain, but they were unable to react to this change.

However, the next moment, a powerful force restrained all the masters.

This is a rule they have never heard of or seen before, powerful and invincible.

All the masters were shocked.

Never, never has any life been able to reach such a level.

These masters have not experienced this feeling for a long time in their long lives.

Even the original Wumian Emperor did not give them such a feeling.

They felt the gap between themselves and Lin Ke, and it was as if they were not facing Lin Ke as a master, but as ordinary people meeting a master.

Each master tried to use his own rules to escape, but to no avail.

They are tightly controlled from soul to body. Except for laws and rules, no energy can fluctuate at all.

All rules and laws can't break through this confinement, it's like there is a super powerful confinement rule that imprisons them.

They were like the most loyal servants, following Lin Ke one by one.

Lin Ke was still thinking about Lika, the others, and his children, but now he wanted to resolve the overall matter first.

After all, Lika and Lin Huaxia were fine, and he was always on the lookout to avoid any problems.

But now there is war everywhere in Nasenge, and countless lives are lost every minute and every second.

It is necessary to end the war as early as possible and end this internal strife.

After a moment, he arrived in front of the sun's projection high above Nasenge.

"I'm Linko Azane."

As he spoke, a huge image appeared in the sky.

At the same time, Lin Ke's figure appeared on countless screens.

Countless people, especially those on the battlefield, stopped what they were doing and stopped fighting with swords.

Many middle- and lower-level soldiers and generals don't really understand some of the changes at the top.

For example, it is inexplicable why the United Nations collapsed, and it was inexplicably split into two political systems.

Some upper-level generals and marshals may know and guess it, but they are powerless.

At this time, when Lin Ke's face appeared, everyone from the general to the marshal to the trafficker and the pawn knew...

The war that lasted for three years has finally come to an end.

"I'm back."

This is Lin Ke's second sentence, and the third sentence comes immediately after.

"From now on, we, Nasung, will return to the system of Nasung's destiny and community from the time of Saint Nasung's empire and Nasung's intelligent life and community."

"Stop it, compatriots from the same plane."

With that said, Lin Ke waved his hand, and a series of masters lined up in a row and stood behind Lin Ke like new recruits who had just joined the army.

"The Sun God, Soul Goblin King and other culprits have been executed by me according to the Scarlet Code."

"From now on, anyone who acquires extraordinary powers will need to be subject to supervision. Legends and above will also face the most stringent supervision."

"Nathange, there is peace now!"

After saying that, Lin Ke and a series of images disappeared immediately.

Then the next moment, a series of cheers, large and small, broke out from all over the place, heralding the end of the war.

Great Desert City, Final Phantom City, Sun City...

Fields, forests, lakes...

Heaven, underground...

Whether you are a soldier or an ordinary person, war takes a great toll on everyone.

After saying that, Lin Ke immediately turned around and looked at the other masters: "You have several choices next, and the first choice is annihilation."

The word "annihilation" came out of his mouth, and the other masters had no doubt that Lin could implement it.

Because they are still unable to move, life and death are in Lin Kegu's hands.

For a moment, several masters felt that Lin Ke wanted to kill all the masters. After all, Lin Ke had the strength.

Lin Ke did not give the masters a chance to speak, and continued: "The second option is to teach in a certain university, but you need to abide by laws and regulations."

After making this choice, several masters breathed a sigh of relief, especially the masters who followed the path of gods. They thought that other than death, the only other option was to kneel down and surrender.

If a god kneels down, it will be a fatal blow to the faith and piety of believers.

"Third, enter the grassroots administrative position and work during the day and get off work at night to contribute to Nasenger..."

"Fourth, enter the research post..."

Lin Kelin Lin Zongzong listed several options, and at the same time emphasized: "If anyone grows up in the land of Nasenger but betrays and escapes from this land, then I will take back all your energy and return it to Nasenger."

"That's right, I'm invincible."

"Which of you is in favor and who is against?"

This chapter has been completed!
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