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Chapter 115 Deep Underground Transportation Guide

"Is this the end?" William slapped the rock in front of him that was swelling and blocking the passage, full of disbelief and a sense of collapse.

Reach out and touch the rock masses that are lumpy and fold-like. They protrude from the cave wall and converge in the middle, like the traces of valves scraped on ice cream. The track of the digger ends here, but it is obviously not here.

Blockage caused by collapse.

"You don't have to be so surprised." If you are used to all kinds of abnormal experiences in the deep level, an uninterrupted passage will be less unexpected. Kraft found that he was quite adaptable, and accidents were no longer so surprising to him.


"Whether you believe it or not, you can always find some unreasonable things here."

"Is there room up here?"

"No, it's a solid piece." Kraft tried for a while, but the corresponding position in the current world was still a intact mountain.

With a look of collapse, William sat down on the nearest stone fold and touched his waist. There was only an empty scabbard left, and the knife inside probably wasn't picked up after he got rid of it.

It was definitely impossible to go back and use force now. He held his head and pressed it against the cold rock to let his hot forehead cool down and provide him with some ideas, "You just said that this place is like the layer of paper underneath?


"Yes, that's right."

As a person who often needs to deal with various emergencies, Captain William is not a rigid and stupid person. Under his rough appearance, he actually hides a very flexible thinking, which has helped him survive to this day.

While his body was resting, his mind was activated to help him understand the current situation. Unlike a guy who had the ability to fight with that thing, he was more inclined to stay away.

[To be honest, I have been using Yeguoyuedu to read and catch up on books recently. I can switch sources and read aloud with many sounds. Yeguoyuedu is available for Android and Apple.]

"Actually, we don't have to go back to the top piece of paper for the time being. If we don't want to have a direct conflict with those things, we just need to leave here. Since there are two pieces of paper, can there be a 'third' piece of paper below us?"

Kraft did not deny it and was silent in response. He retracted his hand and held the object in his sleeve. William realized that this idea was correct.

He shut up and waited quietly for the results.

"You are right, there is a hole below." Kraft gave the answer after a moment. People tend to go into blind corners when it comes to things they are accustomed to, and are obsessed with the relationship between the first layer and the real world, thus neglecting the unwillingness to go.

contact part.

But what does this mean?

"William, I need you to confirm, because you have felt the arrival of that thing once more than me."


Kraft recalled the process of feeling the cave-builder approaching at the beginning of the experience filled with horn sounds.

"That kind of vibration didn't come from scratch... but it was quite strong from the beginning, isn't it? Suddenly I felt a source of vibration appearing in the distance."

Without waiting for William to answer, the answer has actually been drawn. Yes, it is indeed true. For people with keen senses, it is like an approaching noise suddenly appearing on the third floor of an empty building without any reason.

The process of entering the door on the first floor and ascending the stairs floor by floor.

It just appeared at a certain point in the mountain, instead of gradually approaching from a place that could not be felt underground.

Of course, it is impossible for the digger to disappear out of thin air and leave the dead tunnel in front of him. In his perception, as long as he dives slightly, he can find that the tunnel still continues - in the next layer. The "pen tip" pierces this layer of paper,

Continue the "handwriting" onto another piece of paper.

"This thing doesn't live on a fixed level at all! It can go to another level. This chaotic tunnel is the transitional section."

Even with William's ability to accept it, it would take him a while to sort out this fact, "Does that mean it's a large one, for a 'wizard' like you?"

"I solemnly remind you, just call me a wizard, don't compare me with the deeper things." Kraft walked towards him, and you could notice that his expression was not good-looking, but it didn't seem to be because of the words he used.


Even the orange-red firelight couldn't hide his paleness, and his forehead was twitching, as if he was enduring some kind of special discomfort.

"Do you want to take a rest? You don't look right." This state is far from normal. Unlike the physical exertion, using "spells" seems to be quite costly, but it is not easy to pry into other people's privacy.

It’s hard to find out why. God knows what will happen if we lose control midway.

"No, I can hold on for now."

There was no chance to refuse. All of William's words were swallowed up by the overflowing sensory confusion, and strange smells filled his mouth and ears. His whole body was dragged into an unsettling long reverse downward feeling.

This time the scenery was no longer static, the rocks that were originally shaped like intestinal folds had really undergone indescribable changes.

It's like cutting open the belly of a fish and walking away to do some chores. After a while, when you come back, the oily internal organs that have lost their restraints begin to slide around, squirming slightly and becoming an amorphous disgusting substance.

When this change occurs on a hard material that should not show such characteristics, the misalignment of cognition and facts constantly hammers and solidifies common sense, and the existing impression of the rock appears slightly disorganized along with the half-melted scene.

As the melting reaches its peak, this shift in the perception of something is also increasing, thus reflecting on the whole, questioning the correctness of the entire worldview. It is like softening a brick on the city wall, which has a small but real impact on the stability.


The eyelids were lowered to block out the counter-intuitive vision. William put away his curiosity, maybe he would regret giving up this rare opportunity in the future, but as we all know, only living people can tell stories in the tavern, and there is no benefit in reading any more.

Kraft controlled the oscillation direction of the prism and dived deeper. The last time he came, he was dragged into this level by accident, and he has not explored the second level since then.

The "faded" scenery in the first layer becomes further dull in the spiritual senses, like squeezing out all the water from a sponge and discovering that it can be dried by light and heat, always losing more of its "color".

Showing a drier state.

This chapter is not finished yet, please click on the next page to continue reading the exciting content! He thought about this problem freely. After the alienated spirit replaced the normal senses, confusion could no longer disturb the operation of thinking, so that when Kraft arrived,

I just realized that I had formed a habit.

Whether it is extra senses, endless fading, or changes in levels manifested as falling, it is as unnecessary to think about as which step to take when walking. It has almost become a part of common sense, and the boundaries are increasingly integrated.

My consciousness traced the origin of this inertia, but I couldn't figure it out. At one time, I thought it started when I first fell into the tide, and at another time, I thought it came from the decision to take the initiative to dive.

It has been so long since memory has troubled this person who is accustomed to treating himself as a file. It has been so long that he can hardly remember what it feels like to forget.

Habits, habits again, Kraft couldn't think of when he had so many habits. He patted and touched his whole body, trying to find the non-existent foreign objects embedded in them, as if those habitual behaviors had entities.

The transmitted touch was accurately compared with memory, and the body had not changed at all. Kraft was still the same Kraft, but it seemed that his habit had adapted to the deeper layers.


William opened his eyes when he found that the feeling of falling had stopped. The torch was extinguished during the transfer, and they were immersed in darkness. During this dangerous period of time after landing, Kraft was actually distracted.

"I thought about something of my own." He let go of William's thick shoulder with his palm, took out the kindling and re-lit the torch. In the light coil, it could be seen that the rock folds were twisted in reverse, and the path became gradually narrower, while the original dead end opened up.


"How can I help?"

"It's just something that has nothing to do with the current situation, just keep walking."

The cave continued to maintain an upward trend. When Kraft's sequelae subsided a little, a small heterochromatic spot on the rock wall attracted attention.

It was a small dust-yellow speck that could not be rubbed away. This invigorating discovery made people temporarily forget the fact that they were in the deep world, and improved their mood as similar yellow patches increased.

They were indeed approaching the surface, moving towards the yellow strata. William was so excited to touch those dusty yellows that he did not even show frustration when he hit a dead end again.

"I have good news, and bad news." Kraft added a new torch, "The bad news is we don't have many torches left."

"What about the good news?"

"The continuation of this section is on the upper level. We are going up, in every sense of the word." He gave a tired smile, and the situation had a slight turn for the better. Maybe if we go all the way up, we can float upward at the same time.

Return to the present world.

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