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Chapter 194 Dun Ling

In an era when man-made buildings were relatively low, the first impression of a city mostly started with the tallest landmark building. This right was often monopolized by spiritual rulers.

When you enter the city along the old waterway, you will inevitably see the embankment that was established earlier than the kingdom. After several eras and repairs with different techniques, the old and new masonry has been layered like open sedimentary rocks.

In the distance, the huge building lying on the riverside stretched out its weathered and blackened towers, and the sound of old and loud metal hammered down from the sky.

The vibration was so dull, like rusty iron thunderclouds roaring in the distance, expressing the long-term depression trapped in the oxide layer. Some white dots the size of rice grains walked between the cracks and windows of the gray and black buildings, making a thick buzzing sound.

They stopped temporarily and looked up at the sky divided by the cornices and arches.

"Every time I come here, I feel sick to my heart. These buildings and the sounds are as old as if they were just dug out of ancient tombs from the ancient kings. They also say some weird words like 'Lord, Savior,'" Lin.

Professor Deng said dissatisfiedly, "It is quite suitable to be matched with some people who have stepped into the grave with one leg."

Lecturer Maynard, who came up behind, sneered a few times, agreeing and not agreeing. He was not a veteran like Lyndon. He could not give face to anyone. He had to take into account his own status in the academic world when there were students present.

interpersonal relationships.

"So where is that place?"

"Notre Dame Cathedral may not be the largest or the oldest church, but it is definitely the oldest in the cathedral. That is its bell tower." Maynard pointed to the source of the bell and introduced, "It is said, just said, that it was originally maintained

The Stirmin gold coin should be called the Madonna gold coin, but some people prefer that the reverse side be a symbol that is more representative of the current kingdom."

Kraft surprisingly felt that this statement was quite reasonable, "This is the first time I've heard of this."

"I just heard that our side is the back side, and there is a Knights Island church on the front side. It is the resting place of royal families of all generations, including the earliest one." It was obviously not his first time here, and he was quite familiar with the local situation.


"It is smaller than Notre Dame Cathedral and is not open to the public. However, there is a statue at the door. I heard it was carved according to the person himself. It is worth a visit."

The addition of the title "that one" to the royal family basically refers to the original and most legendary king of the Kingdom of North, the one who was chosen by the Lord and drew the sword from the stone. The full text of the relevant story was published not long ago

He has tasted it in the town of Hudson, and he can now recite and review it for everyone if necessary.

"Then you really have to go and see it." It's hard to go on a business trip at public expense, and it's always a bit of a loss if you don't stop by to visit the scenic spots.

Kraft has recently considered changing the training plan. As the saying goes, learning without thinking is wasteful. It is easy to understand ideological problems by just reading with closed door. Perhaps taking him around to visit places of interest and experience the vastness of the world and the changes in ancient and modern times will not help.

You will be depressed by the temporary difficulties in front of you.

I’ll note this down for now and add it to my sightseeing list.

The boat followed the water, and the canal became narrower as it penetrated into the city. They also gradually moved closer to the river bank, and a close-up view of the city came into view.

As a large port city, Dunling gives people a completely different feeling from Solace Port, Westminster, etc., with a tradition that cannot be transformed by busy commerce, and is ancient. It is not a new city built after the establishment of the Kingdom.

Cities have been settled by humans since before there were any records in history.

Many of the building cornerstones have been naturally polished and smooth, and are of a completely different kind. Buildings with different styles have been rebuilt on them with a variety of materials, pieced together with some of the original decorations that have been retained. The remaining walls that have been repainted or scraped have deep carats.

Among the simple or uncharacteristic fonts that Ford had never seen before, perhaps the delicate ones among them were unable to withstand the unconscious destruction of the public and disappeared first.

A strange combination caught Kraft's attention. It was a figure wearing a white robe, who was probably a priest. He was carrying a burning metal incense burner, but he didn't look like he was preaching. His companions had wings tattooed on them.

There is a clear hard bulge under the ring's burqa.

The crowd automatically avoided them when they saw them, and they just made some space on the narrow road along the river.

Although he knew that the church was well-armed, he had never seen many people following the clergy out. Before he asked, he heard Linden snort.

"I have never understood why His Majesty would be willing to let the church wander around with weapons under its nose. There is no place they dare not go."

"As for some acquired rickets patients, as long as they have one percent of the courage of their ancestors, they should not be submissive and stand still for decades, so that slightly outstanding people are forced to remain unknown for a year.

It’s a hell of a place where it snows for half the year.”

As the primary victim of the profession, the professor of surgery was indignant, "I still remember that there was someone about the same age as me who could have stayed and taught, but ended up going to some missionary school whose name I had never heard of. It seemed to be called something liberal arts...


"...Sorry, Professor Kraft, I just want to say that the best actors should stand at the center of the stage and be cheered, just like you."

"I understand what you mean." The person who knows you best is indeed your old enemy. Kraft didn't expect to find out the information from Professor Linden before he entered Dunling University. "Do you still remember his name?"

"It seems his name is Kalman? At that time, Morrison was still willing to teach students. Unlike in recent years, I haven't heard about what he was doing for a long time."

The ship sailed past the church that had been seen in the distance before. The holy statue and the old-fashioned building with pointed arches squatted on the shore. The water waves lapped the strong and wide foundation of the bell tower, and the face of the stone beast perched on it had been eroded and molded into the lake.

The brilliance is not as good as before, but the main body has not shown signs of decline, and the foundation is still stable. The stone piles have sunk under the plank road of the previous generation and are deeply embedded in the mud of the river bottom.

The side facing the river should be the front, depicting relief paintings of figures that can only be seen by boat. This is not surprising. Out of belief, the builders will actively and passively do many thankless things, including during normal sightseeing.

A large number of details are added outside the scope to express devotion to beings whose vision is not as limited as ordinary people.

The main figure in the relief is a man holding a sword. The figures depicted on both sides of the plane lean back or raise their hands in the air, making a gesture of surprise. After looking at it for a while, Kraft realized that it was not holding a sword, but pulling it out.

Out of professional habits, he tried to identify the shape of the sword. The carving was on the low side, and the fluctuations in water levels obscured the details. The final conclusion was that the creator was an amateur, which resulted in the length of the sword being like a two-handed sword, and the handle.

It is half-hand sword size, only one and a half palms long. Either it is too early and there is a problem with the control of human body proportions.

Such a careless style of painting made people lose all interest. Kraft shook his head and returned to the cabin to pack his luggage and prepare to enter the port.

Not long after passing Notre Dame Cathedral, the ship docked at a small but exquisite pier. Fernand stopped everyone who was about to get off the ship and handed the letter to the receptionist who came after seeing the flag of the ship.

After a while, a bald middle-aged man wearing a red-lined robe came to the side of the boat with a group of people with thick hair. They looked helpless and sprinkled some petals that looked very similar to the main varieties of the flower bed next to them.

, once and for all, he bowed slightly and saluted.

"Professor Fernand, welcome to Dunling."

"Long time no see, Samuel! There's no need to make it so formal." The old professor stepped off the deck, hugged him semi-ceremoniously, and then looked around, his eyes scanning the crowd, looking for a certain target.

"Where's Morrison, why didn't you see him? He can't do experiments, right? I can't even remember the last time he made this excuse."

As soon as this statement came out, the few scholars behind them, who were already calm-looking, but still maintained their self-restraint, became excited, and their indignation was even greater than the "implicit expression" in the letter just now.

Professor Samuel, who was simply present, might really be Fernand's "old friend" in the literal sense. Seeing that the situation was not going well, he immediately blocked them back and tried to smooth things over, "No, no, no, I believe that Professor Fernand

It was an honest mistake and no sarcasm was intended."

After temporarily appeasing his colleagues who were very inclined towards physical theory, he turned to everyone in Rivers, with a hint of sadness in his helpless tone, "This is not anyone's fault, but now is really not the right time to make fun of Professor Morrison."


"Sorry, if I could, could I know what happened?"

"Professor Morrison unfortunately passed away due to a laboratory fire a few months ago. Professor Kalman and several students who participated in the experiment were also affected. The matter is complicated, and I am currently acting as the temporary replacement for the medical school.


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