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Chapter 285 Night Visit

Moist and stale wind penetrates the mouth and nose, peeling off the warmth on the skin and mucous membranes, freezing and strangling the thoughts, making it difficult to continue.

Buildings, streets, rivers, things that should appear were erased from sight, replaced by dark rain that fell in torrents, integrating heaven and earth like an apocalypse, returning to the chaos before creation.

Tens of millions of tons of water fell from the sky and merged into the torrent flowing from the ground, racing through the squares and streets.

The unreachable depths are communicated with the surface by water flow. Like an ancient giant in hemorrhagic shock, a large amount of blood is suddenly injected into it. Some kind of pulsation comes to the surface along the refilled veins. The microorganisms living in the dry fur are frightened and inexplicable.

Realize the situation, that something is always active below.

There is no thunder, and in the rushing air current, another signal can be sensed, not from the clouds, but from the water below.

As the floating foam arrived, it also shattered like foam, and was further torn and elongated by the rushing airflow into something like a cry.

He had heard this sound before. He heard it when he was being chased by a chaotic thing in the mausoleum at the bottom of the Temu River. It seemed like the voices of many individuals were moving together.

At this time, this sound steamed up from the waves, and was carried by the strong wind along with the stale breath, filling every inch of space that could be perceived.

【You come!】

They cry in a low voice, but it is deafening. They do not follow any understanding of sound and are not in the realm of hearing.

The dark water world pouring out of the window seemed to have some kind of collective consciousness beyond recognition at that moment. They discovered him when he "heard" the sound, and they all paid attention to the window that was shaking in the wind and rain.

The kind of information condensed into the tail of a toothed fin was born from a huge painful living body that cruised in the lightless waters, swam up the vertical pipe with six walls, oscillated in the tunnel as complex as blood vessels, and followed the turbulent flow.

To the surface, out of the water.

The feeling is so real that the recipient feels like he can see it rushing toward him like an eel smelling blood, drilling through the forehead bone, swirling in the frontal sinus, and passing between the eyes. The nasal septum deflects under the squeeze.

On one side, the refraction of the eyeball was mottled and blurred due to deformation, and a twitching mass bulged at the top of the pharynx.

He subconsciously scratched his face with his hands, only touching the wet hair on his forehead and the intact bridge of his nose.

But in the feeling, the thing has penetrated the area with rich blood vessels and thin bone shell and broken into the skull. It blended with the fluid surrounding the brain into a diffuse and explosive pain, seeping into the deep cavity and going deeper.

Extend everywhere.

The pure and real pain weighed heavily on the spirit. After reaching the limit, the consciousness collapsed instantly, and blackness closed in the middle of the field of vision.

Before he lost his ability to control himself, he saw something. A white halo like the reflection of the moon slowly rose up, stretching out soft and flexible extensions from the peaks of the waves, climbing up on the shoulders of the holy statue.




The spinning dizziness was accompanied by the sharp noise of wooden furniture dragging its feet on the ground, overturning and colliding.

Green opened his eyes and saw a familiar ceiling above his head, one side illuminated by the half-burned candle, while the rest was shrouded in uneven shadows.

Subconsciously looking at the window, the locked window leaves blocked out the dampness and coldness of Dunling's night, and the glass mosaic reflected the dim candlelight like a holy light. The house was a quiet and peaceful scene, giving people a familiar sense of security.


The remaining memories are as fragmented as a pottery cup dropped on the ground. Only the most profound parts remain in the area of ​​consciousness that the instinct does not want to touch. Just a little deeper, unreasonable resistance breaks out.

Dark, damp, painful, extreme and chaotic, and the cause and effect cannot be found.

But after opening my eyes, it completely disappeared, which perfectly confirmed that everything was a dream.

After lying on the ground for a while, he swept away the fragments of cups around him, and in the process touched the scattered wet papers.

The dizzy handwriting said something still impressive: The clinic recently added a new drug.

The acid reflux and worry about the paperwork forced him to raise his upper body as quickly as possible, and despite the dizziness that had not faded away, he rescued the remaining papers from the water stains and spread them out in dry places.

There were rough indentations on his forehead, and combined with the soreness and numbness in his arms, he must have fallen asleep lying on the table, and had the worst dream in his life. It was so bad that when he woke up, he was still struggling hard, and even the chair fell to the ground.

on the ground.


The sound of knuckles touching wood sounded twice behind him regularly.

"Come in, Wardin, I'm still awake." The permission was blurted out almost without thinking. There are only two situations for visiting at night, emergency matters, and acquaintances, and this unhurried knock on the door obviously

Not the former.

He was already prepared for Wadine to push open the door and laugh at him for sleeping on the floor from the table.

But what responded to him was not the turning of the key in the keyhole, but the second knock on the door.


The people outside didn't seem to hear the owner of the house, and they knocked more hastily and urgently. The sound echoed in the empty building, then returned to the door, and came over and over again.

Before he could figure out the identity of the visitor, the same tapping sound sounded on the window page.

A gust of rugged cold wind hit the window, causing the glass to tremble and flicker with light and dark. The rhythm was indescribably weird, giving it a "sense of imitation".

He shouldn't be able to hear the difference between tapping, but this tapping is like something someone who has never been exposed to language has drawn by following a template - it's almost correct in form, but it's written on his face.

Green tried to get up. No matter what the situation, he had to get up first and get the sword enshrined under the holy symbol. There was a sense of déjà vu, as this action vaguely happened not long ago.

When I actually did it, I found that it was not that simple. The body that was usually controlled by arms seemed to be glued to the ground. It took several times as long to just turn over. The mercury-like heavyness was poured into every inch of the limbs from the lower jaw to the feet.


When he was finally able to support his torso with his elbows, further movements were interrupted by sudden tinnitus and imbalance.

This chapter is not finished yet, please click on the next page to continue reading the exciting content! The knocking sound disappeared, the metallic buzzing became the only sound in my ears, and the ground in front of me moved a short distance out of thin air, as if they were being pumped

He opened the carpet and rubbed his stinging arm. He fell to the ground again, his chest pressed against the cold stone bricks, not knowing why.

Soon he understood.

Once again, the field of vision shifted along with the tinnitus. A certain force that made everything in front of me tremble was transmitted to the ribs along with the stones in the chest. It was like an insect inside a giant bell, something was beating.

Hit this room alone in the dark night where reality is hard to distinguish.

That force was so powerful that it was unreal, but every time it came, the blood in the chest cavity swelled in the blood vessels like foaming wine, and the gas resonated with it in the lungs that felt obviously torn.

Suffocation and heart palpitations pressed the eyelids down. Before the fragmentary consciousness tried to organize the final resistance, the room shattered. Knocking objects poured in, and Green could feel how they grasped the palm from between the fingers and dragged the body.

Falling towards something.

He was falling or rising in darkness and unconsciousness, and his position was meaningless at this time.

When I got the real feeling again, the first thing I felt was the soreness in my arms and the stiffness in my cervical spine.

Green opened his eyes. There were letters that had been approved on the table, and fine raindrops drifted in from the cracks in the window.


A knock on the door came from behind.

"..." Green's spirit tensed up instantly.

"It's me, Father." The familiar voice was not Wadding, but another monk. Green remembered his name and origin clearly, not because of his good memory, but because he had personally submitted the information about the participants in the operation a few days ago.


Green breathed a sigh of relief, stood up and opened the door, "Brother Sandor?"

"Good night, Father, I'm glad you're not asleep yet. Can I come in and sit down?" A monk wearing ordinary clothes stood at the door without a sword. It seemed that he was not here for official business.

"Welcome, my brother, please sit down by the stove, and I will light it in a moment."

"Thank you, but don't bother, I won't be staying long."

"Huh?" Green threw a roll of hay into the brazier and was holding a candlestick to start the fire. He turned around and saw Sandor standing upright beside the chair without sitting down. Maybe it was because of the rain outside that his knees were down.

His trousers were soaked through, and his boots looked like they had just been soaked in water, leaving a series of footprints behind him.

"What's the meaning?"

"Did you hear that?" Without waiting for Green to answer, he got the answer he wanted from the priest's unprepared and ugly expression, and showed a slightly rigid smile.

This chapter has been completed!
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