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Chapter 35 How to Put a Brown Bear in a Jewelry Box

Chapter 35 How to put a brown bear into a jewelry box

"This is the current situation. We need to make a small opening in her belly to put the intestines back into place. But don't worry, she won't feel anything during this process. The secret medicine passed down from my family will make her sleep

A whole day or more.”

Kraft drew a rough outline of the direction of the intestines in the abdominal cavity on the paper and showed Gris the circle of the location to be reset.

The father twisted his hands together. Such a thing was unheard of for him, and he could not judge based on his own experience and common sense.

"Actually, the process only has three simple steps. It's just a small incision, so long." Kraft gestured with his hands, "Then we can access the small section of intestine, reset it, and finally quickly close the small incision.

Sew it on.”

"We will complete all this soon. Afterwards, there may be symptoms such as fever and wound suppuration, but at least she will not die soon due to intestinal problems."

"Okay, okay, thank you." Gris was moved by this statement, perhaps because it sounded simple, or perhaps because the description of good and bad seemed more candid, and he did not use holy water or herbal medicine like priests and clinic doctors.

For sure, "She is my only family, even if I have to sell the pub..."

"I will do my best." Kraft held his hand, "Don't worry about the medical fee. We can wait until Liz recovers and then talk."

He turned around and walked into the observation classroom, where he performed shoulder joint reduction when he first arrived. Lucius and Liston were already waiting for him inside, and Liz was lying on her side on the carefully cleaned stone platform.

The body shrank into a ball.

It's not that I don't want to find another place, but this classroom, which is designed to demonstrate treatment methods and anatomy, is naturally designed to be used for surgery.

After opening all the windows, the classroom has good lighting. The space around the stone platform is open and the height is suitable for hands-on work. Liston had previously cleaned it thoroughly with lime and rinsed it with boiling water.

"Okay." Kraft nodded to Lucius, who lifted Liz's upper body up so that Kraft could feed her the diluted black liquid.

This was the first time Craft witnessed the effects of drinking diluted liquid.

The expression on Liz's face, which was full of pain, disappeared in less than five seconds after drinking it, like a computer shutting down. It was like some invisible force came here, smoothing her tense facial muscles, and smoothing out her emotions and feelings.

Withdrawn from the body, only the calm body remains.

Her limbs relaxed quickly, the hand covering her stomach dropped down, her spine fell softly backward, and she lay down along Lucius's hand, pressing against the table without any resistance.

Craft has never seen any drug that is taken orally and absorbed through the digestive tract that works so quickly and has such significant effects.

Liston on the opposite side was surprised to reach out and feel Liz's breathing, and then felt her pulse. It was steady and regular, but slightly slowed down.

"A secret medicine passed down from the family?"

"Yes, the family secret medicine is the last one. Don't worry about it and wash your hands."

The classic surgical hand washing method, but the conditions here are limited, so Lucius can only be used as a smart faucet, holding a pot and slowly pouring water from top to bottom, first with lime water, and then rinsed with cooled boiling water.

"Like me, wash the palms, the backs of the palms, between the fingers, then arch the hands and scrub, and finally the fingertips and thumbs. The wrists and the entire forearm should be washed."

Kraft threw aside his black robe and sword, rolled up his sleeves, and showed Liston a not-so-standard process. It was supposed to require brushing and soaking the hands, but there really were no such things.

"Lucius, would you like to rub her entire belly? Not just the area we want to operate on, but the entire body, including both sides of her body, from the inside out."

"Also, don't touch the instrument table. I'm talking about the one where I put the knife and needle and thread, otherwise I have to throw them into the boiling water and fish them out again..."

"Confirm for the last time, everyone knows what they have to do, right? Lucius, you are responsible for all the content outside this table. Help hold the mirror and shine the light here. Just don't touch it."

"Liston, we are the ones who want to touch the wound. Don't let your hands touch places other than the abdomen and instruments. Don't let your hands hang below your waist or above your shoulders. We have to make it as 'clean' as possible.

.There is no way to explain it now, but we will have a chance in the future."

Kraft finished giving all the precautions he could think of, and put his hands in front of his chest, waiting for Lucius and Liston to give him a definite answer. But it seemed that the series of words just now scared them, and the two of them were obviously nervous.

He stood up with a face that said, "What you said just now outside the door was not that simple."

This appearance brought back memories of Kraft's first time on the operating table. At that time, he had repeated this process several times in the simulation training room, and he could fluently recite everything from surgical hand washing to entering the door, putting on surgical gowns, and disinfecting drapes.

a set of processes.

But in fact, he was trembling when he put his hand under the faucet. He pressed the hand sanitizer several times, and his mind went blank, fearing that something was not cleaned properly.

To be fair, Lucius and Liston had never experienced such a process, and they were too nervous by his sudden serious attitude. He thought he should tell some old jokes to lighten the atmosphere.

"Do you know how to stuff a brown bear into a jewelry box?" Since there are no elephants or refrigerators here, the joke needs a little localization.


"Open the jewelry box, put the brown bear in, and then close the jewelry box."

"..." The joke was not very successful. Lucius and Liston looked at each other and were stunned for a few seconds before they realized that Craft was telling a joke.

Lucius showed an awkward but polite smile, and Liston became even more nervous. This joke reminded him of how Kraft described the operation - "make an incision, reset the intestines, and then sew them shut."

." In fact, it is definitely not that simple. What they are facing is an operation that has never been done before in this world.

"Take a deep breath, my friend, this will make you feel better, and then hand me the knife. This is a rare opportunity, let's treat it as a special course? We may even have a chance to explain it in detail." Clough realized that the lively atmosphere had failed.

I tried to save it, hoping that Liston could treat this as a long-lost practical lesson.

"We choose the right transrectus abdominis incision. If it is a small baby, we can also use an upper abdominal transverse incision..."

The blade of the knife sliced ​​open the skin, and blood oozed from the cut surface. The knife was kindly provided by Liston. It was thin and slender, but made of good material. It was indeed a knife customized by a lecturer who focused on anatomy.

Although it is not as sharp as a scalpel, it feels okay in the hand and is much better than expected.

"A piece of clean linen cloth, Liston. Lucius, please change your position and let the light shine from the opposite side."

Since there was no serious gauze, he could only use the linen cloth commonly used in this era. What he had in his hand was considered a product of fine craftsmanship. Even so, Kraft did not dare to wipe it with it, and could only rely on its own water absorption to absorb it.

Blood ensures clear vision.

Lucius turned to the other side of the table, raised the metal mirror in his hand, and let the light spot hit the incision. This mirror could only barely reflect the figure, but fortunately it only needed to be used to shine.

A retractor was sent to Kraft. Thanks to the needs of anatomy, this tool can still be found in the academy, rather than finding something temporary to replace it.

"I hope this isn't used."

"Of course, it's the same as the knife. It's a newly made set and I haven't found a chance to use it yet." Liston sent another one. They had to use these two curved metal strips to open up enough space so that they could see inside.

s things.

"I can't see anything clearly, Lucius, try adjusting again." The field of vision formed by the light spot hitting the abdominal cavity is quite narrow, and the squirming shadows and pink intestines are mushy in the limited field of vision.

Kraft was convinced that he had performed the surgery in the right place, and now he needed to find the location of the intussusception as quickly as possible. This was not a sterile operating room, and the longer the wound was exposed, the greater the possibility of infection.

As the light moved, a yellow fat bulge appeared in the field of vision, "Stop, it's right here."

Kraft captured this sign, which is the intestinal fat hanging along the colonic belt. Following the colonic belt all the way down, you can find the appendix where the three colonic belts converge. Above it is the cecum, the ileocolon he is looking for.

The telescoping is right next to it.

He put his fingers into the abdominal cavity, touched the crux, and gently pulled the intestine, "Light, this way."

Lucius, who had gradually mastered the skills, deflected the mirror, and the light spot moved towards Kraft's fingertips, illuminating that section of intestine. This was the best situation. Judging from the color, the intestine was not necrotic, otherwise Kraft would have to

Consider how to cut off the necrotic intestinal segment and then anastomose the two ends.

Next are some operations that will make people feel more terrifying.

"Look, this is the hooked part, now I have to push it back." Kraft relaxed a little and explained to Liston, who was pulling the hook, what he was doing now, "Don't put your head too close."

After restoring it to a certain position, he pulled the intestinal segment outward and gently pushed the proximal end with his thumb and index finger. Lucius, who was holding a mirror a few steps away, could see the red swelling in his hand.

This scene made Liston, who had experienced anatomy, feel a little uncomfortable. The feeling of calmly operating on a living person was completely different from that on a dead person. He glanced at Liz's face. The child was still sleeping quietly and fully conscious.

Before she knew it, someone had already stroked a section of her intestines.

Delicacy and roughness coexist. Years of sword practice have created the stability of these hands. The mind from another world controls it to squeeze the intussusceptible ileum out of the colon little by little.

"Don't tremble, just hold on for a while and you'll be fine."

The light spot trembled, which was because Lucius's arms were trembling. It was impossible to tell whether it was due to fatigue or fear of the slippery pink strip in the hand of the caster. It was something that could not be overcome no matter how many times it was practiced on the dead.

Ability to adapt in real practice.

He tightened the mirror in his hand and recalibrated the position of the light. The operation on the illuminated area was nearing completion.

The step of "packing the brown bear into the box" was basically completed. Kraft successfully degloved the ileum. The protruded intestine looked normal in the field of vision, with no rupture or the like, and the appendix was not congested or edematous.

This was really a blessing from God. Gris discovered it in time, and the priest didn't delay in giving him a serving of holy water. If he came in the afternoon or evening, it might not be so ideal.


Liston handed him the bent needle and silk thread.

The needle was made by bending a sewing needle, and the thread was the toughest thread he could find. It was kindly provided by a student whose family sells textiles. I heard it was made of some kind of spider silk, and it was said to be able to replace armor.

The iron rings that were made of parts were usually sold by the piece. He gave Kraft a bunch directly.

After this matter is over, it is best to take the time to go to the student's home to thank him and make up for the money at the same time, so as to avoid the difficulty of explaining the student's mother-in-law's behavior when it is discovered.

Full-thickness continuous sutures are a helpless choice when there are no absorbable sutures. It is inevitable that the little girl will have a scar on her belly. However, children grow quickly, so I hope it will fade away in the future.

Fortunately, midriff-baring clothes are not popular in the climate in the northern part of the Kingdom of North, so when your children grow up, they won't complain about the doctor's limited skills when choosing clothes.

The suturing operation is quite smooth, and this operation is Kraft's favorite part. Neatly spaced needles are inserted and removed, and the opening is pulled back to its original position, which will subtly satisfy his little obsessive-compulsive disorder.

He finished the last stitch, tied three surgical knots in a row with his fingers, wiped away the remaining blood, and covered the wound with four layers of linen.

"Tape." Kraft stretched out his hand out of habit, but didn't get what he wanted. He looked up and saw that Liston was confused, "Uh, I mean to roll up a long strip of linen. We have to wrap it twice around the waist to secure it.

Live dressing.”

"Lucius, you can put down the mirror and go have a rest."

Liston and Lucius watched Kraft finish wrapping the strip of cloth around Liz's waist, tying an extra beautiful bow, straightening it, and covering her with clothes again.

With the help of the "family secret medicine", the operation "only established on "The Structure of the Human Body"" was completed without any trouble. The man who made history stretched out his hand to wipe his sweat, without any awareness or image of it.

He collapsed on the ground and gasped for air.

"So we really put the brown bear in a jewelry box?"

(End of chapter)

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