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Chapter 51 Feeding the Fish

Chapter 51 Feeding the fish

The consciousness is centered on itself and extends to the surroundings. The three-dimensional space structure is displayed in an intuitive form that has never been seen before. It becomes significantly blurred at a distance of four or five steps. It can barely reach the main entrance of the hotel ten steps away. Completely unperceivable.

Regardless of the situation, this new sensory organ still made Kraft quite happy - literally happy. He could observe the internal structure of his body from this open perspective and witness how the heart pumped blood and sent it to the body. Into the artery. There is nothing more novel in the world than this experience.

Even though his mind was still in the final process of reconstruction, it could not prevent Kraft from feeling an unexpected burst of ecstasy. For a moment, he forgot about the other world, the pursuit, and what else he could forget. This sense occupied him. His broken and incomplete mind.

Kraft wants to announce to everyone he knows that from today on, I am the CT, MRI, and B-ultrasound. I am the entire imaging department!

Perhaps because the logical reconstruction was not yet complete, the nonsensical joy lasted for a long time. He happily used this sense to observe everything of interest, including himself, including wooden boards, stone bricks, chests, abdominal cavities, and even My brain didn't find any blind spots.

Just when he was about to carefully "scan" the internal structure of his sword, an unexpected headache interrupted him, forcing his attention to shift away from his mental perspective.

It seems that the carrying capacity of consciousness has reached a critical point and can no longer accept more such information. It seems that the non-innate sensory organs are not well adapted to humans. He cannot use them for a long time and the hardware conditions cannot keep up.

Just like closing his eyes, Kraft can temporarily marginalize his mental senses and become a normal human being.

In just a few minutes, the impact on the mental senses is too great to ignore, almost like withdrawal symptoms.

The first second after leaving it, Kraft felt obvious discomfort. He felt that the source of information was suddenly reduced, as if he was wearing a full-body armor helmet, his field of vision was narrow, and he was constrained at an uncomfortable small angle.

He felt like he was crawling in a pipe and needed to take deep breaths to fight the hallucination of difficulty breathing. The feeling of constriction and oppression urged him to use his mental senses again, return to a free panoramic perspective, and stop enduring the inefficient means of retinal imaging.

【Dependence, Addiction】

I thought only drugs could produce such exaggerated effects, but pure mental dependence can actually reach this level. The impact of the illusion of constriction on the mind is fed back to the body, causing wheezing, nausea, slight muscle soreness, and possibly severe pain. legacy of activities.

The reconstruction of the mind was basically completed, and the rationality tried its best to restrain the desire to reconnect with the spiritual senses. The more uncomfortable it was, the less contact should be made, otherwise the disconnection would be more serious next time.

Restraint, he needs to restrain himself and gradually adapt to this switching process. No matter mentally or physically, he cannot be allowed to be controlled by anything suspected of being addictive, especially when it only takes a few minutes to cause harm to himself.

Kraft put his sword back into its scabbard and lay down on a relatively clean table, looking for other things to fill his brain and try to distract his attention from the discomfort.

The food for dinner, the unfinished book, the laundry that you forgot to wash, some trivial and irrelevant things, squeeze out the unwanted things.

It was not particularly effective. It took his consciousness and body toss and turn in discomfort for less than half an hour, maybe longer, before he re-adapted to the visual source of information. Kraft felt that his body and subconscious had found a new love, and had abandoned the use of it for ten years.

The familiar senses that have been used for more than ten years are trying to replace the spiritual senses permanently.

This feeling makes the subjective consciousness very unhappy. It realizes that there are some parts of the body that cannot be completely controlled, and that some kind of "non-self" tendency is growing, and it uses physical discomfort to force it to give in.

Of course this was impossible. He successfully suppressed the discomfort, turned over and stepped into the water, wading towards the stairs. All his clothes were completely wet in the sea water, and the sticky feeling was very uncomfortable. The ambient temperature was too low.

It was also constantly draining away his body temperature.

Returning to the second floor would make the situation better. If he could light the small stove in the room, he would still have a chance to dry his clothes.

Before that, Kraft found a seat in the middle of the stairs and sat down. He poured out the water from his boots and put them on again. The second floor at this level was still in an unknown state. He stepped on a heavy pair and swayed with water.

He went upstairs with his noisy boots. It was not just his boots that got wet, but his brain as well.

To be cautious, the sword was pulled out again. The white light thing looked quite creepy, but it was not an invulnerable monster in a horror story. It was closer to an animal that uses special methods to reduce the resistance of its prey.

Kraft almost understood its tactics. First, he approached when his consciousness was unconscious. The light was gentle, the movements were soft, and the voice was as soft as a whisper. After being exposed, he decisively adopted the method of intimidation and interference, and used the method of direct penetration into the skull.

The twisted roar destroys the target's will, and the strange shape itself can also cause mental destruction.

It has the strange ability to drag its prey deeper into the depths. The closer it is to the deeper layers, the easier it is to be pulled deeper into the depths.

Kraft couldn't understand how this worked, but it was not difficult to connect it with the behavior of residents around contaminated wells in salt tide areas.

At that time, I only thought of the existence of a range, a positive feedback loop between intensity and number of people. Now it seems that it is likely to be involved in this positive feedback.

In the process of continuously expanding the "field" of deep influence, large-scale contact has attracted strange predators, which use its ability to pull people into the deep layers. The sleep of the affected person is getting longer and longer, and I am afraid that those who will completely fall into deep sleep will

One day, I completely fell into the first level, a nightmare in the true sense.

It may seem strange to say it, but Kraft thought of an inappropriate metaphor. They are like small pieces of bread with their oily skin peeled off on the surface of the water, gradually being soaked by the water. The impatient fish under the water are stirring the water waves to speed up the process.

, waiting for them to sink completely into the water and have a feast.

Of course, feeding fish is for the sake of the fish. Some people simply want to see it and fish it out directly. The initiator's goal is probably related to it.

I also want to understand a question that is not helpful to the current situation.

Kraft shook his head and shook off the pale and disgusting memories that came up. The shadows of his arms and legs flashed before his eyes. Every time he recalled that roar, he would experience the painful and nauseating feeling again.

The powerful memory has become a kind of burden. He cannot let go of part of it. He can only temporarily block it and recall it when it is accidentally touched.

While sitting on the stairs, he would uncontrollably think of the image of arms and legs hanging down from above, with wildly dancing branches still before his eyes. Cut open the ravaged surface, and the underlying structure would still feel familiar to him even if it had been disrupted a thousand times.

In repeated, active or passive recollections, the flash of familiarity at that time is refined into a gradually mature guess.

Part of this soul is a medical student, and the other part is a swordplayer. Of course, he is not a naturalist who cares much about animals other than humans. The understanding brought by animal experiments is far less than the level of his main profession, so Kraft knows best from beginning to end.

There is only one kind of structure - people.

He shuddered.

This thing is illogical, and there is some logic in this place that is illogical in the first place.

Kraft walked upwards holding on to the wooden handrail, feeling the chill follow him like a shadow, as cold as the wet clothes clinging to his body. It was hard to tell whether it was mental or physical.

The old wooden boards underfoot made a harsh and harsh creaking sound, which sounded like some dry moaning in the silence.

He quickened his pace and escaped from this staircase that seemed to speed up the pace of decay. The harsh sound was connected to his heels and stopped the moment he stepped onto the second floor. It no longer sounded when he fell behind.

This gave him an inexplicable sense of relaxation, as if he had escaped from being chased by something. The huge amount of stimulation did not desensitize him to fear, but instead made him suspicious. He had no reason to panic about the details of the changes, unless he deliberately used reason to do so.


Can reason derived from logic really be able to achieve success in this place? Kraft thought about this question and did not come up with an answer.

The unwrung water dripped down the sleeves and trouser legs and fell to the floor, leaving a path of water stains behind him. He was not the only wet thing here, the humidity rose with the rising water level and spread up.

The second floor also seemed to be filled with invisible water vapor. The wooden floor underfoot had a subtle soft feeling, and a thin layer of water film could be felt on the wall, which is the kind of saturated humidity that only occurs in rainy seasons.

This hotel has been in a humid environment for a while. It's not like the tide poured into the first floor in the middle of the night, but it has been soaked in water for several days. No need to think about it, it must be the same in my room, there is nothing wrong with it.

Something that can be ignited.

Standing at the door of the room, I reached out and pushed the water-dropped door panel, but failed to push it open. It was actually stuck by the door bolt on the inside.

Kraft was stunned, and reached for his pocket, but found nothing. The door bolt that he had put in on the first level was missing, and here was a brand new locked room.

"Fucking hell place."

Leaning against the door panel, he temporarily lost his goal and couldn't think of what to do.

The world where humans live normally has always been called the "real world" by him, and the deeper nature naturally assumes that it exists like a dream. The reset door bolt proved his guess to a certain extent.

Perhaps Kraft's body is still lying on the bed suffering from cervical spondylosis, and what has been dragged in is only the non-material part such as the soul. It is reasonable to think this way.

The problem is that he will always wake up from the dream, but he doesn't know if he can go back automatically. He doesn't know if the time spent here is the same as in the dream and different from reality.

Craft, who was locked out of his room, leaned against the door panel and fell into thinking again.

Of course he wants to go back and get rid of this place completely. At present, there are two ways:

He could wait here, hoping to sleep until he wakes up naturally like a dream. But even if he went out, sooner or later he would have to go back to sleep, and then he would be pulled in again by the glowing tentacle monster.

Or there are some more radical choices, which may increase your understanding of this place and take some initiative...for example, go out for a walk?

(End of chapter)

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