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Chapter 65

Chapter 65: Advance or retreat

At this moment, what flashed through Kraft's mind was a set of lines with extremely high family value.

Translation Translation, what is a surprise!

Outside the window on the other side, the same white light lights up, accompanied by the overlapping refrain of the sound of water droplets, climbing up the stone wall, giving the illusion of a breathing moon rising on the other side.

The heart beat violently like a drum, and the vibrations were transmitted throughout the chest, affecting the lungs, and even the breathing was stagnant for a moment. The blood flow was squeezed into the arteries, and the increased blood pressure caused a dull pain in the skull.

The window panel in front of it was knocked, and the rhythmic knocking sound echoed in the room. Its patience and physical strength were being exhausted. The white light traces shining into the room moved back and forth more and more obviously, and the tight muscles urged it


Hunting is never always smooth sailing, and even the most experienced hunter will occasionally make miscalculations. Therefore, he did not just bring a clip.

Kraft did not hesitate any longer. He drew his sword and pried open the cork of the fish oil can. He poured the small amount directly onto the sword body. The light yellow oil with white flakes flowed down along the groove. When his wrist was turned, the sword body was slightly tilted, letting the

The oil film covers both sides.

The remaining half of the pot was poured directly into the brazier, and the heat wave hit my face, and the tongue of flame almost licked my cheeks.

He waved the long sword carelessly, and the blade ignited the moment it cut through the flames. The most violent and untamable substance known to date burned on the surface of steel, releasing heat that reminded the weapon of its original life, as if it were returning to the original energy in the forge.


Through the hilt of the sword and the gloves, one can feel the dangerous temperature that causes the protein to instantly denature and carbonize. No carbon-based creature would like it, including the caster, who would also frown at such an act of damaging the weapon.

Lowering the tip of the sword, Kraft walked towards the window step by step. The oil burned and dripped, and was pulled by gravity into a bright ellipsoid, falling to the floor with a hissing sound.

The sound of knocking on the wooden board became more and more rapid, and something as hard as a bone and covered with skin knocked frequently on different positions. There were multiple knocking points at the same time, as if there were a group of people of different heights, short, fat, and thin anxious outside.


He raised his sword in response. The distance was already less than five steps away, so there was no need to hide his steps anymore, and it was even more impossible for the creeping thing separated by a barrier to judge its movements through the violent sounds.

After a short period of energy accumulation, the legs take the lead in exerting force, kicking off the ground and charging forward. The body leans forward to maximize the use of inertia and leave no room for room.

Holding the long sword straight, his good hand-eye coordination can help him adjust the angle, aiming for the gap in the middle of the window.

The knocking sound stopped for a moment, as if he was confused by the sudden approaching sound. He had never encountered such a situation before, and he didn't know whether to continue acting like a monster or to break in through the window.

A moment's hesitation completely ruined its last chance to react. Amidst the obvious sluggish friction sound, the hot blade passed through the gap and broke out of the window.

The slippery skin on the surface bursts when touched, and separates together with the uneven layers, and the tip penetrates into the tangled and tough muscles below.

It's similar to the feeling of digging into a newly knitted grass ball. The muscle fibers are cut in the shape of strips and blocks, and penetrate deeper.

The moisture-rich tissue shrinks violently when it comes into contact with the sword body, and the heat is transferred to the surroundings, turning everything in reach into sticky or dry and hard denatured protein strands, which are then blackened by subsequent heating. One hundred swords

The efficiency of coagulation electrosurgers cannot be matched by all the efforts.

A large amount of water vapor is generated and escapes into the existing and artificially created loose gaps, causing secondary burns and indiscriminately steaming the fluid-flowing lumen, plexiform nerve bundles and fragile glands.

The twitching muscles lost their ability to cling, the chisels on the branches holding on to the stone cracks became loose, and the body swayed and lost its balance.

The length advantage of the weapon that Old Wood personally selected was reflected. Kraft, who still had not exhausted his remaining strength, could still continue to press his weight, use the remaining momentum to thrust downward diagonally, and send the remaining blade to that side.

A small piece of flat bone was smashed together with the connecting cartilage. The sword brushed against an irregular bone that was probably a vertebrae, was blocked, and stopped on a thick, extremely hard bone plate, piercing into it two inches deep.

The painful and crazy roar erupted before the results of the battle were further expanded. It was an undisguised scream, the most terrifying noise of the vocal organ, like all the passengers on a roller coaster going straight to hell screaming their last screams in the human world, with blood spurting out of the trachea.

A dying curse.

Just like the most painful part of the previous fragmentary memory, contrary to the sound it pretends to be, this roar has the power to torture the mind, beating the spirit like a thorny thorn covered with salt water.

It kills the formed thinking and disrupts human reason. Kraft used all his strength to press down on the hilt of the sword, letting the blade tilt up and cut through as much tissue as possible.

This action obviously brought more pain. After a sound of weak bones scratching the wall, the weight on the sword was light, and the screamer slid down, turning into a rumble and a muffled sound amidst the huge splash, and sank into the water.


Kraft shook his head, trying to get rid of the dizziness and the inexplicable falling feeling. Just now, he felt that he was escaping from falling in a blur of consciousness, but he exhausted himself before a certain critical point and did not fall into another deeper place.

The situation did not allow him to think too much. The sound of wooden boards squeezing and twisting came from the window on the opposite side. The reason he managed to regain urged him to pull out the long sword with all his strength.

The process of withdrawing was not smooth. The grainy sword blade bumped into the gap, scraping off black and white burnt residue, and the adhered dry glue-like substance caused strings. It was like half a surgery without cleaning it.

The same as the electrocoagulation probe, it was wrapped so that the original shape could not be seen.

The window completely broke under the heavy pressure, and bright white light poured into the room, covering the light of the brazier, and the shadow of the object became long and slender.

The endless refrain echoed in the space again, reflecting back and forth between the walls, and the slippery limbs that chanted the loudest were the first to reach into the room.

The spreading anxiety was suppressed in my mind, and after experiencing their sounds again and again, resistance inevitably developed.

It may be that this annoying noise also has to work through the sensory organs, and repeated stimulation finally allows the adaptation of the receptors to take effect, selectively reducing the response to it.

Logical thinking took over again. Kraft did not turn around and look directly at it, but leaned down and picked up another fish oil can.

The arrangement worked after all, and along with the sound of the viscous substance falling to the ground like the dumping of internal organs, there was the crisp sound of the mechanism bouncing.

This was the moment Kraft had been waiting for, mentally preparing himself for another wave of neighing sounds.

This is undoubtedly a test of willpower. For the first time, the mind that still has a glimmer of clarity has been baptized by it while maintaining its own consciousness.

If possible, Kraft would rather lose consciousness temporarily as before. The physiological escape response of loss of consciousness is a mechanism to avoid receiving all stimuli outside the threshold.

The skeletal muscles were shaking unconsciously, the breathing was rapid, the ventricles were contracting blindly at high frequency, the acid in the stomach was refluxing, and the burning sensation was rising, but the consciousness deliberately stayed awake and tried its best to direct the trembling body to throw the oil tank.

Facing the window position in the memory, it must be fixed in place now, the oil tank hit it accurately, the inferior tank body shattered, and the oil spread on the smooth skin.

It didn't realize the seriousness of the problem and kept roaring on its own until Kraft regained control of his body, turned around and picked up the brazier with his sword, scattering hot carbon fire and sparks all over the sky towards it.

The flickering light of the flying fire reflected the entirety of the wriggling creature.

Kalman was fascinated by the bright light tumors and waving tiny branches growing outside the structure of the arms and legs. The hollow cavities were filled with moans and roars, and the mouthparts and sharp teeth were growing to chew and devour the same kind around them.

The incomplete memory of seeing it in the past did not leave much useful information, only the rows of jagged teeth.

After understanding it, it was clear that the gums gave birth to too many canines, making a single structure suitable only for tearing into pieces. They were placed where prey was most likely to come into contact with other branches, and were controlled by an unknown nervous system in the center.

Biting randomly.

The skin full of grooves is lifted up by the flexing joints, and the movement is the flexion and extension of the bone chain joints formed by the long bones, which drives the wrists and feet that cannot be used for climbing to perform supporting and pulling movements.

The number of entangled arms and legs is indistinguishable, and the body that grows out of these twisted things is a blasphemous thing that cannot be accurately described by Kraft's knowledge.

It is a large collection of fat, bone fragments, useless growth and other "unnecessary" contents, embellished with facial features, hair, everything that is not used in the "perfect" structure of the arms and legs, are all filled in here.


They fit into each other chaotically, like a specially enlarged version of a teratoma. The skin struggled to cover part of the surface, and granulation tissue filled the gap.

However, the disordered proliferation and bridging often exceeds the actual needs, causing scars to protrude and new small blood vessels to take root in them. And because there is no protection from the cuticle, they are repeatedly scratched and regenerated, and neoplastic polyps such as fleshy horns protrude into clusters.

The elongated outer ears seemed to be the result of volume expansion, and the toothless and tongueless mouth was opened on the side, hollow and open like a silent roar. The yellow-white eyeballs without pupils rotated in vain, three or two in the crowded eye sockets under the pterygium.


Some small arms sprouted and grew on them, some had begun to take shape, and more were unable to hang down from the roots of the large arms, as if they lacked nutrients.

The carbon fire fell from the sky, ignited the fish oil, and the explosive flames enveloped several of its large and small arms and legs. The neighing concert reached a climax, as if scraping the spirit and body with a knife, and the dual pain of real and illusory tortured the consciousness.

The squirming thing struggled wildly, pulling at the arm and foot that was bitten by the animal trap. Regardless of the iron teeth tearing the muscles, it used great force to pull out the clip and the chain fixing spike from the ground. The bones were clearly visible.

A turbid, glowing white liquid overflowed from the wound.

Pulling the nearly broken stump, it finally regained freedom. The ferocious thin branches opened its mouth, and its deformed and cumbersome mass-like body, propelled by the burning arms and legs, screamed and rushed towards Kraft.

(End of chapter)

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