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Chapter 67 Center

Chapter 67 Center

It was a rather messy pile of combustion products, and its original shape could no longer be discerned, although it originally had nothing that could be called "shape".

The inside is burned out, the outer carbon shell collapses, and it collapses into a substance that can only be described as a "pile". If you have to compare it inappropriately, it is like boiling eggs without adding water, and you find out too late.

Stepping over the burning black debris on the ground, avoiding the charcoal and small flames jumping out, the soles of the shoes were burned by the residual heat of the ground.

The air here is still a bit grainy, and the dust caused by combustion is floating in the air. Kraft pulled one side of his collar to cover his mouth and nose, came to the large group of coke that was still smoking, and used his sword to push away a small piece of coke.


This is probably because the original layer of tissue was relatively thick. During the burning, the core had not had time to shrink and retained considerable moisture and a bit of the original structure. The burning was not complete and even had an insulating effect. However, in terms of results,


Those external bone fragments that had been seen lost their support and fell into the pile of debris, piled together with other messy things, which made the identification work seriously difficult, and it felt like there was no way to start.

Craft lit another candlestick, held it to the side, and used two small pieces of wood that had just been smashed out to pull out the remains between the body and the ashes. He doubted that any valuable clues could be found in it.


He made a sound of disgust, no matter how he looked at it, this thing should not be under his control.

Yes, he had indeed participated in dissection and learned about burns, but no one had taught him how to deal with burns to this extent.

If a classmate from the police college next door had come to help, there might be hope. In his eyes, this was just a perfect cremation that could be packed into a box by mashing it up a little. Well, it needed a big box.

Forced by the situation, Kraft decided to temporarily play the role of an archaeologist, slowly cleaning things out from the ashes and rearranging them.

I found a thin piece of wood and used it as a brush, and started cleaning.

The first thing to be removed was the thin shell formed by the agglomeration of soft tissue. This is not difficult to distinguish. After all, there is no loose internal structure like bone tissue on its broken section, so it can be easily sorted out and placed in a separate pile.

Kraft had no desire to put the pieces together like a jigsaw puzzle, but just put it aside. He had already tasted its outline and shape enough times, and he was not a biologist, so there was no need to try it again.

These broken shells make up the main part of the top layer. After they are completely cleared, you will truly enter the nightmarish internal structure.

Buried in the loose ashes was the ultimate hodgepodge of trunk bones and various bone fragments.

Many of those irregular bone fragments were inlaid on the outer surface when it was still alive. Like the twisted facial features, they are discarded and wantonly growing parts. The origin cannot be verified. It can only be studied from a few pieces with iconic structures.


Superman's memory helped a lot, and he picked out two seemingly unrelated bones from the array arranged in order.

After adjusting the angle, the horizontal bone beams on one side can be barely aligned together to form a nearly arch-shaped bony structure.

He put the two skeletons under candlelight and looked at them again to eliminate misjudgments caused by poor lighting. The credible coincidence helped him confirm his inspiration.

"Zygomatic arch? What kind of zygomatic arch is this?"

This is a rather distinctive sign. If you feel forward along the ear hole, you can easily find a prominent bone beam that spans half of the side of the face. It is actually composed of part of two facial bones, the zygomatic process of the temporal bone.

and the temporal process of the zygomatic bone.

This also shows that the two skulls in his hands were separated and placed in two places far apart. Their shapes have undergone tremendous changes, leaving only this mark that has not been removed.

Following this idea, Kraft continued his search, giving up on the overall shape and focusing instead on finding special signs in the bone fragments. He soon figured out a lot of intriguing things. The closer he got to the interior, the more distinct the shape of the bone fragments he found.


As we gradually went deeper, we found not only skulls that were close to their original form, but also batches of vertebrae that had been turned out one by one.

The first time it was one or two pieces, which did not attract any attention, but then he found a few more pieces on the opposite side, and this was no longer an accident. Kraft did not move them, and continued to clean up the surroundings, peeling off the broken pieces more carefully.

slag and ashes, and prevent them from being bumped.

The cleaning area expanded from the inside to the outside, and a certain regular arrangement emerged. These vertebrae were not randomly stuffed in. There were many of them, scattered in every direction, in a roughly radial pattern.

Generally speaking, several vertebrae are found on the inside. The thoracic vertebrae are most distributed in the middle ring, and outward are the lumbar vertebrae with wide and short plate-like spinous processes.

In terms of quantity alone, it is impossible for them to come from the same vertebrae, and the overly regular distribution led Kraft to believe that they were once complete, and that there could be several vertebrae that conformed to the actual anatomy existing here before shrinking and burning.

Has the spinal cord ever passed through the spinal canal protected by a ring of cone foramina?

According to the arrangement of the spine, the possible spinal cord extends outward from the center, and the outstretched nerves are used to control the peripheral movement structures of the wrist and feet, which are mainly composed of long bones.

People who have never seen the densely distributed bones will definitely judge that they are a mixture of several human skeletons, and then be shocked by the shape of the fused bones.

Its utilization of human structures far exceeds Kraft's imagination, and is far from limited to the peripheral parts. It may also involve the central nervous system. It is very reasonable if you think about it carefully. The same set of nervous tissue controls the same motor system. Yuantang

It belongs to the original food.

Since the spinal cord can be arranged outward to control the arms and legs supported by the long bones of the limbs, wouldn't it also make sense to infer the structure inward?

The skull pieces became more regular as he went inward, and the spine pointed towards the center, all of which brought him closer to an unbelievable inference.

【Skull, center】

The spinal cord alone, where the low-level reflex center is located, cannot command so many arms and legs. It is difficult to have reflexes. Of course, it must be equipped with a corresponding structure to control the entire body.

This looks like... a head?

Once you have an idea, everything seems to fall into place.

It is not a living thing that developed from an embryo, and the process of producing each part step by step and developing them individually does not make sense.

It seemed as if excessively proliferated tissue surged out from the center, growing outward wildly and disorderly, tearing apart the half-formed skull, and directly began to expand. It built its own spine in all directions to prepare for the emergence of the movement system, and finally the limbs twisted into arms and legs.

Each spinal cord is connected individually to the center.

In the downward search for the core, this speculation was confirmed by more vertebrae, and they were of different types. Kraft even found a vertebrae with unfused sacral vertebrae, which is usually only found in teenagers.

Most of the other spine ends have been synthesized into the entire sacrum.

This shows that their development order is also different, with the small and large arms growing out one after another. After forming, there are still new directions to try to grow new arms.

The infinite growth destroyed the central area that was supposed to form the cranium and face. The too many arms and legs that were extracted squeezed out the normal flesh and bone fragments, and each additional arm and foot caused it to expand outward. In the end, even the skin could not cover the whole body, and it became

Massive sarcoma.

The selected craniofacial bones were spread out in large circles around Kraft. They were repeatedly created to stop this trend, and the new arms and legs that kept pushing out were unstoppable, shaping the head into what it is today in endless destruction and reshaping.


"It's really scary." This scene is strikingly similar to the cancer cells that Kraft knew. They desperately grow outwards, push open, and compress normal tissues until they deform and shrink, and their original shape is completely lost.

The difference between the arm and foot is that it can maintain its own regular growth despite unreasonable infinite growth. The two are contradictory.


Craft threw away the small piece of wood, took the sword and thrust it down, shoveling away a pile of ashes and bones.

He had suffered enough from these things, and his intuition told him that the center must have a special meaning that could explain it and be the source of the squirming things.

After shoveling another piece, it seemed to be closer. The spines here had gathered to the point of squeezing together, and there were at least a dozen of them drilling inward around the center point.

The volume of the vertebrae itself limits their density. According to this number, it is impossible for the cervical vertebrae to grow completely. The first few spaces must be given up to make room for the center, which is not much smaller in size.

"Qiang." The sword hit the flat bone plate, which is a parietal bone that has basically the same appearance as a normal one. The spine bypasses it and continues to converge downward. The density is getting higher and higher, the spinous processes are staggered, and the space is getting smaller and smaller.

Unburnt ligaments form a network.

An inexplicable feeling of dizziness and nausea came over me. It was a kind of oscillating feeling, being carried up and down by the waves in the water, making me feel top-heavy.

Something like a sign of falling or rising disrupted his movements. The wreckage in front of him did not seem to be dead. The dead spines were entangled and twisting with each other, pretending to be alive. For a moment, he was faced with the illusion of arms and legs that filled his field of vision again. He calmed down and looked again.

And there is no change.

The blade of the sword was inserted through the gap, prying open the thing blocking the way, exposing the contents.

The extension of all vertebrae ends at this position, and there is no vertebrae further forward, and the first few cervical vertebrae do not exist.

They are surprisingly consistent in the segments where they terminate. The particularly weak cervical vertebra shows a sinister and funny smile on the cross-section, stacked together.

This wicked image was drawn on the last page of "The Structure of the Human Body", signed by the indistinguishable Edward. The same symbol also appeared in that deviant old book, in which the professor was enthusiastically immersed.

【Fifth cervical vertebra】

Surrounded by a large number of smiling vertebrae, the central system that governs this malicious body turned into an unspeakable black and white substance, dissipating from the pores and evaporating to dryness, leaving only shrunken fragments.

A creature that definitely does not have the proper form of biological tissue, lies quietly on the bottom, and the illusion of oscillation, sinking and floating goes further.

I was suddenly signed.Σ(⊙▽⊙“

As of today, this book has more than 190,000 words, and it is only possible to persevere due to the encouragement of readers. Special thanks to the author of "Xia Ke Hui Xi Lu" for exposing the chapter in Tongguan, so that I have the opportunity to meet you.

As mentioned at the beginning, your reading itself is the greatest support for the author. Thank you to every reader (ε`). Thank you for your attention.

(End of chapter)

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