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Chapter 76: Task Force

Taking a deep breath in his heart, Yaoyang asked again in a low voice:

"Sir Li, have our police arrested anyone? How are they now?"

"What are you arresting? If you are arrested, there won't be a meeting! When the police went over, except for sealing off the scene and taking everyone back to the police station to record statements, they didn't see a single killer."

Li Zhilong shook his head and sighed:

"I don't know if people nowadays are crazy. Just assassinate. They attack everyone."

Yaoyang nodded and agreed:

"This thing is indeed a bit weird. It's such a big fuss. It doesn't look like an ordinary killer."

Just as the two of them were whispering, many more people rushed to the conference hall one after another.

Half an hour later, as far as I could see, there were only seven empty seats left in the huge conference room, and all other seats were occupied.

The director raised his hand and looked at his watch, a flash of "anger" flashed in his eyes, and said loudly:

"Okay, no more waiting. It's been so long. It seems our colleagues are busy with something more important than holding an emergency meeting."

"Now let's start today's meeting!"


Hearing what the director said, everyone in the conference room knew that those who hadn't arrived yet were already on the director's blacklist.

If the explanation afterwards does not completely satisfy the director, the matter will definitely be "slipped".

The director was also unambiguous and immediately started to get to the point, saying:

"Just a few hours ago, a big event happened in our Hong Kong Comprehensive City. A group of unidentified people, carrying heavy weapons, attacked the Dragon Boat Charity Conference sponsored by Hongtu Group."

"As of now, the number of casualties has reached 52, including two district councilors and several well-known wealthy people in Hong Kong Comprehensive City."


Hearing this, some police officers who arrived later, and some who were not well-informed, were in an uproar.

No wonder an emergency meeting needs to be held. This matter is really a big deal. I am afraid that soon the Hong Kong Governor will call the director and ask him to make a report, and he may be held accountable.

The director looked serious, glanced at many senior police officers with extremely serious eyes, and suddenly called them by name:

"Regarding this major incident, Sir Gong, what clues does your Criminal Intelligence Division have?"

Gong Jiapei should have known a long time ago that he would be questioned at today's meeting and had already prepared a plan.

Immediately, Gong Jiapei replied:

"Sir, regarding this major incident, our Criminal Intelligence Division did not receive any information in advance. In the past few hours after the incident, our Criminal Intelligence Division has dispatched all investigators to fully investigate."

"The known information now is that the person who assassinated Wang Dongyuan seems to be a group of unknown number. The person who attacked the charity meeting is another group of people, probably number 20. The two groups don't seem to know each other. We are in their hiding place

Many bullet holes were also found."

"In addition, the group that attacked the charity conference ended up using rocket launchers, which was very similar to the method used in the case of the Lam Tin Gun Club a few days ago."

"The perpetrators of the two crimes may be the same group of people."

It can be said that Gong Jiapei's reply was not that satisfactory, as it used a lot of words such as "maybe" and "seems".

Undoubtedly, what he called "finding" contained elements of inference, and there was not much substance in it.

The director frowned upon hearing this. The deputy director of the management office immediately spoke up and said righteously:

"Sir Gong, your Criminal Intelligence Division occupies the largest share of the police force's annual allocations. In terms of informant fees, it already exceeds the annual expenditure of the general police department. Is this the performance of your Intelligence Division?"

"Before the incident, I didn't receive any news. After the incident, there was still no news. It was all based on inference. So what else do you do? Do you spend so much money every year on your own?"


Gong Jiapei heard this harshly, but he really had no results to refute, so he could only explain:

"Sir Shi, we in the Criminal Intelligence Division have always worked hard and never slacked off. This time..."

Gong Jiapei explained there, Yaoyang seemed to be watching a play on the surface, but he was thinking about it in his heart:

"This Criminal Intelligence Section is quite weird. Logically speaking, the Criminal Intelligence Section belongs to the Operations Department. It is normal for the Deputy Director of Management to target him. But at this time, the Deputy Director of Operations has no intention of helping him. Except for Gong Jiapei himself, there is no other police officer.

Open your mouth, this is strange."

Is it possible that the Criminal Intelligence Division is not one of our own?

Since the formation of factions, Yaoyang has begun to analyze and pay attention to who is a member of a group and who is not.

If not, it would be bad if there were any conflicts in normal meetings.

If you don’t understand, just ask. Yaoyang is also very humble. There happened to be an old man Li Zhilong next to him, so he immediately whispered:

"Sir Li, sir Gong is not one of our own?"

Li Zhilong was scheming and immediately understood what Yaoyang meant and whispered:

"Of course not, but he is not the person who manages the deputy director. Gong Jiapei is very stubborn and never joins any faction. To put it bluntly, he belongs to whoever is the director. The boss hinted to him many times, but he didn't

A little bit of expression.”

· "However, Gong Jiapei is also a good person. He always handles official business and will not embarrass any police station who asks for his help. The boss does not want to push him to the deputy director of management, so he does not force him excessively."

"The deputy director of management should have also approached him. You know, the British guy is not as tactful as our boss, and he was directly rejected by Gong Jiapei. From that time on, the deputy director of management has been very targeted at Gong Jiapei."

"It's just that Gong Jiapei is really capable, and it's rare to catch him. But this time he was miserable..."

"So that's it!"

Yaoyang nodded secretly after hearing this, completely disapproving of Gong Jiapei's method of play.

Where can there be such good things in the world? No matter what unit you work in, if you don't join a faction, you are just an individual.

No matter what, individuals cannot defeat factions.

Now that the director is here, it doesn't matter if Gong Jiapei is doing this. Even if he is targeted, it won't be a big deal.

If the director steps down, Gong Jiapei's position as head of the Criminal Intelligence Division will definitely be given up.

No matter which faction wins, it is impossible for a guy who never gives himself face to continue to sit in such an important position.

Back to topic.

After Gong Jiapei explained, the deputy director of management seemed to want to say something else.

The director obviously had a good impression of Gong Jiapei. Perhaps the director also knew that Gong Jiapei was only loyal to him.

Waving his hand, the director said:

"That's enough. Now is the time to study the case, not to pursue accountability. Sir Gong, you said the attack at the charity conference was the same as the Lantian case, right?"

"Okay! Sir Xu, it has been eight days since the Lantian case happened. How is your investigation going? Are there any clues?"

Sir Xu, whose real name is Xu Cai, is a guy in his fifties who is waiting to retire and is currently the chief of the Lantian Police Station.

Lam Tin Police Station is just a small police station, almost the same as Mong Kok Police Station. Moreover, Lam Tin is usually a very peaceful place with almost no crime.

Xu Cai was waiting there to retire. He never fought for power and wealth, and he never thought about moving forward. He lived a life of just eating and waiting to die.

He never expected that such a major case would suddenly occur in his jurisdiction, and now the director would call him to answer the question.

Xu Cai wiped the non-existent sweat on his forehead with his hand and said cautiously:

"I haven't found any clues yet. Please give me some more time, Sir. I will definitely increase my efforts to find out the truth."

"It's been eight days and no clues have been found!"

The director muttered something in a low voice, then looked at Xu Cai, as if looking at a "dead person", and suddenly slapped the table and cursed:

"It's up to you to find out the truth. Do you have the ability?"

"I'm telling you now, as long as it is found out that the attack on the charity conference is really related to the Lam Tin Gun Club bombing, you will be fully responsible for both cases."


Hearing what the director said, many senior officials breathed a sigh of relief, knowing that this was when the director started looking for someone to blame.

Undoubtedly, Xu Cai has become the candidate for the first big pot, but Xu Cai is not unjust in this pot.

After all, if it can be proven that the two cases were committed by the same group of people, then Xu Cai's responsibility will be really huge.

Just imagine, the first case happened, but the Lantian gun exploded. Although there were casualties, they were all minor players and did not cause much social impact.

As long as you solve the case, there will be no second case.

But now?

For eight days, Xu Cai had no clues, which was simply ridiculous.

Although Xu Cai is waiting to retire, he is still a senior police officer and knows exactly what the director means.

The whole person felt paralyzed in an instant, slumped on the chair.

He knew that if this matter was not handled well, he would probably be fired directly, let alone retire, and lose everything.

Fortunately, Xu Cai is the chief of the Lantian Police Station, and unlike Gong Jiapei, he has no backing.

He is the deputy director of operations. He is in the same camp as Yaoyang and belongs to the operations department.

Immediately, the Deputy Director of Operations spoke up and suggested:

"Director, please don't be so angry first. The case needs to be solved, but I think the most important thing now is to think clearly about how to deal with outside reporters, as well as those parliamentarians, the Security Bureau, and even the Hong Kong Governor's Office."


Yaoyang looked at the reaction of the Deputy Director of Operations and couldn't help but thought to himself.

The deputy director of this operation seemed to be doing business in a business-like manner and thinking only about the police department.

But this sentence immediately pushed the director's attention to the management office.

External public relations matters have never been the responsibility of the Operations Department, but are within the scope of the Management Department.

Yaoyang saw it clearly, and of course other veteran police officers also knew that people from the management office faction, especially the director and deputy director of the public relations department, all cursed in their hearts:

"Fuck, the pot has been thrown over again."

The director couldn't read minds and couldn't hear anyone's thoughts. He just felt that what the deputy director of operations said made sense. He immediately looked forward to the senior management of the Public Relations Department and asked:

"What do you think? Regarding this matter, how should we explain it to the outside world? There should be countermeasures by now?"

The police public relations department, news department and other organizations deal with these external speech issues.

After listening to the director's inquiry, some of them did not know that such a big thing had happened before the meeting, but they were all quick-witted.

Immediately, many police officers spoke up and proposed countermeasures:

"Sir, I think we should send people immediately to comfort and comfort the injured in this incident, as well as the families of the victims, and ask them not to talk nonsense in front of reporters and prevent the situation from escalating further."

"Sir, the other injured people don't matter. The most important thing is that the dead congressman is very troublesome. I think we should first find those congressmen who have a good relationship with our police, use a unified voice, and let them speak for our police..."

"The same goes for the media. The media that have always cooperated well with our police must fully cooperate with us this time."


A group of people talk about it, but it's nothing more than the same old routine, that is, holding a press conference, giving various explanations, trying to minimize the impact of this incident, etc.

The director was undoubtedly very dissatisfied and frowned. After everyone finished speaking, he said:

"That's all?"


Everyone was silent, and everyone sat up straight. They knew in their hearts that it would be impossible to pass the test with this kind of gameplay.

However, this incident was really serious. Apart from using prudent methods, they could not think of any "surprise" method to fool them.

In other words, "just seek no faults, not meritorious deeds."

The director was furious and roared:

"Think again. If you can't think of it, don't do it. Everyone talks so much, but if something goes wrong, there won't be a single good idea at all!"

In response to this, the Deputy Director of Operations looked calm on the outside but laughed secretly in his heart.

The deputy director of management had a solemn face, and he scanned the faces of his subordinates one by one, telling them to come up with ideas... Most of the police officers, facing the eyes of the deputy director of management, lowered their heads even further, as if there were ants under their feet.

Need to count the quantity.

Liu Jiehui, on the other hand, suddenly spoke and said seriously:

"Sir, I have a good relationship with many congressmen. If it is a congressman, I can guarantee that they will not cause trouble. They will mostly complain and deal with it in a low-key manner."


The deputy director of management heard this and gave Liu Jiehui an appreciative look.

The director immediately became energetic. Although Liu Jiehui's method seemed to be the same as others, Liu Jiehui vouched for it!


The director praised, looking at Liu Jiehui with extremely satisfied eyes:

"I finally heard some good news today."

As he said that, the director looked at Liu Jiehui with more affectionate eyes:

"Jie Hui, then I have full authority to leave it to you to explain as a member of parliament?"

"no problem!"

Liu Jiehui answered in the affirmative.

He has actually been transferred to the Internal Investigation Division and is now doing very well.

However, as a member of the deputy director's faction, his behavior of not having anything to do with his own affairs but taking over the affairs of others made the deputy director extremely satisfied, and the director was even more happy.

In terms of solving the most troublesome member of the council, the director was happy for only a moment, but immediately became worried again and said:

"As for members, Jiehui can go and talk. We can't control the media. The Hong Kong Governor's Office and the people are still waiting for us to explain."

After saying this, the director glanced at everyone, no doubt asking for more advice.

But this time, even Liu Jiehui bowed his head. No one can guarantee that he can handle the Hong Kong Governor's Office and the people!

Li Zhilong even whispered:

"Who can do anything? It's impossible to deal with this kind of thing."

Yaoyang heard clearly and began to think about it in his heart:

"I have joined the faction of the deputy director of operations. Today is the first time that I have backed a faction and participated in such a high-level meeting. It is time to strive for performance."

While Yaoyang was still thinking about it, the director became angry again:

"Why, you have nothing to say?"

"You usually make some small contributions, hold press conferences, and seek exclusive interviews with the media. Aren't you very talkative? What happened now? Let you think of some ways to give an explanation to the people and suppress this matter for the time being.

, you can’t even think of it?”

Immediately afterwards, Yaoyang, who had completely thought it through and was no longer low-key, spoke up and said with great energy:

"Sir, I have a way!"

Yaoyang suddenly spoke up, attracting the attention of everyone in the conference room.

No one thought that at this juncture, someone would dare to say that there was a "way".

Li Zhilong was simply dumbfounded. His right hand unconsciously pulled Yaoyang's clothes from underneath, signaling him not to act recklessly.

The deputy director of operations next to the director looked over with worry and annoyance:

"Perhaps in the mind of the deputy director of operations, the blame was finally placed on the management office and has nothing to do with the operations department. There is no need for people in the operations department to speak up."

The director, on the other hand, looked ecstatic and said excitedly:

"Sir Lei, let me know what you can do!"

Other senior police officers were worried, curious, confused, sneered, etc., all waiting for Yaoyang's solution.

Yaoyang did not keep everyone waiting, he raised his right hand, stretched out two fingers and said:

"Unlike what Sir Liu said about handling it in a low-key manner, I think our police not only cannot keep a low-key approach to this matter, but must also handle it in a high-profile manner."

"First of all, what our police want is not to keep a low profile, but to have a high profile. We need to create momentum and declare in a high profile that the attack on the charity conference was not done by killers, not by societies, and not by gangsters."

"What is that?"

The director was puzzled and asked doubtfully.

Yaoyang immediately gave the answer and said calmly:


Then, without waiting for anyone to react, Yaoyang began to explain:

"Only terrorists would do something like this, attacking everyone at a charity conference. Only terrorists would use rocket launchers. Only terrorists would let the police have no information in advance. After the incident,

It’s also difficult to check.”

"To be precise, our police should not be blamed entirely for terrorist attacks. The garrison, Interpol, and the international intelligence department are all responsible."

"If the public knows the news about terrorists, they will no longer focus all their attention on our police. Neither will the Hong Kong Governor's Government, nor will the members of the parliament deal with it."


Upon hearing Yaoyang's whimsical idea, the entire senior management in the conference room was in an uproar.

Yaoyang's idea is simply to let the entire police lie and blame the "terrorists" directly. However, anywhere in the world, as long as "terrorists" are involved, the police have almost no responsibility.

After all, in many places, dealing with terrorists is the responsibility of the military. If it becomes a serious matter, it will escalate to a political incident. The police may not be better than others in terms of firepower and personnel.

The director's brows were furrowed and his mind was spinning rapidly, thinking about the feasibility of this approach.

Raymond from the Central Police Station, who already had a "deep feud" with Yaoyang, now felt that he had found an opportunity. He smiled disdainfully and spoke:

"Sir Lei, what do you call this method? Let our police use a unified approach to lie and deceive the people. Do you know what the consequences will be if we really adopt your method?"

The people managing the deputy director's side also followed closely behind and said:

"That's right. Although we haven't arrested anyone now, what if we do in the future? When we find out, they are just a few petty thieves. How can our police remedy the situation?"

"Sir Lei, you don't want to be in the limelight. It's just nonsense."

"That's right, what kind of terrorist, if he really rises to that level, if it is found out that he is not, our entire news department and public relations department will probably have to change people."

"Young man, you are completely whimsical..."

The people from the management department and the people from the central department all concentrated their firepower and began to spray wildly at Yaoyang.

However, the Deputy Director of Operations and his team also felt that what Yaoyang said was not reliable at all, and no one helped him.

Even the Deputy Director of Operations stared at Yaoyang with angry eyes, undoubtedly very dissatisfied.

Faced with this embarrassing situation, Yaoyang remained calm and began to retort one by one:

"Sir Lei, our police have classified this attack as a terrorist attack. What are the consequences?"

"What is a terrorist organization? First of all, those who use violent terrorism as a means to engage in terrorist activities that endanger social security, undermine social stability, and endanger people's lives and property can be called terrorist organizations."

"Sir Gong has already said at the beginning that there are more than twenty people in the group who attacked the charity conference. As long as there is a team in the world, there must be a leader and members. It is absolutely okay to say that they are an organization!"

"They attacked the charity conference not for money or profit. Apart from undermining social stability, there is no apparent benefit. It is not far-fetched at all to characterize this attack as a terrorist attack."

"Based on the preliminary clues our police have obtained, the two are connected in series. It is speculated that it was a terrorist attack and the personnel were terrorists. It is not a deception at all and can be explained."

"After arresting someone, no matter who they are or what their purpose is, this attack is a terrorist attack. There is no problem with that."

"After we have passed the most difficult time and arrested the person, our police will have the capital to explain to everyone. At that time, we will fully disclose the case and explain everything, including our current preliminary inference. I believe that by then

, all people will understand, and will not feel that we have deceived them. Instead, they will be happy that the Hong Kong Comprehensive Market is still safe and there are no terrorists."

"And the Hong Kong Governor's Office is even more happy. Hong Kong Comprehensive Market is still the safest city in Asia. This is just an accident."

"Under the premise that the general environment is happy, I'm afraid no one will want to hold the police accountable, but will reward the police's meritorious personnel."


As Yaoyang narrated, everyone became more and more shocked. It was obviously a completely unreliable idea. When Yaoyang said this, many senior officials heard that it was indeed feasible and operable.


Nowadays, when announcing terrorist attacks to the outside world, we do not use a tone of assurance, but only use a hesitant attitude.

Just like Yaoyang said, let's put the facts out there. The gangsters attacked the charity meeting not for money or fame, but to destroy social stability.

This is not called a terrorist attack, and there will be no terrorist attacks in the world.

And those who commit terrorist attacks are of course terrorists.

As for catching people in the future, that is a matter for the future, and we will have to figure out a way at that time.

The director's eyes widened, and the anger in the eyes of the deputy director of operations completely dissipated, replaced by a kind of appreciation. Even the deputy director of management ignored that Yaoyang was not his person and nodded secretly.

After all, let them give an explanation now. As the three giants of the police, none of them can escape, and they are all responsible.

It would be good for all three of us to find a way to fool him.

Yaoyang's idea sounded unreliable before, but now after explanation, it is reliable.

As a faction member, the deputy director of operations began to exert force.

Sitting next to Yaoyang, Li Zhilong was quite shameless and said loudly:

"I think Sir Lei's method is good. If my colleagues in the Information Department don't know how to write speeches, we also have some clerks at the Wan Chai Police Station who can definitely help."

"That's right! Sir Lei didn't say that he must be a terrorist. He just asked you to explain it like this first and present the facts and evidence. If you don't know how to do this, why are you the police spokesperson? Why don't we let us stormtroopers speak?"

The stormtrooper supervisor followed closely behind, taunting him repeatedly.

"Sir Lei, this idea is really brilliant. Since they are terrorists, who dares to say that our police are incompetent? The United States is so powerful, it's not like they can't handle it. Our police are not gods. It's normal that they don't get wind of it. Those who attack the streets

, they are all elusive."

The PTU director also spoke.


For a moment, several police chiefs slapped the table and nodded, agreeing with Yaoyang's opinion, as if whoever didn't agree would commit a crime.

The director had completely figured it out at this time. Yaoyang was right when he said that it was impossible to handle this matter in a low-key manner. On the contrary, handling it in a high-profile manner and exaggerating the background of the opponent could completely shirk the responsibility of the police.

Raising his hands, the director stopped the excitement and clapped:

"Okay, Sir Lei's proposal is very good! If this kind of attack on civilians and disrupting a charity meeting cannot be called a terrorist activity, what else can be called it?"

With that said, the director looked directly at the Public Relations Department and the group of people from the Information Department, and said in a commanding tone:

"You know what to do now?"


The director's statement undoubtedly fully supports Yaoyang's approach.

Immediately, although the people in the public relations and news departments were reluctant, they nodded repeatedly to make it clear.

But in this way, the responsibility of the management department has been shied away. Although the deputy director of management has ideas for people in the operations department and feels uncomfortable being in the limelight, he is still a little bit happy.

Immediately after, the Deputy Director of Management said:

"Okay, now that the explanation to the outside world has been made, it's time to talk about solving the case. Deputy Director of Operations, you are in charge of the Operations Department. What are your thoughts on solving the case?"

The deputy director of operations is not exactly a political figure. He can climb from senior inspector to deputy director. He has real abilities.

Immediately, the Deputy Director of Operations glanced at the Deputy Director of Management with disdain, immediately looked at the Director, and said:

"This case is not a trivial matter. The most important thing is that the gangsters are extremely vicious and have countless heavy firepower. I think this case should be investigated with all-out efforts and jointly investigated by all police stations in Hong Kong, with the assistance of all parties. Even if three people dig into the ground,

Even if you use a ruler, you will scrape people out."

The director nodded repeatedly and agreed with this statement.

The deputy director of management would not let the deputy director of operations pass so easily, and immediately said:

"Through all our efforts, that sounds nice. Doesn't that mean that the responsibilities are shared equally? In the end, if the case cannot be solved, no one will be responsible?"

"Deputy Director of Operations, you take good care of your subordinates. If something happens again with this method of handling cases, will you be solely responsible for the next responsibility?"


After being reminded by the Deputy Director of Management, the Director reacted and gave the Deputy Director of Operations a strange look.

Indeed, the Deputy Director of Operations' method of handling cases seems to be fine on the surface, that is, everyone eats from a big pot.

Of course, this is on the premise that the case can be solved, so there is no problem at all.

But what if the case cannot be solved and there is even another attack on a charity conference?

The Hong Kong Comprehensive City Police has always handled cases independently at police stations or departments.

Once the personnel are familiar with each other, the case can be handled more quickly and smoothly.

Secondly, it is also to prevent the case from being solved and to facilitate accountability in the future.

If we implement the plan of deputy director of operations, who else will be held accountable?

Should all police chiefs in Hong Kong City be held accountable together? It is obviously unrealistic!

Wanting to understand this, the director said calmly:

"Deputy Director of Operations, will you personally direct the investigation of this case?"


The Deputy Director of Operations did not dare to answer this time. To be honest, the full strategy he mentioned was indeed a fallback method.

Politicians like him have long lost the energy to "go on a rampage" in doing things. They often think of an escape route first and then seek credit.

Now that the Deputy Director of Management has exposed him, the Deputy Director of Operations feels secretly resentful, but at the same time he really doesn't dare to accept it.

For such a big matter, if he fails to solve the case, the Hong Kong comprehensive media will continuously report on it, and he will be directly out of the competition for the position of director in a few years.

The impact is too great, not to mention that the Deputy Director of Operations doesn't want to agree. Even if he wants to, the subordinates below are not willing.

In anxiety, the Deputy Director of Operations secretly glanced at his own people in the conference room, hoping that they could find a way to rescue him.

Many people had received hints from the Deputy Director of Operations, but one or two of them frowned and could not think of any way to rescue them for a while.

Just when the Deputy Director of Operations was so anxious that sweat broke out on his forehead and he was at a loss, a loud voice resounded in the conference room:

"Sir, I also have an idea about solving the case!"

The Deputy Director of Operations was overjoyed. He quickly looked around and saw that the person who spoke was Yaoyang again.

Other senior executives looked at this guy who had already been in the limelight today, either with admiration or hatred, but more in surprise:

"After all, Yaoyang is usually very low-key. When participating in high-level meetings, he always pretends to be dead unless he is directly named. I don't know what happened today, but there are so many opinions."

The director had a very good impression of Yaoyang, the person who had just helped him come up with a good idea, and said kindly:

"Sir Lei, let me know what you think."

Yaoyang sat upright, with a serious look on his face, and immediately responded:

"The method adopted by the Deputy Director of Operations is actually far-sighted and is the best method today. We must first understand that our opponents this time are not the young and Dangerous guys outside, ordinary criminals, but extremely vicious terrorists. Therefore, our police, alone,

Even if the police force of one police station launches a full-scale attack, there may not be any gains."

"Even if someone can be caught, the losses to our police will be huge. Even after the case is solved, there will be more troubles due to the huge casualties..."

Hearing this, Yaoyang didn't even say a solution. The first thing he did was to confirm the deputy director of operations' solution. A full three minutes had passed, and he still had no intention of saying a solution. He was just trying to flatter him.

I could only hear the Director nodding frequently, and the Deputy Director of Operations also had a smile on his lips, which made him feel comfortable.

Other senior executives who were not very familiar with Yaoyang were really impressed by him:

"...This guy isn't completely reckless. He's so flattering and shameless."

"In fact, the police didn't know who the prisoner was. They were the terrorists he proposed. Well, he really acted like a terrorist, and even blamed the Deputy Director of Operations for the plan he proposed.


"The key point is that this guy really reacts quickly. The Deputy Director of Operations has just proposed a solution. He has already thought of many things, all of which are used to express the exquisite and comprehensive ideas of the Deputy Director of Operations."

"This kind of person is simply a born political expert!"

The Deputy Director of Management didn't like hearing this. Before Yaoyang could continue, he interrupted:

"Sir Lei, if you have no other solution, don't talk randomly. We didn't say that the Deputy Director of Operations' method is not good. We just want the Deputy Director of Operations to come out personally and be responsible to the end."

The Deputy Director of Operations is also not easy to mess with. Now Yaoyang is helping him to save himself, although the other party has not yet come up with a solution.

But the Deputy Director of Operations had a good impression of him. After all, Yaoyang had just gained huge face for the Operations Department.

Even the people in the management department couldn't solve the problem, but the subordinates in the operations department came up with a good plan and solved it.

Seeing the Deputy Director of Management interrupting Yaoyang, the Deputy Director of Operations was afraid that Lei Yaoyang would be afraid of the Deputy Director of Management and did not dare to continue the proposal, so he quickly said:

"Deputy Director of Management, since Sir Lei said there is a way, he will naturally propose it slowly. What are you anxious about? Solving the case is the matter of our Operations Department. The elites of our Operations Department are making suggestions. The Deputy Director of Management usually sits in the Management Department and is so tired.

, so don’t worry about these.”

As he said this, the Deputy Director of Operations raised his hand and said kindly:

"Sir Lei, continue!"

Yaoyang nodded, not caring about the interruption at all, and immediately continued according to his own thoughts:

"My method is actually very simple, which is to make slight changes to Sir's method."

"A task force is set up to handle the case, and all police departments in Hong Kong provide full cooperation. If the task force needs help, no matter what case it is, the task force must put it aside and put the requirements of the task force first."

"Sir is usually busy with his work and manages all operational departments of our Hong Kong Comprehensive City Police. It would be inappropriate for him to serve as the leader of the task force."

Upon hearing this, the Deputy Director of Operations was very excited and already clapped his hands on the table and praised:

“Good idea!”

It's no wonder that he lost his composure in front of the director. Yaoyang's method, let alone anything else, completely eliminated him.

The term "task force" actually did not exist in the Hong Kong Comprehensive Market in the 1980s. It is a method often used in the new world.

Hong Kong comprehensive city handles cases, and is divided into police stations and action teams. Even if cases are handled across districts, conflicts can often arise.

A task force like this has too much power. Normally, the senior police officials in Hong Kong Comprehensive City would not agree to its establishment.

Just imagine, all the police stations have to cooperate with its work, what a great power this is!

If the Hong Kong Comprehensive City had a task force all year round, that would be fine.

However, the current situation is special. The director heard it and approved it. He nodded and said:

"It is indeed a good idea. It handles special cases and does not affect the normal operation of the major police stations in Hong Kong Comprehensive City. It only provides full support when necessary. Okay, very good!"

"Fuck, can you still throw the blame away like this?"

Both the director and the deputy director of operations agreed, but the deputy director of management was very angry. He finally managed to handcuff the deputy director of operations to the fire. Now he was saved again by Yaoyang with a few words. This is also

It's too confusing.

Unhappy, the deputy director of management made a final effort and said:

"Since the establishment of our Hong Kong Comprehensive City Police Department, we have never heard of a special task force. There is no precedent for this!"

"The times are changing so fast. Of course our police department must keep up with the times. There was no precedent before, but there is no precedent now."

How could the director of the Operations Division not understand that there is a precedent for a "task force", which would be of great benefit to him in the future, so he would immediately support it.

Just imagine, when solving crimes in Hong Kong Comprehensive City, it is often the responsibility of the Operations Department. Sometimes the responsibility is too great, and it really falls on the Deputy Director of Operations.

But it's different with the special task force. From now on, as long as it's a big case, there will be a special task force.

If the case cannot be solved and the task force takes the blame, in addition to the benefits, at most it will be a liability for "unknown people".

Compared to the past, if you can't solve a case, you can just say that you are incompetent, but this is great.

The more he thought about it, the more he was right. The Deputy Director of Operations glanced at Yaoyang with great admiration, and then glanced at the other subordinates. The intention was very clear, asking them to quickly agree.

After receiving the instructions, people from the Operations Department faction also spoke:

"Task force, what a great idea. It won't affect our normal work, it just provides support when needed. What a great idea."

"Yes, the most important thing is not to cause uproar in the city. If the entire Hong Kong police department handles the case together, the momentum will be too great, which may cause panic among the people."

"I think it's good too! I heard that the FBI in the United States has the habit of setting up task forces. We should have learned from such advanced experience long ago."

"Yeah yeah……"

People from the Action Department faction unanimously agreed, and the Deputy Director of Management actually hinted that people from the Management Department were against it.

However, this task force sounds really reliable. The people in the management department thought about it, but apart from the lack of precedent, they really couldn't find any reason to reject it, so they could only pretend to be deaf and dumb.

Even Liu Jiehui looked at Yaoyang frequently, feeling deeply how terrible this ally was.

This guy made two suggestions, both of which had no precedent and sounded whimsical.

But to put it bluntly, they are all operable and can even be used to deflect blame perfectly.

This person is really scary. Fortunately, he is not in the same faction as himself, otherwise he might not have a foothold.

When you cooperate with him in the future, you should be careful yourself and don't count the money for him after being sold.

The Central faction has too much self-esteem and is just watching the show, especially the struggle between the management office and the operations department. They feel that it will not harm themselves and they are happy to watch the show to avoid getting into trouble.

However, Lei Meng has always disliked Yaoyang, and now seeing that he "steals the limelight", he said in a strange manner:

"The task force's method is good, but how should the task force choose its personnel? Who is willing to take on this important task?"


Raymond suddenly spoke, and the originally noisy conference hall became extremely quiet.

In the eyes of most people, the task force is a "scapegoating team." If you are selected to join, you don't know if you have any credit. If you can't solve the case, you will definitely not be able to escape.

Even the superintendent can't handle one bad thing, and demotion may be the lightest punishment.

In this regard, Yaoyang did not need to speak, the director understood very well:

"Since the task force is responsible for investigating such a difficult case, it should recruit elites from various departments to join it!"

"Recruit elites from various departments!"

In response to these words, the directors and supervisors of each department shrank their heads, the deputy director of management was overjoyed, and the deputy director of operations had a gloomy look on his face.

The Deputy Director of Management reacted quickly, and immediately became energetic and nodded repeatedly:

"Yes, since it is a task force, of course it is an elite group, drawing elites from various departments. Well, how about a group of fifty people?"

The Deputy Director of Management also figured it out. If I can't defeat you, the Deputy Director of Operations, it will be the same if I can defeat your subordinates.

When the time comes, let your subordinates take the blame, step up your own efforts, turn small things into big things, and fire them all. It is best to set up more task forces, fire a group of people, and see who dares to follow you when the time comes.

Of course, the Deputy Director of Operations also knew that although the task force took the blame for him, it was still somewhat harmful.

But he doesn't blame Yaoyang, after all, he is the most important.

What we have to do now is to do our best to avoid losses.

The Deputy Director of Operations immediately spoke and waved his hand:

"Fifty people are too many. I think twenty people are enough. After all, there are support from major police stations."

"How can twenty people be enough? Sir Gong has already said before that there are more than twenty gangsters, and they just showed up. Maybe there are more who haven't showed up, I don't know how many. Twenty people, if they really see the gangsters,

How to fight?"

The Deputy Director of Management looked like he was guiding the country and serving the public wholeheartedly. As he spoke, he added:

"I think fifty people are not enough. How about a group of 100 people?"

Damn, a group of 100 people, why not a group of 1,000 people!

At this time, without waiting for the deputy director of operations to signal, most of the police chiefs below spoke for their own benefit:

"Sir, I think what the Deputy Director of Management said makes sense. Twenty people, no more, no less, should be enough."

"Yeah, if there are a hundred people, it's still called a group. That's already a squadron."

"The more people there are, the more difficult it is to investigate the case. Twenty people are just right."

But this time the people in the management office also had excuses, and they all said:

"No, there are so many gangsters. What are twenty people going to do? It's to investigate a case. It's just to make people die. I can't even see a hundred people..."

"That's right, we as leaders cannot be inhumane. For such a big case, of course, the more people the better, so as to ensure the safety of the brothers below..."

When discussing the issue of the number of people in the task force, the Management Office and the Operations Office had a heated argument and refused to give in to each other.

Unfortunately, the task force has never had any precedent in Hong Kong Comprehensive City. After hearing both sides of the argument, the director felt that they had their own reasons and could not make up their minds.

The Deputy Director of Management and the Deputy Director of Operations were already red-faced and about to start a fight.

According to the Deputy Director of Management, every member of the 100-member task force must be at the level of police captain to be considered an elite.

How could the Deputy Director of Operations tolerate such a "trap" happening? He argued hard and told the story of "a lion leading a flock of sheep", hoping to minimize the number and quality of the task force's personnel and reduce losses.

Also in the conference room, when the roof was about to be overturned by the sound, Yaoyang suddenly stood up and said loudly:

"Director, sirs, I recommend myself to be the leader of the task force, and I am willing to lead my subordinates to join the team."


Upon hearing these words, everyone immediately fell silent and looked at Yaoyang's tall figure with "weird" eyes.

Task force, do you really think this is a good thing?

To put it bluntly, they are the scapegoating group!

Is there anyone who is willing to do this kind of thing, and moreover recommend themselves and take care of the whole family?

Several of them looked at Yaoyang with even more bewildered eyes.

Director, he has always been very optimistic about Yaoyang. Today, he has made many suggestions and the suggestions are very good, so he thinks more highly of him.

Regarding the task force, to be honest, the director never thought of involving Yaoyang.

The deputy director of operations is even more so.

Today was Yaoyang's first time serving under his command. He didn't expect that he would be so forceful at the meeting. Not only did he put forward the "terrorist" statement, slapping the entire management department, but he also put forward the suggestion of a "task force" to blame himself.

In the opinion of the Deputy Director of Operations, Yaoyang is definitely a good subordinate, and if he is slowly trained, he will become his next confidant.

The task force and deputy director of operations were even willing to throw out a few police chiefs, not wanting Yaoyang to join them and affect his future.

Of course, it is more important for the Deputy Director of Operations to let people know that he will not treat those who work hard for him badly.

Never thinking that now would be a good time, he stood up and joined.

Liu Jiehui, Gong Jiapei, Li Zhilong, etc. all felt that they could not understand Yaoyang more and more.

If you want to say that he is very powerful in political battles, he is indeed very powerful. The two proposals he made today were both on point and to win glory for his "master".

But now he is rushing to shoulder this "big pot". What does that mean?

The only person who is unhappy is probably the Deputy Director of Management.

The deputy director of management took advantage of the "task force" game and prepared to play the role of the deputy director of disabled operations to gain huge benefits for himself.

It was Yaoyang, the bitch again, who stood up and interrupted.

Waving his hands in displeasure, the Deputy Director of Management said:

"Sir Lei, if you want to join, just join. Stand up and do whatever you want. Okay, counting you, there are still ninety-nine places left..."

The Deputy Director of Operations quickly intervened and reminded:

"Sir, I remember that you just solved a major case in Mong Kok and are currently working on the follow-up work. You are very busy. Since you are so busy, you should do your own thing well first. Your performance today has been very good, and the task force does not need you to worry about it.


Of course, Yaoyang knew that the Deputy Director of Operations was protecting him and had good intentions, but he had already had some concerns in his heart. With a firm look on his face, he looked directly at the Director and said sternly.

"Director, sirs, I have my own reasons!"

"you say!"

The director raised his hand and listened seriously to the reasons.

Yaoyang was upright and talked eloquently:

"Since I was the first to propose the plan of the task force, it must be the best if I start it. Since I joined the police department, I, Yaoyang, have cracked more than 60 cases, large and small, and I am confident that I am an elite. For

We have enough confidence in this case."

"More importantly, the plan to transfer elites from each police station sounds good, but in fact it will definitely affect the daily work of each police station."

"I believe you all have heard about the environment of our Mong Kok Police Station. The police station is not big and only governs Mong Kok. The West Kowloon headquarters can also govern Mong Kok."

"So even if our entire police department is dispatched to handle this case, it will not have any impact on the Police Operations Department."

"After multiple considerations, it is the best choice for us to set up a task force of 20 people from Mong Kok Police Station and devote ourselves to solving this case."

Yaoyang's words completely imply that he is willing to take the blame and save the entire operations department, which also saves many police stations from embarrassment.

The deputy director of operations and many police chiefs were all moved when they heard this.

In particular, the Deputy Director of Operations is even more determined to protect Yaoyang:

"I have too few subordinates who are both capable and willing to worry about their future without worrying about their future."

However, before the Deputy Director of Operations could speak, the Deputy Director of Management had already taken the lead and said in great displeasure:

"The task force has great power, and the team leader should at least be the superintendent. Why do you, a mere chief inspector, be the team leader? And why do you dare to claim that you can solve the case?"

"From my perspective, you are qualified to be a team member, and your subordinates are completely unqualified to participate in the task force."

"If you really want to join the task force, let's do this. You will be a team member and we will find dozens of other team members. In addition, we will find a senior police superintendent to be the team leader."

"Well, thank you for your self-recommendation. Now there is a model for the selection of team members. Chief Inspector, I think he is very suitable."

The words of the Deputy Director of Management were announced like a British aristocrat, more like an order.

Not to mention that the people in the Operations Department were unhappy, even the director frowned slightly.

The Central Department also thinks this guy is too arrogant.

To select a chief inspector as a team member, dozens of chief inspectors are needed.

With such a redeployment, there will be no major earthquake in the police circles of Hong Kong Comprehensive City!

This kind of request is really unreasonable. Even if the Deputy Director of Operations agrees in a daze, the Director cannot agree to it.

But Yaoyang was not afraid of the deputy director of management at all, and said with a serious face:

"Sir, these words of yours are too disgraceful. Although our Hong Kong police have different police ranks and different divisions of labor, every police officer has the same mentality of serving the public and the concept of maintaining social order.

, and there is no distinction between superior and inferior."

"It is true that the task force has the power, but it is only to solve this single case. The power given by Sir. No one can abuse it. If the task force does not use the power for this single case, once it is discovered, Sir can naturally

Processing. Therefore, the "great power" clause is not true at all."

"Although there are many chief inspectors in major police stations, most of them are responsible for group work and have important responsibilities. We cannot hold everyone back just for the sake of a current case, so that justice for other citizens cannot be served."

"Although I, Yao Yang, am not very talented, I have been acting on behalf of the Commissioner of Mong Kok Police Station. I am not too arrogant to say that I am acting as the Commissioner of Police."

"If that's the case, what can't the captain do?"

With that said, Yaoyang ignored the angry-looking Deputy Director of Management and looked directly at the Director:

"Director, the task force has been established for the first time. It is not known how effective it will be. If it stirs up trouble in the city from the beginning and the matter is not handled well, it will be a big joke. We have 20 people from the Mong Kok Police Station, no more and no less, so we can try it out first.


"The case is solved, everyone is happy, and the world is at peace. If the case cannot be solved, I, Yaoyang, am willing to take full responsibility and resign. I just hope that the director will not blame my subordinates."

At the end, Yaoyang even spoke in vernacular, but every word was very heroic and felt so sincere.

All the senior officials in the conference hall were moved, especially those from the Deputy Director of Operations faction. They felt that this was a brother they could befriend!

After an emergency meeting, Yaoyang argued hard, and finally the police announced to the outside world that this was a terrorist attack, and asked the citizens of Hong Kong City to be more careful recently, as international terrorists may have infiltrated Hong Kong City.

At the same time, the police set up a task force with high power and authority. All operational departments in the city must cooperate and be responsible for handling this case.

Yaoyang serves as the leader of the task force, and everyone in the Mong Kok Police Station directly becomes a member of the task force.

Police headquarters parking lot.

Yaoyang and Li Zhilong walked side by side towards their second-hand cars.

Li Zhilong had a strange look on his face and sighed. He looked at Yaoyang from time to time and hesitated to speak.

Seeing that he was about to get in the car, Li Zhilong couldn't help but patted Yaoyang on the shoulder and said:

"Brother, you have already "stealed the limelight" today, so why bother joining some special task force and causing trouble for yourself in the end?"

"That single case looks very sinister at first glance. Even if the case can be solved, it will still... ah..."

Undoubtedly, Li Zhilong is still a loyal person. Yaoyang helped him a lot last time and remained silent after recovering the lost gun.

He had been mentioning Yaoyang today, but he didn't expect Yaoyang to make such a big move and he couldn't stop him.

Yaoyang smiled slightly, looked at Li Zhilong's fat face, and called him "follow the good ones":

"Brother, no matter how big the case is, there will always be someone to solve it. My proposal for the task force today certainly stole the show, but it must also have offended the people in the management office."

"If the task force selects people according to the so-called method of managing the deputy director, our entire operations department will be in trouble. As the person who proposed this plan, I will be hated by the operations department again."

"Since this is the case, I might as well take the initiative. As long as the case can be solved this time, it will be beneficial for everyone to see the task force. Then no matter what task force there is in the future, no matter whether it succeeds or fails, no one will blame me.

This is the person who first mentioned it."

Li Zhilong is also a smart man, he nodded and said:

"Brother, I know what you're talking about. But this case is too dangerous. Those gangsters are so inhumane that they all used rocket launchers. What if..."

Yaoyang felt warmed by Li Zhilong's worries and said with a smile:

"Brother, don't worry. As long as I find any clues, I will notify the Flying Tigers immediately. I will not be in great danger."

"That's what I said!"

Li Zhilong didn't know that these were just words of comfort. The gangsters would wait for you to notify the Flying Tigers. They might beat you up when they see you. But after thinking about it, the matter was a foregone conclusion.

Li Zhilong sighed again:

"Hey, forget it, brother, just be careful. If you need anything, just make a phone call and the Wan Chai Police Department's personnel will be mobilized for you."

After saying this, Li Zhilong walked to his car. Naturally, a driver drove him and took him back to the police station.

Yaoyang didn't leave now. He walked to his car and stood next to him, waiting quietly.

One after another, many high-level officials came to the parking lot and drove away.

After all, even if you are a senior police officer, almost everyone has one in terms of transportation.

Like Li Zhilong, many senior officers of the Police Operations Department will say hello or chat with Yaoyang to express their full support for Yaoyang's work.

Most of the people in the management department and the central department smiled coldly, curled their lips in disdain, and got in their cars and left.

It wasn't until half an hour later that a middle-aged man with glasses arrived belatedly and entered the parking lot.

This man is also the person Yaoyang has been waiting for.

"Sir Gong!"

Immediately, Yaoyang greeted him with a smile on his face.

"Sir Lei?"

Yes, it was Gong Jiapei from the Criminal Intelligence Department that Yaoyang was waiting for.

Seeing Yaoyang, Gong Jiapei was stunned for a moment, then spoke first:

Sir Lei, do you want information? Don’t worry, Sir Lei, I will send you all the information as soon as I get back."

“It saves effort to talk to smart people!”

Yaoyang secretly praised in his heart, but still smiled on his face and said:

"The information is not urgent. I have one more thing to ask Sir Gong."

"Oh? Sir Lei, tell me."

Gong Jiapei is very serious and almost expressionless when he speaks, somewhat similar to Fang Jiexia in the past.

"Sir Gong mentioned at the meeting that there are many similarities between the Lantian Gun Club bombing and the charity meeting attack, right?"

Yaoyang started to ask questions and became serious.

This point is very important to Yaoyang.

Yaoyang is not a fool. The reason why he dared to take over the task force was because Gong Jiapei said this.

The Lantian gun belongs to Uncle Li, and now it has been found. If the two cases are the same, Yaoyang will of course know who did it soon.

It's certainly not difficult to solve the case.

Although Yaoyang was very heroic in the meeting, he seemed to be extremely loyal and took the blame for his boss and colleagues.

In fact, Yaoyang doesn’t want to take this opportunity to level up again!

My police rank is Chief Inspector. If I want to be promoted to Superintendent, unless there are special circumstances, I will have to wait for at least two years. After all, my qualifications are too junior...

But now this big case is a special situation.

As long as it is broken perfectly, and the Deputy Director of Operations is already his backstage, and he works hard, there is definitely a chance.

Gong Jiapei didn't seem to have thought that Yaoyang would ask this question. He was a little stunned before confirming:

"Although there are no clues that can be completely certain, if I use my own experience to judge, yes!"

"The two cases have too many similarities. They are both people of unknown origins, both have heavy firepower, and in the end, rocket launchers were used. The time of the crimes was only one week apart."

"Colleagues from the Firearms Appraisal Department have given information that the same type of bullets were found at the two crime scenes. The armor-piercing bullets used in the rocket launchers are also the same regardless of their power and type."

Hearing such an answer, Yaoyang was overjoyed and said calmly:

"Yes, that's all. Thank you, Sir Gong!"

After saying this, Yaoyang turned around and walked towards his car.


But after such a simple question, he left immediately, leaving Gong Jiapei stunned. He couldn't help but call Yaoyang and said:

"Sir Lei, is this all you ask?"

"For other clues, Sir Gong can just send them directly to Mong Kok Police Station. Sir Gong's clue is very important to me."

Yaoyang didn't look back and raised his right hand high.

Gong Jiapei was even more stunned, completely unable to understand what Yaoyang was doing.

He still had many clues. After all, there were many reporters at the charity conference, and there were even one or two photos of the suspect.

Yaoyang was in no hurry to ask anything else. It was simply weird to ask an inexplicable question.

Involuntarily, Gong Jiapei shouted again:

"Sir Lei, there is not much substantial evidence to support what I said. It is more of my personal speculation."

At this time, Yaoyang stopped and turned around, with a hearty smile on his handsome face, and said:

"Sir Gong's experience is already the best evidence to support it."


When Gong Jiapei heard this, he couldn't even describe how he felt. He was touched by being trusted, but also admired Yaoyang, and more importantly, he was confused.

He admired Yaoyang's magnanimity, his courage to take over the task force, and he directly said that he trusted himself as a "stranger".

I don't understand where Yaoyang's confidence comes from. Could it be that just because of his status as the head of the Criminal Intelligence Division, the other party believes in him so much?

But no matter what, Gong Jiapei was deeply impressed after his first face-to-face conversation with Yaoyang.

Mawei Ha Ling Tsui belongs to the Fanling area of ​​Hong Kong City and the North District of Hong Kong City.

This place is located in a remote area and already belongs to the suburbs. There are many old buildings, dilapidated houses, and old adobe houses, and most of them are bungalows.

In the past ten years, only a handful of new buildings have been built.

Due to traffic reasons, real estate here is much cheaper than other areas in the Hong Kong Comprehensive City, but there is no one to buy, sell or rent it at all. It is completely a "price but no market" situation.

It is precisely for this reason that the development here is very backward. In addition to being occupied by locals, most of the houses are rented out to workers at the bottom of the Hong Kong Comprehensive City.

As for such a place, one can imagine how bad the environment is, even worse than Sham Shui Po.

Drug addicts, wandering warblers, cavalry, unemployed young and Dangerous boys, too many dragons and snakes live here.

Uncle Li chose to hide in this place, so he was undoubtedly in big trouble. Otherwise, with his wealth, finding a place at random would be a thousand times better than the environment here.

After leaving the police headquarters, Yaoyang drove directly here.

After arriving at the destination, I finally found a public phone and paged Li Haoyang.

Ten minutes later, Guan Zu appeared in front of Yaoyang, and the two met.

"Where's Haoyang?"

"Brother Yaoyang, Brother Yang is talking to Uncle Li and asked me to come and pick you up."

Guan Zu responded immediately and lowered his voice:

"Uncle Li's thigh is injured, the injury is serious!"

"Let's go, talk as we go!"

Yaoyang raised his hand and frowned slightly:

"What's going on?"

Guan Zu led the way, turned into a group of continuous bungalows, and responded:

"Uncle Li was also helping others, and he was implicated."

In the side streets of the bungalows, young people can be seen gathering together from time to time, discussing something unknown.

You can also see a skinny drug addict, squatting in a corner with a needle in his hand. There are so many people with mixed eyes, Yaoyang doesn't ask any more questions, and heads forward with Guan Zu.

After walking around for five minutes under the leadership of Guan Zu, the two of them stopped at the door of a very dilapidated bungalow.

This bungalow is a bit like a farmhouse in the mainland. The one-meter-high adobe wall is overgrown with weeds. The old wood of the front door has long since dried out and cracked, as if it could burst at any time.

"Brother Yaoyang, this is it!"

Guan Zu affirmed, then stepped forward and knocked on the door gently.

Dong dong dong...

Guan Zu was obviously very gentle when he knocked on the door, but even so, wood chips were flying on the door, and dust and sand were flying off.

To be honest, if Guan Zu hadn't led the way, Yaoyang wouldn't have believed that there were people living here.

From this, we can also see how sophisticated Uncle Li is. It is really not something that ordinary people would think of hiding in such a place.


Soon, there was a response from behind the wooden door, and a deep male voice came out.

"It's me, I've been picked up."

Guan Zu responded immediately.


About ten seconds later, the wooden door was opened a small opening, and the head of a fierce man poked out, looked around, and then looked at Guan Zu and Yaoyang.

After watching for another ten seconds, he opened a space that could allow one person to enter and said:

"Come in!"

Only then did Guan Zu and Yaoyang enter the door.


As soon as Yaoyang entered the door, he discovered the danger inside.

After entering the door, there is the front yard, and there are five strong men sitting in the yard, holding AK47 in their hands, facing Yaoyang and Guanzu.

Guan Zu seemed to have experienced this kind of situation before, but he didn't show any surprise at all.

Yaoyang was not used to this, and knew that Uncle Li's trouble this time might be much greater than imagined.

Such a precautionary approach is undoubtedly a sign of extreme lack of confidence in one's own safety.

"Put the gun away, no outsiders."

At this time, the fierce man who opened the door closed the door, waved his hand and said coldly:

"Follow me."

The strong men in the yard were now obedient, and they all raised their AKs. Their movements were consistent, and their faces did not change at all from the beginning to the end.

It can be seen that this group of people is not simple. They have been professionally trained and are not ordinary gangsters.

"Is it the cavalry?"

Secretly thinking, Yaoyang and Guan Zu were unambiguous on the surface and followed the fierce man.

After passing the front yard, under the leadership of the fierce man, the two came to a small hall on the westernmost side.

Pushing the door open, there were three people in the main room at the moment.

Li Haoyang and Alang are both our own people, and Uncle Li is also here.

Today, Uncle Li looks very bad, with a sallow complexion. He is completely different from his usual energetic look when we meet him at the Gun Club.

He was wearing a sweatshirt and a suit, and was sitting on an old bed.

His right foot was wrapped tightly in white cloth and placed directly on the low stool.

From the red blood revealed in the white cloth package, it was obvious that Uncle Li's right foot was injured, and the injury was really serious.

In other words, the treatment method is very problematic and bleeding even after bandaging is obviously unscientific.


"Brother Yaoyang!"

Seeing Yaoyang's figure, Ah Lang and Li Haoyang immediately greeted him.

Uncle Li also struggled and rubbed it, forcing a smile on his face and saying:

"Yaoyang, you're here!"

Yaoyang immediately greeted him, walked to the bed, looked at Uncle Li carefully, and asked:

"Uncle Li, how are you?"

"Well, as you can see, I suffered a little injury. Hey, as I get older, my skills have deteriorated, and now even a few little ones can hurt me."

Uncle Li's words seemed very relaxed, but his mood was extremely low.

Yaoyang was very discerning and did not continue to dwell on the issue of injury, and went straight to the point:

"What's going on? Uncle Li, I want you to tell me everything. You have been out of the world for so many years. How come someone still blows up your gun and hurts you?"

"Azu said you were implicated by someone else, who implicated you?"

Before Uncle Li could speak, Li Haoyang said first:

"Brother Yaoyang, I'm already clear about this matter. It's completely..."

But before Li Haoyang could speak a sentence fluently, Uncle Li had already increased his volume and interrupted:

"Haoyang, I'll talk to Yaoyang myself."


Li Haoyang may rarely listen to other people's words, but Uncle Li is indeed kind to Li Haoyang. Now that the other party is injured, Li Haoyang can't care about it. He immediately lost his voice, but his expression was indignant.

Yaoyang observed carefully, and when he saw Li Haoyang's expression, he knew that Li Haoyang was not worthy of Uncle Li and felt uncomfortable.

But what's the discomfort?

If you don’t understand, just ask, Yaoyang said again:

"Uncle Li, if you want to speak for yourself, then speak for yourself and I will listen."

Uncle Li nodded slightly and said:

"Yaoyang, do you think there should be loyalty between brothers, especially brothers who are sworn brothers?"


Uncle Li said what he said, what he didn’t say, let’s ask first.

Yaoyang knew that this kind of question was difficult to answer and could easily be tricked.

However, the question was placed in front of him, and Yaoyang could not help but answer, nodding and saying:


Uncle Li nodded with satisfaction and continued to ask:

"If, I mean if, one of your sworn brothers dies, will you take care of his relatives?"

"If I have the ability, I will definitely do it!"

Yaoyang replied immediately without even thinking about it.

Uncle Li was undoubtedly very satisfied with Yaoyang's two consecutive answers.

With a smile on his face, Uncle Li explained everything in detail at this time:

"Forty years ago, when I first started the arms business, I once took goods to Thailand and accidentally rescued a person. The person was very young, probably in his twenties, and about the same age as me."

"When I rescued that person, he was shot three times and was speechless. He was in a deep coma and was about to die."

"Fortunately, when I was young, because my family was poor, I often went to the mountains to collect herbs to supplement my family's income, and I knew a little bit about first aid. At that time, I had just made a big business, and I was so happy that I became kind-hearted and saved that person.


"That man was very lucky. After he was rescued, he really came back to life."

"That's when I realized that that person was the second generation of Thailand's famous arms tycoon, and his father was a Thai doctor!"


Listening to Uncle Li's story, Yaoyang quickly thought about the name "Thailand Doctor" in his mind.

Not to mention, Yaoyang had never seen the title "Doctor" in the police database.

I remember that Doctor is indeed very famous. He is a famous arms dealer throughout Southeast Asia. He was once known as the number one in Thailand.

I heard that this "doctor" cooperates with many societies in Southeast Asia, which is extremely mysterious.

But that's not right. Uncle Li said that forty years ago, he saved the doctor's son, who was in his twenties.

In other words, the doctor would have been at least forty or fifty years old forty years ago.

So why has the Doctor still dominated the arms industry in the past ten years?

An old man of 80 or 90 years old still refuses to collect mountains?

When Uncle Li spoke, he kept looking at Yaoyang. He seemed to understand Yaoyang's thoughts and smiled:

"Are you wondering why the Doctor appeared more than forty years ago? And he is quite old!"

Yaoyang nodded, shook his head again, and suddenly said:

"The Doctor is not a person!"


Uncle Li smiled appreciatively and said:

"The Doctor is indeed not a person. In fact, the Doctor can be regarded as a family. No matter who inherits the arms business, the members of their family will be called "Doctor"."

"Sure enough!"

Yaoyang nodded, and couldn't help but praise the Doctor's family in his heart:

Just relying on this tactic to keep outsiders from knowing the details is already a trick that many people cannot think of, let alone do.

Just imagine, those who are on the road wish that everyone in the world would know them.

The doctor's family just "went in the opposite direction" and played a mysterious game.

This may be considered cowardly by many people, but the retreat is huge and you can take over at any time.

Uncle Li kept talking at this time and continued:

"After I saved the doctor's son, in order to repay me, the boy proposed that we become brothers. At the same time, he was also willing to introduce me to some good buyers and help me in business."

"It is precisely because of his help that I have become a famous arms dealer in Southeast Asia in a short period of time."

"However, the bigger my business grew, the more and more my enemies became. When I was young, I liked to be in the limelight, but I was not as low-key as the Doctor family, so I kept my name anonymous. So at that time, too many people in the Southeast Asian arms industry knew me.

They praise me, they hate me, they want to kill me, I can’t even count them.”

"It's also because I have too many enemies. I originally had two sons and one daughter. They were all implicated by me. The oldest one didn't live past the age of twenty-five."

"After my youngest daughter died, I was really scared and sad. I was like a zombie all day long. I stayed at home for a full year, and one day I suddenly figured it out. I gave my only grandson to

When I arrived in the United States, I never saw him again, and all the weapons were disposed of. I returned to the Hong Kong Comprehensive City and negotiated terms with the then Director of the Security Bureau."

"You should also know very well what the Hong Kong Comprehensive Market was like twenty years ago. At that time, if you had money, you had to negotiate. Even if it was a big deal, as long as you were not caught on the spot, there was room for negotiation."

"I paid a lot, but I got the identity I wanted, a blank slate. As long as I never get involved in the arms trade, the Hong Kong Comprehensive Government will no longer pursue my past mistakes."

Yaoyang nodded repeatedly and commented:

"That's very good. It is said that times make heroes. Uncle Li, you can be considered a hero. You once had great glory, but in the end you were able to afford it and let it go. You made the most correct choice at the best time."

"Everything in the world is unpredictable. Everything is a coincidence."

Uncle Li smiled bitterly, obviously he didn't dare to take responsibility for Yaoyang's evaluation.

Yaoyang, Li Haoyang, Alang, and Azu also understood that, to put it nicely, it was "if you can afford it, you can put it down." At worst, Uncle Li was really afraid of "cutting off his descendants."

The time of his return was indeed a coincidence. In that special social environment, he used finance to clear his identity.

If he had come back in the 1970s and the Independent Commission Against Corruption was established, the situation would have been completely different.

People, sometimes it is like this. Things in the world are like chess, and a combination of circumstances may lead to victory, but hard work will end in misery in the end.

Seeing Uncle Li sighing for himself, Yaoyang couldn't help but bring the topic back:

"Now that everyone has withdrawn from the world, that's great! You quit in the 1960s, now it's the 1980s, and you're about to enter the 1990s. Do you still have enemies who are unwilling to accept it after nearly 30 years?"

"Enemies, my enemies are either captured or dead. There are only a handful of arms dealers of my generation left in Southeast Asia."

Uncle Li shook his head and then continued:

"When I quit the world of martial arts, my brothers all disagreed, and the one who was most dissatisfied was not them, but my sworn brother, who at that time had succeeded me as a new generation of doctors."

"The old guy felt that after introducing so many customers to me, I stopped doing it if I told him not to do it. Those customers were very dissatisfied. In addition, the old guy might think that I was timid, so it would be embarrassing for him to follow me. In short, there were many reasons.

, I can’t explain clearly anymore.”

Yaoyang nodded, and he could understand the doctor.

Just imagine, I help you start your business and become a famous arms dealer in Southeast Asia.

If you say you won't do it, you won't do it. So what if I give you the channels?

If you let someone go, they will definitely find a doctor as an introducer.

In other words, if you give up your choice, you will not be the only one affected, the entire business line will be affected.

However, Yaoyang did not say this now and comforted:

"Although he was very dissatisfied, he still let you wash your hands in a golden basin and live in peace. With the power you say as a doctor, if he really stopped it, you would probably be gone long ago."

"Yes! He is angry, but he has never really made things difficult for my brother."

Uncle Li sighed with melancholy in his eyes.

After hearing this, Yaoyang didn't need to continue listening. He already understood a lot in his heart and tried to say:

"So this attack has nothing to do with you and is entirely the doctor's fault? He has come to Hong Kong Comprehensive Market, and you have to help your sworn brother!"

Chapter 76: Task Force

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