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Chapter 52: Sky-high compensation

The Shipping Group Building is lively and lively, and the fifth floor is not bad at this time.

Previously, Chen Yaoqing and Bengyaju in Mongkok went out and made a huge noise, which attracted Liangkun, Liangma and other members of the flipping club to notice immediately.

Moreover, they also called to ask what happened and if they needed help.

After receiving the reply, they also rushed over to greet him.

Ding Yao was in his office, greeting them, and introduced Mr. Gou to everyone.

Lei Yaoyang was still receiving treatment in Azha's office.

Inside the office of rich man Azana.

Lei Yaoyang sat carelessly on the main seat, naked. Next to him, Uncle Gan, the director of the medical department who came all the way from Stanley, disinfected and bandaged him personally.

In front of them, Killer Xiong, Gui Jianchou, and A Dong were sitting in the guest seats, waiting quietly.

Lei Yaoyang needed a doctor before, but he didn't know where to find one at the moment, so he simply called Stanley.

Stanley has a prison doctor stationed all year round. Although his medical skills are not very good, he has rich experience in treating this kind of trauma.

After all, prisoners will only be found if they suffer external injuries. If they suffer internal injuries, they will not be needed and they will apply for "medical parole".

Needless to say, everyone knows what kind of environment Stanley is like. There are fights every day, and many prisoners are injured and seek medical treatment almost every week.

In that kind of environment, the Stanley prison doctor was able to master the treatment of trauma.

Uncle Gan, the medical director of Stanley, carefully sterilized all the wounds on Lei Yaoyang's body, and then smiled more relaxedly:

"Mr. Lei, nothing's wrong. Your injuries are just scratches. As long as they are disinfected, they'll be fine. You don't even need to take medicine."

"No, Uncle Gan, please check it out more clearly."

Gui Jianchou heard this and said with some worry.

Uncle Biao followed closely and said:

"That's right, Brother Yaoyang, why don't you go to the hospital for a checkup!"

"What are you looking at? Don't I know my body? I've said it many times before. A little skin injury is all scratched on the rocks and is not worth mentioning at all. You must let Uncle Gan check me out.

, why are you talking about going to the hospital now?"

"Damn it, I just came out of the hospital not even two weeks ago, and I'm living here again. Isn't this a joke?"

Lei Yaoyang waved his hand angrily and said:

"Don't you still believe in Uncle Gan's medical skills?"


Uncle Biao became more sophisticated as he got older, so he hurriedly said:

"Of course we can trust you, Uncle Gan. I don't mean anything else. I'm just afraid that Brother Yaoyang has internal injuries. It doesn't matter what you want here. We can't check it out!"

"I see."

Uncle Gan is much older than he was a few years ago, and he said with a kind face:

"Don't worry, given Mr. Lei's physical condition, it is impossible for such an injury to cause internal injuries to him!"

"All three of you have heard it, stop chattering."

Lei Yaoyang was very satisfied and lectured.

Then, he looked at Uncle Gan and said politely:

"Uncle Gan, I'm sorry to trouble you to make a trip so late."

"Mr. Lei, if you say that, it's a slap in the face. If Mr. Lei hadn't taken care of me, how could I be where I am today. These past few years in Stanley have been the most prestigious days of my life."

Uncle Gan said with a serious face.

What he said was entirely from his heart.

I remember that when Lei Yaoyang first arrived in Stanley, Uncle Gan was just a specially appointed physician in the Stanley Medical Department.

What is special employment? In other words, it is a "temporary worker".

If you don't make mistakes, you may be able to keep doing it.

Once you make a mistake, pack up and leave immediately.

After Lei Yaoyang took office, Uncle Gan's files were directly entered into Stanley. While becoming a formal civil servant, he was promoted to "Director of the Medical Department".

From a temporary worker to a full-time employee, and even the head of the family, Uncle Gan became OK in just a few months.

Many times, when Uncle Gan wakes up from his dream, he has to look at his ID card that says "Director of the Medical Department."

He never expected that he would reach this point in his life.

It goes without saying how grateful I am to Lei Yaoyang.

Lei Yaoyang put on a brand new windbreaker and smiled:

"Uncle Gan, your majesty will last for a long time. Maybe you will be even more majestic in the future than you are now."

"Boss, I think so, but next year I will start to get my salary, hey."

Uncle Gan sighed and said a little depressed.

Lei Yaoyang was stunned for a moment, and then he immediately reacted:

It's true that in Hong Kong's comprehensive municipal disciplinary forces, unless you are an official or civilian, you will definitely be forced to retire at the age of fifty-seven.

Officials refer to the level of superintendent or above. As for civilians, they can last until the age of sixty-five.

The classification of the Hong Kong Comprehensive Correctional Services Department is also strange. Doctors are not classified as civilians, and they are not considered frontline workers. They are both without qualifications.

In other words, Uncle Gan does not meet both conditions. When he turns fifty-seven next year, he will indeed start to receive his salary.

"It's a good thing to get a salary, Uncle Gan. I don't have to do anything in the future. I can take my aunt to travel around the world when I have time. Wouldn't it be great?"

Lei Yaoyang spoke seriously and looked at the killer Xiong:

"Ah Xiong, do some research for Uncle Gan and see if you can raise the level before next year. By then, the monthly pension will also be higher."

"I mentioned it to the warden recently. It should be fine."

Killer Hero answered confidently and with high spirits. He is now the deputy warden. Except for the warden who doesn't take care of much in Stanley, he has the final say.

If it weren't for the fact that Uncle Gan was already at the director level and had no right to directly promote him, he would have made a promise on the spot.

"Boss, Ah Xiong, don't bother me anymore. I'm very satisfied now."

Uncle Gan looked grateful and sighed again:

"What a good thing, boss, you also know that people like me have nothing to do and don't have time to get sick."

"Traveling around the world is not what we like."

"Also, even if I want to go, my family member now owns a hot pot restaurant in Stanley and is busier than me every day. He will not accompany me out."

"I had dinner with her a few days ago, and she asked me to come back to the store to help after I retire. Boss, you said that I am a grown man, and I hang out with a woman all day long. How can I be embarrassed in front of others?"

“I just wanted to do some searching when I have free time recently and see where there are clinics recruiting!”

Uncle Gan was chattering away, no doubt treating the people in the room as his "nephews", talking about everyday things.

Several people smiled and listened. Uncle Biao responded quickly and said immediately:

"Forrest Gump, what kind of clinic are you going to? You feel offended when you are bossed around. How about I make arrangements for you to find a serious company and work in the clinic. You don't have much to do, and the income is good."

Uncle Biao a few years later is also very different from a few years ago.

Back then, Uncle Biao was timid, timid when speaking, and had no confidence.

Today, he arranges the company as soon as he opens his mouth. This is the change brought about by his status.

"Uncle Gan, Uncle Biao has always been responsible for the purchase of goods in Stanley. Otherwise, you will be solely responsible for this matter after retirement, which means you have left the brothers."

Killer Hero is also very generous, and has long been disdainful of Stanley's small interests. Let Uncle Gan purchase goods, it is better to give him money to spend.

"Ah Xiong, I appreciate your kindness. I still prefer to be a doctor. Ah Biao, I don't want to go to the company or anything. Doing nothing every day is different from playing."

Uncle Gan shook his head, declined the two people's kindness, and gave his own reasons.

After talking about the serious business, Lei Yaoyang started to chat about daily life and asked:

"By the way, Uncle Gan, I received news not long ago that your son killed Fuyi Hunjianglong in "Lantau Island". It was very majestic! But the news spread so widely that even the police filed a record.

It’s just that the police station on Lantau Island didn’t find any substantial evidence, and the people in Fuk Yi didn’t report the case, so the case was dropped.”

"If you have time, Uncle Gan, you should give your son a few words of advice. The right way is to be low-key in life and high-profile in making money. If he does this, something will happen to him one day."

"An old man once told me that among those who are involved in the world of martial arts, the one with the greatest reputation will die the fastest. Now your son is so popular. Have you read the recent Jianghu magazine? It ranks No. 1 on the Dragon and Tiger list.

Three, the tree is big and attracts the wind."

When Uncle Gan heard this, his face immediately darkened. His son was Prince Hongxing.

Regarding that son, Uncle Gan was extremely depressed.

When he was a child, he wanted the prince to study medicine and "inherit his father's business" when he grew up. The father and son could practice medicine wherever they wanted and live a comfortable life.

Moreover, as a doctor, if your social status is high enough, if you are lucky enough to get into a big hospital, you may live a good life throughout your life.

Unfortunately, the prince didn't like studying since he was a child. He dropped out of school when he reached Form 1, and even went to Lamma Island, saying that he wanted to work as a fisherman with his friends.

Uncle Gan also doted on his son, and secretly thought that if he liked to do it, let him do it, and he would not starve to death even if he fished.

But the prince did not want to be a fisherman. He was obsessed with martial arts. He went to Lamma Island just to join the "Fishermen's Children Association" and learn from the famous martial arts masters there.

Later, he became crazy about martial arts. Dissatisfied with the low lethality of Chinese martial arts and the modest claims of "strengthening the body", he went to Hongxing Club to learn Muay Thai, and used street fighting as daily practical training.

Of course, the prince is indeed powerful enough. With his fists, he became known as the "Hongxing God of War" and made great contributions to Hongxing, and then became a famous talker.

Such an achievement, if Uncle Gan was also a member of the community, he would definitely be comforted.

But Uncle Gan is a doctor, and his wife is also a serious small businessman. She runs a hot pot restaurant, and her life is dull, fulfilling and comfortable.

How could he possibly get used to the prince's achievements?

After much persuasion, the relationship between father and son became somewhat tense. In addition, one of them stayed in Stanley every day and the other was hanging out on the streets, so they rarely saw each other.

Uncle Gan wouldn't have known about the fact that the prince beat someone to death not long ago, if Lei Yaoyang hadn't mentioned it now.

Uncle Gan looked ugly and said angrily:

"This stinky boy really wants to piss me off to death!"

Uncle Gan showed a hint of worry on his face and said carefully:

"Mr. Lei, how much information does the police have about that brat? Will they arrest him?"

"There is a lot of information about him. According to the common information within the police station, he has been involved in many cases of wounding, suspected murder and disappearance cases, and there are also countless minor cases involving fights and troubles."

"And I believe that the Criminal Intelligence Division has more and more detailed information about him, and there may even be some evidence!"


Uncle Gan was shocked when he heard this. He was not from the police system, so he didn't know this.

Listening to what Lei Yaoyang said now, he felt as if his son had half a foot in jail. As long as the police were not happy, they could close the net and arrest him at any time.

Lei Yaoyang saw Uncle Gan's worry and continued:

"Uncle Gan, you don't have to worry too much. In fact, the police have a special file for every boss like the prince. "The most powerful boss has a higher profile than anyone else, but he is still living freely outside.


"But one thing they have is that they keep a low profile. People don't know that. Even if they fight, it's still a fight between gangsters. No one reports the crime, there are no bodies, and even the loser is not held accountable. Our police will not care."

"They know what they are doing. Even if the police get the news, they may not arrest people. But if the trouble becomes known to everyone, the police will definitely do something."

"The prince's reputation is so great that not only those who come out to fool around know it, but now even many ordinary people know it clearly. If he continues like this..."

Lei Yaoyang hadn't finished saying this. Uncle Gan was not a fool and he had already understood it.

In a word, the prince is high-profile and doesn't know how to restrain himself, so the chances of something happening are getting bigger and bigger.

With his brows furrowed, Uncle Gan didn't say a word for a while.

Gui Jianchou looked a little puzzled and said in a loud voice:

"Uncle Gan, what's your expression? The prince isn't your son. Why don't you just go back and ask him to keep a low profile? It's just a small matter."

"That kid may not listen to me."

Uncle Gan said this almost out of reflex. After saying this, he looked embarrassed and felt that he had lost face as a father.


Killer Xiong smiled coldly when he heard this and said coldly:

"This is easy to handle. Aren't we the ones who just deal with those troublesome people? Brother Yaoyang happens to be here too. Why don't we let Brother Yaoyang find any reason to capture that prince and throw him to us in Stanley?

.Lock him up for two or three months, and he will naturally behave."


Uncle Gan felt even more embarrassed when he heard this. There was no father in the world who would take the initiative to send his son to prison.

It's not that Uncle Gan doubted that Killer Xiong was incapable of doing it, he was now a man of authority in Stanley, and the prison guards and corner bosses all listened to him. Brother Xiong shouted in front of him, and Brother Xiong shouted after him.

Let alone the prince, even if the emperor enters Stanley, he will still be suppressed.

Everyone in the entire prison is targeting you, so it's useless if they can beat you.

But Uncle Gan knew the prince's temper very well. If he really did this, the relationship between father and son would be on the line.

"Brother Xiong, your idea is too much. How can any father cheat his son like this?"

Don't be fooled by the ghost. He is actually very considerate towards his own people. He saw Uncle Gan's appearance and spoke for him.

Killer Xiong waved his big hand and expressed his opinion:

"Since it's not easy to control, let's teach Uncle Gan a lesson. What's the problem? As long as Uncle Gan doesn't show up, how will the prince know that it's him?"

"Brother Yaoyang said, didn't he? The prince's file is a foot thick. If you just find a few serious injury cases and send him to jail for a few months, it's not a big deal."

Saying that, Killer Xiong looked at Uncle Gan and said directly:

"Uncle Gan, when the prince comes to Stanley, we will take care of him, and you are here, are you still worried about him suffering a loss?"

"I just want him to change his behavior. Think about it!"


Lei Yaoyang watched Killer Xiong persuade Uncle Gan again and again, and thought that this was not the way this kid behaved.

Killer Hero has never been a kindhearted person, let alone take the initiative to take care of other people's sons.

I'm afraid he misunderstood. Seeing that the fireworks show was about to take place, the prince was the favorite, and they were determined to win the "leader" in the flip-hand event, and Lei Yaoyang suddenly mentioned the prince.

Putting all these things together, in Killer Xiong's opinion, this was Lei Yaoyang's intention to deal with the prince and finish him off before the game.

Since this is the case, it is "natural" for Killer Hero to propose such a plan.

However, Killer Xiong obviously misunderstood what Lei Yaoyang meant. Lei Yaoyang was just chatting and had no intention of letting the prince get eliminated early.

Looking at Uncle Gan who was extremely embarrassed, Lei Yaoyang smiled and said:

"Okay, Ah Xiong, don't push Uncle Gan anymore. Although we don't have children yet, as a father, as long as you are a man, you can understand."

"Let Uncle Gan say it himself, sending his son to Stanley to stay for a while is too cruel."

"And the prince is the Hongxing God of War and a famous figure in the world. If he goes to jail, there will be a lot of trouble in the future."

"Especially now that in Jianghu magazines, the prince is ranked third among dragons and tigers. I don't know how many people dislike him. As long as he goes to jail, he may be assassinated in Stanley, and his brothers outside will also be in a very bad situation.


"Who dares!"

Killer Xiong almost reflexively shouted, but he immediately realized that the person speaking was Lei Yaoyang, so he quickly smiled carefully and said:

"Brother Yaoyang, what I mean is that no one in Stanley would dare to mess around. Aren't they afraid of death?"

Lei Yaoyang shook his head and sighed:

"In this world, money can make the world go round. Haven't you heard of the word "outlaw"? Those who come out to hang out will do anything for profit."

"It's like a little gangster. If I promise him to be the underworld boss in Mong Kok and order him to go to Stanley to assassinate a person, do you think he will take the gamble?"

Killer Xiong was speechless, but Uncle Gan became more and more frightened as he listened, shaking his head and saying:

"Yes, we can't let that kid go to jail, it's so dangerous."

Then Uncle Gan looked at Lei Yaoyang and begged:

"Mr. Lei, you have many connections and abilities. Is there any way you can teach that kid for me? I'm just a son, and I don't want the white-haired man to give away the black-haired man one day."

This Lei Yaoyang really chatted for a while. For the sake of his past subordinates, he just reminded Uncle Gan and had no thoughts about the prince.

However, I had to give some face to Uncle Gan’s request.

After thinking about it for a while, Lei Yaoyang paid attention and said:

"Let's do this. You ask the prince to come to Mong Kok Police Station to find me in a few days, and I will have a chat with him. If he is willing, I will ask him to be an informant for Mong Kok Police."

"Of course, there is no need for him to provide any information and betray his brothers. This identity as an informant just gives him an extra layer of protection. If something happens in the future, we will have an excuse to help him!"

When Uncle Gan heard this, he immediately thought that this was a good idea. At least it was much better than Killer Hung's idea of ​​arresting people in Stanley.

Just like Mr. Lei said, if the prince is arrested by the police in the future, Mr. Lei can also intervene to mediate.

The identity of the informant is the reason and excuse.

With a face full of gratitude, Uncle Gan thanked him repeatedly and said:

"Okay, Mr. Lei, this is a great idea. I will talk to that guy tomorrow. If he doesn't become Mr. Lei's informant, I won't recognize him as my son."

Just as Lei Yaoyang was having a happy chat with a group of Stanley elderly people, there was a knock on the office door.

Several people consciously shut up, and Lei Yaoyang spoke:


The door opened, and the person who came in was a mad dragon.

Kuang Long nodded to Killer Hero and the others first, as a greeting, and then said:

"Brother Yaoyang, that boy from Ma Jiaowen wants to go back to Macau. Miss Ding asked me to come over and ask you if you want to let him go?"

"Oh? He wants to go back to Macau overnight?"

Lei Yaoyang raised his eyebrows, but he was not surprised.

That man from Ma Kiao Man is very cunning and can be considered a tycoon of his generation. He must feel unsafe staying here in Hong Kong Comprehensive Market now.

He and Lei Yaoyang and others were not good friends after all, and tonight everyone almost died because of his problems.

It is easy to understand that he wants to return to his own territory.

"Yes, he also hopes to take away the bald man, saying that he will deal with it according to family law and give us an explanation."

The mad dragon spoke again and said:


The corners of Lei Yaoyang's mouth turned up and he smiled coldly:

"I'm afraid that the family law treatment is fake, and the torture to extract confessions is real. Since that bastard Xing Jing dared to betray Ma Jiaowen so boldly and had an informant around him, it means that he had this idea for a long time."

"In other words, that bastard started preparing very early, and he must have swallowed a lot of money from Ma Kaw Man over the years."

"With Ma Jiaowen's shrewdness, how could he give up what he had swallowed? He must have wanted to get it back."

Kuang Long is a brave general, and "playing his mind" has never been his specialty.

But he has also heard from Mr. Gou that if you force a lot of things out of Ma Jiaowen's mouth, you will gain a lot of benefits.

Moreover, Brother Yaoyang and Miss Ding also knew about this and agreed to it.

Now after listening to Lei Yaoyang's analysis, I can't believe that Ma Jiaowen also wants those benefits. How can this be done?

With murderous intent on his face, Kuanglong immediately said:

"Brother Yaoyang, if you don't let me kill that bald guy first, we will tell Ma Jiaowen that he is dead."

Lei Yaoyang glanced at Kuang Long and said with a smile:

"Why are you so nervous? We have the upper hand now, not Ma Jiaowen! He is also begging us to surrender, not forcing him."

"We have the final say whether we hand him over or not."

"If you don't want to pay, don't pay. Why do you need to play such low-level tricks?"


Kuang Long was startled when he heard this, and scratched his head stupidly, realizing that he was too nervous.

Yes, who is Ma Kau Boon? This is Saigon, and it is still in my own company. How can I still be intimidated by him?

Seeing Kuanglong's stupidity, Lei Yaoyang shook his head slightly, stood up and said:

"Let's go, I'll go take a look with you. The guest is leaving, and as the host, you have to send him off no matter what."

"Ah Xiong, Ah Dong, Ah Gui, you don't have to follow me, just send Uncle Gan back."

"Brother Yaoyang, let's come see you tomorrow."

The three killer heroes also knew that their status was not suitable for participating in the next thing, so they stood up immediately and spoke.

Lei Yaoyang was not polite and waved his hand:

"What are you looking at? I have nothing to do, so there is no need to come. Remember to go back and reward the brothers who came to help me tonight."

"Brother Yaoyang, don't worry, we know what to do."

The three of them replied in unison, and Uncle Gan also stood up and said goodbye:

"Boss, I'll go back first. If you need my help, I'll be there for you."


Lei Yaoyang nodded and personally sent the four people to the elevator.

It wasn't until all four of them got on the elevator that they followed Kuang Long and walked to Ding Yao's big office.


When the door was opened, people of all ages were seen in the office. Dongxing Crow, Hongxing Liangma, Liangkun, Aza who was only slightly injured, Chengzhai Gouye, Ding Yao, and Ma Jiaowen were all there.

They were standing or sitting, and their faces were not very good-looking.

Seeing Lei Yaoyang enter the door, everyone stood up except Mr. Gou.

Ding Yao and Pretty Mom immediately greeted them and said with concern:

"Brother Yaoyang, how are you? What did the doctor say?"

"I said it's fine, what else can the doctor say? It's just a little skin injury, just apply some medicine."

Lei Yaoyang smiled slightly and hugged Ding Yao, making his pretty mother very envious.

Immediately, Lei Yaoyang did not embarrass the others and said:

"Akun, Crow, you are so interested, and you still come to see me at such a late hour!"

Liangkun and Wuwu were overjoyed. They rushed over immediately after receiving the news, just to be able to help.

Even though I'm busy now and can't help, it's undoubtedly a great thing for Lei Yaoyang to appreciate it!

Compared to Liangkun, Crow was more sincere, shaking his head and saying:

"Master Lei, you are too outspoken to say that. You just hate that we didn't get the news right away and couldn't help."

Liangkun followed closely behind, looking like he shared the same hatred and said:

"Yes! Who would have thought that there would be people who would dare to cause trouble in Saigon? The Macau boy is so brave."

When he said this, Liangkun looked arrogant and deliberately looked at Ma Jiaowen.

Ma Jiaowen was very angry. He was a gambling tycoon. How could a gangster like Liang Kun dare to treat him like this in Macau?

Not to mention sarcasm in person, even if you say bad things behind your back, you still have to think carefully, for fear of being tipped off and you will die miserably.

It's not a good thing tonight, a gangster from the Hong Kong Comprehensive Market, a guy who is not even the leader of the club, is talking to me in such a weird way.

But "people have to bow their heads when they are under the eaves".

"The bold man has paid his due price."

With a smile on his face, Lei Yaoyang followed up with Liangkun's words and said meaningfully:

"Mr. Ma, do you think so?"

Ma Jiaowen did not expect that Lei Yaoyang not only did not say a few words about Liangkun, but also continued to say these words, completely disrespecting himself.

I was holding my breath in my heart, but on the outside I had to laugh:

"Of course, Hong Kong Comprehensive Market is Mr. Lei's territory. Who dares to violate Mr. Lei's power?"

"No one dares?"

Lei Yaoyang's face changed instantly, his eagle eyes were full of hostility, he looked directly at Ma Kau Man, and said in a high tone:

"Isn't there someone who wants to kill me tonight?"


Startled by Lei Yaoyang's sudden change of attitude, Ma Jiaowen was shocked and thought to himself:

"Is it possible that Lei Yaoyang is a little unconvinced at this time, has changed his mind, and is ready to take it out on himself?"

After thinking about this, Ma Jiaowen lowered his attitude and said carefully:

"Tonight, the traitor knew he would die and jumped over the wall in a hurry. Unexpected circumstances did not mean that someone was bold and offended Mr. Lei's power!"

"There is only one person like this in Hong Kong and Macau."


In an instant, Lei Yaoyang changed his face like a Sichuan opera, calmed down and nodded:

"When Mr. Ma said this, I felt relieved! I thought that my Lei Yaoyang had already set, and no matter who it was, they could ride on me."

"Of course not. Mr. Lei is the God of Gamblers and the youngest senior superintendent in Hong Kong Comprehensive City. He has a bright future and is a powerful man. Mr. Lei's achievements have just begun. He has not even reached the peak. What is the end of the world?


Ma Jiaowen was afraid that Lei Yaoyang would be wrong and get him into trouble, so he complimented him repeatedly and smiled broadly.

Lei Yaoyang seemed to enjoy Ma Jiaowen's compliment. He smiled proudly and returned to the topic with a smile:

"Ayao, what were you talking about just now? From your looks, it doesn't seem like the conversation went smoothly?"

Ding Yao said with a straight face:

"It's nothing. It's just that Mr. Ma wants to take Jiang Jing back to Macau, saying that he wants to deal with his family's crimes."


Lei Yaoyang raised his eyebrows and immediately looked at Ma Jiaowen.

"Holy shit!"

Ma Jiaowen was so sophisticated that he immediately understood Lei Yaoyang's strange behavior just now.

What he said about someone riding on his head, and what he said about "the sun sets over the mountains" was basically an ambush.

I had just complimented him and said that I didn't dare to offend his power, and now I was going to take away the person who wanted to kill him. It was a complete slap in the face.

I really lost my usual calmness tonight and fell into his little trick.

Knowing that he had fallen into a trap, Ma Jiaowen thought quickly, considering how to say something to change the situation and get the provincial mirror out of Lei Yaoyang's hands.

In fact, his purpose of saving the mirror was exactly what Lei Yaoyang expected.

There are many things in the provincial mirror that belong to Ma Kau Man.

That traitor, the business he has done behind Ma Jiaowen's back these years is definitely not just about this handicap.

I am afraid that in the past World Cups, various football matches, and gambling peripherals, he has used the name of Ma Kau Boon to do things.

Since he has been doing this for so long, the fool should also know that the boy made a lot of money, but he hid it all.

Ma Kiao Man was already preparing to return to Macau, and immediately invited the best doctors to wake up Sang Jing, then tortured him to extract a confession, and finally killed him to give an explanation to Lei Yaoyang and others.

This not only provides benefits but also provides explanations, which can be described as "the best of both worlds".

But at this time, Lei Yaoyang obviously did not intend to surrender.

"What to do?"

Ma Jiaowen was thinking about it, and on the surface he seemed to be in a daze.

But he didn't speak, but someone did.

I saw Dongxing Crow asking in a strange manner:

"Master Lei, I heard that Mr. Ma was also in danger tonight. Did Master Lei save his life because of his righteousness?"

Lei Yaoyang understood the meaning after hearing the words, and said with a smile but not a smile:

"Mr. Ma escaped from the bald man's hands on his own, but if we hadn't supported him at that time, I'm afraid Mr. Ma wouldn't be able to stand here now."


Crow nodded and continued:

"Even so, the life-saving grace should be justified. Mr. Ma, you won't deny it, right?"

Ma Jiaowen's face looked as ugly as if he had eaten shit, but he still had to reply:

"Of course, so I am very grateful to Mr. Lei and those friends in the world tonight."

“Is this how Macau people thank their lifesavers?”

Crow smiled coldly and mocked:

"It's natural to take back an enemy from a benefactor. I said a few gentle thanks. Mr. Ma's life is worth this price. I, Dongxing Crow, have really learned a lot today."

"Crow, what you said is wrong!"

A rough female voice followed closely behind, it was the beautiful mother whose voice and appearance did not match at all.

I saw the beautiful mother with her arms folded in front of her, looking like a peacemaker.

The crow didn't mind wondering:

"Oh? What do you think, pretty mom?"

"I dare not take it seriously, but as far as I know, not everyone in Macau is like Mr. Ma. Just like my senior sister, the way of repaying kindness is completely different."

"I remember that a year ago, my senior sister and I were shopping for vegetables at the Macau vegetable market. The weather was too hot that day, and my senior sister suffered from heatstroke. A grandmother who was buying vegetables saw it and gave her a bottle of flower oil and applied it on her temples to relieve her symptoms."

"Afterwards, the senior sister directly bought five stalls at the vegetable market and gave them to the grandma. After learning that the grandma had a son who wanted to study abroad, she immediately ordered her subordinates to make arrangements for her."

"For a small bottle of flower oil, my senior sister spent at least one million to repay her kindness. Mr. Ma lost his life. This method of repayment must be original. We must learn from it. Otherwise, Mr. Ma can become a casino tycoon.

We can only be the bad guys on the street."

Pretty Mom's words were sharper than those of a crow, and she even gave examples. Her words were like needle pricks, which made Ma Jiaowen feel suffocated and depressed.

Of course Liangkun, the most eye-catching person, would not miss such a good opportunity to pat the horse, and let out a hoarse laugh, as ugly as a night owl:

"Jiejiejie, Mr. Ma, when you are free, you should give me good guidance, Liangkun."

"Those ignorant gangsters in Hong Kong Comprehensive Market often say that I am despicable. I am finally relieved to see Mr. Ma today. It turns out that I still have a lot to learn. Compared with Mr. Ma, I can't even keep up with him."

"Sister Mom is right. No wonder Mr. Ma can become a gambling tycoon. I can only be a gangster. There is still a lot of room for improvement. I must learn, Jie Jie!"

Being mocked and ridiculed by the three young and Dangerous young men from Hong Kong, Ma Jiaowen was very embarrassed and did not talk to the three of them to avoid losing his identity. He looked directly at Lei Yaoyang and said:

"Mr. Lei, I know that because of what happened tonight, many of your brothers were killed. Since this happened because of me, I, Ma Kiao Man, am not the kind of person who is unloyal."

"For each of the brothers who were killed, I will donate millions of silk gold and personally write an elegiac couplet to express my feelings."

When he said this, Ma Jiaowen was actually bleeding in his heart. After all, twenty or thirty people died tonight at Lei Yaoyang's side. Each person had one million, so that's twenty to thirty million.

The most important thing is that it is just free money and cannot solve the problem.

Faced with Ma Jiaowen's statement, Lei Yaoyang certainly would not refuse and laughed:

"Okay, then on behalf of their family, I would like to thank Mr. Ma for his generosity."

"It should, it should."

Ma Jiaowen was always polite, as if he should be so.

Crow Crow was extremely shrewd and watched this scene with cold eyes. Although he didn't understand why Ma Jiaowen gave money so easily. A gambling tycoon seemed to be unable to stand the provocation and would pay casually to give in. But he already understood that this was a "rip-off".

"Good opportunity.

With a roll of his eyes, Crow pretended to be casual and asked:

"Ms. Ding, I heard that Tony was seriously injured and has now gone to the hospital for emergency treatment?"

Ding Yao was very familiar with Crow, so she didn’t understand its intention at first, but she still answered immediately:

"Yes, I was shot in the femoral artery and lost a lot of blood."

When Ah Zha next to him heard this, his eyes turned red again, and he stared at Ma Jiaowen with hatred.

"Then I have to go see him tomorrow. Based on the personal relationship between Tony and I, a small gift of one million or hundreds of thousands is indispensable. Liangkun, how are you? Do you want to go together?"

Crow's words were frivolous and he didn't have any regard for the patient.

As for his attitude, even Ah Zha could see clearly that Wu Wu was helping him and others and asking for benefits from Ma Jiaowen.

It's not that I don't care about my brother on purpose.

It was not only Ah Zha who realized this, Liang Kun also did the same. He took over the conversation and immediately replied:

"Of course I have to pull him, we are all good brothers."

"Holy crap, Crow, your family has a big business, but you only buy a gift worth one million or hundreds of thousands to visit your brother?"


The corners of Crow's mouth turned up and he responded:

"Then how much are you going to give?"

"It takes at least five million to be sincere."

Liangkun answered, but kept looking at Ma Jiaowen, and almost didn't say it clearly, so he quickly paid another five million for medical expenses.

Crow, Liangkun and Liangma sang together and forced Ma Jiaowen into the corner again.

The Walled City Dog Master nodded secretly after seeing this. These young and Dangerous guys in the urban area are no worse than the people in the wall in blackmailing.

Immediately, he saw the stupid and completely silent Kuanglong again, and Mr. Gou was furious.

This time Kuang Long must be brought back for education. If he keeps doing this, he will become a "marginal person" sooner or later.

Even if his surname cannot be changed, a smart person must be placed beside him to help him.

Mr. Gou was thinking silently here, but Ma Jiaowen was not feeling well over there.

The three street gangsters in his eyes actually ridiculed him repeatedly, overtly criticizing and implicitly blackmailing him. However, he was at a disadvantage at this time. Not only was he in someone else's territory, but he was also unreasonable in key matters. He owed life-saving grace and had no choice but to

Don't admit it.

Feeling extremely angry in his heart, Ma Jiaowen remained calm on the surface. He looked at Lei Yaoyang again and said:

"I, Ma Kiao Boon, am by no means an ungrateful person. I will repay those bosses who saved me tonight."

"Even if I owe them a favor this time, no matter what they come to me for in the future, Ma Jiaowen, I will never shirk this promise. Mr. Lei can testify."

The extent of Ma Kiao Man's "favor" is a matter of opinion, but paying several million for his favor is a good deal in Lei Yaoyang's opinion.

Although Ma Kiao Boon is just a casino tycoon today, it's hard to say what's going on in the gambling world. Back then, he dared to participate in the God of Gamblers Competition, and his gambling skills were not bad. He might become a tycoon one day!

At that time, the role of favor will be too great.

With this in mind, Lei Yaoyang said first without letting Crow and others speak:

"Mr. Ma is too polite. Since Mr. Ma is so sincere, I will thank Mr. Ma on behalf of the brothers."

As soon as these words came out, there was no doubt that Lei Yaoyang recognized the rewards offered by Ma Kau Man.

Ma Jiaowen did not dare to wait any longer. Who knew what the three gangsters would say later, so he took the opportunity to say:

"Mr. Lei, so many things happened tonight. I was afraid of changes in my family, so I stayed here soon. When this matter is completely settled, I will come to Hong Kong Comprehensive Market to visit Mr. Lei.

"I understand. If such a big thing happened to my family, I would want to go back and deal with it right away."

Lei Yaoyang nodded, acting very considerate, and immediately turned around and ordered:

"Ayao, since Mr. Ma wants to leave, please make arrangements and send a boat to take Mr. Ma away."

"Mr. Ma, please!"

Ding Yao raised her hand, very obedient, and smiled. It looked like she was preparing to make arrangements for Ma Jiaowen immediately.

But at this time, Ma Kau Man hesitated when he asked Ma Kau Man to leave. After his face changed continuously, he still said:

"Mr. Lei, actually I have another unkind request. I hope that I can take the traitor back and deal with him according to the family law!"

"Mr. Lei should also know that every group has its own rules. This bastard betrayed me this time. If I don't do something, the people below will not obey me."

Ma Jiaowen was talking nonsense to him, but Lei Yaoyang did not expose it, pretending to be confused and saying:

"Well, Mr. Ma can rest assured. I guarantee that Xingjing will disappear in the next few days and will never appear in this world again."

"Mr. Ma can just bear the reputation of "dealing with traitors", and we will not disclose anything to the outside world."

Hearing this answer, Ma Jiaowen almost lost his temper. Isn't this:

They kill people, and they have to bear the blame themselves.

No matter how it sounds, this sounds like a scam, but Lei Yaoyang actually takes it as a matter of course.

What’s even more deceptive is that his deceptive approach really meets the requirements of Ma Kau Man.

Don't you just want the reputation of executing traitors? Well, we'll give you this reputation and you can announce it to the public.

He was extremely anxious, but Ma Jiaowen's brain was really good. He rolled his eyes and thought of another way, and said:

"Mr. Lei doesn't know something. I've been out in Ma Jiaowen for so many years, and this is the first time someone dares to betray me like this."

"So, I am going to take advantage of this opportunity, gather my men together, and execute the traitors in a public forum."

"This can also make the people below honest. I hope this kind of thing will not happen again in the future."


As soon as these words came out, a burst of laughter reached everyone's ears without any suppression.

Ma Jiaowen frowned and looked, but it was not the little gangster named Crow. He didn't know what he was doing, so he laughed disdainfully.

And the crow not only laughed, but also said the following words:

"Mr. Ma, why does a gambling tycoon like you want to start a business? I wonder who Mr. Ma worships as his ancestor?"



This seemed to be a reminder, and immediately, everyone in the room started laughing.

Liangkun smiled even more exaggeratedly, bowing down, and said repeatedly:

"That's right, Mr. Ma, you people in the gambling world, who is the ancestor? Or is Mr. Ma's father's tablet placed on it?"

Pretty Mom smiled more seriously and said the same thing:

"I often go to Macau to visit my senior sister. Over the past few years, I can be considered half of the gambling community. I still understand the rules of the gambling community to some extent!"

"I've never heard of people in the gambling world setting up forums to execute traitors. Mr. Ma, is this your original creation again? Cack!"


Ma Jiaowen felt suffocated and realized that the reason he said casually had huge flaws and was a complete joke.

Execution of traitors is not a gambling tactic, but a young and Dangerous tactic.

What does it mean to open a forum?

In fact, the biggest meaning is to appeal to the ancestors and tell them about this matter.

Like Hongxing, they worshiped the founder of Hongmen, and Dongxing, they worshiped a general of the Republic of China and the founder of the society.

What about Ma Kau Man?

He was born as a gangster and had never joined a club from beginning to end.

What he has achieved today was something he started from scratch.

If you really want to start a forum, no matter who you worship, it will be a big joke.

On the contrary, if he dies, his group can develop and grow, and a hundred years from now, someone may still open a forum to worship him.

But the words had already been spoken, and Ma Kau Man had to bite the bullet and continue:

"Although I'm a member of the gambling community and don't have any ancestors, I can still be considered a fool."

"Those who come out to hang out must be worthy of heaven above and earth below. When I opened the altar in Ma Jiaowen, I worshiped "heaven and earth"."

"It's quite clever!"

Lei Yaoyang secretly admired what he heard, and finally spoke, sternly saying:

"Mr. Ma, it is human nature that you want to open a forum to deal with traitors. But this matter is not just your family's business."

"On our side, including me, a total of seven or eight bosses were injured, which involved five groups."

"If Mr. Ma is asked to take people back, how can we explain to the people below? A lot of our people died tonight. They are all loyal people. Several of them died blocking the gun for us."

"Mr. Ma, do you want to explain it to us so we don't need to?"

In the last sentence, Lei Yaoyang's voice was high-pitched and full of momentum.

Hearing this, Ah Zha was aroused with anger in his heart again. Thinking of his cronies who blocked the gun for him, he suddenly stood up from the sofa and moved to Ma Jiaowen's side.

Looking at his posture, if Ma Koumen could not answer this question well, Ah Zha would be ready to attack him.

"This" Facing Lei Yaoyang's question, Ma Jiaowen knew that he was in the wrong, and with Ah Zha on the side eager to give it a try, in desperation, Ma Jiaowen said simply:

"Mr. Lei, how do you think this matter should be handled so that all parties are satisfied?"

Lei Yaoyang had already thought of a countermeasure. He could listen to the questions and answer them as soon as he opened his mouth.

"Dead people cannot be resurrected. Those of us who are alive can give an explanation to the victims. In addition to severely punishing the murderers, we also need to take care of their families."

"That bastard Xingjing, I believe that no matter who hands him, he is dead. There is no need to talk about revenge."

Ma Jiaowen immediately understood what Lei Yaoyang meant, and without waiting for him to finish speaking, he immediately continued:

"I should have a responsibility to take care of their families."

"In this case, I will pay another 20 million as compensation."

In the mid-1980s, what was 20 million? If the family members of people in their 20s or 30s had this money, they would not have to worry about it for the rest of their lives, and they would live very well.

Ma Kau Man was really sincere. Even Ah Zha felt satisfied after hearing this, and his anger softened.

It's a pity that Lei Yaoyang never thought about asking for money from the beginning to the end, and a mere 20 million was not something Lei Yaoyang looked down upon.

Not only did he look down upon it, he felt that giving it to those who died was a little meaningless.

If everyone hadn't worked hard tonight, Ding Yao might not have survived even if she was fine.

Lei Yaoyang still remembers that as soon as the gunfire rang out, three or four Vietnamese gangsters pounced on the two of them.

They are not taking advantage of the opportunity, nor are they rebelling, they are blocking bullets!

Lei Yaoyang was a little envious of Ah Zha for receiving such a loyal little brother these days.

But now, more than half of those younger brothers were killed or injured, and they wanted to buy their lives for a mere 20 million. This price was unacceptable to Lei Yaoyang.

After a few seconds of silence, Lei Yaoyang finally spoke and said seriously:

"Mr. Ma, those brothers not only saved you today, but also saved A-Yao and I with their lives."

"I have decided to personally spend 20 million to compensate the families of the deceased tonight."

Ah Zha was listening nearby and saw that Lei Yaoyang was not joking or trying to trick Ma Jiaowen, but was telling the truth.

As the only boss present who could represent the deceased, he quickly said:

"Brother Yaoyang, no need!"

Lei Yaoyang raised his hand, looked at Azha and said:

"This is just a little thought from A Yao and I, and it's not comparable to what they did tonight. If anything happens to their families in the future, if you can't handle it, come to me at any time."

Ding Yao agreed with her face and said:

"That's right, Ah Zha. Give me a list later and I'll personally come to deliver it to their families in two days."

There was a burst of applause. At this time, the only person who dared to play like this was Chengzhai Gouye.

Master Gou looked in admiration and praised:

"They say Mr. Lei is a loyal man. I saw it with my own eyes tonight. He is truly well-deserved."

"Aaron, didn't you say that you have a good relationship with your brothers from the Vietnamese gang? Why didn't you say something?"

Mr. Gou reminded him as he was a bit "hating that iron cannot become steel". Kuanglong heard this and immediately replied:

"Oh, it's not that I didn't express it. I don't plan to take my brothers to sacrifice at that time. In terms of silk and gold, I will not give less. Of course, I am not as rich as Brother Yaoyang and Miss Ding, but the two

Three million is still a lot."

"Damn it, since you have a plan for a long time, just say it. If you say it at this time, it will just show your face and gain favor. You still have to hold back and wait to attend the funeral. At that time, in addition to the family members over there, even Ah

You scum don’t even know. Even if you gain favor from the families of the deceased, it’s of no use.”

Mr. Gou kept cursing in his heart, smiling on the outside and praising:

"Okay, it's true that your grandfather and I often taught you to be loyal."


Kuanglong scratched his head, wondering why his third grandfather suddenly said this.

Even Lei Yaoyang was so shaken that he shook his head. Realizing Master Gou's painstaking efforts, Kuanglong continued to be confused and immediately changed his topic:

"Mr. Ma, you heard me, Ayao, and some friends in the world should provide material help to the family of the deceased."

"But material things will be used up one day. "It is better to teach people to fish than to give them fish." Since we have already given people fish, can Mr. Ma be more generous and just teach people to fish?


Ma Jiaowen was stunned for a moment, not quite understanding what Lei Yaoyang meant, and said carefully:

"What does Mr. Lei mean?"

"It's very simple. It's much better to find a job for them than to give them money."

Lei Yaoyang's face doesn't turn red and his heart doesn't beat. He starts telling lies when he opens his mouth:

"Hey, it's a pity that I'm just a small policeman, I eat royal food, and I don't have any serious business outside. With my little prestige in the world, it's no problem for those friends in the world to sell noodles, but what they do is not a serious business.


"My brothers are all dead, and it's not good to let their family members wander around on the street. It's better to switch to a more serious career, at least it's safer!"

"I know Mr. Ma's gambling business is quite big. Can you give them a small place so that they can support themselves in the future and not be afraid of running out of money and being miserable one day?"

"This can be regarded as the greatest soul in heaven that comforts the deceased."

"Holy shit!"

When Ma Jiaowen heard this, he cursed in his heart. This Lei Yaoyang was so arrogant and so arrogant that he was more ruthless than anyone else.

The first few gangsters just wanted to extort a little money. No matter how much money they had, they could make it back in a short time by running their own casino.

But this bastard just wants to take his place directly.

It is no exaggeration to say that casinos are "priceless treasures" and cannot be opened with money.

It also requires all kinds of strong relationships and a lot of effort.

Ma Kau Man has been in business to this day, and every place he opens has cost him countless efforts.

If it were normal times, there would be no need to discuss this kind of request here in Macao.

But when he thought of Xing Jing betraying him, he dared to accept 100 million just for the recent fireworks.

In the past few years, it is impossible to say that there were many 100 million people.

Hundreds of millions of dollars in capital, and a place, are not too much of a loss in exchange.

And if this matter can be settled completely, it is not something that cannot be considered.

After a moment of silence, Ma Jiaowen said solemnly:

"I understand what Mr. Lei means. So what kind of venue does Mr. Lei think is suitable? Lei Yaoyang did not delay at all and said directly:

"Didn't Mr. Ma have a few gambling boats impounded? Let's do this. Within three days, I guarantee that Mr. Ma's boat will sail on the high seas again. But by then there will be two gambling boats. What do you think of Mr. Ma?"

"It turns out he wants two of my gambling boats."

Ma Jiaowen felt much relieved after hearing this.

For things like boat gambling, all you need is money and a license. In fact, it is far inferior to the local casinos in Macau.

Ma Jiaowen was afraid that Lei Yaoyang would ask for his large and medium-sized casinos.

If you want to gamble on boats now, then make up your mind. Ma Kiao Man nodded and said:

"Okay, it's settled."

Seeing that Lei Yaoyang managed to swallow up two gambling boats in Ma Kau Man with just a few words, Liang Kun, Crow, Ah Zha and others admired him and at the same time, they also secretly looked at themselves.

It seems that I and others are still too kind, and their vision is not high enough. They only think about money, and what can be done with just a few dollars.

Bringing two gambling boats back and sailing one out to the high seas every day is equivalent to a gold mine.


After the matter was settled, Lei Yaoyang finally showed a cheerful smile, his attitude changed drastically, and he turned around and said:

"Ayao, where is that bald guy from Shangjing now?"

"Brother Yaoyang, let's lock him in the next room. There are brothers watching him."

Ding Yao immediately gave the answer.

"Bring it here and give it to Mr. Ma to take away."

Lei Yaoyang ordered.

"This... Ding Yao hesitated a little, looked at Lei Yaoyang, and then at Kuanglong.

Undoubtedly, she was reminding Lei Yaoyang that she had promised Lord Gou in the car that she would not let Xing Jing speak again.

It’s not good to leave it to Ma Kau Man now.

When Kuanglong heard this, he became even more anxious and actually shouted:

"Brother Yaoyang, you can't make friends with others."


Except for Lei Yaoyang, Ding Yao and other insiders, Ah Zha, Wu Wu and others all had some strange reactions to the mad dragon.

Since Ma Jiaowen is willing to offer two gambling boats, plus a price of tens of millions, in exchange for a loser, this deal is a huge profit, so why not hand it over?

In front of Ma Jiaowen, Lei Yaoyang was not in a position to explain. He looked at Mr. Gou with his eagle eyes, signaling his peace of mind.

Uncle Gou didn't know whether he understood the meaning or had some other idea. He immediately reached out to grab the mad dragon and scolded:

"Aaron, are there any rules? When Mr. Lei speaks, why don't you object to it? Why don't you shut up?"

"Third Grandpa, but..."

The mad dragon stopped talking and looked at Master Gou, full of surprise.

This is your business. You have already inquired about the benefits from Xing Jing.

If it were left to Ma Kau Man to ask, I don't know how big of a trouble it would cause.

"Listen to Master Lei's arrangements."

Mr. Gou emphasized again with a cold voice.

Lei Yaoyang did not want to cause more trouble and ordered again:

"Ayao, go bring someone over."

"Yes, Brother Yaoyang."

Ding Yao obeyed the order and walked out of the room herself.

It didn't take more than two minutes. Under the support of two strong young men, the still unconscious and completely unrecognizable Xing Jing was dragged and appeared in front of everyone.

This way of walking was specially ordered by Ding Yao.

Ding Yao has never forgotten the previous danger. If Lei Yaoyang had not decided to let him go, Ding Yao would have been prepared to torture this "vegetative person" starting tomorrow.

Now, although I can't torture him continuously, it's okay to give him some sticks.

Seeing this, Ma Jiaowen was eager and anxious. He was not complaining about the injustice of the province, but he was worried that if the province died, he would "lose his wife and lose his army".

As soon as he thought about this, Ma Jiaowen stepped forward to meet him, took the mirror from the hands of the two strong men, and put it on the sofa.

"Mr. Ma, check it out and see if it's still alive."

Lei Yaoyang looked on with cold eyes and suddenly said.

Ma Kau Man had already tried to breathe when he took Xing Jing over. Indeed, although Xing Jing was unconscious, he was still alive and breathing.

Ma Jiaowen breathed a sigh of relief. He was afraid of long nights and many dreams, so he immediately said to Lei Yaoyang:

"No problem, Mr. Lei, I'll leave first."

"Okay, see you later!"

Lei Yaoyang raised his hand, indicating to Ma Jiaowen that he was free.

Ma Jiaowen was working alone. In order to escape for his life, he rolled on the ground several times and had many scratches on his body. He was now tired and sleepy.

It's okay to leave by himself, but if he is asked to carry a mirror, he is helpless.

As a last resort, Ma Jiaowen spoke again and reminded:

"Mr. Lei, at this time, there should be no ships returning to Macau from Hong Kong Comprehensive Market. "Yes, look at my brain."

Lei Yaoyang slapped his forehead, as if he had just remembered, and ordered again:

"Ayao, arrange a boat for Mr. Ma."

Immediately, he looked at the two strong men who had just entered the door and said:

"Bring the man along and give Mr. Ma a ride."

"Yes, Mr. Lei."

The two strong men obeyed the order and took a few steps forward to set up the mirror again.

Lei Yaoyang moved his right foot slightly, and while Ma Jiaowen was still paying attention to Sheng Jing, he tripped the foot of one of the strong men.

The strong man's footing was unstable, his center of gravity was forward, and he threw himself towards the sofa.

"Be careful!"

Ma Jiaowen was startled and screamed in panic. Fortunately, a big hand was placed directly in front of the strong man, holding him there and preventing him from falling, holding down the mirror.

The person who took action was also Lei Yaoyang.

Lei Yaoyang had a calm expression and said:

"Be careful. Mr. Ma spent a lot of money to get the opportunity to deal with the traitor. If you screw it up, it will be troublesome."

"Master Lei, I'm sorry, my strong man is a little embarrassed. After all, Lei Yaoyang rarely tells people like them to do things. Now he almost failed in a small matter. This is so embarrassing. Lei Yaoyang raised his hand and continued.


"You take turns carrying this bastard on your back until it's on the boat. Stop dragging it along."

With that said, Lei Yaoyang stepped forward in person, gently lifted up the unconscious Xing Jing, and motioned the strong man who almost fell down to squat down.

The strong man understood and immediately squatted down. Under Ma Jiaowen's grateful eyes, Lei Yaoyang put the mirror on the strong man's back:

"Mr. Ma, it's okay, please!"

Raising his hand, Lei Yaoyang put on a farewell posture.

Ma Jiaowen did not delay any longer, nodded to everyone, and said:

"Everyone, I'll leave first."

After saying this, Ma Jiaowen was still quite graceful and took the lead to walk out the door.

The two strong men, carrying mirrors on their backs, followed naturally.

At this moment, Ma Kau Man turned his back to Lei Yaoyang. Lei Yaoyang suddenly stretched out his right hand, closed his three fingers, stretched out his index finger and middle finger, and stabbed twice in the middle of the backbone of Jiang Jing's back.



In the room, except Ma Jiaowen and the two men, everyone else could see clearly.

Liangkun, Wuwu and others made soft sounds of confusion, but Chengzhai Gouye's eyes protruded and he stood up, making a loud sound of surprise.

"What's up?"

The huge movement startled Ma Jiaowen. He turned around and said strangely:

"As we get older, our legs become numb after sitting for a long time. If we stand up suddenly, we almost fall. It's nothing."

Mr. Gou responded quickly, immediately gave an explanation, and moved his hands and feet twice, as if that was really what happened.

Ma Jiaowen didn't think too much. Since he already wanted to go back to Xingjing, it was better to leave quickly.

After opening the door and stepping out, Ma Kaw Man finally left and disappeared from everyone's eyes.

As soon as the outsider left, Liangkun was very curious and immediately asked:

"Brother Yaoyang, what was that you just said?"

"That's a point!"

Before Lei Yaoyang could answer, Chengzhai Gouye spoke first, his tone full of shock.

"Acupuncture, what do you mean?"

Liangkun didn't react when he heard it at first, but after five seconds, he also showed shock on his face and said:

"Master Gou, are you talking about the acupoints like those on TV? Brother Yaoyang just tapped the bald man's acupoints?"

Hearing Master Gou say the word "point", Liangkun, Crow and others were extremely shocked. Lei Yaoyang was also a little surprised. His eagle eyes were sharp and he looked directly at Master Gou and said:

"Does Mr. Dog know my tricks?"

Mr. Gou nodded and shook his head, explaining:

"Decades ago, I met an old man in the walled city and heard him talk about it. "He told me that there is such a thing as "pointing acupuncture points" in the world, but it is not as exaggerated as in the novel. But if you practice

There is a method, and it is extremely lethal."

"I just listened to it as a story, and I never really saw anyone know how to tap acupuncture points."

"But what Mr. Lei did just now, if I read it correctly, was that the position where he poked the bald man was exactly at the Mingmen point of his spine."

"So that's it."

Lei Yaoyang suddenly realized and admitted:

"Master Gou has good eyesight. I just clicked on the Mingmen point that saves the mirror. The Mingmen point is one of the thirty-six fatal points in the human body. After this point is hit by someone, you will be weak from the waist down."

"The so-called "impact spine Qi-breaking machine", if this acupuncture point is hit accurately and vigorously in normal times, the person who hits it will instantly fall into leg paralysis."

"But it's different today. Xing Jing was already seriously injured and unconscious. If he were to do this again, his injuries would be aggravated. And I asked someone to carry him on his back. The bumpy journey would only aggravate his injuries.

"If he's lucky, he'll die after crossing the sea. If he's not lucky, he may be cold before he even gets on the boat."

"That's why Mr. Lei agreed to hand over the bald man to Ma Jiaowen."

Master Gou was suddenly stunned, with admiration in his eyes. Master Lei had a deep mind and had planned everything from beginning to end.

This calculation is really scary!

He promised to hand over people from the beginning, and thus obtained two gambling boats.

Then, seemingly with good intentions, he asked the younger brother to carry a mirror on his back, but it was actually a plan to torment him and make his injuries worse.

Finally, let Ma Kiaowen check the mirror, which is full of routines throughout the process.

Since Ma Jiaowen checked that everything was fine, he certainly wouldn't think that Lei Yaoyang and others were playing tricks on others. He would only think that he was unlucky. The mirror was fine, but he couldn't hold it while walking.

Everyone was impressed, but Lei Yaoyang didn't think there was anything remarkable about him, so he said with a pun:

"Since Xing Jing has hurt one of our people, how can I let him speak again?"

Ah Zha and others heard this and thought that Lei Yaoyang was loyal enough to avenge his brothers, so they plotted against Xing Jing.

Gou Ye and Kuang Long are different. I heard that Lei Yaoyang still remembers his promise and keeps his word.

For a moment, everyone smiled.

After explaining the conspiracy, Lei Yaoyang changed the subject and said:

"Ah Zha, I'm going to run the gambling boat I got from Ma Jiaowen for you, Yao Qing, Ah Ju, and Kuang Long." Regarding the operation of the gambling boat, you can ask Ah Ju to return to Macau and ask for more advice.

Come on, young lady."

Ah Zha was overjoyed when he heard this, knowing that this was Lei Yaoyang's reward for everyone tonight.

Although Ma Jiaowen said that he was compensating everyone, in fact, it was entirely for Lei Yaoyang's sake.

If it hadn't been for Lei Yaoyang's intervention, let alone boat gambling, Ma Jiaowen would not have even paid a penny.

Now that the gambling boat is in hand, Lei Yaoyang doesn't want to be alone at all, and directly lets everyone collect money together. Although the rules still have to abide by the old rules, it has the advantage of not forgetting that he is the only one in the Hong Kong market.

The Walled Dog Master on the side also nodded repeatedly as he listened, feeling happy for the mad dragon.

The "Hand Flip Club" is such a damn good organization. The president has such a demeanor that the following members will not be able to make a fortune even if they don't want to.

I can't delay it any longer. I'll talk to that brat Kuang Long all night tonight and teach him the principles of life.

Acting like a marginal figure all day long, without saying a word or taking the initiative to contribute to the organization, this is nonsense.

If there is any benefit in the future, it will still be his turn.

With this thought in mind, Mr. Gou spoke and prompted:

"Aaron, thank you very much, Mr. Lei."

"Thank you, Brother Yaoyang."

After receiving the prompt, Kuang Long and Azha stood up together and said happily.

The beautiful mother could see the crow next to her, but she didn't have any thoughts.

Wu Wu has done a lot of business in private in recent years. Although the two gambling boats are attractive enough, he can't be envious.

Needless to say, pretty mom, based on her senior sister relationship with the eldest lady over the past few years, she has shares in many casinos in Macau, and she has long been part of the gambling world.

But Liangkun couldn't help it. He had a look of "envy, jealousy and hatred" on his face, secretly hating himself for not getting the news in advance tonight.

If I participated tonight, wouldn't I have my own share of the gambling boat now?

Fortunately, Ah Zha was quite generous. He seemed a little embarrassed to share such a great benefit, so he said:

"There are rules in the road, and everyone who sees them has his share. Tonight, Sister Mom, Crow Crow, and Akun received the news and will come over immediately to support our brothers."

"The gambling boat and gambling table should also be available for rent. Of course, it doesn't matter if there is no such rule. We will reserve it now. Aaron, give some to the three brothers and let us all play together. What do you think?"

"Of course I'm fine."

Kuang Long nodded immediately, equally generously:

"Let's all get the windfall together."

Hearing this, Liangkun was instantly overjoyed, and his voice became less hoarse. He was full of flattery and complimented:

"Oh, Brother Zha and Brother Long are so loyal. I didn't say anything, but I'm pretty."

"Well, I've always been interested in boat betting. I'm not bragging. I've been studying this industry for the past few years. I've gained a lot of experience!"

Liang Ma and Wu Wu looked at each other with dark eyes. As invitees at the same time, they both felt that it was embarrassing to follow Liang Kun.

The two looked at each other and said:

"No, we have no interest. Let Liangkun do it with you."

"Yes, since this is the business that you brothers worked hard for, you should do a good job. When it opens, don't forget to send me a VIP card. I will definitely bring my brothers on board to support me." Hahaha, okay

, it’s settled.”

Ah Zha laughed, Kuang Long nodded stupidly, and the atmosphere was harmonious.

Lei Yaoyang was very satisfied with this. After a long period of training, these guys finally have the potential to do great things.

If you want to achieve great things, you must not take advantage of all the benefits. It is a wise way to eat meat and give a bowl of soup to everyone to win over allies.

After receiving the gambling boat tonight, Ah Zha immediately thought of the other people in the office. He had improved so much that he was completely different from the person he was a few years ago.

Next, everyone chatted, and Lord Gou and Crow were both very interested in "point acupoints" and respectfully asked Lei Yaoyang for advice.

Lei Yaoyang was not shy about teaching, and gave a general explanation of what acupuncture is all about, and taught them some very simple techniques on the spot.

The beautiful mother followed Ding Yao, saying compliments and concerns, brushing up on her favorability, not knowing what she wanted to do.

As for Liangkun, he had already roped in Ah Zha and Kuang Long, and had a long talk about the development of gambling boats.

It was as if he was the majority shareholder of the gambling boat, but Ah Zha and Kuang Long were the ones renting the table.

ps: Jianghu Rules 50 monthly tickets plus one more chapter

Currently adding updates 11-50

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