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Chapter 4: New Developments


It was interesting to hear what Lei Yaoyang said, and the members below burst into laughter again.

Some members who were already very familiar with Liu Junxiong also started talking:

"Brother Xiong, it's only been a few weeks and you've made 500 million. You're still not satisfied with this. Are you too conceited?"

"Brother Xiong is truly a sniper in the stock market, awesome!"

"Junxiong, last time you introduced me to the Chinese pharmaceutical company, what do you think of the market outlook?"

"Okay, everyone, whether you want to find Brother Xiong to invest or introduce individual stocks, our meeting will be over in a while. You can chat slowly. Now let's get back to the topic!"

Lei Yaoyang saw that everyone was starting to go off topic again, and while he was satisfied with the good atmosphere created by flipping hands, he had to bring everyone back to their thoughts.

Looking at Liu Junxiong sincerely, Lei Yaoyang admired:

"Brother Xiong, you have made 500 million in three weeks. This has exceeded our initial expectations. Your reputation as a "stock sniper" is well deserved!"

"Although I rarely speculate in stocks, I also know that if the situation in the stock market does not change drastically, having three billion in hand may not necessarily be a good thing and it will be difficult to operate."

"In this way, brother Xiong, you can continue to invest and make money for us. If there is anything you need to do, please let me know at any time. With so many of us, there are really few things that we cannot accomplish in Hong Kong Comprehensive Market."

"Well said!"

"The president is right."

When the members heard this, their hearts were filled with excitement and they were filled with admiration. They felt that their own level was much higher.

Liu Junxiong was very moved when he heard this. He smiled and nodded at Lei Yaoyang, raised his glass in greeting, and then poured the wine into the glass.

"Drink it all in one gulp!"

In fact, Lei Yaoyang is right. With a huge sum of 3 billion, investing in the stock market is not as easy as imagined in the Hong Kong Comprehensive Market.

Many people may think that the more money they have, the easier it is to invest in the stock market.

Actually it is not.

There is so much knowledge here.

If you want to spend 3 billion to buy the same stock, let’s not worry about whether you can buy enough. Even if you can buy it, it will immediately arouse the attention of the other company.

The other party will be wondering whether you want to acquire their company, or have other ideas, and will immediately organize professionals to deal with you.

At that time, it was no longer stock trading, it completely became a business war!

If one is not careful, some other financial companies will get involved, swaying left and right, and profit from it.

Two companies that are facing each other head-on are very likely to end up with no winner and both sides losing.

Therefore, the three billion investment, in the early 1990s, could only be invested in batches, buying high and buying low.

Take Liu Junxiong as an example. In fact, in the past three weeks, he has only bought a total of one billion, and he has another two billion as working capital, which has not been touched at all.

As the "boss" Lei Yaoyang, Liu Junxiong truly admires Lei Yaoyang for his understanding and support and his almost total trust.

Putting himself in his shoes, Liu Junxiong asked himself, if he were in Lei Yaoyang's position, would he trust a member like this?

Obviously not!

At least, a large team of accountants will be arranged to go to the company every day to check the accounts and so on.

But now there is nothing, nothing.

How could Lei Yaoyang believe what he said?

Such a person is either a fool or an overlord who "doesn't care about small profits".

Lei Yaoyang is obviously the latter.

Lei Yaoyang continued to control the rhythm of the meeting, facing everyone, and said gracefully:

"Since Brother Xiong's side is relatively stable, let's leave it alone for the time being and let Brother Xiong do his best. But we can't be idle, we have to find something to do."

"Everyone can speak freely. If you have any good ideas, please tell me!"

The next moment, a young voice immediately followed:

"Brother, I have an idea."


Lei Yaoyang looked down, and the person speaking was Chen Shaowei, the junior banker of Hang Lung Bank.

Encouraging a smile, Lei Yaoyang never looked down on anyone and said intimately:

"Mr. Chen, if you have any good ideas, just tell me."

"Brother, since the opening is so exciting, we might as well continue! The fireworks show is gone, but there is still the World Cup. Next year happens to be the year of the World Cup, so we can just continue the opening."

Chen Shaowei expressed his thoughts. Undoubtedly, the opening of the fireworks show gave him a taste of the sweetness, and the sweetness was so great that it made him, a small banker, very excited and wanted to do it again.


"What a great idea. It will be the World Cup next year."

"It's indeed good. I'm afraid there will be more people betting on the World Cup, and it's not just the bad guys on the streets. There's something to be done."

As soon as he came up with this idea, many members started talking about it. Almost all of them showed their excitement and their eyes were bright.

Even many public officials praised the idea. Unlike the last meeting, when it came to opening the market, many people didn't think it was that good.

Obviously, money is really attractive!

No one can withstand the temptation of making billions in one opening.

Only a few people frowned slightly, thinking deeply, but did not express their opinions.

Lei Yaoyang could see it clearly and with a smile on his face, he first said to Chen Shaowei:

"Mr. Chen's idea is a good one, but it's not realistic for us. With our current conditions, we are not qualified to start the World Cup."


When Chen Shaowei heard the first half of the sentence, he was still happy, but after hearing the second half, his smile faded and he became confused and asked directly:

"Brother, what do you mean? What does it mean to be unqualified? It's just an opening. Can't we just do it again according to the method of the fireworks display?"

Not only Chen Shaowei, many members also showed the same expression, not quite understanding what Lei Yaoyang meant.

Lei Yaoyang took his time and explained:

"The fireworks will start. The reason why we can win a big victory is not because of luck, but because we opened the handicap well."

"We let Ajie compete in the competition, and with the help of many people, he became the leader of the fireworks display as he wished, and achieved a huge upset."

"You know, the handicap we opened actually doesn't even have the name Ajie. Except for Brother Sun who placed a bet, there are no other bets on it."

"A completely all-kill handicap, how come we don't make a lot of money?"

"The World Cup is an international event. Therefore, we have no experience or professional talents. We can calculate handicap rates, carefully analyze various indicators, and make the most favorable handicap for us."

"Secondly, we have absolutely no control over whether we win or lose the World Cup."

"In the past three years, the fireworks will be successful, and the most important point is that we have no competitors. The whole world, and our market is a monopoly business. The World Cup is different. Countless international giants around the world have

Our eyes are all fixed on this piece of cake. If we want to get a piece of the cake, we are not qualified yet."

"If you open such an uncertain handicap, it is not business, but a real gamble."

Lei Yaoyang's explanation was reasonable and well-founded. After everyone listened, they suddenly realized that they had no objections anymore and decisively gave up the idea of ​​"opening the market".

It is true that flipping the hand will be powerful, but it also depends on where it is placed.

In the Hong Kong Comprehensive Market, it is indeed powerful enough to crush all parties.

But when it comes to international standards, Xiao Xiami doesn’t even count, and it’s not qualified to compete with others at all.

After Lei Yaoyang made a reasonable analysis, Chen Shaowei also knew that he had a bad idea, and said very embarrassedly:

"Brother, before I could wait for Chen Shaowei to say a complete sentence, Lei Yaoyang had already taken over, nodded and said:

"It's a good thing to be willing to use your brain. The business of our flipping club is everyone's business. We have to talk about it first and brainstorm ideas."

"Speaking of which, it's our fault that we are not strong enough to compete for food internationally. For the time being, we can only eat in this small place."

"But it doesn't matter, we still have a lot of time. One day, we will have a place in the world's plutocratic organizations."

Upon hearing this, all the members nodded and cheered in agreement:

"Well, not bad."

"The president said it well!"

Ding Yao, Ding Qiao, the eldest lady and the other girls all looked at Lei Yaoyang on the stage with complete reverence.

What kind of man is most attractive is undoubtedly one who has great ambitions and sufficient abilities to match.

Especially for several career-oriented women, such a man is more in line with their appetite.

Even the doctor's eyes showed a strange light.

"Everyone, let's continue discussing. If you have any other ideas, feel free to tell us."

Lei Yaoyang continued to preside over the meeting and spoke.

A member in his thirties, wearing a suit and leather shoes, spoke:

"President, I think bus lines need to be improved. The Transport Department has recently opened several new bus lines and is preparing to auction the franchise rights to operate bus lines in North Lantau and Chek Lap Kok."

"If we can capture it, it will definitely be a way to make money."

Lei Yaoyang took a look and saw that it was Wei Hongda, the director of the Office of the Hong Kong Transport Department.

This guy was recommended to join the association by Zhou Xiang, deputy director of the Hong Kong Comprehensive Municipal Labor and Welfare Bureau. He usually has nothing to say and looks like a statue.

This time, it was his first time to speak at a hand-turning meeting.

This is undoubtedly a good start.

Seeing the benefits, the members began to pay attention to the affairs within the flipping club and show their own value.

After all, if you look for such an organization all over the world, you won't be able to find it. One dividend is 100 million. If you don't show your value, who knows whether the president will dislike it and kick you out of the organization.

By then, I really couldn’t even cry.


Lei Yaoyang attached great importance to this member who spoke for the first time and said kindly:

"As far as I know, most of the operating rights of buses in the Hong Kong Comprehensive City are in the hands of Kowloon Bus."

"They have been operating all the buses in the Hong Kong Comprehensive City since the opening of the Hong Kong Comprehensive City. They have a good relationship with the Hong Kong government."

"What do you mean, the Hong Kong government intends not to give them the operating rights of the newly opened routes?"

When Wei Hongda heard this, he first looked at Lei Yaoyang with admiration. He didn't expect that the president even knew these things. Then he explained:

"President, what you said is correct. In the past, the operating rights of buses were indeed all controlled by "Kowloon Buses". It is not that the Hong Kong government does not intend to grant the operating rights to Kowloon Buses. It is just that this time, it is not the Hong Kong government who makes the decision.

, but our Transportation Department.”

"This year in our Transportation Department, the old director retired and a new director came."

"After learning about the opening of the new route, we spent great efforts to obtain the authorization for the new route from the Hong Kong government."

"At the last internal meeting of the Transport Department, I heard what the Commissioner said. He wants to be authorized not because he wants benefits, but because he wants to use it in an auction to gain performance."

Lei Yaoyang snapped his fingers and pointed out:

"He wants political achievements. As long as the auction proceeds are higher than the price offered by Kowloon Bus, then he, as director, will have succeeded in one battle and be considered secure."


Wei Hongda nodded in agreement and said:

"This news has not been spread yet. Even Kowloon Bus does not know the operating rights this time and will not directly grant them. "And currently, there is no other large bus company in the Hong Kong Comprehensive City."

As Wei Hongda started, the members began to discuss quietly and showed great interest in the operation of the bus line.

Especially the young and confused members headed by Blue Whale, Chen Yaoqing, and Lei Yaoyang.

You must know that Hong Kong City Bus is different from other places. After the bus company obtains the operating rights, the bus company is actually responsible for the operation.

Basically, bus companies will outsource the work to small bus companies, and they will just wait and collect the fees.

As for small bus companies, most associations have been established, so just buying a few buses is fine.

This kind of business is a very profitable business, and is usually assigned by the leader to close confidants.

If someone's talker has a minibus line, he will basically lie down and collect money while eating until his mouth is full of oil.

Sanlian Gang Blue Whale has long wanted to build a bus line, but unfortunately there has been no way to do so.

Now if you organize your own organization to establish a large company, you will definitely have a chance.

In the same way, Wu Wu, Liang Kun, Chen Yaoqing and others also think so, so this proposal has many supporters.

"I think it will work. Since we got the news in advance, we will immediately set up a company and invest huge sums of money to show our strong financial resources. When the time comes, we will participate in the auction and grab the management rights at a high price."

"Business is a good business. It's a monopoly business and no one competes. You don't have to worry about not making money."

"Since there is such an opportunity, I think I can try it."

"Yes, Kowloon Bus started out as a bus company. In just twenty years, it has developed into an international company. It is said that its current market value is tens of billions."

Seeing that everyone was so supportive, Lei Yaoyang was not in a hurry to make a decision. He looked down and said:

"Does anyone object or have any different opinions?"

Hearing this, Zhan Mizi said:

"Brother Yaoyang, even if the auction fails by then, we won't have any losses. We can really try."

Liu Junxiong looked proud and spoke:

"If necessary, a week before the auction, I can high-profile block the share price of Kowloon Bus and make it look like I want to acquire them."

"In recent years, Kowloon Bus has dominated the bus market and has offended many people. As long as there is a slight disturbance, someone will follow suit and seek benefits."

"This way, we can minimize the amount of money they can spare to compete for this auction."

The other members heard this, and while appreciating them, they also started to use their brains and came up with a solution. The eldest lady said calmly:

"There are four young men in the family of the head of the Kowloon Bus Company. They are all incompetent dandies. They like to go to Macau to have fun when they have nothing to do. I am very familiar with them."

"If necessary, I will guarantee that the four of them will not be able to leave Macau. This will distract the Kowloon Bus side to the greatest extent and have no energy to bid for the bus line."

The eldest lady's words brightened the eyes of many members.

It also allowed many members to once again experience the domineering nature of the He family.

Listen, the son of the head of a listed group company, the He family dares to detain him in Macau so that they will not be able to come back.

If this was really done, the company leader would not be so impatient as to try to find various connections to get his son back.

Not to mention the bus lines that have not yet been obtained, even if he is asked to give up a few original bus lines, it is not impossible.


Lei Yaoyang completely disagreed with this proposal. He waved his hand and said:

"It's a serious business to take photos of bus lines. We have so many people to turn over, and we are very wealthy and powerful, so why are we worried that we can't compete? It's not impossible to use means, but now such a small thing requires so much money.

Strength and means are not necessary!"

With that said, Lei Yaoyang directly ordered:

"Brother Xiong, let's do whatever we want to do with the stock investment of the Flip Hand Association. We don't have to specially snipe the Kowloon Bus. Of course, if you think this is an opportunity and you can make some money, that's up to you!"

"When I hand over the money to you, I fully trust your ability to make all our members rich."

"Apprentice, don't play in the Tianxian Game or anything like that! You are a female gambling king, not a female prankster. If people find out, you can't laugh out loud. Just like what Zhan Mizi said, register a company to play bidding.

It’s just a matter of strength. It’s just a bus line. It’s good to get it. Even if we can’t take it, it won’t be a loss for us. The Batu Line is a way.”

"Zhan Mizai, I'll leave this matter to you. Tomorrow, register a company with a registered capital of RMB 50,000, just waiting to bid for the bus line."

"Hongda, please be more attentive. If there is any news from the Transport Department, please let Jimi know immediately."

"Yes, Brother Yaoyang!"

Zhan Mizi, who was wearing a suit and standing below, immediately replied.

Wei Hongda also quickly expressed his position:

"President, I will pay attention!"

"Okay, what else is there to do? Let's continue!"

After the first plan was decided, Lei Yaoyang looked around at everyone and asked again.

This time, perhaps because Wei Hongda made a good start, many members suggested:

"President, I went to Japan last week. There is a new industry there called the video screening room. "I took a closer look. Every time it opens, the seats are packed. The business is very good."

"We have so many big brothers in our association, so it should be easy to do this."

"No, I know about the video screening hall, but it can be done in Japan. Our Hong Kong Comprehensive Market is so fierce in cracking down on piracy, so it shouldn't be allowed."

"I don't think so. In emerging industries, there are no rules yet. There should be no problems in a short period of time."

"Brother Yaoyang, in fact, the gaming industry is developing well. There are many game arcades in Zhanmi. Now they are out of date. Let's just change them all into game rooms. If we introduce some new game consoles, they will be prosperous."

"Boss Ma, isn't it? The game arcade is our personal business, Brother Zhan Mi, and now it's a collective business. Why don't you take out your printing factory and it will be ours?"

"That's right."

There are many members in the flipping club, and their industry identities are different. You say this, I say this, and in a short time, twenty or thirty types of business will be mentioned.

Among them, many are unreliable, and there are also many good ideas. Fortunately, Lei Yaoyang has the memory of two lifetimes and has broad enough knowledge to be able to take charge of the overall situation.

Regardless of any industry or business, there is almost nothing that Lei Yaoyang does not know.

As long as the members make a suggestion, Lei Yaoyang can immediately give his opinions and analysis, some of which are just superficial discussions, and more of which are in-depth analysis, which really makes many members admire him.

The president is really terrifying. Not only in his own job, but also in the police industry, he has become a senior superintendent and the fastest-promoted person in Hong Kong City.

When he is free, he is probably not idle at all. This is the result that he can only achieve by immersing himself in research every day.

What about the VCD machine and the Xiaobawang learning machine? Most people present have never even heard of it.

The president, on the other hand, "knew everything he knew" and talked about all kinds of professional terminology as if it were free of charge. He even talked about the possible development in the next few years in a "clear and logical way".

It's a pity that the president finally said that it was someone else's business to take advantage of, and he couldn't participate in the flipping club.

In the rhythm of Lei Yaoyang's "mastering the sail", the handover meeting lasted for about two hours. At the meeting, five businesses were finalized, including buses, video halls, logistics, New Territories factories, etc. However, these businesses can only be regarded as

"A small fight".

Even so, the newcomers Sun Yong, Gan Zuzan, Panjiaolong, Yi Zhong and others were already so excited that they almost jumped up. They took the time to ask Liangkun and Dasha if they dared to do business together and did not need membership.


There will be a huge amount of membership fees when you turn over, which is the remaining balance after the first two members invested and made money.

Over the past few years, Chairman Lei Yaoyang has worked hard and continued to develop, and the dues have expanded to several billions.

Liu Junxiong now has three billion in his hands, helping everyone invest in stocks, and pays dividends from time to time. The chairman has the final say on the date of dividend distribution.

Then billions were invested in outlying islands. Now many casinos and village houses there are flipped.

In other words, if you join the flipping club, you only need to wait for the dividends, and there is no need to invest at all.

Of course, obligations are not completely absent.

If the flipping session requires you, you must unconditionally cooperate with the arrangements in the session.

This one seems very harsh, but Liangkun has explained that so far, the Flip Club has never forced anything.

Even if you ask members to do things, they are definitely within your capabilities.

Sun Yong and other newcomers became more and more excited as they listened to it. They wanted to jump up and shout a few times to vent their happiness.

This is really great. After Daqing joins this organization, it is equivalent to embracing a golden opportunity.

Listen to what the president said above and what business he talked about.

The main goal is to compete with listed companies for transactions worth over RMB 100 million.

You don’t have to do this. Being able to participate in the discussion and listen to it already makes you feel that your level has improved.

Especially Panjiaolong, Yi Zhong, Fei Quan and others. At best, they are talkative people, but at worst, they are just street gangsters.

Normally, you can fight with others for hundreds of thousands, but now, a dividend may be over tens of thousands.

After such a comparison, several people suddenly felt that they seemed to be "higher" than the so-called leaders outside.

Don't look at those guys bragging, they have thousands of underlings and so on.

But what's the use? It's scary to have a dividend of over 10 million.

Moreover, it was more than 10 million. They had seen before that each of these members received over 100 million.

The new people were very excited and envious.

Sun Yong was scolding his mother in his heart, wishing he could crush the bastard Liangkun to death:

"Oh no, it's really a late train. This bastard didn't tell me about such a good thing earlier."

All members "express their opinions", and the atmosphere of the hand-turning meeting is very good, full of democracy and freedom.

From time to time, Ding Yao and the other girls would even personally take a few glasses of wine and hand them to Lei Yaoyang at the summit, letting him moisten his throat. Other members would talk until they were thirsty, drink heavily, and eat and drink, but they didn't feel at all.

Care about style.

This can also be understood as the members have regarded the flipping club as "home". If you don't hide your true feelings, about two hours later, almost all members with ideas have put forward their opinions.

I don’t know who spoke below, but the voice spoke above the crowd:

"President, we have been talking for so long, what do you always think?"


As soon as this statement came out, all the members reacted.

Yes, although some of the businesses proposed by us are relatively new and some are considered high-end, the real success depends on the president.

Let’s take a look at the president’s past few years. In any of his handover meetings, he didn’t give a general direction and make everyone make a lot of money.

The investment in offshore islands a few years ago and the opening of the fireworks fair not long ago were all wonderful. After the reaction, everyone hurriedly spoke:

"Yes, Brother Yaoyang, what do you think we should do next?"

"President, it's up to you to control the general direction."

"I just said that something is wrong today. It turns out that the president has not spoken yet. President, please tell me slowly, no matter what you do, I will definitely support you!"

The crowd was excited and supported by thousands of people. Seeing this situation, Lei Yaoyang felt quite proud.

It's really worth all the hard work and benefits that come with it. For the leader of an organization to reach this level is already the highest level.

Raising his hands slightly, Lei Yaoyang smiled. After everyone fell silent, he spoke:

"Yes, I do have a plan here."

“I wonder what you think of public housing?”

"Public housing?"

When the members below heard this, most of them were startled, but a few smart people, such as Liu Junxiong, Zhan Mizi and others, reacted immediately, their eyes widened, and they almost said in unison:

"Brother Yaoyang, is Hong Kong Comprehensive City planning to build public housing again?"


Lei Yaoyang looked at the speakers with admiration, nodded affirmatively, and then said:

"This news is thanks to Wang Zhizheng, a member of our flipping club."

"Brother Wang, come on, come out and say a few words!"

Wang Zhizheng, forty years old, short and fat, with a kind face.

He joined the Flip Hand Association two years ago and is a member of the Hong Kong Comprehensive Housing Committee.

And what kind of organization is the Hong Kong Municipal Housing Authority?

To put it simply, it is an extremely special institution in Hong Kong Comprehensive Market.

This organization usually has nothing to do. Its only job is to formulate and implement public housing plans in Hong Kong comprehensive cities to meet the housing needs of people who cannot afford private rental buildings.

This organization is very impressive. Including the head and deputy heads, there are only twenty-eight people in it. To put it simply, all public housing plans in Hong Kong Comprehensive City are discussed and decided by these twenty-eight people.

Hearing Lei Yaoyang's words, everyone's eyes turned to Wang Zhizheng. Wang Zhizheng was wearing a suit today and was holding a dinner plate with some uneaten cake in his hand.

Seeing everyone looking over, Wang Zhizheng calmly said loudly:

"What the president said is true. Our committee has decided to vigorously renovate Lam Tin public housing estates."

"Most of the public housing in Lam Tin was built in the 1950s, and for emergency purposes at that time, the land and materials were only barely up to standard. After thirty years, many of the public housing there have become dilapidated.

slight danger

"So, we plan to demolish and rebuild. The project is so large that it covers almost every corner of Lantian District."


As soon as these words came out, there was an uproar in the hall.

All the members became excited instantly. Every word you said to me made everyone excited.

Especially members who have already played in real estate are already "gearing up".

All fools know that projects like "building public housing" are 100% profitable projects.

It is directly funded by the Hong Kong government and contracted for construction by external real estate developers.

There is no such thing as ordinary real estate development. You have to use your own money to build a building, and then you have to sell it to make money.

For this kind of project, you get the money first and then start building it slowly.

Of course, after getting excited, some wiser members started asking questions:

"Brother Wang, do you have a way to bring the project to us directly?"

"This is impossible!"

Wang Zhizheng shook his head and said seriously:

"Not to mention me, even the head of our Housing Authority can't arrange it directly. As usual, this time it's also a public tender!"

Hearing this, many members frowned:

"In the public bidding, it was Chen Shaowei, Zhou Han and other rich second-generation members who looked arrogant and shouted:

"Open bidding is open bidding. We just made over sixty billion, are we still afraid of competing with others?"

"That's right, if necessary, I can still go home and get money out. I dare not say more, but two or three billion will definitely be no problem!"

"Yes, there is no problem on my side."

"I want my dad to know that I am bidding to build public housing. Such a good business needs to be negotiated for seven to eight billion."

There are six or seven rich second-generation members in the flipping club. They form their own group and regard Azu as their eldest brother. Usually, Zhanmi is the leader.

When they spoke like this, they were so imposing that it seemed that problems that could be solved with money were no big deal.

This scene gave the newcomers new insights.

Especially Panjiaolong, Wei Jixiang, Fei Quan and Yizhong.

They are all just young and Dangerous people on the street, with low knowledge.

It's not like they haven't seen rich second-generation young men before, but in their impression, those young men only get a few hundred thousand at most, which is already considered very impressive.

Look at the flipping party, where hundreds of millions are taken out with open and closed mouths. This simply breaks several of their perceptions of the "rich second generation".

What do these guys do at home? Could they be opening a bank?

The newcomers were very shocked, but they didn't know that their guess was really close to the truth.

Chen Shaowei actually has a bank in his house.

Seeing that Chen Shaowei and a group of people were speaking, and it was inconvenient for others to say anything, Zhan Mizi frowned slightly and spoke:

"If you don't understand, don't talk nonsense. If you want to build public housing, it's not about money. The most important thing is credibility."

"Public housing is a welfare benefit of the Hong Kong government, so they consider safety more than economic aspects."

"A well-known real estate developer, even if the bid is lower, has a higher chance than some unknown developers."


When the second generation of wealthy people heard this, they were immediately dissatisfied.

Zhou Xiaofu opened Zhou Han's eyes and immediately shouted:

"Then why bother bidding? Why don't they just choose?"

"That's right. Since it's not based on the bid, it's useless to auction it."

The well-informed Liu Junxiong also spoke now and said:

"The bidding is for famous real estate developers to bid, not for everyone to bid."

"Even if we register a real estate company now, we will not receive an invitation and will not be qualified to bid."

"So, we can't do this business at all!"

Chen Shaowei continued angrily, then thought of something again, and quickly looked at Lei Yaoyang carefully.

The other members frowned at first, and then they all reacted and looked at the "omnipotent" president above them.


This business was proposed by the president. If there was no chance, the president would not mention it at all.

Since it was mentioned, there must be some solution. Facing everyone's gaze, Lei Yaoyang naturally understood what it meant and said with a smile:

"Who said it can't be done? Who said we are not famous? Have you forgotten how we did it when the fireworks were launched?"


Ding Qiao had an idea and continued:

"Brother Yaoyang means to borrow your name to take orders?"


Lei Yaoyang nodded and affirmed:

"When the fireworks show starts, we can use Mr. He's name to convince everyone. When building public housing, we can also use other people's names to qualify for bidding."


"Good idea."

"Speaking of which, I know a lot of real estate developers, but their reputations don't seem to be good enough."

"It's different here. I know those people, and I don't know if they will receive a bidding notice."

The members were talking a lot, and then Ding Yao suddenly spoke:

"Brother Yaoyang wants to borrow his name from Mr. Huo?"

Everyone was silent and quickly looked at Lei Yaoyang.

Lei Yaoyang slowly shook his head and said:

"Uncle is a well-known moneymaker, and his reputation in the real estate industry is not very good. If you just use his name, you can participate in the bidding without any money problem, but if you want to win the bid, you will have to pay at least a few percent more."

Uncle alone is not enough!"

"I don't plan to live alone this time. For the public housing project, we can take half of it if we turn over."

"I plan to give the other half to the Li family and the Huo family."

Huo, that must be Huo Jingliang's real estate company, who is the Li family?

Except for Zhan Mizi who had some understanding, the other members were all confused and didn't understand why.

Even Ding Yao didn't understand either and asked on behalf of everyone:

"Brother Yaoyang, who is the Li family?"

"The home of the richest man in Hong Kong."

Lei Yaoyang whispered six words, which shocked everyone.


"Li Bancheng?"

"No way."

Although all members know that Lei Yaoyang has a wide range of people and already has a dominant image.

But even so, no one would associate him with Li Bancheng.

That person is an overlord and a phenomenon.

Members with low status were almost too shocked to speak when they heard the word "richest man".

As fierce as Liu Junxiong, he swallowed his saliva and said:

"President, do you know Li Bancheng?"

"I've met him before, but I don't know him very well, but his eldest son and I are good friends."

Lei Yaoyang gave an explanation and said:

"By the way, two years ago, I asked Zhan Mizi to come forward and work with Mr. Huo and Mr. Li to set up a real estate company to invest in the development of some small land."

"Holy shit!"

When everyone heard this, they all cursed in their hearts, and looked at Zhan Mizi in a wrong way.

You must have hidden it too deeply. You even cooperated with the eldest son of the Li family to open a company, and you have even been doing business together.

We have known each other for several years, but no news has come out, and no one knows about it.

Especially Liu Junxiong, who immediately said:

"Zhan Mi, aren't you? You are so familiar with Mr. Li, and you usually ask me to invest in stocks for you. If you just get some information from Mr. Li, you will only win, not lose."

Zhan Mizi smiled bitterly and shook his head, explaining:

"Brother Xiong, I have never asked anything outside Mr. Li's company. This is also what Brother Yaoyang ordered."

Liu Junxiong is also a smart man. He understood it as soon as he heard it and said thoughtfully:

"Well, that's right. Don't let Mr. Li think that you want to take advantage of him."

On the summit stage, Lei Yaoyang continued:

"Master Li is a good person. He has always wanted to make a career and impress his family. That's why he came out to start a company with me and Mr. Huo."

"Building public housing is such a big deal, I'm sure he will be interested."

"It's just that in terms of money, we may suffer some losses this time. According to my estimation, the money he can come up with is not very much, maybe around one billion."

The members didn't even wait for Lei Yaoyang to finish speaking, and had already expressed their stance:

"It doesn't matter. If you can cooperate with Mr. Li, it's okay to suffer a loss."

"Yes, if you can get involved with the Li family, President, this business can be done even if it doesn't make any money."

"Well, I think so too."

"Every time there is a first time, there is a second time. As long as this cooperation is successful, there will be a lot of opportunities to make money in the future. If you lose a little, just treat it as an investment."

"Brother Yaoyang, if there is not enough money in the meeting, I will not be in a hurry to distribute the dividends. I will use my 100 million first."

"I'm not in a hurry..."

You say something to me, and the people in the flip-hand meeting are actually considered strong people.

In the outside world, everyone is the kind of person who "would rather die than suffer".

But now that I heard that there was a chance to catch the "richest man express", everything was lost.

From this we can also see how influential the words "Li Bancheng" are in Hong Kong Comprehensive Market.

Lei Yaoyang saw this and secretly admired him:

There is no doubt that I still have a long way to go before becoming a top predator.

Now that my reputation has changed, I will be supported by a group of people.

But if it were in other organizations, there would definitely be a lot of opinions.

Let's look at the Li family. It's just a name. When you get into an organization, there is almost no discussion and everyone rushes to cooperate with them.

Such power cannot be achieved "overnight".

"Okay, I understand what you mean."

Lei Yaoyang raised his hands and spoke repeatedly to stop everyone's enthusiasm, and explained in detail:

"What I mean by suffering a loss is only when bidding begins."

"Listen to me first and speak slowly. When I finish speaking, you can speak about Weilun."


Everyone looked at me and I looked at you, and they all laughed in embarrassment.

Lei Yaoyang did not waste any time and continued:

"What I mean is that in this bidding, we will use the company established by Zhan Mizi, Mr. Huo, and Mr. Li to participate."

"I will ask Mr. Huo and Mr. Li to come out for a talk soon. I am very confident that we can reach an agreement with them. We will keep 50%, and the remaining 50% will be half for their family."

"Mr. Huo has strong funds, so don't worry. But Mr. Li won't be able to come up with so much money to bid without relying on his family. We will advance this part of the money for him when the time comes. When the project is completed and settled, he will

Then give us the balance!"

"It's not that we paid the bill directly for him. That would be too deliberate and not good."

"The three of us are cooperating in business. We are not begging others to do business. There is no reason to put ourselves in a weak position from the beginning. The helper is only because of my friendship with Mr. Li. If we turn over, we will become rich and powerful.

Don’t underestimate yourselves too much. Once you hear about cooperating with the Li family, it’s okay to say it’s a loss.”

"If you know that you are losing money, this business is a waste!"

"Are you so unconfident and not optimistic about our ability to flip hands?"

"Believe it or not, one day, the world's richest people will rush to cooperate with us after hearing about our reputation as a flipping club."

By stating his plan, Lei Yaoyang put on a serious face and taught everyone a lesson.


Everyone was deeply moved after hearing this, and began to examine their own behavior.

Ah Zha, Blue Whale, Pretty Mom and others like to hear such words very much, and they feel warm and energetic.

Blue Whale said:

"That's right. What's so great about the Li family? Maybe they will beg us again in the future."

Pretty mom followed closely:

"Yes, we are led by a master. Sooner or later, we will dominate the Hong Kong Comprehensive Market. By then, the top ten richest people will all look at our faces."

Ah Zha was even more exaggerated and said disdainfully:

"You're right. We all have the same head on our shoulders. If we really have to fight, it's not certain who will lose and who will win."

Seeing that several not-so-top members had such ambitions, the other members also cheered up, regained their normalcy, and no longer bowed to the Li family as before.

In order to ease everyone's embarrassment and bring the topic back on track, Ding Yao spoke at the right time and said:

"Brother Yaoyang, we all know about the cooperation between the three companies, what's next? Is there anything we need to do?"


Lei Yaoyang nodded and began to give directions:

"First of all, Brother Wang, if there is any latest news, please tell me immediately. To win a battle, intelligence is the top priority. Among so many of us, you are the only one from the Housing Committee who can get the first place.

It’s all up to you to have the information in hand.”

"President, don't worry, if there is any trouble, I will call you immediately."

Wang Zhizheng nodded quickly and made a guarantee.


Lei Yaoyang said with satisfaction, glanced at everyone with his eagle eyes, and began to name names:

"Jing Ye, Wu Wu, Yao Qing, Qian Qi, Liang Kun, A Zha, Kuang Long, and other members of the gang."

"In the near future, I hope you will lend some of your "elite soldiers and generals" and transfer them all to Panjiaolong."


Climbing Long Meimei was stunned. She didn't expect that she would be called upon in the first meeting.

And what does it mean to try to force people to come over to you?

The foot-climbing dragon Meimei cheered up, and the people in the hand-turning club also paid attention to the sound.

Lei Yaoyang's words continued:

"As long as we can invest in the right to renovate and build public housing, the first step will be to coordinate the residents and let them temporarily move out of the old public housing so that we can work."

"Everyone knows that persuading people to relocate is a troublesome matter. If you just rely on persuasion, I'm afraid it may not be possible in a few months! Especially in Lantian, the environment there is complicated, and the people are even more complicated. There is no guarantee that someone will be able to relocate.

I will take this opportunity to get some benefits."

"Our Qianshou Association is not a shantang. We will not accept any unreasonable conditions."

"When the time comes, as the Lantian local snake and the foot-climbing dragon, you will play a great role."

"But your current power is too weak!"

"I hope that all members can help her to reach a higher level in Lam Tin, and it is best to become a famous figure in the near future."

"You lend her some troops, and she will lead them to cause trouble. She will deal with all the local snakes in Lantian who are displeased and have grievances. Of course, just give them a beating. Don't kill anyone!"

"As long as you increase your momentum, when the project is completed, I will ask Zhan Mizi to find you "uprightly" and make you responsible for talking to those residents. In this way, not only will your status in the world be raised to a higher level.

Floors, you can also use your remaining power to intimidate those residents, so that they can better complete the relocation."

"I see!"

Everyone suddenly realized it and felt that it was brilliant.

Yes, no matter where in the world, as long as it involves real estate relocation, there will definitely be people who will not cooperate.

Most people want greater benefits. Otherwise, they will not move. The same is true even for public housing.

After all, rent for public housing is different for every household.

For some families, the rent is paid annually. If the lease is not up yet, if they refuse to move, there is nothing you can do if you just rely on negotiation.

At this time, we have to rely on some people in the world to come forward.

Although Climbing Dragon is a local snake in Lantian, her reputation is undoubtedly not enough. Let alone ordinary people, even some gangsters may not have heard of her name.

In this case, of course it is necessary for her to make a name for herself.

Understanding this truth, Sanliantang Blue Whale was the first to take a stand and take the lead:

"No problem, are five hundred people enough? Mei Mei, right? I'll ask Gangbiao Tai to lead a team to help you. If anything happens, just call me."

Ah Zha followed closely and expressed his position:

"Anyone from the Vietnamese gang you want can come over. Don't worry, we will take care of our own food and accommodation!"

The plane also became more energetic and said loudly:

"Don't bother me. I'll go there in person tomorrow. As long as you lead the way, I'll take care of it. How many ruthless people can there be in a small place like Lantian? I can only fly one person there."

Chen Yaoqing was more cautious and said:

"It's better to be careful! Since everyone has sent troops, I won't send any more. In this case, I will send out ten gunmen to protect the safety of the foot-climbing dragon.

"Our Dragon Head Association can send out troops at any time. Just say hello when we do it."

"Climbing Dragon, come on, call!"

In the hand-turning club, as long as they are members of the martial arts community, they are all supportive.

Panjiaolong, Yi Zhong and other newcomers were almost dumbfounded. One said five hundred, another one said one thousand. It took less than five minutes. If you really want to calculate it carefully, there are thousands of people here.

No matter what kind of swords, guns, swords and halberds, everyone said that you should prepare your own.

There are even a few people who are faintly studying whether they should bring some "pineapples" there to maximize the momentum at once.

Damn it, is this a fool's errand or a fight?

Should it be so exaggerated?

The Climbing Dragon felt dizzy after hearing this. He couldn't stop the secret passage anymore. Otherwise, if he really let these people come with the guy, he would be thrown into jail.

As soon as he thought of this, Climbing Dragon quickly spoke, clasped his fists with both hands and said around:

"Everyone, brothers, I appreciate your kindness. Just like Brother Aircraft said, Lantian is just a small place and doesn't need such a big pomp."

"Brothers, if you want to help, just send a dozen people here, plus my men, it will definitely be enough."

"If I really can't handle it by then, I'll trouble you all again!"

Climbing Dragon kept trying to persuade him, fearing that early tomorrow morning, a group of guys with "guns and cannons" would come to his door.

Hehetu Yizhong also offered to help, saying that he was familiar with the Climbing Dragon and that he could get it done by leading someone to help her, so there would be no need to trouble so many people.

Climbing Dragon was flattered, and she suddenly discovered that after joining the hands-turning club, if she wanted to be in the world, she could soar into the sky in an instant.

This flipping club is really exaggerated. There are many young and confused members in it, and they are not just ordinary people.

They want people to give people, money to give money, and if they really want to help a person with all their strength, Climbing Foot Dragon is equivalent to having the combined strength of several societies right away.

With such strength, it would be easy to sweep through a small place like Lantian.

Lei Yaoyang looked at the members below who were willing to contribute, and he felt happy and continued:

"Okay, the matter of repossession of the building is basically like this. Climbing Dragon, please be more careful. This is a rare opportunity. Although you are a newcomer, but you have joined us, we will treat you as one of our own, a life and death brother."

"By taking this opportunity, I not only hope that you can make a deal for us, but I also sincerely hope that you will reach a higher level."

When Climbing Dragon heard this, he was moved and quickly said loudly:

"Master Lei, I know, I will never let you down or let everyone down. I will definitely take care of Lantian's matter."

"Well, the most important thing in life is to have confidence. If you have confidence, you may not necessarily win, but if you don't have confidence, you will definitely lose."

Lei Yaoyang praised him highly and then said:

"We have prepared for the auction project and the repossession of the building to encourage relocation. The third item is about materials."

"The amount of the project this time is so large. As long as we take it over and build the land and buildings, a lot of materials will be used. I know that many of our members have also been in real estate and have channels in this field."

"It's just a matter of shopping around. The amount of work is huge. If you can save a piece of material on the price, it will be a huge number."

"Kuai Long, Ah Zha, you two often travel back and forth between the Philippines and Vietnam. Instruct the brothers below to ask around and find out the prices of building materials when you sail over there."

"As far as I know, the more backward a place is, the cheaper these things are."

"We already have ships, so it will be easy to get goods from outside. We can also take care of your business, so why not?"

Ah Zha and Kuang Long heard this and nodded.

Ah Zha immediately said:

"Understood. I will go back to Vietnam in person tomorrow to find those material dealers and ask them."

Tony followed closely behind and also said:

"Brother Yaoyang is right. Our housing prices in Vietnam are basically cabbage prices. I think the materials should be very cheap, otherwise they wouldn't be able to sell them at that price."

"Brother Yaoyang, don't worry, we will talk in the name of the Vietnam Gang when the time comes!!"

Kuanglong has always been a slow-talker, but when he saw the two Vietnamese brothers chatting lively, he was unwilling to be outdone, but he could only say:

"The same goes for me here. I will go to the Philippines myself."


Lei Yaoyang nodded, not particularly relieved, and emphasized:

"The materials must be of sufficient quality. What we want to build is public housing. We cannot just do it just to make money. You must be aware of this."

"Also, as Tony said, this time we bring business to your door, good things will come. Don't play the "ganghu" thing, just have a good talk."

"I know."

"Brother Yaoyang, don't worry."

Ah Zha, Kuang Long and others all agreed, but judging from their looks, they didn't seem to take it to heart.

Lei Yaoyang shook his head inwardly and decided to send a few of his "eloquent" subordinates to follow the two families to talk.

The Kuanglong Club and the Vietnam Gang did not reassure Lei Yaoyang when it came to business negotiations.

For the two of them, one was more ruthless than the other when it came to being a gangster. Lei Yaoyang never worried, but when it came to business, they were far behind.

The three Ah Zha brothers are smart, but just because they are smart, they are likely to do some "flower work" and bully others, causing the serious business to deteriorate and become one-sided bullying.

Not to mention the mad dragon, he can't say a few words, but he can directly take action.

If he comes to talk to someone about business, they may think that he is just here to "appeal to the autumn wind".

"Okay, let's stop talking about public housing for the time being. For those members who just had a mission, I'll see you show off your skills this time. For everyone else who doesn't have a mission, as usual, you can do whatever you want. Play when you should, eat when you should, and have fun.

That’s fine.”

"But if there are members who need help, I hope you will try your best to help. Remember, the people in our hand-turning club are all one family."

Lei Yaoyang finally concluded, looking serious.


"President, don't worry, there will be absolutely no problem."

"Brother Yaoyang, it's over, right? Come on, come on, come down and drink."

All the members agreed one after another, and the atmosphere was very good. Many members were already clamoring for a drink after the meeting was over.


When Lei Yaoyang saw this, he restrained his serious expression, laughed again and again, and said into the microphone:

"Okay, that's it for today's meeting. Next, as per the old rules, everyone can chat freely. If there is any cooperation, you can discuss it yourself. If the discussion is not appropriate, I will give you a few words of analysis, over there on the sofa."

"Damn, my legs are weak after standing for several hours. Ayao, even if it's a cocktail party next time, remember to arrange some stools!"

After saying this, Lei Yaoyang slowly walked down the stage.


For a while, the members burst into laughter, and then entered the "happy hour", gathering together in twos and threes and talking freely.

Those who took the wine took the wine, and those who ate the food ate. More people took this opportunity to quickly talk about the business they usually cooperate with.

After all, in the hand-turning club, most members cooperate with each other, but in normal times, in order to keep their identities confidential, it is not suitable for everyone to find a place to sit down and talk outside.

Therefore, during every hand-turning meeting, the time after the meeting is precious time for them.

Newcomers Sun Yong, Fei Quan, Yi Zhong and others were also surrounded by many members in an instant, either toasting to get acquainted, or directly talking about possible cooperation.

A few people were stunned for a moment, but then they immediately became familiar with the situation and chatted lively with the members.

Sun Yong was even more exaggerated. With his cheerful nature and the atmosphere, he concluded three business deals in less than ten minutes.

Yi Zhong was stopped by his pretty mother and discussed the issues between the two of them.

Both of them were night clubbers, and now they have become their own people. After a few words, they have agreed on several cooperation deals.

Fei Quan was even more lucky when he met department store tycoon Feng Qianshan.

Feng Qianshan seemed to think that Fei Quan was very good-looking and liked this little brother very much. He took the initiative to provide him with many daily necessities at cost prices, such as nightclub drinks, wine, food, etc. Fei Quan did the math, and it was so simple that he could at least do it in a month.

Earn hundreds of thousands more.

As for Gan Zuzan, his master had also stopped him and began to introduce him to the major bosses in the flipping club.

The bosses of five or six companies hired him on the spot as the company's long-term legal adviser, giving him money for free.

It has only been a few hours since I joined the Hand Turning Club. The newcomers have gained something, and they are all dissatisfied. They feel full of a sense of belonging to the Hand Turning Club.

On the single sofa in the corner of the yacht hall.

Lei Yaoyang, as he said, was sitting here and resting.

Ding Yao and Ding Qiao, one holding a glass of red wine in his hand and the other holding a plate with cake, walked over slowly.

"Brother Yaoyang."

The two women handed over two things smoothly, and Lei Yaoyang took it without being polite. He first took a bite of the cake, and then drank half a glass of red wine. The three of them seemed to be getting along as harmoniously as a family.

"Where is Aye? Where has she gone?"

Lei Yaoyang asked smoothly.

"She went to take care of Jixiangzi. She was afraid that Jixiangzi was new here and might not be familiar with him."

Ding Yao smiled lightly and replied.


Lei Yaoyang laughed and said:

"That's right."

After all, Ji Xiangzai is from Huadu and can be regarded as A Ye's subordinate.

This time Jixiangzi can join the hand flipping party, and Aye also has face.

"By the way, Ayao, you didn't handle today's affairs very properly."

Lei Yaoyang's words were undoubtedly saying that Ding Yao's announcement of the cocktail party held today was not perfect.

She, Ding Qiao, the doctor, the eldest lady and the other ladies were all notified, and they all wore evening gowns.

But none of the other members received the notice.


Ding Yao nodded and said a little apologetically:

"It's because I lacked a layer of consideration."

Lei Yaoyang was not serious and said with concern:

"Is the island country's business in trouble recently? It's not like your style to make mistakes in such a small matter!"

"No, the real estate company on the island country is already on track and has been going smoothly."

Ding Yao smiled sweetly, enjoying Lei Yaoyang's concern.

Lei Yaoyang smiled and said:

"It's fine if you don't, but you still have to pay attention to it in the future. There are many things and details can determine success or failure."

"In the flipping club, everyone is on their own. I've explained it to you again. It doesn't matter, but it should be kept outside. A small mistake may cause dissatisfaction to others."

Lei Yaoyang is sincere and sincere. He has always admired and reassured Ding Yao and tried his best to help her succeed and achieve the goal she wanted to become.

"Brother Yaoyang, I understand."

Ding Yao nodded, very impressed.

This scene fell in the eyes of Ding Qiao next to him, and Ding Qiao was very jealous.

She is also a woman, but if Ding Yao makes a small mistake, someone will make it perfect for her.

After coming down, he was very seductive and didn't say a harsh word.

What about yourself?

Usually I have to shoulder my own troubles without anyone to help me. No matter how hard or tiring I am, I can only endure it.

Forget it, there is a father and brother in my family who are trying their best to hold me back, as if they will never give up until they bring themselves down.


Ding Qiao felt sorry for himself and was extremely envious of Ding Yao.

"Ah Qiao, Ah Qiao, what's wrong with you?"

Just then, Ding Qiao's stunned look fell in Ding Yao's eyes, and Ding Yao's eyes lit up and she called out again and again.

"Oh, nothing."

Ding Qiao reacted, hiding his embarrassment, and said:

"Brother Yaoyang, do you want some cake? I'll give it to you."

Lei Yaoyang raised the plate, showed the half cake inside and said:

"This isn't over yet. Ah Qiao, is your dad making trouble again?"

"No, since Brother Yaoyang talked with him a few days ago, he hasn't looked for me in the past few days."

Ding Qiao shook his head and denied.

"That's good."

Lei Yaoyang nodded, ate half of the cake, handed the plate to him and said:

"Okay, I'm done eating now, please Miss Ding, please give me another piece!"


Ding Qiao was amused, took the plate, and turned back towards the dining table.

Seeing Ding Qiao leaving, Ding Yao leaned close to Lei Yaoyang and whispered in his ear:

"Brother Yaoyang, Ah Qiao has fallen in love with you. I think she has fallen."

"Ayao, I've noticed that you've become more and more gossipy recently. You're not even thirty yet. Why, are you ready to become an aunt?"

Lei Yaoyang joked, drank the red wine in one gulp, handed over the glass and said:

"This Miss Ding, I would also like to trouble you and go pour the bar!"


Ding Yao took the wine glass, hummed, and also went to the dining table.


Looking at Ding Yao's back, Lei Yaoyang shook his head and laughed.

"Big Brother!"

"Brother Yaoyang."

At this time, perhaps seeing Ding Yao leaving, a group of people walked over and greeted him.

When he looked up, he saw that it was the rich second-generation team in the flipping club headed by Zhan Mizi, Chen Shaowei, Zhou Han and other members number seven or eight.

Arriving in front of Lei Yaoyang, Zhan Mizi first said:

"Then, if you want to invite Brother Yaoyang, just say so. You must ask me to come with you. Brother Xiong and I still have something to talk about."

As he spoke, Zhan Mizai said respectfully to Lei Yaoyang:

"Brother Yaoyang, these guys said they wanted to ask you to go to Yuen Long to look at a business deal for them..."

After saying this, Zhan Mizi looked back at Chen Shaowei and the others and said:

"Then I've already said it for you. You can decide the specific details yourself. I'll leave first."

As soon as he said this, Zhan Mizai walked away. He looked really anxious. He must have been talking about some serious business, but he was annoyed by Chen Shaowei and his group.

"Brother Jimi!"

"Brother Zhan Mi, no, it's not over yet."

Chen Shaowei and others shouted quickly, but Zhan Mizai didn't even look back, as if he was annoyed by them.


Lei Yaoyang chuckled, looked at the young people with interest, and said:

"Okay, you are all members of the Flip Club. If you have any questions, just talk to me directly. If you have to ask Jimi to speak for you, he is not the one holding the microphone!"

"Let me tell you what kind of business you have done in Yuen Long, and I will analyze it for you."

Several rich second-generation people were willing to cooperate in doing business. Lei Yaoyang supported it. He sat up straight and prepared to listen carefully to what they said.


Facing Lei Yaoyang, the rich second generation who "fear neither heaven nor earth" is always a little nervous.

There was nothing they could do. They had been following Zhan Mizi from the beginning. They couldn't even fight Zhan Mizai and were made to be submissive.

I must be afraid of the boss that Zhan Mizi often mentions.

This feeling is like being a gangster in a club and meeting the leader of the club. It feels like they are not on a parallel line.

"Ahan, tell me!"

"No, Mr. Chen, you are the major shareholder, of course you said so."

"You also know that I am the major shareholder. Now, as the major shareholder, I am ordering you to speak up."

Several rich second-generation people pushed each other, but they didn't know what they were afraid of, and they were unwilling to speak.

After procrastinating for a minute, I still haven't said anything.

Instead, some people started to jump in line.

I saw Hong Lefeiquan, a newcomer who had just joined the club, walking over carelessly with a full bottle of red wine in his hand.

Walking up to Lei Yaoyang, Fei Quan's eyes were full of gratitude and admiration, and he said sincerely:

"Master Lei, thank you for thinking so highly of me, Fei Quan, and taking me to join the Flip Hand Club. I won't say more. From now on, my life belongs to Master Lei."

After saying that, Fei Quan made a "Peng" sound and forcefully took off the wooden lid of the red wine with his hands. He raised his head high and rubbed a bottle of red wine down his stomach. The bottom was visible to the naked eye.

This chapter has been completed!
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