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Chapter 20: Breakthrough

The third floor of "Ren Sum Hospital" in Happy Valley, Hong Kong Comprehensive City.

Due to Liu Hai's order, the hospital lifted the restrictions, and all the police officers arrived here at this time.

In the corridor, uniformed police officers, PTU, and even traffic team uniformed personnel can all be seen.

A medical staff member in his forties, dark-skinned and well-groomed, wearing a white coat, was walking down the aisle under the leadership of two plainclothes men.

In my heart, the pressure is huge!

In front of him were uniformed guards one after another, making him feel as terrifying as the jailers in hell.

Especially when some police officers looked at him curiously, it made him feel uncomfortable all over.

Fortunately, we didn’t walk for too long. The police officer leading the way stopped at the door of a ward and opened the door:

"Doctor Xu, please."

"Excuse me, sir."

The man quickly smiled, smiled at the two of them, and then walked into the ward.

There were so many people inside the ward that the entire ward was almost full, with people sitting and standing.

The people here and the aisles are different. A small number of people are wearing casual clothes, and most of the people are wearing uniforms. They are not ordinary police uniforms. There are many stars on the shoulder of the title, indicating that this person has a very high position.

"Sir, Doctor Xu is here."

Following a plainclothes report, the people in the ward automatically moved out of the way until they reached the bed.

At this time, there were two people sitting on the hospital bed, one in plain clothes and one in uniform.

The man knew a man in uniform who was the police chief of Happy Valley. I heard his name was Sir Liu.

It's not surprising that there are so many people. With this in mind, the man was about to take the initiative to say hello.

But the plainclothes man spoke first, shouting in a loud voice:

"Xu Hongfei, you have committed a crime."


When Xu Hongfei heard this, his body trembled, but he immediately stabilized himself, looked at the plainclothes man, and said confusedly:

"Who is this?"

"My name is Lei Yaoyang, Senior Superintendent of Hong Kong City and Commissioner of Mong Kok Police Station!"

The plainclothes man introduced himself, stood up slowly, his eyes were as sharp as a hawk, staring straight at him, and said word by word:

"Just ten minutes ago, our police caught the escaped prisoner on Denshida Street."

"Then we immediately conducted a surprise interrogation."

"The prisoner has confessed that you, Xu Hongfei, are his accomplices. The reason why he was able to escape this time is because of your great efforts."

The extremely frank words shocked Xu Hongfei instantly. Xu Hongfei saw sweat overflowing from his forehead and said hurriedly:

"Sir, Sir Lei, I was wronged. That Chen Feng is talking nonsense, you must not believe him."

"I am a doctor and the director of a hospital. I live with countless people every year. How could I do such a thing, Sir Lei?"

Xu Hongfei was very excited, obviously believing what Lei Yaoyang said.

After all, from the perspective of a white-collar worker like him, it would be very difficult for a prisoner to escape from police encirclement and interception, so being caught would be completely justified.

Seeing Xu Hongfei's crazy explanation, everyone in the room had expressionless faces.

Only Lei Yaoyang interrupted with another shout:

"There is no conspiracy. Why do you know the name of the fugitive? Our police have not announced it. Where did you hear it?"

Xu Hongfei was startled, sweating even more, and began to wipe the sweat with his hands. After more than ten seconds, he said excitedly:

"The document, yes, I saw it from the document. The prisoner's name was written on it."


Lei Yaoyang smiled coldly and said in a deep voice:

"You have just said that you are a very good doctor and you see countless patients every day. Can I understand that you have to see countless patients every day?"

"Each patient has a name. If prisoners in Stanley want to come for medical treatment, they must apply two days in advance. In other words, even if you have seen it, you have just seen it two days ago."

"Chen Feng, you remember such a common name so clearly?"


What else did Xu Hongfei want to explain?

Lei Yaoyang suddenly stood up from the hospital bed, strode forward, stretched out his big hand, and slapped Xu Hongfei in the face.



A sudden blow caused Xu Hongfei to spin around and spit out a mouthful of blood.

Everyone in the room was shocked. Liu Hai, the chief of Happy Valley Police Station, stood up with a look of "disbelief" on his face.

They were initially ordered by Lei Yaoyang. After Xu Hongfei came in, Lei Yaoyang led the questioning. Everyone just had to watch and watch.

Speaking of which, the questioning was pretty good at the beginning. Lei Yaoyang even deceived and even Liu Hai could tell that there was something wrong with Dr. Xu, but he didn't know what it was.

Unexpectedly, Lei Yaoyang did not choose to continue asking slowly, but went straight up and took action. This was so unexpected.

If it turns out to be a misunderstanding later, even if Lei Yaoyang is the director, he won't be able to forgive him!

Looking at Lei Yaoyang again, he had already grabbed Xu Hongfei's clothes with both hands and said aggressively:

"You bastard, you dare to help the prisoner escape. Do you know how serious the consequences will be?"

"Let me tell you the truth, when Chen Feng was caught by our police, he had just come out of a residential house. In order to escape, he violently entered the house and stabbed a family of five with wine bottles. The youngest of the family was only five years old, and the eldest

Seventy years old, and now they are all in the hospital!"

"If they don't wake up, you will have to bear half of the debt, and the judge will sentence you to at least thirty years."

Xu Hongfei was slapped first, and then grabbed and yelled at by Lei Yaoyang. His mind was buzzing, but for some reason, he could hear Lei Yaoyang's words very clearly.

Thirty years, thirty years!

This number, like a curse, kept echoing in his mind.

"Don't think that our police are fools. The police station has three treasures, which are specially designed to deal with some tough-talking criminals. Once the three treasures appear, even an iron man can't bear them. Are you going to try it?"

"Chen Feng dares to ask you to come out, then he must not be talking nonsense, because he has seen the three treasures of our police station. If I am not wrong, you took his money."

"It doesn't matter whether you admit it or not. We just need to check your account and everything will be clear."

"I am telling you this now, not to ask you to say anything, but to give you a chance to surrender. If you are willing to say it now, I will treat you as surrendering. When the time comes, no matter how serious the crime is, our police will plead for you in court.

Coupled with the circumstances of surrender, the sentence will be reduced by at least half."

"Please think about it carefully."

After saying this, Lei Yaoyang threw Xu Hongfei to the ground with both hands, which was very miserable.

After being manipulated by Lei Yaoyang, Xu Hongfei felt pain all over his body, and compared with the torture on his body, he felt more fear in his heart.

The three treasures of the police station, checking accounts, Chen Feng was arrested as a witness... These three consecutive blows, each one more powerful than the last, are stimulating Xu Hongfei's heart.

With his head burning and his emotions agitated, Xu Hongfei was thrown out only ten seconds before he immediately got up and grabbed Lei Yaoyang's trousers with his hands and feet:

"Sir Lei, let me tell you, I tell you everything, I really did not conspire with Chen Feng, and I had no idea that he would escape from prison."

"Yes, I took the money, and what I took was not Chen Feng's money!

As a doctor, Xu Hongfei, who even tried to intimidate white-collar workers, couldn't stand the pressure at all, actually confessed something.

For a moment, everyone in the room was in high spirits. Liu Hai took a few steps forward to stand side by side with Lei Yaoyang and said excitedly:

"Tell me, tell me honestly, whose money you took, what happened, tell me clearly!"

Other police officers also hurriedly surrounded Xu Hongfei, "watching him with eager eyes."

Just now, Lei Yaoyang attacked him. It might have been an accidental injury, and no police officer dared to take action.

But as soon as he admitted it, it was different. Xu Hongfei went from being innocent to a criminal suspect. If he dared to make any changes, the police in the room would definitely kill him without Lei Yaoyang doing anything.

Seeing the crowd gathered around him, Xu Hongfei was even more stressed. Coupled with the pain on his body, tears streamed down his face and he said:

"It's Chen Fan. Chen Fan gave me the money."

"Chen Fan and I once met at a medical gathering. Not long ago, he suddenly came to see me and told me that a prisoner in Stanley was sick and hoped to come to our Renxin Hospital for treatment. According to Chen Fan, it was because of that

If the prisoner's family wants to see him, come to our hospital and I can give him this convenience."

"For this, he gave me 100,000 yuan."

"I didn't think it was a big deal. The money was easy to earn, so I accepted the money and signed the approval document."

"Sir, sirs, I really did not conspire with the prisoner. If I knew he would escape, even if he beat me to death, I would not sign the approval document, woo woo woo!"

Xu Hongfei shouted "heartbreaking" and regret kept invading his heart.

You know, he is the director of a hospital, his social status and income are not bad, but now he has to lose his whole life's future for a mere 100,000 yuan. I really feel that I have been wronged.

Furthermore, Lei Yaoyang also threatened him, saying that the fugitive killed someone outside, and half of the debt would have to be settled on him.

All kinds of threats made him almost collapse inside. The only way to vent his anger seemed to be crying.

After listening to Xu Hongfei's confession, the killer reacted the most violently. He punched the wall so hard that it made a loud bang, his eyes were on fire, and he gritted his teeth:

"Chen Fan!"

Xu Hongfei was startled by the appearance of the killer. He was excited again and pulled Lei Yaoyang's trouser leg without letting go.

Seeing Xu Hongfei's appearance, Lei Yaoyang felt that his words should be true, but he still had no expression on his face and shouted:

"Have you lied to Sir? Think about it carefully. The Chen Fan you mentioned is now in the hands of our police. If you two can't match your confessions..."

Before Lei Yaoyang could finish speaking, Xu Hongfei raised one hand, pointed his index finger to the sky, and cursed:

"I swear to God, what I told is the truth. If Sir doesn't believe it, I can confront him right away."

"Sir, the fugitive is none of my business. Until now, I have never even seen the fugitive."

Nodding in his mind, Lei Yaoyang didn't make any decisions on his own. He looked at Liu Hai and said:

"Sir Liu, let his brothers record a confession for him and then interrogate him strictly?"


Liu Hai nodded repeatedly and immediately waved his hand and ordered:

"Sir Wu, take him to the next room and conduct a surprise interrogation immediately."

"yes, sir!"

Immediately, a middle-aged plainclothes man stood up, personally pulled Xu Hongfei up and walked out.

Looking at Xu Hongfei's back, Liu Hai looked at Lei Yaoyang in admiration, and his mood improved a lot.

When it comes to investigating crimes, the biggest fear is that there are no clues, especially for fugitives like this. It’s so easy to find a needle in a haystack.

In this era, there is no "Skynet", so catching fugitives is definitely the most difficult case encountered by the Hong Kong comprehensive city police.

After two or three efforts, a huge clue was found, and this was all due to Lei Yaoyang!

I was so impressed that I stopped sweating from my bangs. With a smile on my face, I said softly:

"Sir Lei, aren't you afraid that when you attacked that bastard just now, it was just a misunderstanding? Or maybe Sir Lei has already seen through that bastard is an accomplice?"

Everyone in the room, whether they were police officers or correctional officers, looked at Lei Yaoyang after hearing this.

Their status was low and it was difficult to inquire. In fact, everyone was curious as to why Lei Yaoyang dared to take action!

Beating a doctor and extorting a confession through torture, if it is proved to be a misunderstanding, he will not be able to get away with it.

Smiling slightly, Lei Yaoyang shook his head and said:

"I'm actually not sure whether Xu Hongfei has any problems, but I have two reasons why I have to take action!"


Liu Hai looked at Lei Yaoyang in shock, not expecting that he would also take a gamble, and became extremely curious about his so-called reason.

Lei Yaoyang didn't show off, he held out a finger and said:

"The first reason is that I have told Sir Liu before that this case involves my old superior and my former good colleague."

"I will pursue the fastest solution at all costs, even if I get into trouble."


Everyone present heard it, whether they had heard it before or those who had just arrived later, they all took a breath and then expressed admiration!

In order to help friends and colleagues, many people will say that they go all out to help friends and colleagues, but how many people in the world can do it?

Moreover, Lei Yaoyang is different from ordinary people. He is the youngest senior police superintendent in Hong Kong Comprehensive City. He has a bright future. If he stays for more than ten years, he may even be able to win the position of No. 1 Brother.

Now I am completely willing to risk my life for the sake of my friends. For such an act, the words "unparalleled loyalty" are definitely not an exaggeration.

If you can establish friendship with such a person, you can at least be sure that he will never betray you.

James next to him heard his lips trembling, and he also stood up and stepped forward and said:

"Yaoyang, you don't have to do this, it's for my sake."

"Warden, needless to say, the warden took great care of me when I was in Stanley. I, Lei Yaoyang, dare not say that I am loyal, but at least I will not be "ungrateful"."

Lei Yaoyang didn't wait for the other party to finish speaking, and already raised his hand to interrupt, with a "heroic attitude".

Immediately afterwards, the second finger also stretched out and continued:

"The second reason is that for fugitives like this, if our police want to arrest the criminals again, the most important thing is time."

"The sooner we get useful clues, the better chance we have of catching the prisoner, so we have to use some extraordinary means. As long as there is a slight possibility, we must do our best."

"There are a lot of suspicious things about Xu Hongfei. Based on this, I have to do my best. If I spend time with him slowly and give him time to hire a lawyer, even if he is willing to say it, I'm afraid he will have to go tomorrow. By then

The fugitive may have already boarded the ship and gone somewhere, so how can we find him?"

"Okay now. Since it is confirmed that Chen Fan is working for the prisoner, he must be involved in this matter. We will focus on taking care of him next, hoping to get some breakthroughs from him."

Speaking of Cao Cao, Cao Cao arrived. When Lei Yaoyang was delivering a speech about Weilun in the room, a uniformed policeman came in and said respectfully:

"Director, people from the Correctional Services Department are here."


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A new book written by several veterans

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The content is absolutely stunning and silky smooth.

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