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Chapter 22: The club boss is in action

As soon as Han Chen's words came out, other club bosses also reacted, and they all said:

"Yes, Brother Xiong, just tell me if you have anything and see if we can help."

"Brother Xiong, don't be ridiculous. I have been sentenced to thirty years. I still don't know if I can walk out of Stanley in this life. Brother Xiong, if you don't do it, then I..."

"Yes, Uncle Gan, you are the most virtuous and respected person, but you keep saying, what on earth is going on!"

The club bosses were all excited. In their imagination, the killer was now the deputy warden of Stanley, Guijianchou, A Dong and others were all high-level officials in Stanley.

Everyone knows that the warden will retire in less than two years. By then, the killer will be in charge and everything will be business as usual.

Under this kind of operation, they should stay in jail like this for many years to come.

They never thought that Killer Xiong would tell them now that he was about to stop doing it, and not only him, but Gui Jianchou, A Dong and others also stopped doing it.

This is not bad, but if the warden is replaced, prisoners like them will not even have access to purchase goods, and of course they will no longer be able to do business.

The club bosses with short sentences were fine, but those with long sentences, such as Chaozhou Lao, Sha Biao and others, were sentenced to more than 20 years, and they all felt like they were going crazy.

The life of eating meat is going smoothly, and they never want to go back to the days of eating porridge.

Faced with everyone's inquiries, Killer Xiong still spoke up and explained seriously:

"It's like this. Just this morning, a prisoner escaped from prison and escaped from Stanley. Now there is no trace. After Mr. Lei found out about this, he immediately used all his connections and took charge of the investigation and pursuit. But until now, there is still no trace.

No news."

"Everyone should understand that there is a prisoner escaping from prison. As long as we are investigated, our brothers will be involved. The best result is to be transferred."

"prison Break?"

When the club bosses heard this, they looked at me and I looked at you, but they were confused again.

They stay in Stanley every day. If someone escapes from prison, they cannot possibly not know about it.

But until now, they didn't find anyone running away.

It was Han Chen who spoke up and asked directly:

"Brother Xiong, who escaped from prison?"

The killer hero no longer concealed anything, gritted his teeth and said:

"Room 7, South Dacang, Chen Feng."


For a moment, everyone's eyes were focused on a sturdy man, about 1.8 meters tall, with a scar on his face.

That man was none other than Dongxing Dao Scarnan, the leader of the club in Room 7 of Nanda Cang.

The younger ones below were unknown to the club bosses present, but when they talked about a certain warehouse, they knew who the club boss was.

Facing everyone's gaze and Killer Hero's roll call, Scar Nan panicked and said quickly:

"It's impossible. That kid has been sick recently and can't even get up. How could he escape?"

Halfway through the words, Dao Scarnan consciously stopped speaking and murmured:

"Is he all pretending? He ran away under the pretext of seeing a doctor?"

Following Dao Scarnan's words, Uncle Gan, who had been silent until now, spoke:

"Yes, he is not sick at all. He has been pretending. This morning, he stabbed two prison guards and ran away while he was out of prison to see a doctor!"

Uncle Gan is the medical director of Stanley. He has treated prisoners well over the years. No matter who goes to see a doctor, he will treat them wholeheartedly and is very popular among everyone.

Now that Uncle Gan said this, everyone knew the truth.

Immediately, all the spearheads were pointed at Dao Scarnan.

Shabiao, who was already unhappy after being attacked by everyone, knew that he had been wronged. He was the first to speak and cursed:

"Dao Scarnan, you bastard, it turns out something happened to you."

"How do you explain it now, ah? It's impossible that you didn't know that your people ran away. Tell me, did you take the money and betray us all? Do you want to run away too?"

Scar Nan could not bear such a scapegoat. Sweat broke out on his forehead and he immediately shouted:

"Silly Biao, what are you talking about? Don't talk nonsense. That Chen Feng is not from Dongxing at all. He is just locked up in the same warehouse with me. He is not my younger brother. How do I know he will run away."

"Also, I was only admitted for assault. I have been in prison for five years now. I will be released from prison after just a few more months. I would be so stupid to escape from prison?"

With this explanation, everyone can understand it.

But everyone is not the police. Understanding it is one thing, but whether you can accept it is another.

There is an "unscrupulous" boss of a society in Hongxing. This man is in his thirties. He is Liangkun's younger brother and the named successor after Liangkun was released from prison.

For Liangkun's sake, Killer Xiong and others have always taken good care of him.

This time I heard that Killer Xiong and others may be responsible for this incident, or even be fired. In addition, the other party is from Dongxing.

Wuxin was heartbroken, he stood up and said in rhythm:

"You said it doesn't matter if it has nothing to do with you? I just want to clear it up in one sentence. How can it be so easy?"

"Now that something small has happened to you in the warehouse, of course you have to take responsibility. Didn't you often say that you are so prosperous that nothing can be done to you? It's your turn this time."

"Brother Xiong will let you make a call later, and you can arrange for the boys outside to shave people off. It should be fine."

"Since the person escaped from your warehouse, shouldn't you be responsible for finding him back?"

"Also, you have heard about the troubles Brother Xiong and the others are having now. In order to allow Brother Xiong and the others to do business, you and a few of your younger brothers will take the initiative to take over this matter. Just say that you are also involved. I originally wanted to

Fortunately, Brother Xiong and the others found out in time, so they didn't succeed."

"In this way, Brother Xiong and the others can be regarded as having some merit. They should be able to do their job for the time being, at least they will not be dismissed by the superiors."

The unscrupulous idea made Scarnan's eyelids jump:

This bastard really deserves to be called "unscrupulous". His name is absolutely correct. He is indeed unscrupulous enough.

Not only did he put the blame on himself, but he also wanted himself to plead guilty to a crime that had nothing to do with him.

I will be released from prison in a few months. According to the unscrupulous method, I don’t know where the sentence will be added.

What frightened Dao Scarnan even more was that the community bosses around him nodded frequently, and several of them even looked happy, seeming to agree with the unscrupulous idea.

The Correctional Officer felt worried and touched his chin with his hand. There was something wrong with the way he looked at him.

"Damn it, I can't let the unscrupulous people talk any more, or I'll be in trouble."

With a hint of panic, Dao Scarnan quickly retorted:

"Unscrupulous, don't talk nonsense. Master Lei made the rules back then, and we all support them. We also have an oath to never violate them."

"In the rules, there is no such thing as being responsible for people in the same warehouse."

"If there is, I, Dao Scarnan, didn't say it. It's okay to sacrifice for everyone's benefit. But there is no such thing. How could we break the rules and set such a precedent?"

"Bosses, if there is a minor crime in my warehouse this time, I will be held responsible. Next time a minor crime occurs in your warehouse, will you also be responsible?"

"We are all ordinary people, not gods. If we can take good care of ourselves, who can guarantee that we will take good care of the younger ones? If something happens, we, the bosses, will have to bear it. How is it fair?"

Dao Scarnan is a smart man. With his words, he first broke out the rules and then pulled other club bosses into his own camp, which made some bosses nod their heads.

Indeed, this rule is not good. If something happens to the younger brother, the warehouse boss will be responsible.

If there is a precedent for this, it will be very detrimental to everyone in the future.

However, "Unscrupulous" was smarter than Scar Nan. In less than ten seconds, he immediately said with a disdainful smile:

"Supporting Boss Lei's rules, huh, I don't know who it is. Back then, I still wanted to compete with the boss, and went on a hunger strike and started a fight."

"When I hear trouble now, I think of Mr. Lei and the rules."

"Also, there are prisoners escaping from prison. For such a big thing, even if I am not a prison guard, I still know that the responsibility is huge. Didn't you listen to Brother Xiong? They may all be fired!"

"At such a critical time, can't we make an exception and you, Scarnan, sacrifice yourself once?"

"If Brother Xiong and the others are really fired, we won't have to do anything from now on, and we still have to talk about nonsense rules."

"It makes sense!"

"You're right about being unscrupulous."

"Anan, why don't you sacrifice yourself and accept it?"

"That's right, the people below you pretended to be sick and ran away, and you didn't even notice it. How can you be the boss? Damn it, if you are not responsible, who will be responsible? I support the unscrupulous opinion."

"Which boss supports this, please raise your hand."

Driven by the unscrupulous and crazy rhythm, the guys didn't care about Dao Scarnan's explanation and started to vote by show of hands.

Dao Scarnan only felt that he was more unjust than Dou E. He was about to be released from prison. If everyone really recommended him to take the blame, this would not add at least a few more years to his sentence!

What's even more frightening is that Dao Scarnan has a hard time saying that if everyone really decides, he has no objection.

Dongxing is gaining momentum, so you have to look where it is.

In Tuen Mun, Tung Hing Tai Lao Tong and Hung Hing Dinosaur dominate the world, so they can be considered powerful there.

In East Tsim Sha Tsui, the Dongxing Tigers have a strong foothold and can be considered powerful there. In Wan Chai, the Golden Retriever Tigers run rampant and no one dares to provoke them, so they can be considered powerful there.

But in Stanley, facing the bosses of almost all societies in Hong Kong Comprehensive City, what can Dongxing do?

If he dares to say "no", he will be beaten into a pulp in minutes.

Fortunately, at this time Zhong Tianzheng suddenly spoke and asked seriously:

"Brother Xiong, besides the method proposed by Brother Wuliang, is there any other way? You came to us, do you have any ideas?"

"Smart boy, as expected, Brother Yaoyang asked me to take special care of him."

Killer Xiong gave Zhong Tianzheng an appreciative look, raised his hands, stopped everyone's words, and said:

"Yes, I summoned you all here this time because I really have something to trouble you."

"This is what Mr. Lei means too!"

As soon as these words came out, everyone's spirits were lifted. Lei Yaoyang was so legendary in Stanley, and everyone also knew that Lei Yaoyang was the killer brother Xiong.

Since Lei Yaoyang has an idea, there is a solution to this matter.

Dao Scarnan felt as if he had seen a savior and immediately expressed his stance:

"Since it is Boss Lei's idea, it must be a good idea. Brother Xiong, tell me how to do it. Our Dongxing Gang will fully support it!"

"It's very simple. The boss is arresting people outside now. As long as we arrest people, this matter will be solved."

Killer Xiong first made a premise, and then said seriously:

"However, the boss is now frantically looking for evidence outside, and the result is not ideal. In the boss's opinion, it is difficult to find evidence outside. You should be able to find some in Stanley."

"Chen Feng has been in Stanley for several years. He doesn't usually go alone. He doesn't even have anyone to talk to."

Having said this, the smart Han Chen's eyes lit up and he continued:

"Master Lei means, let us check and ask, what did Chen Feng say before he left, and who did he have contact with? Maybe we can find something from it!"


The killer nodded and spoke in detail:

"The more information the better, and the more detailed the better. We don't know who Chen Feng has been friends with in the past few years, but the bosses must know it."

"I am now asking you to give me a more detailed record as quickly as possible. What has Chen Feng done in the past six months, what has he said, who has he been friends with, etc."

After understanding what Killer Hero meant, Scarnan was overjoyed. If it was just like this, he wouldn't have to top the tank.

Without waiting for others to express their stance, Dao Scarnan was the first to express his attitude and said righteously:

"Brother Xiong, don't worry. That bastard Chen Feng lives in my warehouse. I know who he is most familiar with."

"I'll go back right away and ask questions one by one. It only takes two, no, one hour, and I can give Brother Xiong a reply!"

Immediately after, Zhong Tianzheng said thoughtfully:

"Jia Yao has been helping in the infirmary the past few days and should have spoken to Chen Feng. I will also go back and ask him to see what Chen Feng said to him!"


Datun saw that Zhong Tianzheng had been unhappy, so after hearing this, he said provocatively:

"That four-eyed guy is new, he doesn't know how to be generous, and he's very tough-talking. You're not his boss, will he tell you?"

"How about you let me ask for you?"

Zhong Tianzheng has good relations with many club bosses, but he has nothing to do with Datun.

Looking at Datun with a cold face, Zhong Tianzheng shook his head and said:

"No, I appreciate it. There is absolutely no problem with me. Datun, you like to go to other people's territory to do business. Have you ever sold anything to Chen Feng? Are you familiar with him?

Don’t have anything to say?”

"Damn it, who went to do business in someone else's territory, boy, don't talk nonsense!"

Datun raised his eyebrows and shouted quickly.


Zhong Tianzheng didn't bother to say anything more, but several club bosses looked at Datun with unkind eyes.

Zhong Tianzheng is really not talking nonsense. Datun is a very unpleasant person. He is a villain who is greedy for profit and forgets justice.

The sales areas in Stanley Prison are actually divided. Each boss is responsible for one business, one or two warehouses, or several warehouses.

For the sake of profit, Datun has sold things to other people's territory many times. Some of the victims of the society bosses have also made trouble for Datun, but the young prisoners did not dare to come forward to testify. Even if they were beaten, they would still suffer.


Otherwise, Datun would have been reported to Killer Xiong and his qualification as an agent would have been revoked.

But even so, the club bosses were very dissatisfied with Datun and usually didn't have a good face.

"Okay, I'll leave this matter to you. I will let you go back now, and I will also instruct the people below not to interfere in any of your actions. If there is any news, please inform me at any time."

The killer hero was making his final summary at this time. After finishing his words, he got out of the way and signaled that everyone could leave at any time.

Many club bosses also knew that the matter was urgent, so they said goodbye politely, filed out, and rushed back to their warehouses with great momentum.

Especially Dongxing Dao Scarnan, as soon as he returned to the warehouse, bursts of screams came from inside, which made people's hair stand on end.

This chapter has been completed!
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