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Chapter 28: Acquisition Begins

Two days later, in the top-floor office of Huo Group in Central, Hong Kong Comprehensive City.

Today, it was Huo Jingliang who was preparing to take action against the "Mingda Group".

For this reason, Huo Jingliang specially asked Lei Yaoyang to come and watch, not only to teach Lei Yaoyang some "sniper" experience, but also to share his excitement and joy.

There is nothing more satisfying for a middle-aged man than riding on the face of his love rival and showing off in front of his "son-in-law".

At the same time, for the sake of Lei Yaoyang, Zhan Mizi was also invited to come to the scene to learn about this large-scale business war.

Because of this, Zhan Mi was so excited that he couldn't sleep last night.

In Zhanmi's view, opening a game arcade, opening a mobile phone store, or even making money in real estate instead of finance, making money by standing in front of the screen with just a finger, is definitely what Zhanmi dreams of.

At this time, there is person No. 6 in the office.

In addition to the master Huo Jingliang and his two followers, there are also Lei Yaoyang, Zhan Mizi, and a bald man in his fifties with glasses.

This man with glasses, Huo Jingliang, has already been introduced. He is "William Shen", the deputy head of China Commercial Bank.

He has great power in his hands. Within the Chinese Merchant Bank, he is responsible for providing loans to giant businessmen. He is the target of countless businessmen in Hong Kong Comprehensive City who dare not offend.

To put it simply, the giant merchant has no money. As long as you have the strength, you can borrow money from him.

As for whether to lend you a loan, "William Shen" can make the full decision.

He and Huo Jingliang have been friends for decades. Whenever Huo Jingliang makes a big move, he will definitely be invited to the scene, and every time he is invited to the scene, he is always successful.

William Shen has a very accurate vision. He has always been optimistic about Huo Jingliang and dared to place bets. He even misappropriated money from the bank many times to provide Huo Jingliang with work.

Huo Jingliang has never let him down, he succeeds every time, and his moves are generous, giving full benefits to William Shen.

It is no exaggeration to say that 60% of William Shen's fortune today is due to the benefits given to him by Huo Jingliang.

And Huo Jingliang was able to become a financial giant, and William Shen was the man who stood behind him and worked silently.

In the business circle, there is also a saying that William Shen is Huo Jingliang's pocketbook. As long as William Shen does not fail, Huo Jingliang will never be short of money.

Today, Huo Jingliang looks like a tycoon, wearing a top-notch suit, holding a cigar in his hand, and looking high-spirited.

With his back to the crowd, Huo Jingliang looked out the huge floor-to-ceiling window, overlooking the dense crowd below, and said with high spirits:

"I take the tram to work at nine o'clock every morning, and I only earn tens of thousands a month. I frugally play stocks, hoping to get rich."

"Oh, they don't know who the real winner is."

"How about that, how many magazines have published the case of that old fox named Ye Xiaoli?"

Lei Yaoyang has heard this once before, but for some reason, he has a different understanding every time he hears it.

Huo Jingliang's two followers quickly apologized and said:

"Mr. Huo, yesterday more than half of the magazines in Hong Kong published news about Ye Xiaoli's liver disease. Some tabloids even stated that it was liver cancer, making it sound like Ye Xiaoli was about to die."


Huo Jingliang turned around with satisfaction and said:

"It seems that those two boys are pretty good and have some ability to do things. They can get half of the magazines to publish this news. It's not easy."

"The market will open in half an hour. Inform all the brokers below to keep an eye on "Mingda" and see how many people can help me make money."

"Yes, Mr. Huo."

The two followers immediately took out their phones and started making calls. You must know that such a sniper operation does not just mean buying stocks with one account. There are multiple teams below, divided into dozens or even hundreds of accounts to prevent the other party from following suit.

Find out what the clues are, and then attract the other party's attention.

No care should be taken in any work.

This is Huo Jingliang, who has countless teams under him and has always had the habit of sniping and acquiring other companies. That's why he seems so comfortable. It's OK to just inform him in advance.

If it were anyone else, they would have to prepare at least a few days in advance.

But in that case, there are many people with mixed opinions, and commercial espionage is not unheard of in this era. It is very likely that the news will be spread before it even begins, causing unnecessary trouble.

When Huo Jingliang saw that his followers were busy, he did not neglect Lei Yaoyang and said with a smile:

"Yaoyang, how do you feel?"

Lei Yaoyang shrugged and said honestly:

"I don't feel anything. Maybe I don't make the decision myself, so I don't feel the pressure."


William Shen heard this and interrupted from the side, he laughed and said:

"We have enough capital, of course there is no pressure. Mr. Huo has played with this kind of gadgets a lot, so it will be no problem. So what about Mingda? If Mr. Huo needs it, I can mobilize 5 billion here at any time.



Huo Jingliang held a cigar in his hand, smiled proudly, and said:

"I have more than 10 billion in hand. This money should be enough. People from the Hong Kong Comprehensive Market are swarming. As long as a major shareholder of Ming Dynasty starts to contact me privately, we have already won this battle."


Lei Yaoyang was really frightened when he heard it.

Huo Jingliang has one million in hand, and William Shen has five billion at random. In other words, if he helps with all his efforts, he should have no problem scraping together ten billion.

But Mingda Group is worth 80 billion. With 20 billion, he dares to fully acquire an 80 billion company. Even Lei Yaoyang himself doesn't have such courage.

Next, I really need to study hard and learn the skills of "business warfare".

It's said to be late, then it's fast, half an hour is here soon.

Several people all sat up and looked at the computer on the desk, and on the computer were the stocks of Mingda Real Estate Group.

The opening share price of "Mingda Real Estate" was 7.3 yuan.

Just after the market opened, I saw a mountain of selling orders, and it plummeted at a magical speed. In a short period of time, it had reached 6.7 yuan.

"Haha, the sheep in the market should not be underestimated. An inexplicable news, as soon as the market opened, everyone rushed to sell."

William Shen sat back in a lazy posture, with a smile on his face and said.

"People from Hong Kong City, hey, they don't have anything else but they like to listen to gossip and rumors."

Huo Jingliang looked at the screen and gave his own evaluation, as if he regarded himself as a god.

Lei Yaoyang and Zhan Mizai looked at each other and said nothing. Zhan Mizai even took out a notebook from nowhere and started writing notes seriously.

Lei Yaoyang turned his head and looked at the notebook and the first sentence was:

"The banker is a wolf, he knows how to drive away sheep and loves tigers, and then he swallows the tigers and eats the sheep!"

Lei Yaoyang looked at Zhan Mi who looked attentive and nodded, watching the show quietly.

And soon, under the crazy selling of retail investors, Mingda Real Estate fell to six yuan. Huo Jingliang's two followers held phones in one hand and said at the same time:

"Mr. Huo, Mingda Real Estate has panicked and sold out. Should we take action?"

Huo Jingliang looked serious, raised his hand and said:

"Don't worry, let the housewives sell out before we talk."

Those who have never played stocks may not know what "panic selling" is, but you only need to look at the current stock price of Mingda Real Estate. I saw that its price was completely falling off a cliff, and it didn't take more than 20 minutes.

It has gone from 6 yuan to 56 yuan. Everyone holding this stock is rushing to sell it, for fear that if they sell it too late, it will be even worthless.

The two followers were completely unable to keep their composure and kept reminding them:

"Five dollars and four!"

"Mr. Huo, it's already five dollars and two."

"Five dollars!"

"Okay, buy me one billion immediately."

Huo Jingliang saw that the price of five yuan might have reached his estimate, and he began to issue orders.

The two followers didn't even dare to leave their hands on the phone, and it was connected. After hearing the order, they immediately conveyed it to the people below.

I saw that the stock price of Mingda Real Estate suddenly jumped from five yuan to six yuan. The increase was so strange that it was almost incomprehensible.

When Mingda Real Estate sold for 5 yuan, Huo Jingliang directly bought 1 billion, or 200 million shares.

For a listed company worth 80 billion, this amount of money was too much, so the price skyrocketed, reaching six yuan in an instant.

At this time, the display on the computer screen began to slow down, and the stock price also fluctuated around 6 yuan, 6 yuan, and 5.9 yuan.

Undoubtedly, people outside are not fools. Seeing such a crazy increase, they feel that something is fishy and no longer act arbitrarily.

"Heh, it seems the sheep are starting to use their brains."

Seeing this scene, William Shen was still relaxed and commented.

"Use your brain? Can they have our brains?"

Huo Jingliang gave Shen William a playful look.


The two men, who had worked together countless times, immediately burst out laughing, their laughter was hearty and filled with the satisfaction and joy of "controlling everything".

Huo Jingliang also immediately ordered:

"Ban, throw out 100 million and ask our people to release the news, saying that the building Ye Xiaoli just built involves safety issues and has been strictly ordered by the government to stop sales and make rectifications."


The attendant agreed and arranged immediately.

And if Huo Jingliang spends 100 million yuan and adds a rumor, what will be the effect?

Twenty minutes later, Mingda Real Estate's stock price dropped from six yuan to four nine yuan, a cent lower than the first time.

Undoubtedly, those investors outside were completely deceived and followed Huo Jingliang's rhythm.

Huo Jingliang has purchased stocks worth 900 million in this round, and the current stock price of Mingda Real Estate is still at a low level.

Huo Jingliang also said:

"Go down and buy me another billion."


Lei Yaoyang, who originally didn't feel too big about this business war, now started to feel "bloody", and he also understood why Huo Jingliang was obviously very talented, but he didn't like industry and liked to snipe and rob other people's companies.

Let's not talk about anything else. I will just talk about the feeling of being like God and controlling everything during this "sniper acquisition". It's great.

It's like dropping someone from a high altitude and watching him float, float, and float.

Huo Jingliang also noticed Lei Yaoyang and smiled:

"Yaoyang, how do you feel now?"

"This is what a man should do!"

Lei Yaoyang gave an evaluation of his words and said curiously:

"Uncle, didn't you agree to cooperate with Ye Rongtian? Now you can operate like this without notifying him?"

Huo Jingliang raised two fingers and waved:

"I never said I wanted to cooperate with him from the beginning to the end, and he is not worthy of discussing cooperation with me. He is just a dog I let out."

"Ye Xiaoli's fake medical records are indeed useful, why shouldn't I use them?"

"As for him wanting to ride on my boat and make money together, that depends on his own ability. If he doesn't even have this ability, he deserves it after all."

As he said that, Huo Jingliang looked at the screen, and he raised the price from one billion to six yuan and three, and ordered:

"Ban, please let the news out again. Ye Rongjin, the director of Mingda Real Estate, made a wrong decision, which resulted in Mingda Real Estate purchasing land worth 2 billion, but it cannot be used for commercial purposes at all."


The attendant obeyed the order and immediately started talking to the phone again.

Seeing this scene, Lei Yaoyang finally understood what cutting leeks meant, and that was it.

Every time Huo Jingliang bought a stock at a low price and the price was raised, he immediately sent people to release bad news to the market. Those retail investors in the market had no sources of news of their own, so they just listened to what was said.

Can they survive the first time, the second time, and the third time?

Everyone's mental endurance is limited, and bad news is flying all over their heads. Under constant threats, most retail investors choose to sell. After this magical operation, even Lei Yaoyang, who doesn't play stocks very much, knows that there are people who have lost money and vomited blood.

How much. And Huo Jingliang has bought a lot of Mingda Real Estate stocks at extremely low prices.

Of course, this approach is unethical. Retail investors can ignore it and take responsibility for their profits and losses, but Ye Rongtian should have warned him. People have done their best, and they should repay it no matter what.

Even if you don't tell people when to buy it, you should still inform them and just hold it in your hands after buying it. Don't do anything. The current commotion is just Huo's side.

But Huo Jingliang was too proud to mention this matter at all.

As he said, in his opinion, if Ye Rongtian is fooled by these means, he does not deserve to make money and deserves the loss. At the same time, a small real estate company named "Litian" in Sheungshui, Hong Kong Comprehensive City


Compared with the splendor of Huo Jingliang's office, the gap here is huge. There are just a few ordinary desks on the first floor, with simple decoration and even a rotary fan installed above the head.

The conditions on the second floor are better, but there is still no decent furniture. The desk is big enough and there is an old computer. Ye Rongtian and Xu Wenbiao are sitting across from each other, right here. They are looking at the computer and the screen.

The same as Huo Jingliang’s, it’s also the stock price of Mingda Real Estate.

"Mingda fell to about five yuan and rebounded immediately. Huo Jingliang should have taken action."

Ye Rongtian was very calm, looking at the strange ups and downs of Mingda today, and said. Xu Wenbiao was a little indignant, and said:

"That old fox Huo Jingliang doesn't believe us at all. If we play this way, if we lose our composure even a little bit, we will lose."

Ye Rongtian shook his head and said:

"It's not that I can't believe it, it's that I simply don't like us."

As he spoke, Ye Rongtian looked at Xu Wenbiao with a smile and said meaningfully:

"Are we really helping Huo Jingliang?"

This sentence is really the best comfort. Xu Wenbiao also laughed when he heard it, shook his head and said:

"Of course not, we are just borrowing his power to make money."

"That's ok, how much have we earned now?"

Ye Rongtian raised his eyebrows and said with high spirits. Speaking of this, Xu Wenbiao was in a better mood:

"The first time Mingda was sold for five yuan, we bought 30 million or 6 million shares. When it was sold for six yuan, I had sold them all and made six million." The second time it was sold for five yuan, I

I bought it for 36 million, sold it at 6 yuan, and made another 7.2 million."

"The third time I bought 43.2 million or 8.64 million shares for 5 yuan. That is, for every 10 cents that Mingda earns, we earn 860,000."

"very good!"

Ye Rongtian was very happy to hear this and said:

"Don't move. Now we give Huo Jingliang time to stock up. His tricks are almost done. No matter how stupid the retail investors outside are, they will not always listen to rumors."

"Judging from the current situation, it is no longer easy for him to lower prices."

As he spoke, Ye Rongtian suddenly said solemnly:

"By the way, how is the investigation of Lei Yaoyang?"

"After checking, we found that in addition to being the senior police superintendent of Hong Kong Comprehensive City, he is also the world's god of gambling. The World Gambling Association has a salary of over 100 million paid into his account every year, and this money is pure and clean."

"In addition, he is Huo Jingliang's unofficial son-in-law. He and Huo Xixian are boyfriend and girlfriend, and they have a good relationship."

After Xu Wenbiao said this, he commented:

"Huo Jingliang probably came to him by chance, and he didn't really intend to borrow money from him. The money he can afford is only a few hundred million at most, and he will definitely not be able to support Huo Jingliang."

After listening to Xu Wenbiao’s introduction, Ye Rongtian was not at ease and said:

"Anyway, we still have a lot of time, let's check again."

"I feel that Huo Jingliang found that Lei Yaoyang to discuss money issues. It shouldn't be that simple."

"If we want to win this battle, we must make Huo Jingliang have no money to buy it. It's better to be careful."

Xu Wenbiao heard this, nodded, and immediately picked up the phone to make a call. At the same time, "Mingda Real Estate Company" in Central.

This company is actually just a subsidiary of the Mingda Group, but it is also the most important company in the Mingda Group. Everyone in the Hong Kong Comprehensive City knows that the Mingda Group started from real estate, even though their group is now

The business has covered various fields, but the old people in Hong Kong Comprehensive Market still only think of real estate when they hear Mingda.

Therefore, this company has always been the top priority of Mingda Group.

If something goes wrong with this company, the entire Mingda Group will suffer a huge blow, both in terms of reputation and substance.

Everyone will feel that your own son, Ming Dalian Real Estate Company, cannot be saved at all. Is it going to collapse?

Therefore, Ye Xiaoli has always attached great importance to Mingda Real Estate and handed over the management of this company to his eldest son and second son.

It's a pity that Ye Xiaoli is a business wizard, but his son is far behind.

His eldest son Ye Rongjin, because he was the eldest son in the family, his father had high expectations for him since he was a child. When he was only 16 years old, he made him sit next to him and observe meetings. At the age of 23, he learned to do his first business.

Wan Yuan was scolded by Ye Xiaoli until he cried.

Ye Xiaoli was too strong, and Ye Rongjin was just a "middle-class figure". After being suppressed by his father for a long time, his abilities, which were not strong in the first place, became even weaker.

Slowly, seeing no hope, he simply gave up on himself, gradually began to indulge in alcohol and sex, and became a playboy.

It's just that he's a little better than the average dude. He can still go to work and understands some business matters.

His son Ye Rongyi is filial on the surface, pretending to be a brother and brother, and he is very good at pleasing Ye Xiaoli.

But privately, he was jealous that his eldest brother had too many opportunities, and that his younger brother was more popular with his father, so he was very dissatisfied.

He has no ruthless tactics, no great ingenuity, but countless small tricks. In ancient times, he was definitely an outstanding dog-headed strategist.

Although the two brothers don't often keep an eye on their own company's stock, the strange price movement of their company's stock price this morning still caught their attention.

After discovering the abnormality, the two brothers immediately inquired.

It doesn't matter if you don't inquire about it. Once you inquire about it, the two brothers' lungs will almost burst with anger.

Nowadays, the news about "Mingda" is spreading in the exchanges outside. Some people say that Ye Xiaoli is suffering from liver cancer, some people have Ye Rongjin make bad decisions and buy bad land, and some people even have a bad relationship with their families and have an affair.

The sum of all the rumors undoubtedly leads to one conclusion:

"Mingda Group can no longer hold on any longer and will go bankrupt. Everyone has Mingda stocks in their hands, so sell them quickly!"

According to common sense, the addition of so much bad news is enough for Mingda Real Estate's stock price to drop from seven yuan to five yuan.

But what's even more strange is that at the close of trading at noon, Mingda's stock price rose instead of falling. It was one price higher than when it opened in the morning, reaching seven yuan and two cents.

The two brothers reacted now:

This is definitely someone who is causing trouble, deliberately spreading bad news and taking the opportunity to absorb the shares of "Mingda Real Estate".

I just don’t know what that person’s purpose is or what he wants to do.

As a well-known enterprise in Hong Kong Comprehensive City, Ye Xiaoli has never encountered such a thing since he started.

No matter how ferocious those stock market predators are, they generally won't mess with basic enterprises like Mingda. After all, Mingda is engaged in industry. This kind of company generally has a very stable performance and does not have the problem of broken capital chain.

In other words, if you want to acquire this kind of company, they can spend money to counterattack in a minute, leaving you with no success. Then it will be bad if you lose people and money.

Because they had never encountered it before, the Ye brothers, who were not considered elites, were a little panicked. The first thing they thought of was not how to solve the problem, but to call Ye Xiaoli.

Ye Xiaoli took this matter very seriously and immediately drove over from the headquarters. At this time, it was also the time when the stock market opened in the afternoon. Inside the splendid office of the chairman of Ye's Real Estate Company.

The three fathers and sons of the Ye family were sitting in front of a computer, looking at some strange fluctuations in numbers. The atmosphere was heavy. The eldest son, Ye Rongjin, was not idle. He was explaining to Ye Xiaoli:

"Dad, I don't know who released the news that you have a liver problem, or even liver cancer. Many tabloids and magazines have reported it."

"As soon as our stock opened this morning, it immediately fell off a cliff. But when it fell to a certain place, it suddenly rebounded again, often many times."

"I think someone is up to something, should we check?"

The second son, Ye Rongyi, was not to be outdone and said angrily:

"It's so outrageous. You dare to make things up out of thin air when there is nothing at all. Dad, I will find a legal team immediately and send legal letters to those newspapers and magazines."

Ye Xiaoli had a calm expression, listening to the reports from his two sons while fiddling with the mouse.

After two minutes, he stopped, looked at his eldest son, and said seductively:

"In this case, someone is indeed playing tricks. However, the opponents are not fools. They will not buy large sums of money all at once. They must have planned actions."

"Maybe they have hundreds of accounts. We can't afford to check them. It would take too much time. By the time we find out what's going on, our opponent may have achieved his goal."

Saying that, Ye Xiaoli looked at his youngest son again:

"Magazines and newspapers like breaking news the most. It's okay to sue them, but that's not what we want to do now." "Now that we know someone is up to something, what we need to do now is to fight back."

"Dad, what should we do? Now we don't even know who our opponent is, how can we fight back?"

Ye Rongjin was puzzled and asked.


Ye Xiaoli looked at his two panicked sons and sighed in his heart, knowing that if he didn't find a way, the two of them would be completely blind.

Lamenting that he was "the father of a tiger and the son of a dog", Ye Xiaoli still had to make arrangements immediately:

"Rongjin, please contact our shareholders of Mingda Real Estate immediately. Anyone who holds more than 1% of the shares will be notified."

"We must stabilize their confidence and tell them that our company is developing very well and there are no problems at all."

"Regarding my liver problem, remember, don't deliberately clarify it. The more you talk about it, the more guilty you feel. If other shareholders ask you, just pretend you don't know anything, and you can even express such incredible rumors.


"As for you, Rong Yi, prepare for me. I'm going to hold a press conference to announce our Mingda Real Estate's development plan for the next six months to stimulate the outside world."

"Yes, Dad!"

After Ye Xiaoli said this, the two brothers of the Ye family seemed to have a backbone, and they all responded to the order, got up and left to do their work.

This chapter has been completed!
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