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Chapter 32: Raymond

Lei Yaoyang, who had learned a lot of useful things throughout the day, drove to Huadu with Zhan Mi.

The two of them were not celebrating their academic achievements today, but purely because:

Aye and Ding Yao went to the island country for business and returned to Saigon to stay alone in an empty house. It was a bit embarrassing to spend the night at Huo Jingliang's house. After eliminating the above possibilities, this was the only thing left.

"Master Lei!"


"Brother Jimi!"

The greetings from downstairs alarmed Ruby. When she heard that Lei Yaoyang had finally come to check out the brand today, she did not greet her personally immediately. Instead, she went back to her lounge and put on a cheongsam sewn by her aunt in Shanghai, and dressed up carefully.

Ichiban, holding the poplar nectar brewed by his own hands, went downstairs with great joy.

When she came over, Lei Yaoyang and Zhan Mizai had already entered the box. Lei Yaoyang was drinking from a red wine glass, while Zhan Mizai looked excited and picked up a small notebook to talk about his learning results.

"Brother Yaoyang, Mr. Huo was really awesome today. He turned over more than 1 billion yuan to Yun Zhizhi! This is much faster than building a building. I will learn from it in the future..."

While you were talking endlessly, Lei Yaoyang was holding the wine glass and looking at the red wine rippling in it. He didn't know what he was thinking about, but he nodded from time to time in response to Zhan Mi.

Just on the way here, Lei Yaoyang received a call from Ding Yao, who was far away in the island country. Their business there was blocked.

Business there is a top priority.

It can be said that 90% of Lei Yaoyang's current assets are all placed in the island country.

Of course, if a big problem occurs, it won't go bankrupt, but of course it will still seriously affect his layout.

Ding Yao, who originally used money to pave the way, has been successful in the island country, especially Tachibana Masahito, who owes Lei Yaoyang a huge favor because of the news about the original Qingnan and his "child", and is willing to return to the island country to help Ding Yao. You must know that now the Yamaguchi Group

The Godaime was Tachibana Masahito's childhood friend and brother in life and death.

In just six months of planning, I bought not only half of Ginza, but at least a quarter.

No matter how low-key Ding Yao is, and all transactions are completed by his subordinates from the island country, such amazing results have still alarmed some elders.

Take for example the newspaper king who is causing them trouble now.

"The Chinese are quietly plundering our country's assets, and the Chinese are behind a large amount of real estate."

Such a report came out, although it did not name anyone and said it was Ding Yao who did it, it also caused a lot of trouble for Ding Yao.

Those officials who were originally desperate for money no longer dared to give the green light after the news came out.

Of course, they knew how powerful and well-funded the woman they were serving was and they didn't dare to use it. However, without the green light, compared to the smooth journey before, the overall speed was a huge problem.

Ding Yao also approached the newspaper king, but he seemed to know Ding Yao's identity very well. He even knew that Lei Yaoyang was the man behind Ding Yao. He asked Lei Yaoyang by name and said nothing else.


In desperation, Ding Yao had no choice but to call Lei Yaoyang.

The name Ding Yao mentioned, Lei Aoyang didn't know him or the members of the breakup club at all, and he didn't have any business dealings with this person.

The only thing I can feel some connection with is the Jianghu magazine run by Ah Zha.

But he also reads every issue of the magazine run by A-Zha.

Apart from one Tachibana Masahito, the only island native who appeared was Hara Ao-o, whose grave grass had grown as high as his feet.

Looking back, the surnames of several people don’t look like relatives?

Lei Yaoyang was puzzled that a person with whom he had no acquaintance and no business conflicts suddenly came to him in this way.

Similarly, Lei Yaoyang also knows how powerful the media is. Ye Xiaoli at today's daytime press conference is a typical example.

He couldn't brush this matter off and pretended not to know at all.

Unable to figure it out, Lei Yaoyang simply stopped thinking about it. He would make a phone call during the day tomorrow to ask and he would know everything.

After drinking down the red wine in his hand, Lei Yaoyang raised his head and realized that Ruby was already standing at the door of the box. She was so beautiful.

The fox-like eyes are full of spring light.

Lei Yaoyang immediately stood up and took Ruby into his arms, giving her a passionate kiss.

Jimi very wisely quietly walked away from the two of them without saying hello.

"You still know how to come to me!"

The sparkling corners of her mouth hadn't been wiped clean yet, Ruby buried her head in Lei Yaoyang's thick shoulders and started to complain.

"I miss you, isn't this coming?"

"Then why do you think I didn't come earlier?"

"I'm not busy!"

"I know you are Tycoon Lei. I, a little nightclub dancer, can no longer stand in the eyes of Tycoon..."

"How come."

"Stop talking, tycoon, my little lady will take you to experience the scenery of Shanghai at night."

The boxes closed with a bang, and the spectators outside the door very wisely started to stand guard five meters outside the box, so that no one could disturb them.

In the box, a melodious melody sounded.

"Shanghai at night, Shanghai at night, you are a city that never sleeps..."

On the other side, Central Police Station.

Lei Meng, who has never been weaker than anyone else in his life, has been studying the reasons for Lei Yaoyang's rise.

I got sores on this young boy's hands several times, and I became less and less favored by the director.

And he, Lei Yaoyang, is now about to become the most popular person under the director.

Such development of the jurisdiction will definitely make him the most dangerous person to compete with him for the directorship in the future.

Lei Yaoyang is lucky. He always encounters big eucalyptus and successfully solves the problem. Not to mention the fact that it is life-threatening. He, Lei Meng, can't learn from being injured like that in Edinburgh school.

But he couldn't figure out why the Mong Kok Police Department had the lowest crime rate and the highest detection rate.

He also never expected that Lei Yaoyang would defy the rule of the world, collude with the short mules in the club, and even establish a new order in the world.

But I have been thinking about it for so long and studying Lei Yaoyang for so long.

He still summed up a reason.

That's the tip.

In ancient times, when fighting, the soldiers and horses were not moved, and the food and grass went first.

Now when the police arrest people, the police car has not yet left, and the tip-off is returned first.

Raymond felt that the reason why Lei Yaoyang was so sharp was because of his unknown reporting methods.

So during this period of time, he, Raymond, put in a lot of effort to report the expenses online.

Not to mention the financial investment, he even sent his nephew Wang Yaozu out as an undercover agent.

The investment of just a few months has paid off.

Just now he received a tip.

"Information indicated that a group of gangsters had entered the country through customs."

"They tried to rob the Japanese gambling ship Fuki Maru."

As early as this afternoon, Raymond ordered his subordinates to send information about the "Fuki Maru" and the sea area map of Hong Kong Island to the office.

At this time, a stack of information was placed on the table.

A nautical chart hangs in front of the whiteboard.

Raymond held his chin up and looked at the chart of Hong Kong Island.

Although he can draw a map of Hong Kong Island,

But this is the first time I’ve seen a chart of Hong Kong Island.

After all, he is not the commander of the Marine Police District, nor is he a senior official of the Customs. He usually leads the police team to only operate on the shore. How could he find the nautical map of Hong Kong Island?

Of course, having been a policeman for decades, Raymond is no stranger to the sea area and knows that the nautical map of Hong Kong Island is not small.

Moreover, there is an outlying island area with scattered islands and numerous reefs, which can only be accessed by fixed routes.

The Fuki Maru is a gambling ship in Tokyo, entrusted to Macau Lisboa to operate.

Although it departs from Hong Kong Island, it passes through the high seas, Taiwan Island, and finally docks at Tokyo Port.

Gambling is prohibited by law on Hong Kong Island. Gambling ships will not operate in the waters of Hong Kong Island. Gambling will occur after sightseeing, dances, charity auctions and other programs... after the gambling ship sails into the high seas.

The entire ferry is positioned as a high-end luxury gambling ship, and the people who can board the gambling ship are all the richest people and big bosses in East Asia.

After Raymond finished observing the chart of Hong Kong Island, he took out a pen and started to draw a red line on the chart.

This red line is the sailing route reported by "Fuki Maru" to Hong Kong Island in the "Fuki Maru" information.

After sorting out the information, Raymond already felt like he had a chance to win.

When you think about it, the influence and political capital of so many wealthy tycoons are definitely no less than those of Lei Yaoyang's previous big scandals.

Now, his only thought was whether he should eat alone.

Just now, he made a rough calculation. If it was really going to be a joint operation, not to mention the removal of his own Central District Police Station, he would also have to contact the customs and the Coast Guard Flying Tigers.

Of course, if he takes the lead, the credit will be greater.

But it will never achieve the same effect as the Lei Yaoyang Jewelry Exhibition that saved the consul or the Edinburgh school that saved the students.

At best, it's similar to a mall explosion.

Thinking of Lei Yaoyang rushing forward without hesitation in the face of hail of bullets and rocket launchers, Lei Meng strengthened his determination.

My opponents are working so hard, why should I hold back?

This time Raymond wanted to eat alone.

Likewise, eating alone also comes at your own risk.

As a regional director, people have been staring at his position for more than a day or two. There are more than a dozen pairs of eyes in the police station waiting for his jokes.

So Raymond picked up the information again and started re-layout.

How to avoid the eyes of other police stations and other departments and complete this operation?

How can I minimize my losses even if this action fails?

How about it……

One question after another appeared in Raymond's mind, every point was crucial.

Raymond got into brainstorming.

This time the news came mainly because of a tip.

So can I arrange another informant in this operation?

This "informant" needs to have the ability to fight alone, be good at fighting skills, not afraid of death, and preferably someone with a strong head.

In this way, even if he is isolated and helpless at sea, there is still the possibility of a comeback against the wind.

Likewise, this informant needs to be someone who doesn't obey orders or follow instructions and likes to act without authorization.

In this way, even if the mission fails, it will only be the result of the police officers disobeying orders and acting without authorization and has nothing to do with him.

The ideas in Raymond's mind became clearer and clearer. A human face slowly appeared in his mind. He raised his pen and wrote the three big words Chen Jiaju.

Not to mention that Chen Jiaju really has special conditions for compounding.

I don’t know if a cruise ship as big as Fukimaru sells furniture, otherwise this wave would be stable.

After finalizing the candidate, Raymond began to determine the details.

In what way was Chen Jiaju sent to the ship?

As the leader of the heavy crime team, Chan Ka-kui often appears on TV. What if there are robbers who are concerned about current affairs and often watch TV?

And even if the robbers don't watch TV, Chen Jiaju's reputation as a demon king among his colleagues is not small.

What if Chen Jiaju can't hide it from the gangsters, but he can't hide it from his colleagues, and there are colleagues who want to take a piece of the pie?

This was a big opportunity for him, Raymond, to get promoted and make a fortune. Anything could happen, so he had to be on guard.

Just as Raymond was thinking, the leader of the heavy eucalyptus team knocked on the door in the corridor.

Raymond quickly put away the information on the table, put away his thoughts, and turned back to preach:

"Please come in."


The leader of the heavy eucalyptus team pushed open the door and walked into the office. After standing at attention and saluting, seeing that Raymond was still in the office at this point, he subconsciously asked:

"Sir, is there any big eucalyptus?"

"No! It's just that my wife wants a lot lately and doesn't want to go home too early. Why are you in trouble?"

Before the dust settled, Raymond had no intention of leaking the plan to anyone, not even his own men.

The leader of the heavy eucalyptus group looked bitter:

"I have some trouble here!"

After saying that, he handed the thick folder in his hand to Raymond.

Raymond flipped through it casually, but his mind was not on it. He was still thinking about his big eucalyptus.

"If anything happens, you can solve it yourself!"

But when he saw the suspect's photo, Raymond's eyes lit up.

Isn't this Douzui giving him a pillow?

Suddenly Raymond became interested and changed his words:

"Tell me carefully."

"Sir, the police station received a report of sexual harassment. It's very difficult to deal with. The criminal's name is Meng Bo, and he is a well-known private detective."


"Meng Bo?"

"This Meng Bo is quite famous among detectives. He was the one who picked out several celebrities in multi-player sports. However, this man is as lustful as hell! He also likes to go to the toilet and take secret photos."

"According to frequent surveys, he has harassed dozens of aunties."


Raymond took a breath.

What kind of perverted and hungry ghost can do such a thing!

The heavy eucalyptus group then preached:

"But we don't have any evidence against him for the time being. He looks like a pig, but we can't catch him!"

"So, whether to arrest or not, I want to hear from you sir..."

Before the leader of the heavy eucalyptus group finished speaking, Raymond spoke up to answer.

"You have to catch me. You have to know that I, Raymond, am sworn in with crime. People give me the nickname "Friends of Women in Hong Kong Comprehensive City". How can I not catch such a scum? If there is no evidence, I will bring him back first and I will be detained for 48 hours and then I will be released."

Then we will continue to arrest him and it will end when he pleads guilty!"

The leader of the heavy eucalyptus team immediately felt that Raymond's image in his eyes had become taller. This was such a domineering statement. He couldn't solve the problem that was about to make his head pop, but the director solved it with just one sentence.

Leader of the Heavy Eucalyptus Group, stand at attention and salute.

Shout out":

"Yes sir!"

Then go out and leave.

Looking at the photos in the folder, Raymond murmured:

"Jiaju, Jiaju! I have set the stage for you. This time, my promotion and fortune will all depend on you!"

This chapter has been completed!
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