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Chapter 33: Checking the warehouse

One o'clock in the morning.

All the prisoners in Stanley have gone to bed. After a tiring day, most of them are sleeping deeply, and only a few of them are still chatting quietly.

Suddenly, a sharp whistle suddenly sounded in the fourth warehouse in Stanley. Immediately afterwards, a large group of prison guards, led by Sha Mao himself, appeared directly without even alerting the prison guards guarding the fourth warehouse.

There are multiple sleeping compartments outside the fourth warehouse.

"Sir Zhu, is what you said true? If not, you must be responsible!"

Next to Fat Cat, the warden was also there, with a serious face at this time, looking at Fat Cat.

It turns out that Sha Mao was afraid that after his search, someone would make excuses, such as saying that he was framed or something.

I am currently an enemy of the warden, and I am afraid that I will not be able to explain clearly when the time comes, and I will not be able to please him.

So he used his brains and temporarily called several correctional officers and the warden to search for the warehouse with them.

At this moment, the entire team was standing outside the iron gate. Through the iron gate, everything in the sleeping cabin could be clearly seen.

Sha Mao was not afraid of the prisoners playing tricks, hiding the contraband, and had free time to chat with the warden.

I saw the fat cat with a proud face and a disgusting smile on his greasy face:

"Warden, my information is absolutely accurate. You will know it soon."

"Humph, that's best!"

The warden snorted coldly, but his heart was not as calm as it seemed.

If the news that the fat cat reported to him at night was true, then he would be in big trouble. The prisoners were selling things and gambling, so Yaoyang would never be able to escape if he neglected his duty.

If you don't do well, you will be fired.

What is a prison guard's job after all?

Guarding is the most basic and essential job.

Now, as you watch, the prisoners are starting businesses and opening casinos. What does this mean?

If this is not a dereliction of duty, I am afraid it is not a dereliction of duty.

At this moment, Yaoyang, Killer Xiong, and Guijianchou, together with two prison guards, ran over. Everyone was sweating profusely.

Seeing the warden and the team, there was a bit of surprise on their faces.

Especially Yaoyang, who looked very puzzled, but immediately saluted:


"Lei Yaoyang, are you on duty tonight?"

When the warden saw Yaoyang, his attitude remained gentle and he smiled.

"Report to the warden, I am not on duty tonight, but the dormitory is not far from here. I heard the whistle and thought something happened, so I immediately brought someone over to take a look."

Yaoyang immediately gave the answer, and his words showed his dedication to his work.

The warden carefully looked at Yaoyang and the others, and it was indeed clear that they were eager to come.

Especially the killer, whose clothes were still a bit disheveled. He might have gone to bed and just got up when he heard the whistle.

"These people have good work attitudes and they follow Yaoyang. They are worth cultivating."

Since the conflict with Fat Cat, the warden has slowly returned some of his focus to Stanley, and has been thinking about cultivating his confidants in the past two months.

After all, the fat cat incident simply caused the warden to feel that his prestige had suffered a huge blow.

He never thought that it would be difficult for him to speak in Stanley. If he couldn't use his three-thirds of an acre of land, why would he talk about climbing up?

The warden was thinking about it, and Fat Mao suddenly stood up and interjected with a strange smile:

"Lei Yaoyang, you came just in time. The warden and I are conducting an emergency inspection of the warehouse tonight. You should also take a look."

"I thought you were so capable that you could keep things calm in the fourth warehouse. It turns out that you got together with the prisoners in the fourth warehouse and allowed them to violate the rules."

"Sir Zhu, what do you mean? Since I joined the company, I have worked more than ten hours a day. In the past two months, I have spent all my hard work on the management of the fourth warehouse. The reason why the fourth warehouse is calm is that, first,

It depends on the prisoners’ self-awareness. Secondly, the warden’s leadership is good, and thirdly, it is my contribution to Yaoyang. Are you wronging me by saying that?”

In the past two months, Yaoyang has fully understood why Sha Mao targeted him and chose to completely side with the warden.

In this case, Yaoyang was not polite at all when he spoke to Sha Mao, it was completely confrontational.



Under the gaze of so many people, Sha Mao was extremely annoyed when Yaoyang, a small correctional officer, retorted, and said harshly:

"Okay, if you keep talking, I'll find something later and let's see how you explain it!"

With that said, Sha Mao turned directly to look at the prison guard on duty who was originally responsible for guarding, and ordered:

"Open the door!"

"Brother Yaoyang!"

I never thought that the prison guard on duty was also a newcomer and was bold enough to pretend not to hear Sha Mao's words. Instead, he looked at Yaoyang, undoubtedly waiting for Yaoyang to say something.

I have no choice. How much is the salary of a prison guard?

How much money has he received in just two months?

Which one is light or which is serious? The prison guard on duty has his own rules in mind.

Yaoyang was also quick to think and immediately looked at the warden and asked for instructions:

"Sir, do you want to open the door for inspection?"


The warden laughed wildly in his heart. From his point of view, the situation did not mean that Yaoyang and his group were disobedient to discipline.

On the contrary, Yaoyang and his group are trying to show themselves their attitude. They are completely on the warden's side, and they may not even obey Fat Cat's orders.

"Okay, very good. Compared with other correctional directors, Fat Cat can arrive at a moment's notice. On the contrary, I was the last to know about the surprise inspection tonight."

In his heart, the warden completely began to misunderstand.

"Yaoyang, it's just a routine inspection, open the door!"

With a smile on his face, the warden said "I am the boss" and gave his instructions cordially.

"Open the door!"

Yaoyang then signaled the prison guard on duty.

Several people sang together, pretending that there was no such person as Sha Mao, completely ignoring that Sha Mao was already red with anger.


Only then did the iron door of the cell open.

As for the prisoners in the fourth warehouse, they had already woken up when the whistle sounded. They were either sitting or lying down, muttering quietly and watching the fun.


With a command, the prisoners immediately stopped talking, jumped off their beds, and lined up in front of their respective beds as if reflexively.

"Search for me!"

After being angry for a while, Sha Mao finally found a way to vent his anger. With a wave of his hand, he took the lead and rushed to the prisoner's bed to rummage around.

Tsk… ew…

I have never eaten pork, but I have seen pigs!

In fact, Sha Mao has never personally searched the prisoners' warehouse. He thinks it is dirty.

But at this moment, he came into play.

Pillows, mats, and bedding were all violently torn open and shredded by him, intent on finding the numerous contraband items in the news.

While searching, he shouted:

"Search carefully for me. Don't miss any corner."

The people brought by Sha Mao obeyed the order and were not polite. They all imitated Sha Mao and started to search the warehouses in the fourth warehouse. In this regard, Yaoyang, Killer Xiong, Guijianchou, etc.

The man said nothing and stood straight, like a bodyguard, always beside the warden, turning a blind eye to the actions of Sha Mao and others.

This made the warden, who was a little worried at first, suddenly feel a sense of security for some reason.

"Sir, no!"

"Report sir, nothing was found."

"Sir, I didn't find it here either."

As the prison guards reported one after another, nothing was found in the sleeping compartments of the fourth warehouse.

"Impossible, how is this possible!"

Sha Mao's own search also found nothing. After hearing everyone's reports, he couldn't believe it at all. His eyes were red and he shouted.

In fact, reality is not as impossible as fiction. Maomata does not pay wages to the people under it, but Yaoyang actually gives out red envelopes to people.

Looking at the warden, Yaoyang and others, the warden looked majestic, and the worry in his heart completely dissipated:

"Yaoyang really did not disappoint me. The fourth warehouse in Stanley, which is the most difficult to manage, has achieved such remarkable results in less than two months after it was handed over to him."

Yaoyang, Killer Xiong and others had calm faces, as if everything was as expected.

"Sir, I found something."

At this time, a sudden voice sounded, and the person speaking was none other than the Correctional Officer who reported the information to Sha Mao.

"What discovery?"

As if grabbing a life-saving straw, the fat cat resurrected on the spot with full blood. His fat body jumped up at an incredible speed and looked at the correctional director.

The warden's heart was also raised accordingly.

But when he saw what the correctional director was holding, he relaxed instantly.

I saw a few cartons of cigarettes in the hands of the Correctional Officer, and there was nothing wrong with the brand. They were from the supermarket in the prison.


With a cold snort, the warden glanced at the corrections director with a look of extreme disgust and said:

"Is this what you found? When did we in Stanley stipulate that prisoners are not allowed to smoke?"

"That's right, sir, what do you mean?"

The person whose cigarette was found was none other than a corner boss in the fourth warehouse named Hei Guidong.

He is dark and strong, and he usually likes to play two games.

These cartons of cigarettes were actually won by him from Liangkun's gambling stall.

Now that he was being searched as a "contraband", he refused to accept it.

Tobacco is available in all warehouses in Stanley, not to mention the fourth warehouse. There are so many of them. When did it become a contraband?

The director of corrections was not blind. Of course he saw the look in the warden's eyes, but since he had chosen to work for the fat cat, he could no longer shrink back.

Bite the bullet, the Correctional Officer shouted to the nigger:

"Why do you have so many cigarettes? Where did they come from?"

"I can't suck it myself. I have plenty of money, so I just like to buy more and keep it. Isn't this okay?"

How could Niggai Dong be intimidated by a mere correctional officer? He is also a gold-medal thug outside.

Facing the correctional director, his voice reached the extreme level, almost roaring.

"Enough, enough!"

Before the correctional director could get angry, the warden spoke angrily:

"It's time for this farce to end tonight."

Immediately, the warden looked at Sha Mao, his eyes full of anger, and said:

"Sir Zhu, you'd better give me a reasonable explanation for what happened tonight."


Sha Mao was anxious and angry at the moment, so he could only "vent his anger" on the correctional director who tipped off the information. The look in his eyes made it clear that he would never make it easy for him.

At this moment, perhaps seeing that the soucang matter was over, a prisoner stepped forward and suddenly said:

"Warden, what about our things?"

"That's right, there is such a thing as searching warehouses."

"How do we sleep tonight, warden, you can't ignore it."

"That's too much. The prison guards are amazing."

As the first prisoner spoke, other prisoners followed closely and started talking one after another.

The prisoners were in high spirits. Fat Cat had just searched the warehouse, but destroyed all their belongings, even the pillows.

Now that there is indeed no contraband, is this the loss of the prisoners? Absolutely impossible.

The noise was so loud that it soon broke out in every warehouse, and the prison guards brought by the fat cats could not control the situation at all.

At this moment, Yaoyang, who had been watching with cold eyes, suddenly spoke up. He whispered in the warden's ear:

"Sir, this fact makes me and my subordinates feel a little chilled. Can you grant us three days' leave?"

"Since Sir Zhu suspects us colleagues, let him take over the fourth warehouse in the next three days and conduct a thorough investigation."


The warden heard the first half of the sentence and wanted to comfort Yaoyang.

But after hearing the second half of the sentence, I immediately understood that this was Yaoyang giving me a trick.

Yes, all the fat cats came to search the warehouse tonight, and now the relationship with the prisoners in the fourth warehouse is in a mess.

If Yaoyang and his gang take leave at this time and let Sha Mao and others come to guard the fourth warehouse, how will they end up?

If they can't stop it, the warden himself has enough reasons to deal with them.

Thinking of this, the warden looked at Yaoyang with a kind face and whispered:

"Okay, this matter won't end like this. I will give you an explanation. The guards of your fourth warehouse, including you, are all newcomers. Guarding the fourth warehouse for two consecutive months is really...

You’ve worked hard, and you really should take a vacation and relax.”

"Starting from tomorrow, I will grant you eleven a three-day holiday."

"Thank you, warden."

Yaoyang responded softly.

The two of them also chirped in low voices and reached a consensus. Because the prisoners in the fourth warehouse were in a panic and their voices were very loud, no one else noticed the little actions of the warden and Yaoyang.

"Quiet, quiet!"

The warden, who had a plan in mind, was very calm and calm, and finally stepped forward, raising his hand and shouting to control the situation.

The prisoners in the fourth warehouse were very considerate of the warden, knowing that no one could offend the real emperor of Stanley. Their voices began to grow smaller, and then became completely quiet.

"Everyone, on behalf of the prison, I apologize to you for what happened tonight. In terms of work, our prison does have a lot of room for improvement. Please rest assured that our prison will be responsible for your losses tonight."

"In a moment, I will ask the warehouse management to deliver a brand new quilt and pillow immediately to ensure that you can have a good sleep tonight."

"In addition, everyone in the fourth warehouse will be on vacation tomorrow and will not have to work. This can be regarded as a small compensation for our prison."

A few words show the warden's experienced experience, and it is called smooth handling of this kind of matter.

The prisoners in the fourth warehouse heard it, but they were proud of it. I don’t know who shouted:


Immediately, everyone spontaneously applauded.

Pa, pa, pa… the loud applause was like slaps hitting the fat cat hard on the face.

Tonight, Sha Mao was not only trying to seize Yaoyang's leverage to undermine the prestige of the warden, but he was also involved himself.

As the convener of tonight's action, Fat Cat has to shoulder all responsibilities.

Although this matter is not a big deal, it is just that the method of searching the warehouse was a bit rough, but now the warden is grabbing his sore feet.

Turning small things into big things is definitely an important knowledge in the officialdom. An experienced person like the warden knows this very well.

This chapter has been completed!
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