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Chapter 353 Yangmou

Chapter 353 Conspiracy

Although there is no support from the police force, Lei Yaoyang is still ready to kill these enemies, because if Lei Yaoyang backfires, Zhang Biao, who lost his gun, will definitely be doomed.

It is no exaggeration to say that Zhang Biao would be Lei Yaoyang's right-hand man if he wanted to control the mobile troops. Zhang Biao's effect on Lei Yaoyang was far greater than that of some of the old mobile troops who had followed him for the first time.

Therefore, Lei Yaoyang guessed that Xue Dingguo and Smith also took a fancy to this, and before dealing with themselves, they first cut off their own party members and made themselves alone.

If you don't want to give up on Zhang Biao, you must face the naked conspiracy of these gangsters tonight.

Of course Lei Yaoyang can't give up on Zhang Biao, so he has to jump into this trap tonight.

Lei Yaoyang thought with half-squinted eyes: "Since this side mission is based on the plot of the movie PTU, then I should be able to get the next clue according to the plot of the movie."

In the movie PTU, Mawei is killed at the beginning, and the protagonist He Zhanwen goes to find Mawei's cousin Ali.

Lei Yaoyang's eyes moved and he dialed the number of He Zhanwen, the captain of the Mong Kok Mobile Force: "Awen, please check for me where my long-haired cousin Anan is now?"

He Zhanwen quickly responded to Lei Yaoyang's message, and Anan was now in an arcade in Tsim Sha Tsui East Street.

Lei Yaoyang had a sneer on his lips and thought: "First it was this abandoned old building, and now it's the video game city. I'm going to see how many more people you can kill for me this time!"

Lei Yaoyang immediately ran towards the video game city.

Tsim Sha Tsui at midnight has lost the bustle of the day, and the light rain falling from the sky makes the quiet streets even darker.

Lei Yaoyang came to the video game city that He Zhanwen mentioned. From the outside, the video game city was brightly lit, and the sounds of various games came from inside. But when Lei Yaoyang went there, he could feel that the video game city was not as bright as what he saw from the outside.

It's so prosperous.

Lei Yaoyang stepped into the video game city. As expected, the huge video game city was empty, with only countless video game machines running on their own. The seemingly lively scene gave people a very strange feeling.

The stabbing pain in his brain reminded Lei Yaoyang that the enemy was hidden in the video game city.

Lei Yaoyang walked into the video game city with a calm face and shuttled among countless video game machines, looking for his goal.

Lei Yaoyang's eyes narrowed and he saw a young man with long hair sitting in front of a video game machine. Looking from behind was his long-haired cousin Anan.

Lei Yaoyang was about to walk over.

Suddenly, Lei Yaoyang saw a figure disappearing at a corner.

"It's Huang Mao among those gangsters who stole the gun!" Lei Yaoyang rushed over immediately.

After identifying who attacked him from Zhang Biao's mouth, Lei Yaoyang found the photos of those gangsters, so he recognized the figure at a glance.

But the yellow-haired figure disappeared in a flash around the corner, and Lei Yaoyang rushed to the corner quickly.


Lei Yaoyang's muscles tensed up and he jumped back with all his strength.


A huge gunshot rang out, and a bullet flew past Lei Yaoyang's cheek.


A video game machine was hit by a bullet and exploded into a ball of fire.

"Sniper rifle!"

Lei Yaoyang creates a bolt of lightning and rushes towards the direction of the bullet. The distance between himself and the sniper is useless. If a sniper shoots from a long range, Lei Yaoyang is not that stupid.

But before Lei Yaoyang could rush over.

"Bang!" Another bullet was fired from Lei Yaoyang's side.

Lei Yaoyang immediately turned over to avoid the bullet.

However, before Lei Yaoyang could stand upright, another bullet was fired from behind.


Lei Yaoyang lay down on the ground, then rolled on the spot and hid behind a wall.

Lei Yaoyang, who was leaning against the wall, tilted his head like lightning.


A sniper bullet penetrated the wall and flew past Lei Yaoyang's neck.

Lei Yaoyang immediately jumped forward and dodged another bullet fired at his back. Then he bounced on the ground like a frog, and a bullet made a deep hole in the ground.

Lei Yaoyang was like a ball, rolling quickly to a corner on the ground and finally avoiding the sniper's sight.

Lei Yaoyang leaned against the corner and thought calmly: "Now it seems that there should be three snipers in this video game city, cooperating with each other from three different directions to form a group of very professional snipers that cover the area.


It is no exaggeration to say that every sniper here is no worse than the sniper Han Chen's wife arranged to assassinate him, and they should be even stronger.

But Lei Yaoyang is no longer the Wu Xia Amen of the past. Although enemies of this level are threatening, they are far from life-threatening.

Lei Yaoyang thought for a moment and realized that he was currently in the middle of the arcade. The distance between him and the snipers was just within the effective range of his pistol. With his sand eagle, he was able to shoot with perfect accuracy.

It has advantages over snipers hiding in the dark.

Now, just determine the specific locations of those snipers. It is not too difficult to kill them.

As for how to determine the positions of several snipers, Lei Yaoyang took out a grenade from his waist with a sneer. This was not a flash bomb. Those enemies just now had let Lei Yaoyang know that the opponent was already prepared for the flash bomb.

, so this is a high-explosive grenade.

We had already learned about the ferocity of these enemies in the old building just now, how could Lei Yaoyang be unprepared! This grenade was equipped at that time.

Lei Yaoyang pulled out the fuse and threw it in the direction where one of the bullets came from.

The jet-black grenades were moving rapidly in the air, and Lei Yaoyang's eyes were closely observing the movements around him.

Suddenly, a figure jumped out from the direction where the grenade flew.

"Bang bang!"

Lei Yaoyang seized the opportunity, raised his hand and fired two shots in the blink of an eye.

The enemy who appeared was immediately shot in the head by Lei Yaoyang.

As Lei Yaoyang's position was exposed, the other two snipers also pulled the trigger on Lei Yaoyang.

"Bang!" "Bang!"

Lei Yaoyang had been waiting for these two enemies for a long time and disappeared in a flash.

But Lei Yaoyang had already determined the location of the two enemies from the direction from which the bullets were fired.

Lei Yaoyang raised the gun in his hand and pointed it at the hiding position of one of the enemies, and pulled the trigger continuously.

"Bang bang bang!"

Lei Yaoyang didn't know the exact hiding location of the enemy. These shots were just to force the enemy out.

Sure enough, a black shadow rushed out.

The corners of Lei Yaoyang's mouth curled up slightly.

"Bang bang!"

Two shots will send this enemy to the west.

Now there is only one enemy left among the three.

Lei Yaoyang was ready to capture this last enemy alive.

Because judging from the reflections of the two snipers just now, they all have their own realizations and are not low-level biochemical transformation warriors. You can ask for relevant information.

Lei Yaoyang stood in the open space with a confident face and said loudly: "Come out, you can't run away! If you don't want your head to turn into a rotten watermelon like your two companions, it's best to come out and be captured."

He walked slowly towards the last enemy's position, trying to force this enemy to show his weakness.

Suddenly, a curtain not far away fell down, revealing the little gangster Huang Mao with a face full of fear and a trembling body.

"Huang Mao!" Lei Yaoyang subconsciously rushed towards Huang Mao.

Lei Yaoyang's most fundamental purpose in pursuing this matter was to get back Zhang Biao's gun. As for the man behind the scenes, he now knew it was Zhang Binghui, so catching Huang Mao was the most important thing.

"Ah! Don't kill me!"

Not far away, Huang Mao saw Lei Yaoyang rushing toward him with a fierce look on his face, and immediately let out a terrified cry and ran away!

Lei Yaoyang's eyes moved slightly, he raised his hand and shot Huang Mao's thigh.


Huang Mao's head exploded into a rotten watermelon and he fell to the ground.

But Lei Yaoyang stopped immediately. Lei Yaoyang was sure that he had just hit Huang Mao on the thigh. Since he was not the one who killed Huang Mao, it was Ange sniper.

"No, Huang Mao is the bait, it's the sniper!" Lei Yaoyang turned around without thinking and rushed towards the hiding place of the last sniper.

I saw a dark figure jumping out of the window, it was the last sniper.

Lei Yaoyang had a sneer on his lips, he must catch this sniper this time.

However, a black thing was suddenly thrown in from the window.

"It's a grenade!" Lei Yaoyang immediately recognized what was thrown in.

Lei Yaoyang immediately jumped aside!


The grenade exploded in the arcade, and the flames from the explosion ignited the surrounding arcade machines.

"Boom boom boom!"

Continuous explosions broke out in the arcade, and in an instant the arcade turned into a sea of ​​fire.


Lei Yaoyang stood outside the video game city and let out a sigh of relief. He didn't expect the other party to be so ruthless. He even blew up the entire video game city in order to destroy the corpses and eliminate traces.

"Now that both Changmao and Anan are dead, the only ones in the plot who are still involved in this matter are Changmao's father, Baldhead, and Baldhead's rival, Big Eyes. Find Baldhead first." Lei Yaoyang's determined goal.

But Lei Yaoyang suddenly frowned and thought: "That's not right! I first followed Changmao's clues to find the address of the gangster, and then I was immediately ambushed, and Changmao died. Then I went to find Changmao.

Cousin Anan, there is also an ambush in the video game city. The enemy obviously knows my behavior very well, so he can always guess my next move and arrange an ambush in advance."

"Another possibility is that they determined my target through He Zhanwen when they investigated the location of these people."

"So, if I rush to find Baldhead, there may be an ambush waiting for me."

However, Lei Yaoyang didn't understand the forces in Tsim Sha Tsui at all. If he wanted to determine the location of the target, he had to go through local snakes like He Zhanwen.

Lei Yaoyang thought for a moment with half-squinted eyes, then dialed He Zhanwen's phone with a sneer on his face, and said: "There is a fire in the arcade city. Immediately notify the fire brigade to put out the fire. Also, find out about the hairy dad for me."

Bald spots.”

"Three minutes!" He Zhanwen said on the phone.

Three minutes later, Lei Yaoyang learned the location of Baldhead from He Zhanwen. However, Lei Yaoyang was not in a hurry to rush over, because Lei Yaoyang knew that by the time he arrived, the enemy might have already arranged a dragon pool and a tiger's den waiting for him.

Lei Yaoyang asked He Zhanwen to investigate the location of the bald man just to confuse the enemy. In fact, Lei Yaoyang's real target was not the long-haired bald man, but the bald enemy with big eyes.

Lei Yaoyang dialed Zhang Fang's phone number with a sneer on his face. He started his career in Tsim Sha Tsui, and after he was promoted, Zhang Fang took over his position. Lei Yaoyang believed that Zhang Fang must have a way to know the location of Big Eyes.

(End of chapter)

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