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Chapter 49: Countermeasures

At the elevator entrance on the eleventh floor of the Cointreau Hotel, Yaoyang suddenly jumped out with an "unbelievable" movement, which not only shocked Li Jie, but also shocked the four gangsters.

Fortunately, at this moment, their magazines had been replaced, and the four micro-rams were once again combat effective.

"Did him!"

"Go to hell!"

As one of the gangsters roared, the four micro-guns were turned on again, and bullets poured out like raindrops, almost chasing Yaoyang.

Da da da…

Amidst the hail of bullets, Yaoyang ran very fast. The floor and walls behind him were filled with dust and were riddled with holes.

The murals on the walls also continued to fall off and were completely destroyed.


Fortunately, the elevator entrance was not far from the exit. Yaoyang sprinted and swooped, and with a "near miss", he directly opened the stair door and rushed into the lobby.


When the four gangsters saw this, they immediately stopped shooting and quickly pursued them with guns drawn.


At this time, there were three bursts of gunfire, accompanied by bullet holes in the foreheads of the three gangsters, and blood mist spraying everywhere.

Undoubtedly, this was Li Jie's move. Li Jie accurately seized the opportunity and used excellent marksmanship to kill three people outside the elevator.

"Ah? Do I care about you?"

The only remaining gangster was frightened, angry and frightened. He looked like crazy. He turned his gun towards the elevator entrance again and pulled the trigger crazily:

Da da da…

"Come out, come out!"

Perhaps this is the only way to reduce the pressure in his heart.

After all, there was a small team of ten people. In just a few minutes, all the brothers were dead, and he was the only one left.

Although he is not a good person, he can still be afraid! But he suppressed Li Jie, and suddenly there was another shout from behind:

"Hey, I'm here!"

The gangster was frightened and turned around with his gun in hand. It was already too late.

It turned out that Yaoyang rushed into the hall and immediately rushed out again. He crossed with Li Jie and stretched out his hands to grab the last person's neck.


With Yaoyang's violent twist, the last bandit fell to the ground and died.


After Li Jie discovered what was happening outside, he climbed out of the elevator using his hands and feet, gasping for air.

"How's it going? You're not hurt, are you?"

Yaoyang asked as he started to pick up the microchips on the ground.

"I'm fine!"

Li Jie responded.

"It's okay. Now that we have these guys, the next ones will be much easier to deal with."

Yaoyang threw a slight punch to Li Jie, looking confident that he was "under control".

Li Jie was speechless. He felt that the guy in front of him had no awareness of the unexpected situation at all. Instead, he seemed to have known about it for a long time.

But this is unlikely. The only explanation is that this guy has a terrifyingly high quality.

Yaoyang didn't know what he was thinking. Listening to the call coming from the earphone, he immediately said to Li Jie:

"There is another group of people coming to us from the ninth floor. Get ready!"

The shootout on the eleventh floor was very lively with people coming and going.

At this moment, the outside of Cointreau Hotel was also extremely lively.

The police team arrived late, but they finally arrived. All this depends on Yaoyang's toilet and the cooperation of Li Jie and cid.

It was said that Yaoyang had thrown objects from high altitude before, so he asked cid to directly tell the gangsters in the restaurant that he would call his colleagues over immediately. When dealing with such emergencies, the gangsters on the first floor chose to "kill and silence".

So earlier downstairs, the gangsters planned to bring Li Jie and the two of them into the house and kill them without anyone noticing.

Unfortunately, they didn't expect that Li Jie would be so vigilant and skilled. They noticed that they were pulling out guns, caught sight of the guns, and instantly broke out and injured people.

With no other choice, the gangsters had no choice but to attack Li Jie and cid with all their firepower.

As a result, citizens passing by outside the hotel saw it and immediately called the police.

"A gunfight, a gunfight in the Cointreau Hotel! There is a private exhibition in the hotel today. Not only are there many celebrities and rich people in it, but the Gui Lao Consul and his wife are also participating."

After receiving the alarm, the police took it seriously and immediately dispatched the five nearest assault vehicles and patrols. They also notified the fire department, the Flying Tigers, etc.

At this moment, the police lights at the door flashed, the alarm sounded, the cordon was set up, and a group of police officers stood ready to surround the Cointreau Hotel...the top floor of the Cointreau Hotel.

When we climbed up and looked down, we saw that the outside was surrounded by a large number of police officers. Of course, the people here saw it immediately. The many guests who were like "lambs waiting to be slaughtered" were overjoyed. Although they did not dare to show it on the surface, they finally felt a little comforted.

The gangsters were very unhappy. Their plan A was not to alert the police, but they planned to steal all the jewelry, run away, and enjoy the rest of their lives.

Yaoyang and Li Jie's actions alerted the police, and they were depressed when so many came at once.

"How much longer?"

The gangster wearing a military hat began to question the computer expert who was working.

"Forty minutes!"

The computer expert looked at about one-third of the display cabinets left and gave an approximate time.

"So long?"

The military-hatted gangster heard this and glanced at the doctor in the crowd without leaving any trace.

"Oh shit!"

The doctor cursed in his heart, and when the guests looked at him like they were stupid, he suddenly stood up and walked directly towards the man in the military hat.

There is no way, the doctor knows very well that his younger brother is only suitable for taking action and acting accordingly.

If there are changes in the plan and he needs to use his brain, he has to take charge.

Especially now that the police have arrived, if he doesn't come forward, none of the brothers will be able to negotiate terms with the police.

"Brother, what should we do now?"

When the man in the military hat saw the doctor's actions, he certainly understood his plan and stopped pretending to be unreasonable and asked.

"Inform Feifei to execute plan B. Starting from the first floor, from bottom to top, fill me with explosives."

"Also, put me through the police channel immediately. I want to negotiate with the police officer."

The doctor was confident, his face was full of confidence, he was not panic at all, and he kept giving orders:

"Rabbit, Sangbang, I want you to take people down personally and capture Consul Gui Lao immediately. Consul Gui Lao is the best hostage. As long as he is around, the police will not dare to touch him!"

"Okay, brother!" The man in the military hat heard this and looked at the long-haired man in sunglasses and military uniform beside him. The two immediately turned around, greeted some of the younger brothers, and walked out of the top floor exhibition hall.

"Damn it, it turns out he is also a gangster and he has sneaked in a long time ago!"

The guests squatting on the ground watched this scene from beginning to end. Only then did they suddenly realize that when they looked at the long-haired doctor again, their eyes were filled with hatred.

Moreover, the guests began to be suspicious of each other, especially those they did not know.

They carefully moved their positions and divided into several groups, fearing that there were still one or two gangsters hidden among the crowd.

After all, if there is one, there may be two. If the doctor can hide it, so can other gangsters.

Eleventh floor of Hotel Cointreau, at the corner of the stairs.

At this moment, the place was filled with corpses, more than twenty in total, and the blood was spread out, staining the floor red.

Only Yaoyang and Li Jie were leaning against the wall with their guns, resting and recovering their strength.

The two of them had already solved three waves of searching gangsters at this place.

"There is no news at the moment. No one will come in a short time."

No words came from the gangster's earphones that Yaoyang brought, so he couldn't help but speak and told Li Jie.

"No one comes down, but I want to go up, and I want revenge!"

Li Jie's eyes exuded endless killing intent. Although he was breathing heavily, his fighting spirit did not diminish at all.

"I came down from the top floor. There are at least dozens or hundreds of gangsters up there. Are you sure you can take revenge instead of going up to die?"

Yaoyang said something, obviously not agreeing to go to the top floor.

"I have never had a good night's sleep in the past few years. Since I have this opportunity today, either I will die or I will succeed in revenge!"

Li Jie responded firmly.


Yaoyang sighed in his heart, knowing that dissuasion was useless, so he planned to part ways with Li Jie.

After all, Yaoyang is a tycoon. What is a tyrant?

He will only do things that are beneficial to himself and do so on the premise of protecting himself.

Yaoyang was not willing to rush to the top floor to fight with the gangsters alone.

Furthermore, now that Yaoyang has protected the British consul, Huo Jingliang and others only need to wait until the police attack, and they will have a strong backing when they get out. Today's goal has been achieved, and there is really no need to take risks!

However, in worldly affairs, plans often change faster than plans.

Just when Yaoyang was about to reject Li Jie directly and made it clear that he would not go to the top floor, the gangster's voice came out again from the earphone:

"Feifei, Feifei, did you hear that? I am Rabbit. The doctor ordered us to execute Plan B and let the brothers start planting bombs!"

"Brothers above the fifteenth floor, please stop moving around. Several groups of brothers have lost contact on the eleventh floor. I'm afraid something has happened. Sangbang and I will bring people down now!"

Uh... Hearing such words in the earphones, Yaoyang smiled bitterly, looked up at Li Jie, and said:

"It seems we have to go up to the top floor!"

"Huh? What do you mean?"

Li Jie didn't have headphones, so he didn't know the gangsters' next move at all. He looked at Yaoyang in confusion, hoping for an explanation.

Yaoyang didn't want to waste time, and immediately strode to the door of the eleventh floor hall and shouted inside:

"Xianben, Mr. Huo, Mr. Consul, please come out, we are leaving!"


About five seconds later in the hall, Ding Shanben's voice came out, somewhat uncertainly.

"Come out quickly, it's all done!"

Yaoyang shouted again, and finally the few people in hiding were sure that it was Yaoyang's voice.

Soon, a few people who had been hiding in the hall on the eleventh floor walked out cautiously.

When they saw the situation in the stairway, Le Huizhen and the consul's wife immediately covered their mouths and retched, while Huo Jingliang and others turned pale and extremely ugly.

It's really scary. The corridor on the 11th floor is like a Shura field right now. Some gangsters have been shot in the head, and some have numerous bullet holes on their bodies. They are lying or lying down everywhere. The smell of blood is so strong that it makes people feel uncomfortable even if they breathe out.


Yaoyang didn't care about the many things and immediately explained:

"The situation now is like this. The gangsters seem to be preparing to blow up the hotel and are planting bombs below, from bottom to top. In addition, some gangsters on the top floor have also been killed. The target should be our floor."


There is a tiger in front and a jackal in the back!

Hearing this explanation, Huo Jingliang and others were shocked, and even Li Jie showed a solemn look on his face.

"Yaoyang, what should we do?"

Huo Jingliang was shocked, but he immediately suppressed it and asked.

"There is only one way, go to the top floor!"

Yaoyang gave the answer.

"Go to the attic? Aren't there countless gangsters on the attic? If you go up now, won't you die?"

Ding Shanben interrupted in confusion and said doubtfully.

"The gangsters downstairs have bombs in their hands and have already started to plant them. We don't know why, so there is only a dead end if we go down there. Now several teams of gangsters on the top floor have searched down, and we will be finished here sooner or later. The only way is to go to the top floor, if

Only by killing the bandits above and holding the gap can we have a chance of survival."

Yaoyang immediately gave an explanation.


Everyone nodded, their expressions solemn, but they also knew that this seemed to be the only best way at the moment. However, Mr. Consul still raised objections:

"Lei, didn't you say that some gangsters had already been killed above? Didn't we just bump into each other when we went upstairs?"

"The only thing we can do is take a gamble! Let's play a hide-and-seek game with them."

After Yaoyang said these words, he immediately began to describe his plan... The sixteenth floor of Cointreau Hotel.

Led by the doctor's brother Rabbit and top thug Sangbang, a total of forty people are gathered here.

"A few teams have lost contact. Everyone, be careful. Divide into two teams. Sangbang, you are fifteen and I am fourteen."

The male rabbit in the military hat has good execution ability and will immediately come up with a plan after gathering.

The group of people also moved quickly, splitting into two teams in an instant and walking down the stairs collectively.

When they reached the fifteenth floor, Sangbang led his people straight to the lobby to search, but Rabbit did not stop and continued down to the fourteenth floor.

Bang bang bang...

As soon as Rabbit and his gang reached the fourteenth floor, several gunshots rang out, hitting two gangsters.

"Down there, they're down there!"

Rabbit and his gang hurriedly took cover on the stairs and saw sparks spraying out from the stairway one floor below.

"It's not the consul, do it!"

Just taking a glance, Rabbit first noticed Li Jie's head popping up at the bottom of the stairs. After seeing clearly that it was not a ghost, he took the lead and shot down with a gun.

Bang bang...ta-da-da...

The firepower of Rabbit's group was very strong. Not only did they have light machine guns, but two of the gangsters also held heavy machine guns. In an instant, the fire in the corridor flickered and sparks shot out. It seemed that there was no way to fight back below!


A beautiful man went downstairs holding the handrail with one hand. The rabbit took the pistol first. When he saw no one behind him, he immediately ordered and rushed down first.

At the same time, Rabbit called in the earphone:

"Sangbang, they are below. I will lead people to chase them. You should lead people down immediately and search the thirteenth floor!"


Soon enough, Rabbit went down to the thirteenth floor in an instant, but lost all traces of the enemy, the gunfire disappeared, and the figure disappeared.

"You guys..."

Just as Rabbit was planning to divide his troops and arrange for a few people to stay here to wait for the funeral, he continued to lead people down to explore, when another burst of gunfire came from the stairs below.

Da da da…

This time, the gun below was obviously no longer a pistol, but a light machine gun. The sudden burst of fire not only frightened Rabbit so much that he had to hide in panic. Several of his brothers were shot again and fell instantly in a pool of blood.

"Am I going to fuck you? Hit me!"

Rabbit was so angry that he even forgot about dividing his troops. He stretched out the short gun in his hand without showing his head, and fired randomly towards the stairs below.

Da da da…

The other gangsters followed the orders and struck randomly, pulling the triggers crazily.

"Grass, chase!"

After about ten seconds, Rabbit found that there was no movement downstairs again. The anger of being tricked and the resentment of his brothers' deaths made him a little irrational. He waved his hand and rushed downstairs with all his brothers.

This chapter has been completed!
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