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Two hundred and nine, hard work and hard work

 Before Lin Yige could recognize who the old man who fell on the platform was, a voice shouted from the distance: "Senior Sister Xia, Senior Brother Li, hold him down!"

Xia Mingxuan and Li Run immediately stepped forward, each holding the old man's shoulders and pressing him firmly to the ground.

Although the old man couldn't move, he still had a mouth left and kept shouting: "Oh, hey, it's going to kill me! Young people are bullying the helpless old man!"

That energetic appearance and energetic shouting have nothing to do with being unable to restrain a chicken.

Xia Mingxuan said with a sullen face: "Stop talking nonsense! You old man who has no power to restrain a chicken, I can hardly hold you down!"

Li Run put more force on his hand and advised him: "Elder Si, it's just a few pills to remove evil spirits. It'll be over after a while! You've recovered your cultivation, aren't you the one who earned it?!"

Lin Yige looked at the grey-haired old man who was moaning and groaning, and at the indifferent appearance of everyone who was accustomed to it, and felt a little confused.

The only thing that is certain is that many inner disciples are quite convinced by Wen Caiwei.

At this moment, Wen Caiwei arrived with a sword.

The delicate girl landed on the ground and sheathed her sword, and immediately saw Uncle Lin.

She hurriedly stepped forward and saluted with her hands raised, and greeted softly: "Say hello to Master Lin!"

That soft tone of voice was completely different from the coquettish shout just now.

This made the old man with gray hair become quiet, and turned his head to look over with difficulty.

Lin Yige nodded to Wen Caiwei, pursed her lips towards the old man, and asked curiously: "What are you talking about?"

"Uncle Lin, this is the evil elixir refined by Uncle Tan." Wen Caiwei took out a pill bottle and handed it to Uncle Lin.

Then she glanced at the old man, became furious, and complained in a coquettish voice: "Elder Si refuses to take the evil elixir!"

Lin Yige took the elixir bottle, pulled out the cork and poured one pill into the palm of her hand.

The anti-evil pill is black but green in color. It is condensed into the size of a soybean and exudes a bitter medicinal fragrance.

"Uncle Lin, do you know why Elder Si refuses to take the evil elixir?"

Wen Caiwei's fair face was filled with red clouds from the anger, her eyes were slightly red, and she gritted her teeth and said, "He's afraid of the pain!"

There are cultivators who are afraid of pain, which is simply unheard of!

Every time I caught him, I didn’t say a few words, but I accidentally let him escape again when he found the right opportunity!

In the past few days, as she chased Si Ji who was running around, Wen Caiwei felt that her physical skills had improved significantly.

"Elder Si?" Lin Yige murmured and repeated. The surname Si is already rare, and the entire Guiyi Sect currently only has one surname named Si.

She recalled the man's name and glanced at the old man with some uncertainty. Could it be Si Ji?

Si Ji entered the profession in the same year as her, and he was a handsome young man.

It really doesn’t match up with the slovenly old man with the boyish face and slovenly face he has now.

But all in all, Si Ji should be 1,700 years old this year. If we consider the life limit of 3,000 years as a monk in the Transformation Stage, he is already over half of it.

Lin Yige scanned Si Ji with his spiritual consciousness and found that the demonic energy on his body had almost disappeared, leaving only an insignificant residue.

Once a monk is contaminated by demonic energy, his spiritual power will also be contaminated.

If you do not dissipate your cultivation in time and continue to stimulate the spiritual energy of heaven and earth to practice, it will instead breed evil energy and corrode the flesh and blood soul.

Over time, the monks will become possessed by demons and become unconscious monsters like demons from outside the same domain.

If you can take the evil removing pill in time to completely remove the evil spirit, you will be able to recover most of your cultivation level soon.

There are very few fruits of the Six-Eyed Demonic Flower needed to refine the evil elixir, and it is difficult for a clever woman to make a meal without rice. Several elders of the Guiyi Sect who are in seclusion can only continue to disperse the contaminated spiritual power on their bodies until the evil energy is dissipated.
This method takes a long time, and the demonic energy is not dispersed cleanly and thoroughly, making it easy to become possessed again.

Now that the evil pill has been refined, the elders only need to take a few more pills to ensure that it is eradicated.

Just taking evil pills to directly eliminate the evil spirit will cause pain like scraping bones.

Thinking of Si Ji's behavior, Lin Yige secretly rolled her eyes in her heart, and poured two more evil pills into the palm of her hand, making three pills.

She tentatively called out: "Siji?"

Hearing that this strange and beautiful girl called him by his first name, Si Ji frowned and asked in confusion: "Who are you? How dare you call me by my first name?!"

Lu Hengbo hurriedly explained: "Junior Brother Si, this is Lin Xisheng. Junior Sister Lin has just returned from Yongzhou to recuperate for a few years, so you may not have seen her much."

After saying that, she pointed at Si Ji and introduced Lin Yige: "Junior Sister Lin, Junior Brother Si Ji was injured when he was slaying demons, and he has been recuperating in Songmei Stream ever since."

Si Ji curled his lips and hummed: "Don't say it's a junior sister I've never met before. Even the King of Heaven is here today. Don't even think of asking me to take medicine——"

Before he finished speaking, three evil pills accurately fell into Si Ji's mouth, and an invisible force helped him close his jaw.

Si Ji swallowed subconsciously, and the evil-repelling elixir that melted in his mouth turned into medicinal power, flowing all the way to his lower abdominal dantian.

Lin Yige withdrew his hand with satisfaction, nodded, and said, "Then I, the junior sister, will have to help Senior Brother Si Ji overcome the difficulties!"

With that said, she returned the elixir bottle to Wen Caiwei and motioned for her to put it away.

Wen Caiwei took the elixir bottle blankly, unable to react.

She glanced at Elder Si, whose face was white with pain and veins bulging out, and then looked at Uncle Lin who was not paying attention, feeling puzzled.

Isn't Master Lin afraid that after Elder Si recovers his cultivation, he will take revenge in the name of giving advice?

If this were not the case, Senior Brother Liu Fufeng would not be helpless and specially invited himself to "persuade" Elder Si Ji.

Lin Yige dusted his hands and said: "Xia Mingxuan, Li Run, you two let go of him!"

Xia Mingxuan and Li Run looked at each other and released their hands at the same time.

Si Ji's body felt light, and he turned over and got up from the ground, shivering again to ease the severe pain.

All the blood drained from his face, he clenched his back molars fiercely, and looked at the junior sister who dared to forcefully feed him the medicine, with a pinch of fire rising in his eyes.

"Except for the True Master, no one dares to do this to me! You...Lin Xisheng, just wait and see!"

After saying Henhen, Si Ji picked up the spirit sword on the ground and left the Yandao platform step by step.


Lin Yige asked Wen Caiwei to leave Yandaotai together.

On the way to the Patriarch's Hall, Wen Caiwei couldn't hold back and asked: "Uncle Lin, does it really not matter if you treat Elder Si Ji like this?"

Lin Yige smiled and said: "It's no big deal, he just won't give up until he achieves his goal. The effort to convince him is enough for you to reach the stage of becoming a god!"

I think back then, Si Ji worked hard for ten years in order to become a disciple of a sixth-generation elder who was good at making clothes. Only then did he impress the elder who had no intention of accepting a disciple.

"Don't look at Si Ji as a man. He is very skillful and a master of making clothes! The war between Tianjiao is about to begin. If he recovers early, he can also prepare a set of armor for you all."

This chapter has been completed!
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