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Three hundred and two, be prepared

"Impossible, I clearly saw it with my own eyes..." Zhu Yan was halfway through his words before he realized, "I clearly saw you swinging your sword at Wen Caiwei with my own eyes, trying to take her life!"

Lin Yige didn't expect him to change his mind, and was a little surprised. She thought Zhu Yan was impulsive and irritable, so why did he suddenly grow a brain?

When it comes to evidence, of course she can't produce it.

I just figured out that the magic weapon that makes and emits ethereal jade needles is still in Zhu Yan's ring, and I want to deceive him.

Before Lin Yige could say anything, the female cultivator next to Zhu Yan echoed: "As frail as 'Bi Wu Zhang' is, you can tell at a glance that her cultivation is all based on resources! Are you jealous of Wen Caiwei?

You looked for the right opportunity to kill but failed, so you want to use me, Senior Brother Zhu, as a scapegoat?!"

After saying that, the female cultivator looked at Zhu Yan and asked, "Senior Brother Zhu, am I right?"

"What the junior sister said is true." Zhu Yan reached out and stroked the long hair on the female cultivator's back, but there was no warmth in his eyes, as if he was looking at a spiritual pet.

Lin Yige took a deep look at the female cultivator and then looked away.

Jizhou Shenjimen is located between Yongzhou Tianyan Sword Sect and Yanzhou Wenxin Academy. The Lin clan under the rule of Qingyang County in Yongzhou once prohibited women from seeking Taoism. The Wenxin Academy also excluded a group of female Confucian monks headed by Ying Xiaoxing.

The plight of the female disciples in the Shenji Sect can also be imagined.

It’s not incomprehensible that this woman took this opportunity to please the well-established Zhu Yan.

Lin Yige casually held a sword flower and said: "Since I wish fellow Taoist friends will not die until they reach the Yellow River, Lin will bring out the evidence now so that you can be convinced."

For any storage magic weapon, the smaller the size and the larger the volume, the more expensive it will be.

Even the inner disciples of the nine major sects will stamp their spiritual consciousness as soon as possible after receiving the ordination to avoid being lost or stolen.

If Lin Yige wants to rummage through Zhu Yan's Najie, he must first break the mark of divine consciousness on it.

She was about to use her spiritual power to take action when she saw the spiritual energy on Yunnon Peak rushing from all directions, like a huge funnel, and poured into Wen Caiwei's head.

Caiwei actually made a breakthrough at this time!

Lin Yige sighed with some regret, sheathed her sword and said, "For the sake of Caiwei's breakthrough, we will worry about your sneak attack on the Divine Machine Sect later."

After fishing for a long time, I still couldn't get the disciples of the Nine Sects to take action outside Yunding Terrace. There must be something fishy in it.

Seeing that Lin Xisheng didn't mention anything about his fellow sect's rebellion, but insisted on saying that the Shenji Sect had attacked him secretly, and was talking about him left and right, procrastinating and never producing evidence and refusing to take action first, Zhu Yan finally lost his patience.
"It's just a small breakthrough. Your cultivation level is comparable to Wen Caiwei's. What method are you protecting?"

As he said that, Zhu Yan suddenly had a square golden seal in his hand, "Today you falsely accused my Shenji Sect of hurting people with secret arrows. Even if Sect Leader Feng comes here in person, you still have to give me an explanation!"

When he saw the golden seal in Zhu Yan's hand, Lin Yige was slightly startled and quickly tightened the sword in his hand.

Sure enough, in the next moment, the Gengxin sword in his hand trembled slightly, and a childish voice sounded in the sea of ​​consciousness: "Gold! Master, it is gold!"

Lin Yige put her left hand on her forehead, can she still recognize gold?

But the atmosphere has reached this point, and a fight with Zhu Yan is inevitable.

By then, Geng Xin will not only be able to eat the gold seal, but he may also be able to dig out more gold from Zhu Yan's Najie.

Lin Yige sent a message to comfort Geng Xin, then pointed to the Yunding Platform and said: "Lin will definitely give an explanation to the Shenji Sect later!"

Seeing this, Zhu Yan stopped being aggressive and just played with the golden seal in his hand thoughtfully.

Everyone felt bored and continued to watch the battle.

On the cloud top stage, Jiang Yan and Ruan Fan were going back and forth, fighting inextricably.

The Five Elements Cultivation Technique of Wuyun Sect can "make up for the deficiencies with the surplus", using the surplus superior spiritual roots to make up for the deficient inferior spiritual roots, so that the disciple's cultivation speed is close to the balanced chaotic spiritual roots of the five elements, and the five elements can be used at will.<


It's just that this kind of exercise has higher requirements for spiritual roots than ordinary exercises.

Generally, when a young man is fifteen years old and has five elements of spiritual roots that reach one point in thickness, he will not be regarded as a "wasted spiritual root" and will have the opportunity to join a cultivation sect for training.

However, the minimum standard for becoming a disciple of the Wuyun Sect is that the total thickness of the five spiritual roots must exceed five points, so that the five elements can be practiced and "learn from each other's strengths".

Jiang Yan has the dual spiritual roots of water and earth, and has cultivated one sword technique. He cannot use the Five Elements spells without any hindrance like Ruan Fan who practices the Five Elements Kung Fu.

Fortunately, Jiang Yan is a swordsman, and his spells are only auxiliary. Even though he was frustrated by the various spells, Ruan Fan didn't take advantage of the Shengxie Ancient Sword in his hand.

Suddenly, Ruan Fan stepped back tens of feet, raised his hands above his head, and shouted: "Friend Jiang, wait a minute, I have something to say!"

When Jiang Yan saw this, he hurriedly withdrew his sword and drew back his sword, which caused some confusion in his spiritual power.

Soon after that, Ruan Fan's figure was erratic and he was no longer where he was.

He flew around Jiang Yan in a circle, tapping the ground with his toes from time to time, raising flying dust in the sky. At the same time, he used the power of the wood spirit to condense a powerful rain of arrows and attacked Jiang Yan.

Countless dark green seeds as small as dust were mixed into the flying dust.

Before he could stand still, Ruan Fan silently recited the magic formula, and the vines he spawned were far more flexible than cattail grass. Almost instantly, he entangled Jiang Yan into a dark green pupa and imprisoned him in place.

Jiang Yan's spiritual power has not yet been restored, so he quickly raised his sword to scatter the arrows formed by the wood's spiritual power. When he reacted, he was entangled in the enchanting flower vine and unable to move.

The drunken flower vine is extremely tough, and even the ancient sword of victory over evil cannot cut it off at once.

The mung bean-sized pale white intoxicating flowers bloomed almost instantly with dark green vine pupae. The intoxicating flower fragrance is as elegant as a lotus, but makes people sleepy.

Ordinary people only need to hold their breath and keep a distance from the Enchanting Flower to avoid being affected.

However, surrounded by dense flower vines, thousands of Intoxicating Flowers bloom almost close to the body, and it is inevitable that the Intoxicating Flower juice will stain the body, hair and skin.

Even a monk at the Nascent Soul stage will fall into intoxication instantly.

Seeing Jiang Yan's eyes slightly closed, Ruan Fan stood far away and said with a smile: "Don't worry, Jiang Yan, I will take good care of your junior sister Wen Caiwei and let her hold two in three years and three in five years..."

Before he finished speaking, Jiang Yan suddenly raised his head and met each other's eyes. How could there be any hint of drunkenness in the cat's eyes?

At the same time, the Shengxie Ancient Sword was as powerful as breaking a bamboo, and it chopped off the intoxicating flowers wrapped around its body in two or two strokes.

"You didn't hit the Drunk Heart Flower?" Ruan Fan was shocked and was about to retreat when he was hit on the head and face by the Drunk Heart Flower Vine.

Drunkness quickly invaded, and Ruan Fan subconsciously used his spiritual power to try to stay awake. However, he did not know that his spiritual power was infected by the fragrance of the flower, which in turn accelerated the effect of the flower.

Looking at Ruan Fan who was completely intoxicated, Jiang Yan murmured to himself: "I'm still careless! If I have something to say, can't I cripple him first and then listen to him slowly? Fortunately, I was prepared..."

He murmured and took off several pieces of protective armor made from insect shells stained with the juice of the Intoxicating Heart Flower.

Jiang Yan: Guess how many protective armors I wear?


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