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Chapter 112

Chapter 112: A warm man, the warmer he is, the harder it is (please read more)

Chapter 111

Although Hua Manlou couldn't see it, the image of a handsome man who shaved his beard and put on a pure maid's outfit suddenly appeared in his mind...

"Lu Xiaofeng, I bet that when you walk out of Wanmei Villa now, you will definitely make countless men look back at you!"

Lu Xiaofeng looked annoyed...

Although he is chic by nature, he is not cool enough to be a crossdresser...

"Lu Xiaofeng, this is called wearing women's clothing and causing harm to everyone! Princess Danfeng may not be able to help but feel inferior after seeing you like this..." Hao Jian said with a smile.

"Okay, just send it here! Lu Xiaofeng, I will do what I promised you!" Ximen Chuixue said sternly, then turned around and headed towards Wanmei Villa without looking back...

Under the vast twilight, Ximen Chuixue's retreating figure in white clothes was like a wisp of white gauze among the endless azaleas, floating and disappearing.

"Lu Xiaofeng, let me ask you a question." Hao Jian looked at the sky and said suddenly.

Lu Xiaofeng was startled, and then said softly: "You bitch, you, what do you want to ask me?"

"Ugh! Shut up!" Hao Jian felt his stomach suddenly spasm.

He pondered for a moment and said: "Let me ask you, if you were going to the toilet to poop now, and you were suddenly stabbed by someone, would you finish pooping first or chase the murderer first?"

"..." Hua Manlou gently covered her mouth and nose. The smell of this question seemed a bit strong.

Lu Xiaofeng laughed endlessly, "Of course we have to chase the murderer first...otherwise? Who cares about shit at this time..."

"Ugh!" Hua Manlou also retched this time...

Hao Jian curled his lips and said: "You are really not particular! I think you can call someone first, and then pull and chase at the same time. This can also leave some clues for Ximen Chuixue who comes after hearing the sound!"

Lu Xiaofeng: "..."

What a “clue”!

"Then the question is, what mistake did I make to blame him? Otherwise, why would he stab me?" Lu Xiaofeng asked.

Hao Jian pondered for a moment and replied: "Maybe... he is in a hurry to eat! He thinks you are too slow!"

"Ugh... ugh... ugh..." Hua Manlou immediately covered her face and ran away, unable to continue listening...

Lu Xiaofeng tried hard to calm down her breathing, "...Brother bitch, you are so disgusting that you opened the door to Nausea, you are so disgusting!"

Hao Jian was shocked when he heard the sound, and then he was shocked again and again!

"Hey, you can still say goodbye? I think you are the toad wearing a halter - what kind of beast are you?"

Lu Xiaofeng: "..."

"Also, I think you are a toad jumping on the plate - you don't know how many pounds you have?" Hao Jian seemed to have been activated by the mysterious soul of utterances, and a barrage of words came out of his mouth like a barrage of words.

Lu Xiaofeng's eyes gradually widened and her mouth opened, but she realized that before she could think of her next retort, Hao Jian's third fatal attack had already arrived...

"I think you are the toad jumping into the well!"

Lu Xiaofeng said blankly: "How to say?"

Hao Jian laughed strangely and said, "Plop!"

Lu Xiaofeng: "..."

At this moment, a vague singing voice suddenly came from behind the hillside, it was a woman's voice.

"Feiyan, it's Shangguan Feiyan!" Hua Manlou's expression suddenly became joyful, and he flew towards the place where the sound came from.

Lu Xiaofeng's heart moved and she quickly followed.

Although Hao Jian knew the answer, he did not reveal it.

Under the moonlight, a dark shadow of a mountain temple was revealed, with a few lights in it.

Naturally, Huamanlou couldn't see the light, but his steps were completely correct.

But when they came near the mountain temple, the singing stopped suddenly.

Lu Xiaofeng and Hua Manlou walked into the mountain temple, and found an old copper basin on the altar table in the temple. There was still water in the basin, and a strand of hair was floating in it.

Lu Xiaofeng said: "If you heard correctly, Shangguan Feiyan was singing here just now and using water as a mirror to comb her hair, but now she has disappeared..."

Hua Manlou reached into the basin, picked up the strand of hair, and gently stroked it: "Yes, this is Feiyan's hair."

At this moment, a gust of wind blew into the mountain temple, and the statue of the mountain god in front of the altar suddenly cracked.

The two quickly retreated to avoid the diffuse dust, and then discovered a person hanging in mid-air on the wall behind the mountain god statue.

A dead man, the blood has not yet dried!

A pair of judge pens were inserted into his chest, nailing him to the wall. There were two pieces of cloth floating on the pens, with two lines of blood written on them.

"Blood for blood"

"This is an example of nosy"

Dugu Fang!

This dead man is actually Dugu Fang!

At the first moment, Lu Xiaofeng thought of Qingyi Tower, "This is for the two of us! But why is there Shangguan Feiyan?"

Huamanlou was shocked and blurted out: "She has been missing for a long time. Could it be that she actually ended up in Qingyi Tower?"

The concern is beyond words!

Seeing Hua Manlou's appearance, Lu Xiaofeng lamented: "It's over, it's over, Hua Manlou, you really fell in love with that mysterious woman!"

He knows Hua Man Lou very well!

Hao Jian stood at the door of the temple and said with a smile: "The building is full of flowers. Judging from your expression, I know you really want to pick up that Shangguan Feiyan! However, the more you act like this, the less you will get! As the saying goes, licking a dog,

Licking a dog, licking to the end, nothing will be left; warm man, warm man, warming to the end, the warmer it gets, the harder it is..."

Huamanloubing doesn't understand the meaning of "licking the dog", but he roughly understands the meaning of "warm man"...

Then Hua Manlou's expression became a little uncomfortable...

Lu Xiaofeng couldn't bear to see the frustrated Hua Manlou and retorted: "As the saying goes, lovers will eventually get married! I believe Hua Manlou will definitely embrace the beauty!"

Hao Jian shook his head and thought to himself: You may not know yet, but Princess Danfeng, who is flirting with you... is actually Shangguan Feiyan, whom Hua Manlou is obsessed with!

"Ding! Host, the mission is ready, do you want to take it?" the system suddenly said cheerfully.

Hao Jian's heart moved, "What mission?"

"The world's main mission of "The Legend of Lu Xiaofeng": No. 1 in the world!"

"Uh, this mission is a bit old-fashioned... System, are you out of your depth?" Hao Jian complained in his heart.

System: "...Bah! You are the donkey, the red carp and the green carp and the donkey!"

Hao Jian thought in his mind: "Well, where's the reward? For such a difficult task, it doesn't make sense not to give a better reward for such a difficult task! After all, there are many strong people in this world..."

The system said: "As a reward, you can give the host a chance to open a blind box! This is a new ability I have after the world of "The Condor" is completed!"

"Huh? Blind box? You won't let me order a portion of stinky tofu, right? Or...a portion of rolled dough?" Hao Jian asked warily.

"...I have more integrity than the host!" the system said, "Hey, host, do you want to take it?"

"Take it! Why don't you pick it up!"

No matter how cliche the task is, it is still a task...

Besides, judging from the past experience of the weak amateur system, it is a bit difficult to make a stinky tofu operation...!

Our system... probably doesn’t have that much experience in deceiving the host!

"()Okay!" The system said and disappeared.

It will be on the shelves tomorrow, brothers, please be the first to order...

(End of chapter)

This chapter has been completed!
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