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Chapter 170 Fang Yeyu

Chapter 170 Fang Yeyu (please subscribe)

On the cliff, Fang Yeyu looked at Pang Ban with eyes full of admiration and admiration.

Pang Ban put the pair of embroidered shoes in his arms, then waved his sleeves and said casually: "Lang Fanyun, Hao Jian, these two people... let them decide the winner first. Whoever wins will be the winner." The final opponent!"

Fang Yeyu nodded respectfully and said: "Master, that lady..."

"Let her be." Pang Ban said calmly.

At this moment, he finally let go of missing Jin Bingyun, so he let her go...

If she hates him less than she loves him, then one day, she will come back.

Fang Yeyu nodded, "Yes, Master."

"Well, this shield that Qian Luo found... Ye Yu, go to Qian Luo Mountain City in person and see this Hao Jian with your own eyes. If he has the potential to surpass Lang Fanyun, then I will be happier. Pang Ban said again.

Ever since Pang Ban debuted in the world, invincibility has been synonymous with him!

Sixty years!

A jiazi!

For such a long time, Pang Ban was in invincible loneliness...

This time, he really wants a strong enough opponent!

The current stage of Lang Fanyun is not enough. Although as far as he knows, Lang Fanyun's kendo has been improving by leaps and bounds in the past few years, but... Pang Ban believes that it will take at least another year for Lang Fanyun to reach kendo. To the end!

Originally, he only had one option: Lang Fanyun.

But now Hao Jian suddenly appeared. He was much younger than Lang Fanyun, but his strength had already surpassed that of Heibang Qianluo, so much so that Qianluo relied on him as a weapon to deal with him...

Of course Pang Ban is interested...

Fang Yeyu did not dare to neglect, walked down the cliff quickly, and withdrew all the people who were chasing Jin Bingyun...

In front of martial arts, Pang Ban has put aside his personal relationship with his children, and will not come into contact with anything about Jin Bingyun, so as not to affect his own state of mind.

Where love is strong, love becomes weak!

This is the scary thing about Pang Ban, just the opposite of Lang Fanyun!

The terrible thing about the waves is that you can’t let go!

The scary thing about Pang Ban is that he can let go, let go if he wants to, and perfectly control his emotions!

In the early morning, heavy rain poured down.

On the eaves of the temple, rainwater poured down, weaving into a moving water wall in front of Feng Xinglie.

The cold and cold air around him gave him a sense of otherworldliness...

"Donor Feng, be careful of catching a cold. You are currently very weak. Once..." a female voice sounded behind him.

Feng Xinglie said calmly: "Master Xuanjing is too thoughtful... One drink and one peck, could it be destiny? God wants to kill me, Feng Xinglie, how can human power save me?"

Master Xuanjing said: "Donor Feng, if you are so depressed, how can you be worthy of Master Guangdu who sent you here? If he hadn't come here personally, how could our Kongshan Hermitage break the two hundred years of not entertaining male guests? The rules allow you to do this."

Feng Xinglie still misses Jin Bingyun in his heart. Until now, he still feels that that incident is like a dream to him...

Especially Pang Ban's invincible power made Feng Xinglie completely lack of confidence.

Even if his martial arts returned to its heyday or even improved to a higher level, he still would not be able to defeat Pang Ban...

How could this not make him depressed?

"Master Feng..." Master Xuanjing couldn't help but sigh as she looked at Feng Xinglie whose eyes were full of hatred.

Feng Xinglie was silent for a moment, then suddenly turned around and bowed, "Feng Xinglie, thank you, Master, for taking care of me... Now, it's time for Feng to leave."

"But Donor Feng has no power to restrain the chicken now. The black and white servants are still chasing you outside. Wouldn't it be a dead end if you go out? Even Master Guangdu is not sure of bringing you back to Jing Nian Zen Sect, so that's why you were sent here... …”

Feng Xinglie smiled casually, "In this world, the power of the Magician Palace is constantly expanding. If Kongshan Yin'an can hide Feng for a while, how can it hide Feng for a lifetime... Once discovered, it will implicate all of you. As a person who has nothing to do with the world, Feng really has no hope of redemption... Master, there is no need to persuade her anymore, Feng has already decided to leave!"

Master Xuanjing sighed and said: "Donor Feng has made up his mind to leave, so the poor nun will no longer stop him...it is fate to come, and it is fate to go. The donor cherishes it."

Feng Xinglie sighed: "It's fate to come, it's fate to go, fate... fate..."

With that said, he returned to the room, picked up a small baggage, held an oil-paper umbrella, and walked into the misty and rainy foothills...

This was not the first time that Fang Yeyu came to Qianluo Mountain City.

It was not long ago that he came here to deliver Pang Ban's personal letter to Qian Luo!

At this moment, he was standing outside the city gate, quietly watching the merchants and pedestrians going in and out.

"Hey, you are a bitch in Holy Mountain City... I don't know what the new city lord thinks, but he is a bitch who commits bitches..."

"It's just...it's really confusing!"

Fang Yeyu was also a little confused when he heard the words of the merchants coming and going.

Fang Yeyu:(°ー°〃)

He pondered for a moment and happened to see an old man in gray robe walking out of the city, so he hurriedly went up to talk to him.

"Ah, I would like to ask my father-in-law, how come the name 'Qianluo Mountain City' written on the city gate was changed to the Holy City?"

The old man glanced at Fang Yeyu, who was handsome and handsome, and asked doubtfully: "Uh, where did you come from?"

Fang Yeyu smiled and said, "The young man came from outside the Great Wall."

The old man nodded, "Oh, he came from afar..."

"Exactly." Fang Yeyu smiled.

The father-in-law said: "Originally, this was Qianluo Mountain City, but now, it has been renamed Jisheng City..."

With that said, the old man walked away leisurely on crutches...

Fang Yeyu stood there for a moment, muttering to himself: "This old man... seems to have explained it, but it seems he has not fully explained it..."

"Sir Little Mage, let's go to the city first." A strong man beside him said in a loud voice.

"Well, instead of asking these passers-by, why not ask Qianluo directly... or the new city lord! Why did I suddenly become stupid..." Fang Yeyu smiled mockingly to himself, and walked into the city proudly.

In the city lord's palace, in the garden pavilion, Hao Jian was talking to Qian Luo, holding hands.

Black and white pieces crisscrossed each other, and even though they had only made a dozen moves, the situation was already confusing.

"The mountain master is really a fantastic idea! I never thought... that black and white pieces can actually compete like this!" Qian Luo dropped a piece and said with a smile.

Hao Jian smiled slightly, "This method is a new gameplay evolved from Go. It's called... Gobang! If you have five pieces in a row, you can win."

As he said that, he placed a piece next to the black chess piece and formed a diagonal line, "Five pieces in a row! I accept the concession, Lao Gan!"

"Report~~~Report to the Mountain Master, Deputy Mountain Master, and the Magician Palace's 'Little Magician' Fang Yeyu is here again..." A member of the Mountain City Gang came in hurriedly and knelt down on one knee.

Hao Jian and Qian Luo looked at each other and smiled, "It came quite quickly!"

"Everything is under the control of the mountain master. I admire you, I admire you..."

Hao Jian smiled and said, "Send Yan Mei to greet you."

"Yes, Mountain Master!"

Outside the gate of the city lord's mansion, Fang Yeyu waited patiently.

"Master Ye Yu, it's been a long time!" Accompanied by a soft voice, Yi Yanmei, dressed in a plain white dress, appeared at the gate and said with a slight smile, "I am here to welcome Master Ye Yu as ordered by the Mountain Lord."

Fang Yeyu replied in a very graceful manner: "Miss Yi, you are so polite. After hearing about the succession of the old and new masters in Guishan City, my master was particularly curious about the new master of the mountain, so I specially ordered you to come and see me."

Yi Yanmei's eyes flashed, and she smiled and said: "Young Master Ye Yu is just being polite. The mountain master is waiting in the mansion, please!"

Fang Yeyu nodded and followed Yi Yanmei slowly into the house.

Passing through the corridor, bypassing the flower hall, the two of them went straight to the back garden, one after the other.

"Master Ye Yu, the new mountain master is right in front." Yi Yanmei stopped and said calmly.

Fang Yeyu nodded, with Pang Ban's teaching flashing through his mind. He took a deep breath and strode forward.

Passing a path filled with flowers and trees, I felt that the hustle and bustle was fading away, and a deep and far-reaching feeling came over me.

Deep in the quiet garden, a weeping sound of the huqin gradually came from.

The sorrow is lingering, the lingering sound is lingering, and it lasts for a long time.

He didn't dare to be careless, he used his mysterious skills to keep his mind alert and walked forward in stride.

The path ahead turned and what came into view was a pavilion with a silhouette in the pavilion.

The moment he saw this silhouette, Fang Yeyu's heart suddenly shook. He felt that the surrounding environment suddenly faded away, and a mysterious and natural feeling filled all his perceptions.

The figure was obviously sitting there, but Fang Yeyu felt as if he was far away.

He was suddenly shocked. This feeling... was completely different from ordinary people on the black list!

The squeaking sound of the erhu came, lingering and touching.

Falling in Fang Yeyu's ears, he felt that the world in front of him suddenly dimmed, everything faded, and only the back figure remained.

But his mood changed uncontrollably, the tip of his nose was sore, and the corners of his eyes were moist...

Just when Fang Yeyu was aroused with sadness and was about to burst into tears, the sound of the Huqin suddenly stopped.

Fang Yeyu, with tears rolling in the corners of his eyes: "..."

"Brother Fang, don't be surprised if you have nothing to do and amuse yourself with music." A somewhat melancholy sigh came, which seemed to be full of sighs for the long time of heaven and earth and the rapidity of time.

Unknowingly, Fang Yeyu's mind was trembling, and he almost felt like he was standing still in front of the huge mountain.

He hurriedly took a few steps forward, cupped his hands and said, "Ye Yu has seen the mountain master below the magician's palace gate."

Hao Jian, who was sitting in the pavilion, slowly turned around and smiled slightly, "Brother Fang, please take a seat."

Fang Yeyu suppressed the shock in his heart, slowly went inside and sat down, looked around, and saw some scattered wooden strips on the ground, all of which looked like knives and swords.

There were also swords and knives randomly placed beside it.

The moment he saw the pair of swords, Fang Yeyu's heart surged again!

"This knife..."

He once heard Pang Ban talk about the battle on Changjie a hundred years ago, where the ancestor "Demon Sect" Meng Chixing fought fiercely against Chuanying. The sky and the earth changed color, and there was lightning and thunder...

And the knife in front of me looks like the eagle knife from Chuan Ying!

As for the red and crystal long sword, Fang Yeyu didn't recognize it, but his intuition told him that this sword was definitely extraordinary!

"Is this man playing with splitting wood with a magic sword?"

Fang Yeyu was confused and his eyes finally fell on Hao Jian's face.

"very young!"

"Brother Fang, wait a moment, wait for a certain house for a while." Hao Jian casually picked up a round wooden stick, then picked up the red sword placed randomly on the side, and began to sharpen it in an orderly manner.

Fang Yeyu didn't understand what was going on with him. He just watched Hao Jian cutting wood like this stupidly...

While the sawdust was flying, Fang Yeyu felt like he was on pins and needles, feeling extremely uncomfortable.

Obviously he came here to explore Hao Jian's true identity, but at this moment, he felt as if he had revealed some secret to the young man in front of him who was similar to himself.

Moreover, there is some discrepancy between this person and what was stated in the intelligence!

Intelligence shows that this person is playing in the world. He laughs and curses based on his mood. He is even a bit mean...

But now it seems that it is so plain and natural, focused and serious.

Fang Yeyu watched with concentration. After a while, a wooden sword appeared out of nowhere in Hao Jian's hand.

This wooden sword is very rough. It can even be said that any wooden sword made by any carpenter in the city will be better than this one.

But Fang Yeyu felt a palpitation in his heart from this wooden sword...

It's as if this is not a wooden sword whittled out randomly, but a magical weapon that can blow hair.

Hao Jian looked at the wooden sword, shook off the sawdust on his body, walked to Fang Yeyu, and patted his shoulder casually, "Brother Fang, I've kept you waiting for a long time!"

Fang Yeyu's body stiffened.

Except for Pang Ban, no one has ever dared to pat him on the shoulder, and he will not let anyone pat his shoulder casually.

But Hao Jian did just that, and he couldn't resist in his heart...

"The magician... sent you to see me, do you want to test my confidence?" Hao Jian put the wooden sword aside and said casually.

Fang Yeyu paused for a moment, then nodded, "Indeed, Master wants to know if Brother Hao is qualified to be his opponent..."

"Then what do you think now?" Hao Jian said with a smile.

Fang Yeyu sighed: "With the mountains standing tall, it is difficult for Ye Yu to guess Brother Hao's level! Whether he is worthy of fighting with the master, Ye Yu is not sure, but as far as the black list masters in the world that Ye Yu has seen, Hao

Brother, I will never fall under the 'Rain-Covering Sword'!"

Hao Jian laughed and said without comment, "To be honest, Brother Fang, I had a dream last night, and I still remember it fresh after I woke up."

Fang Yeyu was a little confused about Hao Jian's meaning, so he asked, "What dream? My family is a student of heaven and man, and how to interpret dreams. Ye Yu has learned a little bit about it, and he is willing to help Brother Hao interpret it."

Hao Jian muttered: "The content of the dream is not complicated! To be honest, I dreamed of the Jade Emperor. The Jade Emperor said that I was destined not to reach the peak of martial arts in this life."

Fang Yeyu was startled and thought to himself: What kind of dream is this? Does the Jade Emperor have so much time?

He thought about it for a while and then said: "Brother Hao, don't worry. Generally speaking, dreams are the opposite. After all, Brother Hao has now reached the pinnacle of martial arts. Looking at the world, there are only a few opponents."

Hao Jian smiled slightly, "However, the Jade Emperor said there is a way to solve destiny."

"What can I do?" Fang Yeyu asked curiously.

Hao Jian said seriously: "The Jade Emperor asked me to name ten names, and then asked me to tell these ten fools about this dream. Without thinking, I reported your name as 'Little Magician'... Guess what happened to the Jade Emperor?"


Fang Yeyu was stunned again, "How do you say that?"

Hao Jian smiled and said: "The Jade Emperor praised me on the spot, saying that I am really good at picking! One is worth ten!"

Fang Yeyu:o(*≧▽≦)ツ┏━┓

"That mother-in-law is really cheap!" He cursed angrily in his heart.

Thank you to the boss "You~are my little star" for the 1500 point reward. Thank you boss for your support.

It’s the end of the month, please give me a monthly pass...


(End of chapter)

This chapter has been completed!
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