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Chapter 400 Moths to the Flame Two in One

Chapter 400 A moth flies into a flame (two-in-one, please subscribe)


This is a first-class spiritual place in the world of gods and demons. As the black crow was subdued by Hao Jian, many spiritual beings came from all directions to enjoy the abundant spiritual energy of Lingshan.

It's exactly that: the strange fragrance fills the universe, and the clear air permeates the sky.

Hao Jian was sitting under a green pine on the top of Lingshan Mountain. The black crow became the size of a palm, standing dejectedly on the pine branch, his godless eyes full of regret...

Hao Jian naturally knew what Black Crow was regretting, but there was never any regret medicine in this world!

The weak eat the strong, this is an iron rule that applies to all worlds, whether it is the world of low martial arts or the world of gods, demons and heroes, this is essentially the case.

It was like this when there were saints suppressing it, and it will still be like this when the saints leave, and it will even get worse!

Speaking of this, I have to mention Kunpeng.

In some prehistoric worlds, Kunpeng Ancestor is powerful and cunning, and is basically labeled as a villain...

But in this world, Ancestor Kunpeng is simply a breath of fresh air among the ancient demons!

The positioning of oneself is so clear that it makes people feel distressed...

He was completely unlike Black Crow, who knew he was no match for Dark Nebula. As soon as he heard Lord Dark was coming, he hurriedly left his Hades Sea Palace, not even daring to take away the furniture...

Just run away. When Bole stopped him and taunted him, Kunpeng didn't care. He just whispered and begged to be let go...

It wasn't over yet. This guy flew directly to the Northern Ocean, found a crab bigger than a mountain, and got directly into its belly...

This big crab is also a strange species from ancient times, and it can actually cover up the aura of ancestor Kunpeng!

Ancestor Kunpeng lives in the belly of a big crab...


Referred to as "hermit crab"!

My Kunpeng... is so stable!

Is there any?

Not only did he preserve his freedom, but if he continued at this rate, it would not be difficult to reach the finale!

Thinking of this, Hao Jian murmured to himself: "Dark Nebula has appeared, and it should be ready to attack the Western Sect..."

To be honest, he still admires Dark Nebula. Very few people in this world know what happened to Dark Nebula, but Hao Jian knows it very well.

When talking about the Dark Nebula, one has to mention the Ten Confused Heavenly Emperors, and when it comes to the Ten Confused Heavenly Emperors, one cannot avoid mentioning the Cangjie Heavenly Emperor and the Jade Emperor.

As mentioned before, Emperor Cangjie offended all the saints by creating characters and was hunted by Yuanshi Tianzun. Even though he escaped from the six paths of reincarnation and reincarnated into various species, he could not escape the power of Yuanshi Tianzun's punch and truly pursue him throughout all the lifetimes.


If it were Taishang Laojun or Tongtian Cult Master, seeing Cangjie's perseverance, he might feel sympathy and let him live a life, but Yuanshi Tianzun is different!

Among the saints, Yuanshi Tianzun is the most paranoid.

Saints are also human beings, and they have various personalities.

The Supreme Being forgets his feelings, and the whole world has feelings, but Yuan Shi is a paranoid...

Emperor Cangjie... died!

Later, the oldest of the three brothers, Twenty-six, rose up.

At that time, he had not yet become the Emperor of Heaven, and during the competition to become the Demon Emperor, he met Dark Nebula!

In terms of strength, Dark Nebula is above Shi Luo, and he won the competition without any surprise!

But Dark Nebula finally chose to surrender to the Ten Confusion Emperors.

Because Dark Nebula has never thought about how to lead the demon clan to a better future, but Shihuo is very clear!

Shi Huo said: "Although I lost, I still want to be the Demon Emperor! Just because I know what path the Demon Clan should take, and Dark Nebula, you may not know. I have a dream, I want the Demon Clan

Also included in the Great Innate Sect... I want the ordinary monsters and weak monsters of the monster clan to live a peaceful, happy and happy life instead of being hunted by immortals, gods, Buddhas and Arhats to seize the inner elixir. What I want

What is established is the Great Perfection world of the demon clan."

Well, the version of "I Have a Dream" in the world of gods and demons!

When Dark Nebula heard this, he bowed his head and bowed!

At that time, Dark Nebula was just like the Seven Saints during the Anti-Heaven War, with feelings and passion for the demon clan!

Later, Shihuo finally became the Emperor of Heaven, but he did not stop there. For the ambition of the three brothers, for the hatred of Brother Cangjie, and for the future of the demon clan, he resolutely chose to challenge the leader of the Western Sect to lead the Taoist.

According to legend, there is a method for guiding Taoists, which can make people become saints.

Of course the Emperor of Ten Confusions was moved...

Ideal is full, the reality is very skinny!

The strength of the Ten Confused Heavenly Emperors at that time was similar to that of Hao Jian today. He was no match for the Taoist Taoist and was directly killed by him mercilessly...

The original words of Taoist Yin: "I know, you want to become a saint! After becoming a saint, you can compete with Yuanshi Tianzun, but Yuanshi Tianzun is too paranoid. For saints who are too paranoid, one is enough, and two are enough.

But it was wasted.”

"If there are two of them at the same time, I'm afraid these two saints will completely destroy the Three Realms. I don't know how many of the three thousand universes will survive by then. So, in order to prevent this situation, I have no choice but to kill you. Kill you."

I saved hundreds of millions of lives by one person, but I bear the sins with my own body, and I have no regrets.”

But in fact, even Taoist Jieyin himself didn’t know that the prehistoric world could only accommodate six saints at most!

In other words, even if the Ten Confused Heavenly Emperors try hard... they cannot become a saint.

Of course, the Ten Confused Heavenly Emperor had already guessed that he would most likely die, so he sealed the ancient demons who had surrendered to him before challenging him!

He was not afraid that the great monsters would cause harm to the world, but he was afraid that he would lead Taoists to eliminate these monsters smoothly.

Later facts also proved that he was right to seal the demon clan.

And at the same time as he challenged to lead the Taoist, Dark Nebula also did something big.

Challenge the leader of Tongtian!

He brazenly killed the Biyou Palace on Jin'ao Island, just in the absence of the three powerful men Duobao, Yunxiao, and Kong Xuan...

Therefore, Dark Nebula felt like he was in an uninhabited land. Whether he was accompanying the Seven Immortals or the immortals from the outer sect, he was easily defeated by Dark Nebula...

Devastating and unstoppable!

The only person who surprised Dark Nebula was Zhao Gongming!

Blocked his twenty-seven moves!

It really impressed Dark Nebula, thinking that this young man would be able to grow into an earth-shattering and powerful quasi-sage in the future.

But Zhao Gongming was later hurt by love, and they are still lingering with each other to this day, and he is still a consumptive ghost...

Dark Nebula defeated all the disciples of Jie Cult, and finally met the leader of Tongtian Cult.

"You want to challenge me?" Leader Tongtian smiled.

Dark Nebula nodded, "Not bad!"

Facing the saint, Dark Nebula tried all his methods, but he only managed to force out the Immortal Killing and Immortal Killing swords of the Tongtian Cult Leader, and he was defeated.

Leader Tongtian likes to see his descendants grow, so he did not pursue Dark Nebula and allowed him to leave injured.

Just when Dark Nebula was seriously injured and left, the Ten Confused Heavenly Emperors died, and the Western Sect launched a massive attack on the ancient demon clan!

Almost all the great demons that were not sealed by the Ten Confused Heavenly Emperors were wiped out.

The heavily injured Dark Nebula was seriously injured again by Ran Deng...

After paying a huge price, he finally escaped into the seal of the Ten Confusion Emperors and survived...

After experiencing so much, Dark Nebula realized the naivety of the Ten Confused Heavenly Emperors, and also deeply understood the truth of the law of the jungle...

So, he went from one extreme to another!

But now, the departure of the saints has given Dark Nebula a chance. He has seen enough of the four innate religions suppressing the world!

This is the root of his determination to destroy a religion...

As for why you chose Western religion?


Still don’t understand?

And these three times are the recorded history of powerful quasi-sages challenging saints in the world of gods and demons!

As for the Jade Emperor, he once challenged Yuanshi Tianzun with his Heaven-Swallowing level...

I'm a little embarrassed to mention it again, it's just a moth flying into the flame...

"If you don't become a saint, you will eventually become an ant!"

If you reach the limit of quasi-sage, you can be called a "sub-sage", and you can be considered to be able to fight with the saint...

But at most it can only remain undefeated for a short period of time.

"Before Master Zhunti returns, he must reach the realm of the sub-sage! Only then can he have the strength to protect himself in front of the saint..."

Hao Jian silently set a goal for himself!

It’s not that I don’t want to become a saint, it’s just that there is no room for sainthood in this prehistoric world!

It’s not impossible at all…

As long as you can kill one person and free up a holy throne, that's fine...

At this moment, a figure quickly swept from the horizon to the sky above Lingshan Mountain from far to near.

"See you, little uncle!"

Hao Jian opened his eyes, "Red Boy, why are you back so soon?"

Hong Hai'er now also understands Hao Jian's character. Unlike others, he actually likes Hao Jian. Hearing this, he smiled and said: "Little uncle, Master asked me to bring you a message. The ancient monster army is heading north.

He is heading to Ju Luzhou and asks you if you would like to go with him to fight in the Western Paradise World."

Hao Jian smiled and said: "I have a question for you, your crotch is on fire. Do you know what it means?"

Hong Hai'er was stunned for a moment, then said happily: "My crotch is on fire! Junior uncle, what you say is so interesting!"

Hao Jian smiled and said: "Yes, quite clever."

Red Boy came to sit down on the bluestone bench next to Hao Jian, with his two calves dangling in the air, and said: "Uncle, when you go to watch the battle...can you take me with you?"

"If you don't follow your master, why do you follow me?"

Hong Hai'er smiled and said: "It's so boring to follow Master! Master has become more and more like a leader in recent years..."

Hao Jian smiled and said, "It's not impossible to follow me."

"Great!" Red Boy cheered.

"Don't worry, I haven't finished speaking yet!" Hao Jian said again: "I'll ask you a question. If your answer satisfies me, I will promise to take you with me."

Hong Hai'er said hurriedly: "Little Master, please tell me. Hong Hai'er knows everything and can tell you everything!"

Hao Jian pondered for a moment and then said slowly: "Suppose you are a general with millions of troops guarding the outside world. The prince wants to rebel. The emperor orders you to lead troops to Beijing to protect him. At the same time, the prince writes a secret letter and wants to win over you.

You help him. What will you do at this time?"

Hong Hai'er said without thinking: "If this prince is Zhuang Yu and the emperor is my master, then I will kill Zhuang Yu first!"

Hao Jian shook his head and said: "This answer is so boring... Besides, who said the emperor is Senior Brother Zhuang?"

Hong Boy was stunned for a moment, and then he scratched his head and thought about the answer seriously, thinking to himself: "Master said that my uncle is out of touch by nature... Then if you want to satisfy him, the answer to the question must also be out of tune, and you have to find another way.

That’s all…”

After pondering for a long time, Hong Haier's face suddenly showed a smile, and he said confidently: "Uncle Junior, I thought of it! And I also thought of several answers, I guarantee your satisfaction!"

Hao Jian said with great interest: "Tell me about it."

Red Boy stood up, stood directly on the bluestone bench, and said loudly: "Brothers, tell me... we are just two common people, what are we fighting about?"

Hao Jian thought for a moment and couldn't help stroking his hands and laughing, "Okay! Is there anything else?"

Red Boy said proudly: "The crotch is on fire - the crotch is on fire! A man was born in heaven and earth, how can he live in depression for a long time. Hey, hey, soldiers, what are you doing? You must not do it! How can I afford it?

Such an important task? Then I would like to thank all the soldiers for their support. I would rather obey your orders than be respectful. After all, although I have no intention of competing, I do know that the common people are suffering, alas..."

Hao Jian looked at Red Boy in surprise and couldn't help but praise: "Okay! I'm very satisfied with this answer."

Hong Hai'er's eyes lit up, "Then...Uncle Master, did you agree to take me to watch the battle with you?"

Hao Jian smiled and nodded, "I wouldn't lie to a child."

"Ahem..." A slight cough came.

A man in red robes walked out of the void, but he was the incarnation of fire of Zhuang Wangu. He said angrily: "Junior brother, you just like to tease me, but you actually teach the younger generation bad things!"

Hong Hai'er was startled and hurriedly knelt down and said: "I have seen the master, and the disciple knows his sin!"

Hao Jian smiled and said: "It's just a joke. Are you, the majestic Emperor of Beiyue, really afraid that one day you will cause trouble to Xiao Qiang and your brothers will turn against each other? The position of Emperor of Heaven is not hereditary, right?"

The Incarnation of Fire said angrily: "They dare!"

Hong Hai'er said hurriedly: "Disciple doesn't dare..."

The incarnation of fire was still angry, and glared at Honghai'er, "Who can't learn from me, so I can learn from you, a master who is not stingy?"

Hearing this, Hao Jian said calmly: "Who is saying that he is not stingy? I asked you to come here, and we have to compete today! Did you grab the pen holder when you captured Zhou? Otherwise, how could you be so good at holding pens?"

The incarnation of fire was already irritable, and was so angry that he almost smoked, "What did you say? If I don't beat you to pieces today, I will be calling you the Emperor of Beiyue in vain!"

"Hey, you are still pretending? Cow dung is cow dung. Even if it is steamed in a pot, it will not become delicious!"

Seeing that the two of them were talking more and more, Honghai'er quickly advised: "Master, uncle, please calm down."

"Shut up!" they both shouted in unison.

Red Boy: "..."

The incarnation of fire said angrily: "Don't you like to argue? Today, senior brother, I will educate you! After all, you are senior brother's junior brother. If it doesn't hurt you, then why does it hurt, Tengger?"

Hao Jian was stunned for a moment, then smiled and retorted casually: "Senior Brother Zhuang, you are just like a beetle rolling coal balls - you have picked the wrong target! In terms of skill, if you are the one, you may be half-weight, but if you are talking about words,

Dun, you are just like a dung beetle eating meat - you are dizzy! You should hurry up and push your balls like a dung beetle - crawl around!"

Incarnation of Fire: "..."

Looking at the almost burning red hair of the Incarnation of Fire, Hao Jian said disdainfully: "Why, you don't want to talk anymore? You're still educating me. It's like an old lady crawling under the bed - making me laugh! I'll call you,

Do you dare to agree?"

The incarnation of fire said angrily: "Why don't you dare?"

Hao Jian said loudly: "Grandson?"

Incarnation of Fire: "..."

"You agree?" Hao Jian said with a smile.

The Incarnation of Fire was extremely angry. When he turned around and saw Hong Haier's uncontrollable look, he couldn't help but feel even more angry...

He slapped the red boy on the back of his head and said, "Why are you laughing? Come back with me and see how I deal with you!"

With that said, he directly tucked Hongbai'er under the creaking nest and escaped.

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(End of chapter)

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