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Chapter 419: The First Confrontation Between the Quasi-Saint and the Saint

Chapter 419 The first confrontation between a quasi-sage and a saint (two-in-one, please subscribe)

Dark Nebula took the wine jar and patted open the seal without caring. The wine inside turned into a line of water and went straight into his throat.

Tons tons tons tons tons...

“Good wine!”

Hao Jian stared at the dark nebula and said after a long time: "Take care!"

Dark Nebula said: "Okay!"

Just as they left the Paradise Palace, Dark Nebula's wild laughter came from behind, and it never subsided for a long time.

As his laughter spread, countless desperadoes throughout Beiju Luzhou also laughed crazily, seemingly without the slightest fear.

Walking in the void, Hao Jian suddenly felt something. He looked up and saw a middle-aged man in a green shirt, wearing a bamboo hat, with sharp features and a stubble of beard under his chin. He moved his hands and feet.

There is an indescribable charm of vicissitudes of life.

And this middle-aged uncle is actually the returning Zhunti Taoist!

It's just that his image at this time is the same as before he became a saint who didn't know how many years ago.

Hao Jian smiled and said: "I have met Saint Zhunti!"

Taoist Zhunti waved his hand quite coolly, and directly took a star to serve as his chair, "Are you the Taishang Laojun's closed disciple?"

Hao Jian smiled and nodded, "Exactly."

Taoist Zhunti nodded, "Very good!"

After that, he looked at the dark Beiju Luzhou and said leisurely: "Dark Nebula, I heard that you are now the leader of the ancient demon clan? Looking at the current appearance of Beiju Luzhou, your pattern... is far inferior to that of the Ten Confusions

O God!"

"Although the Emperor of the Ten Confusions is dead, his pattern is very big. Your simple darkness is far inferior to the killing! Speaking of which, you and the Emperor of the Ten Confusions are somewhat like this Saint and Brother Jie Yin. They are different.

The thing is that we are all saints, and you are all quasi-sages. Oh, by the way, there is another difference, our relationship is very good, but your relationship... is not good."

"The Western Sect is the hard work of Brother Jie Yin. Although I don't really care that much, if you destroy the hard work of Brother Jie Yin, no matter what, I will kill you! By the way, I will help Brother Jie Yin rebuild the Western Sect.


Taoist Zhunti's voice was very soft, but it clearly fell on the ears of every living being in Luzhou, Beiju.

"And now, I am going to start killing people!"

The Saint of Killing among the Six Saints is finally going on a killing spree!

He just raised his right hand, slowly made it into a fist, and then slowly punched it towards Beiju Luzhou below.

In an instant, the entire Beiju Luzhou area with a radius of millions of miles seemed to be boiling!

"He is truly worthy of being a saint. He only hit it casually, but he truly reached the pinnacle of meticulousness!" Hao Jian thought to himself.

In his perception, it was just a punch from Taoist Zhunti, but in such a vast area as Beiju Luzhou, the tiniest particles in all the space began to collide and explode.

In just an instant, tens of billions of living beings died in Beiju Luzhou, and only the immortals and demons with strength above the heaven-suppressing level survived.

With just one blow, Beiju Luzhou was almost emptied!

Even the absolute darkness that has shrouded Beiju Luzhou for hundreds of years has been blasted away.

In the Paradise Palace, Dark Nebula, who was sitting high on the throne of the emperor, sneered, and boundless black energy overflowed from his body, filling the land of Yizhou once again.

He had known that when the saint returned, he would be the first to find him.

Therefore, for hundreds of years, Dark Nebula has already set up countless secret methods based on the entire Beiju Luzhou, and has been preparing for the confrontation with the Saint at this moment.

"What about the saint? I'm willing to cut myself off, but I dare to pull the saint off his horse! Kill him!"

Dark Nebula shouted loudly, and the millions of surviving desperate demons above the Heaven-Suppressing Level screamed strangely and rushed towards Taoist Zhunti who was walking slowly.

"You...are not even ants!"

Although Zhunti Taoist is only one person, a saint is a saint. Facing millions of demons above the heaven-suppressing level, he waved his hand lightly.

Every time I wave my hand, large swaths of demons turn into rain of blood...

Take a leisurely stroll, elegantly and calmly.

Millions of demons couldn't even slow down the saint. In just three breaths, Dark Nebula had cultivated an army of demons that were fearless and fearless for five hundred years...

Completely dead!

Luzhou in Beiju has turned into a boundless mountain of corpses and sea of ​​blood!

The real mountain of corpses and sea of ​​blood is not an adjective, but a declarative word!

Standing in front of the Paradise Palace, Taoist Zhunti did not have a drop of blood on his body, and even the boots under his feet were clean.

"Dark Nebula, you destroyed the Western Sect, and now... I am here to kill you."

Facing the saint, Dark Nebula didn't show any fear, and still sat leisurely on his Nebula Emperor's throne. Around him, there were twelve other quasi-sages including Tai Sui, He Tu, and Luo Shu lurking!

Such a lineup, coupled with Dark Nebula on the top ten quasi-saint list, can be said to be invincible under the saints...

But what they faced was the saint.

"Saint Zhunti is well..." Dark Nebula looked directly at Taoist Zhunti nonchalantly, "Actually, I had predicted today's situation as early as when the Western Sect was destroyed. But so what? Moreover, you

What I am facing is not just me, but a total of thirteen quasi-sages including me!"

Zhunti Taoist leader laughed and said: "Hahahaha, what about the thirteen? Let's go together! I heard that you advocate the theory of the weak and the strong, and I happen to agree with this sentence very much. Now let's see which side is the weak and which

One of them must be forced to eat!"

"Junior brother, how much trouble do you think Dark Nebula can cause to Taoist Zhunti?" Zhuang Wangu suddenly appeared next to Hao Jianjin and said with a solemn expression.

Hao Jian shook his head, "I can't say for sure! But as long as it can bring harm to Taoist Zhunti, it is enough to prove that the saint is not invincible!"

"Then...what if there is no harm?"

Hao Jian said quietly: "That only shows that the gap between us and the saint is still quite far!"

Zhuang Wangu fell silent...

In fact, there was some dispute between the Human Cult and Dark Nebula at the beginning.

But the reason why neither Zhuang Wangu nor Hao Jian took that festival seriously is today!

All the quasi-sages want to see Dark Nebula's performance against the saint, and also want to use this battle to get a glimpse of the saint's reality...

Therefore, not only Zhuang Wangu and Hao Jian were watching the battle at this time, but the void was filled with spiritual thoughts. The strong men on the top ten quasi-saint lists and the new seven quasi-saint lists were actually paying attention.

After all, this is the most well-known battle between a quasi-sage and a saint in the past tens of thousands of years!

Zhunti Taoist confronted Dark Nebula for a moment, and finally he slowly moved forward.

The moment Taoist Zhunti took a step forward, a dazzling sword light erupted from his feet, piercing Taoist Zhunti's soles!

The assassin's goal is very clear, as long as he can break through the defense...

Taoist Zhunti didn't panic at all. A bloody light suddenly burst out from his hand, and he stabbed the assassin hiding in the darkness first.

"He is Ancestor Yin Bai, a quasi-sage who is famous for his assassinations. He has assassinated many powerful quasi-sages over the years." Zhuang Wangu said softly, "But now it seems that he will be the first to leave..."

"Not necessarily!" Hao Jian suddenly said.

In an instant, Taoist Zhunti's heart moved and he stopped.

Because he sensed it, at the moment when he stabbed Yin Bai Zu first, this guy was replaced with the Heaven-changing Sun Technique.

Yi Yang, also a quasi-sage under Dark Nebula, is best at the way of space transformation. It was this guy who used thaumaturgy to rescue the Yin Bai Ancestor, coupled with Zhou Yi's celestial chaos technique to cover it up, even if it was a quasi-sage.

The person who mentioned it couldn't instantly sense Yi Yang's position.

"Very wonderful!"

Hao Jian applauded heartily.

As expected of Dark Nebula, such exquisite cooperation can greatly reduce the damage of one's own quasi-sage to a certain extent, so that he will not be killed by the quasi-sage in just a few strokes...

After a snap of his fingers, Taoist Zhunti sensed Yi Yang's position.

He directly chose to hunt down Yi Yang!

As soon as Taoist Zhunti's palm was pushed out, countless silver lines and star points suddenly appeared in the void, criss-crossing each other, like an extremely complicated star map, blocking Taoist Zhunti's attack!

Hetu, Luoshu!

The two of them jointly claim to have absolute defense and can never be broken by a saint, but this time they faced a saint, so they were also broken...

Although Taoist Zhunti's attack destroyed Hetu, Luo Shu's absolute defense was able to delay Taoist Zhunti's offensive and created a glimmer of hope for Yi Yang.

Looking at Hetu flying upside down, Luo Shu and Zhunti Taoist paid no attention to him, but still chose to chase Yi Yang. Only by killing this person can he cause huge damage to Dark Nebula in the shortest time!

Yi Yang is the indispensable asset of the Dark Nebula team.

Dark Nebula had obviously made arrangements in advance. As soon as Hetu Luoshu's defense was broken, a big man appeared in front of Taoist Zhunti!

One style king!

From embarking on the path of cultivation to becoming a quasi-sage, you only need to practice one move!

To be called the "King of One Move", one can only imagine how well this person has practiced this move!

Facing the quasi-Ti Taoist, he chose to punch without hesitation.

Straight punch attack, this is his only move.

With one punch, the sky collapsed and the earth shattered, the void within a radius of thousands of miles was shattered, the earth, water, wind and fire emerged and wreaked havoc, and the energy of chaos filled the air and swept all space.

"What a terrifying punch!" Zhuang Wangu and Hao Jian couldn't help but exclaim in admiration.

Before that, Zhuang Wangu had a move known as Cosmic Split, which was said to be the most destructive attack!

Similarly, Hao Jian's move of "arrive in the heavens, immortals and gods annihilate changes" is also an extremely domineering move.

As for Taoist Duobao's Nine Extremes Returning to One move, it is said to be one punch, but in fact it is nine fists combined into one, and it cannot be regarded as one move.

But now, the power of the One-Style King's move alone has surpassed "Cosmic Splitting" and "Reaching to Heaven, Immortals and Gods Discipline Yi", and is almost as powerful as the Nine-pole Guiyi Move!

"Dark Nebula has prepared a lot of backup for this battle! Hetu Luoshu has the best defense among saints, Yi Shiwang has the best offense among saints, and Yi Yang has the best ability to save people among saints...


Facing the punch from the One-Style King, Taoist Zhunti did not dodge or evade, turned his palm into a fist, and punched out without hesitation.

The moment the fists collided, the Yishi King vomited blood and flew back, but Taoist Zhunti didn't stop punching and continued to attack Yi Yang!

After all, the One-Style King is only the first attack move of a saint...

Yi Yang didn't panic and used Yi Tian's Sun Changing Technique to instantly change his position.

And a huge formation suddenly appeared around Taoist Zhunti, covering a hundred thousand miles in radius!

The ancient formation of the prehistoric times - the Great Formation of Dutian Shensha!

Dark Nebula found six weird and powerful men from nowhere. Some had a bird face and a human body with green dragons on their feet. Some had animal heads and bodies, with two fire snakes pierced in their ears and two fire dragons on their feet. Some had bone spurs all over their bodies like ancient giants.

Beasts, some with human faces and snake bodies...

Together with the formation, boundless evil energy fills the air, the surrounding world is dark and dark, it is difficult to see, and the perception is cut off. Countless demons roar, it is terrifying and abnormal!

"It's a pity that it is not a truly complete formation of the Twelve Capital Gods, and the person in charge of the formation is not the legendary Twelve Ancestral Witches. Otherwise, this formation alone would have the strength to compete with the saint..." Zhuang Wangu sighed.


Hao Jian: Meow meow meow?

There are also twelve ancestral witches in this weird ancient world?

In some prehistoric worlds, the ancient witch clan can even use this formation to condense Pangu's true body. Once the formation is used, it can really challenge the saint!

"The formation is a good formation, but it's a pity that it's not complete, and it's still not enough to see!" Zhunti raised his hand, and seven-colored rays of light flew out of his sleeves, red, orange, yellow, green, blue, blue, and purple, killing everyone in seven colors!

The seven-color ray of light swept across, and after only holding on for five breaths, the formation of the gods was broken.

In less than a dozen breaths, Dark Nebula's ten Quasi-Saints' combined special skills were defeated, and the price was only to test out the seven-color killing path of Taoist Zhunti.

See through Zhouyi's calculations in an instant, break through Hetu Luoshu's absolute defense with one move, defeat the King of One Style with one strike, and break through the ancient formation with one strike!

And none of these would be possible for the top ten quasi-sages!

The power of the saint is so terrifying!

"Your Yi Tian Sun Changing Technique is very interesting, so you have to die." Taoist Zhunti stood in front of Yi Yang and said calmly.

Yi Yang is very young, only two thousand years old since his birth. He has become a quasi-sage in such a short time, and possesses the Yi Tian Sun Changing Technique that is so weird that even the saints are surprised. He can be called a genius among geniuses.

Newborn calves are not afraid of tigers!

Previously, he had great expectations to challenge the Saint.

But now, he is afraid!

Taoist Zhunti had no mercy at all, and his palm penetrated Yi Yang's chest without hesitation.

At this moment, the picture is almost frozen!

Yi Yang's blood spilled onto Taoist Zhunti's Qingyi, letting his long-simmering murderous intention vent a little.

At the same moment, a surge of darkness enveloped Taoist Zhunti with lightning speed. Taoist Zhunti, who had a gap in momentum, reacted very quickly, but still could not completely avoid it.

His right shoulder hurt, and his blood stained Qingyi red.

"Hahahahahahahaha..." Dark Nebula's wild laughter resounded throughout the world, "It turns out that saints can also get hurt! Hahahahahaha..."

What a one-piece king, what a great formation of gods, all the arrangements are actually for this moment!

Including Yi Yang's death, it was all part of Dark Nebula's plan...

He expected that Taoist Zhunti's murderous aura would reach its peak after being intercepted, and the moment he killed Yi Yang, he would be vented. This moment would be an excellent opportunity for a sneak attack.

Sure enough, he seized the opportunity and pierced Taoist Zhunti's right shoulder with the cosmic gun!

Holy blood drips, tick, tick...

Seeing this scene, all the quasi-sages in the world of gods and demons couldn't help but cheer for Dark Nebula!

Saints can also be injured, but they are not absolutely invincible!

"What a surprise to me... After so many years, I am actually injured..." Taoist Zhunti said with a smile, without any anger at all, but rather with joy.

"It seems that I was right to let you go once. Otherwise, how could I experience pain again?"

(End of chapter)

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