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Chapter 163 I'm Back

Chapter 163 I’m back

The carriage traveled leisurely and left the Kunlun Pass.

After experiencing the civil strife in Mingjiao, Chen Xuan also realized that it was not safe to snatch a sect out of thin air.

Everything still needs to be done by oneself, and there is no room for laziness.

After all, to manage a sect, middle and lower-level managers are indispensable.

These people are the true center of a sect.

Even if he becomes the leader, the people below will still rebel if they should.

After leaving the boundary of Kunlun Mountain, the group of people chatted about their next plans.

Gan Baobao and Dao Baifeng experienced a life and death crisis, and at this moment they both wanted to give up.

Especially since Gan Baobao still has a good daughter Zhong Ling in Lingjiu Palace, he plans to go back to Piaomiao Peak.

As for Zhao Min, because of the appearance of Xiao Guanyin, he was worried about something happening in the Ruyang Palace, so he was always worried.

Zhou Zhiruo planned to return to the Emei Sect, return the Yitian Sword, and pay homage to the spirit of Master Miejie in heaven.

Only Xiao Zhao acted like a little maid, saying that she would go wherever Chen Xuan went.

Chen Xuan looked at this situation, considered it comprehensively, and then said.

"Then let me see it this way. Emei is in the middle of Shu, and we are going to the Tianshan Mountains in the northwest. We are going in completely opposite directions, so we might as well just split into two routes."

None of the other girls spoke, but Zhou Zhiruo glanced at him faintly and asked.

"Then which way are you going?"

"...I will send them back to Tianshan first. Four of them are from daughters. The journey is long and very dangerous."

"If I go back to Emei, won't it be dangerous?"

"Zhiruo, judging from what you said, don't you still have these followers? Besides, you are going to Emei to do business, is it possible that you want us to go there and show your face?"

Zhou Zhiruo snorted softly after hearing what he said, secretly feeling a little squeamish.

Chen Xuan knew that she had no sense of security, but since she was so arrogant, she still had to teach her a lesson in the future.

Zhou Zhiruo didn't know what Chen Xuan was thinking, so she just thought that he was partial to her, and she couldn't help but feel a little proud.

It was almost time to part ways.

Zhou Zhiruo led a group of Emei female disciples, leaving behind two carriages and some dry food, and then followed Mount Emei.

As for Chen Xuan, he shouted to the four girls and walked towards Tianshan Mountain together.

Originally, he had had enough rest these days and was planning to fight at night with Gan Baobao and Dao Baifeng.

Unexpectedly, Zhou Zhiruo left a lot of dry food. It seemed that he was afraid that he would be hungry on the way, so he packed a carriage without hesitation.

So many people could only squeeze into another carriage.

Xiao Zhao and Zhao Min were watching from the side, and Chen Xuan was too embarrassed to do anything with Dao Baifeng and the others.

Along the way, the mountains gradually became distant and turned into an endless wasteland.

When Chen Xuan had nothing to do, he would secretly seek help from Dao Baifeng and Gan Baobao, but most of the time he would talk to Zhao Min.

Your Highness, the Princess, is a woman who is not inferior to men, and has great ambitions. She is very different from a small family girl like Gan Baobao.

It's night.

Chen Xuan specially pulled a wool blanket and put it on Baby Gan.

Then he quietly stretched out his hand, causing Gan Baobao to roll his eyes.

Just when he was grinning evilly and planning to do something, Zhao Min, who was looking at the night sky outside the window, called him.

Chen Xuan immediately calmed down a bit and said softly.

"What's wrong?"

Zhao Min seemed to think for a moment, and then said in a deep voice.

"I want to go back to Yuandadu."

"Yuan Dadu? Or is it because of your father's affairs?"

Zhao Min nodded and said.

"I was taken away by you on Wudang Mountain. Logically speaking, even if someone replaces me, my brother Wang Baobao should come in person. But now the person who comes is Xiao Guanyin. Maybe something happened in the court."


What she said was reasonable and well-founded. Chen Xuan was speechless for a moment, and naturally it was difficult to persuade her to stay.

The married daughter-in-law can still go back to her parents' home occasionally, not to mention that he has not done anything good with Zhao Min yet.

Now that she wants to return to Yuandadu, it is really difficult for Chen Xuan to stop her.

Chen Xuan thought for a moment and then advised.

"Now that the world is full of strife and turmoil, I'm not worried about a weak woman like you traveling thousands of miles away to go back alone. I think you should follow me back to Tianshan first, let's rest for a while, and then I can accompany you to Yuandadu, okay?"

He spoke sincerely and softly, which naturally made it difficult for Zhao Min to refuse.

Chen Xuan saw that she was a little shaken and struck while the iron was hot.

"Don't worry, the King of Ruyang is so famous and has made outstanding achievements that the Emperor of the Yuan Dynasty would not dare to risk his life to attack your father."

Zhao Min nodded and accepted the proposal, but he was still a little worried outside of his words.

Xiao Zhao and Dao Baifeng on the side heard the conversation between the two and couldn't help but think of their own families.

Dao Baifeng is a little better. She is a Qingdeng Kubuddha. She has practiced Taoism for more than ten years and has an indifferent mood.

Xiao Zhao is a little girl, so she misses Dai Qisi even more.

Chen Xuan simply comforted Zhao Min with a few words. He turned around and saw Xiao Zhao looking worried, so he leaned over and whispered softly.

"Good girl, tell me where Dai Qisi is, and I'll make sure I just teach her a lesson and won't kill her."

"..." Although Xiao Zhao looks childish, he has a lot of thoughts.

She didn't listen to Chen Xuan's deception and straightened her face.

Chen Xuan looked at her arrogant posture and couldn't help but pinch her secretly and sneered.

"I want to see how long you can last with me!"


It was a leisurely ride.

In the blink of an eye, less than half a month later, we finally arrived at the foot of Tianshan Mountain.

Gan Baofeng and Dao Baifeng had been here a long time ago, and now they didn't feel unfamiliar at all. Instead, they felt like they were home.

Xiao Zhao and Zhao Min have never been here, but they feel that the snow is capped and the world is vast.

When the group arrived at Piaomiao Peak, they were even more surprised when they saw the long iron cable bridge connecting the cliffs of the two mountains.

But compared to the magnificent and dangerous snow-capped mountains, they were even more shocked when they arrived in front of the Misty Palace.

The Piaomiao Palace is built on the mountain, with pavilions, pavilions, palaces and houses. It is naturally magnificent and magnificent, just like a fairyland on earth.

But what is more eye-catching are the beauties standing in a row, each with their own charm.

The leader is a little girl wearing a bright red fur coat. Looking at her little face, her face is as white as jade, and her skin is as tender as snow.

She should be at a childish age, but her eyebrows are a bit coquettish, like that little witch.

If not for that day, who else could be the Shantong Lao?

The four women who followed looked like quadruplets. At first glance, they were carved from the same mold.

But if you take a closer look, you can see that the leading woman is tall and dressed in palace attire. She has an aura of nobility and grace.

It is none other than the former Xixia Crown Princess Li Qiu Shui.

Although the woman beside her was also wearing a lilac palace dress, her features were a little less noble and a little more charming, but she was still very attractive.

She is Li Qingluo from Mantuo Villa in Suzhou.

The remaining two girls are like twins. Although they are both dressed in white, one of them is scholarly and holy, that is Wang Yuyan.

The other person, with a bit of arrogance and arrogance, was Princess Li Qinglu of Yinchuan of Xixia.

In this way, the four people are all of the same quality in the human world. If you think about it carefully, each has its own taste.

Next to these five people, there is a pair of mother and daughter who look similar. They are both dressed in black, with slim figures, bright eyes as bright as paint, and tenderness in their beautiful eyes.

Just like the black roses and black peonies, which are cold and yet a bit gorgeous, they are Mu Wanqing and Qin Hongmian.

In the corner of the remaining people, there are two slightly childish little girls who are also looking forward to it.

One of them was dressed in purple, and the other was in a white skirt, with a small gray mink squatting on his shoulders.

These two girls are cute and cute, making people want to hold them in their hands and not want to let them go.

Needless to say, one is Ah Zi and the other is Zhong Ling'er.

Not waiting for Xiao Zhao and Zhao Min to be stunned, Gan Baobao was so excited that he stepped forward, opened his arms and said.

"Good girl, you miss your mother so much."

Zhong Ling also hurriedly stepped forward and threw herself into his arms, naturally moved.

Among the crowd, it was Chen Xuan who opened his arms and said with a smirk on his face.

"It's rare for all the ladies to greet me in person. I, Chen Xuan, am willing to die. Come on, which one of you will give me a hug first?"


When they saw that he was still joking, all the girls gave him a blank stare.

But now that I see him returning safely, I am naturally filled with countless emotions.

Tianshan Tonglao and Li Qiushui are the eldest sisters among the girls, so naturally they will say whatever they want at this moment.

"Who are these two girls?"

Since Chen Xuan had brought everyone back, he was naturally not afraid of the stage and introduced.

"This girl's name is Han Xiaozhao. She is a little maid. You can bully her as much as you like. This is the princess of Ruyang Palace, Zhao Min."

Tianshan Child Elder looked at the underlying meaning of his words, and she clearly meant to bring people in.

Although she wanted to give Chen Xuan a blow, she hadn't seen him for several months, and besides, she couldn't really control him.

At the moment, I could only stare at him secretly. As a sign of the majesty of the palace, I called the four maids beside me, Mei, Orchid, Bamboo and Chrysanthemum, to lead Xiao Zhao and Zhao Min to rest.

Chen Xuan hurriedly walked up to behind Tianshan Child Elder and whispered in a low voice.

"My dear madam, I've really gone through hell. In order to come back to see you, I've been a careless person these days, so I've saved them all for you."

"Bah! I'm so shameless!"

Tianshan Child Elder glanced at him angrily.

It can be said that he was embarrassed and annoyed, but it was only half a year since he went down the mountain, and there was no news from him, which actually made the Tianshan child's grandmother quite worried.

The top of Piaomiao Peak was covered with white snow and the wind and snow were misty. Chen Xuan hurriedly called the girls back to the palace.

This reunion after such a long separation really made him scratch his head and couldn't think about it anymore.

This time I was delayed for less than half a year in going down the mountain, and as a result, the matter of taking charge of Mingjiao was full of twists and turns, and now my efforts were in vain.

The only gain was a dragon-slaying sword, Wudang Tai Chi, sword secrets, and three beauties: Xiao Zhao, Zhao Min, and Zhou Zhiruo.

To put it into detail, it is not that there is no gain at all, it just feels like something is missing.

In the past few months, besides being with Gan Baofeng, Dao Baifeng had been enjoying himself for a while when he went down the mountain.

There was no time to worry about the rest of the time.

Now he didn't have time to think about it, and he immediately called all the ladies to vent his anger.

Perhaps it was a rare reunion after a long absence, and Li Qiu Shui led four beauties from her family to follow him.

Mu Wanqing and Qin Hongmian naturally don't have stage fright either.

In the end, except for the two girls Azi and Zhong Ling, the rest of the women accompanied Chen Xuan to have fun together.

For a time, the sounds of dogs and horses, wine ponds and meat forests were endless fun.

The only problem is that it hurts my waist a little.

Xiao Zhao and Zhao Min were considered new wives. When they first came to Lingjiu Palace, they felt ethereal and ethereal, like the cave of an out-of-this-world immortal.

However, Chen Xuan disappeared for several days in a row, which inevitably made the two girls resentful.

At midnight.

Xiao Zhao secretly opened the door and happened to see Zhao Min standing by the window, looking at the bright moon outside the window.

Zhao Min didn't look back but knew it was Xiao Zhao who was coming, and said lazily.

"Why did you come to me again?"

"Isn't it boring? There is nothing to do."

Xiao Zhao curled his lips, picked up the teapot on the table and took a look at it.

Zhao Min asked casually.

"Aren't there two other girls? The little girl named Zhong Ling is quite close to you."

"...That girl is not a serious girl. She goes to the backyard all day long and has a very wild temper."


Zhao Min was stunned for a moment, and then realized that these days, Chen Xuan, Tianshan Tonglao and other women were staying in the backyard, and the noise was extremely loud.

Zhao Min had gone with Zhong Ling to take a peek before, but now that he thought about it, he felt red-faced and ashamed.

To be fair, although she and Xiao Zhao can be regarded as Chen Xuan's concubines, she is too embarrassed to go there by herself now.

However, she is also well-informed and has long known that these royal nobles have a lot of fun, so unlike Xiao Zhao and Zhong Ling, Ah Zi finds it very novel.

Xiao Zhao held the teapot and looked at it for a while. Seeing that Zhao Min still looked indifferent, he couldn't help but wonder.

"Miss Zhao, are you still thinking about your father?"

"Yeah." Zhao Min didn't hide anything, "I still want to go back to Yuandadu to take a look."

Xiao Zhao sighed and said sadly.

"You're fine. You can still go back, but I don't know when I can see my mother."

Zhao Min looked back at her, "You mean the Purple Shirt Dragon King?"

Xiao Zhao nodded.

Now that the two girls were companions, Xiao Zhao thought about asking Zhao Min to blow Chen Xuan's ear off, so he briefly talked about Dai Qisi.

Only then did Zhao Min realize that Chen Xuan had left Guangmingding to help Dai Qisi deal with the three Persian envoys.

Unexpectedly, Dai Qisi would poison Chen Xuan in the end and almost killed him.

For a moment, even though Zhao Min was worried about the affairs of Prince Ruyang's Mansion, he couldn't help but look at Xiao Zhao in astonishment and was speechless for a long time.

Xiao Zhao was so frightened by what she saw that she twisted her fingers guiltily and asked in a low voice.

"Do you think he will forgive my mother?"

"...I think so. You haven't seen how greedy he is now. The purple-robed Dragon King was the most beautiful woman in the martial arts world in the past. If she begs for mercy, he should forgive her."

Having said that, Zhao Min actually doesn't quite understand Chen Xuan's character.

When she was with Chen Xuan in the past, she only thought that he was free-spirited and free-spirited with a bit of awe-inspiring righteousness.

Now his character is completely different.

Now he is doing things more freely and freely. It can be said that he is both good and evil, with no certainty at all.

She also couldn't see through Chen Xuan's thoughts.

(End of chapter)

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