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Chapter 172 Long Time No See, Cousin

Chapter 172 Cousin, long time no see

The last two forms of "The Great Compassion".

One of them is the Heaven-Repairing Heaven-Repairing Technique

It is a unique skill that can resurrect the dead and white bones. It is said to have the ability to regenerate the disabled and make up for the deficiencies, heal all internal and external injuries, diseases and poisons, and survive a hundred calamities.

He can even transform himself into heaven, make up for the deficiencies by making up for the deficiencies, make up for his innate deficiencies and acquired deficiencies, so as to become a perfect heaven and human being.

The second one is the huge void steps in the sky and the earth.

After it is used, it ignores all external forces, turns external resistance into internal force and forms a body-protecting aura, making its body movements as fast as a thundering giant, as powerful as a swimming dragon, as if it is a fleeting light, it can control the air with the help of the void, and it can ride on the waves and chase the clouds, just like a white horse passing through the gap.


The seven most terrifying and evil martial arts in the world are recorded in "The Great Compassion of Heaven and Earth Conquering Yin and Yang".

Legend has it that when the book was written, blood rained from the sky and ghosts cried at night. The person who wrote the book also vomited blood and died while writing the last word.

As far as the current situation of "Da Bei Fu" is concerned, only the first two martial arts remain in the world and can be seen by the world.

The following five movements are either too shocking or have been lost for many years and are now extinct.

In the world of martial arts, the four peerless internal skills and mental methods that are based on Buddhism and Zen, such as [Ming Yu Gong], [Four Lights Divine Gong], [Wedding Clothes Divine Gong], and [Shadowless Divine Gong], are generally at the same level.

The [Five Ultimate Divine Skills], [Heaven and Earth Conquer Yin and Yang Great Compassion], and [Clavicle Ecstasy Heavenly Buddha Scroll] are external martial arts moves, and also belong to Qimen martial arts that are rare in the world.

Among them, [Mingyu Kung Fu] is the peerless martial arts of Yihua Palace. It is the highest and most authentic internal martial art practiced by the previous palace masters of Yihua Palace. The magical power is mysterious and can also make you immortal.

Currently, he is studying for the Lord of Yaoyue Palace and the Lord of Lianxing Palace in Yihua Palace.

The corresponding [Marriage Clothes Magic Skill] was learned by Yan Nantian, the best knight in the world.

The [Five Absolute Magic Skills] were learned by the unruly little fish.

Such peerless martial arts naturally reminded Chen Xuan of Xiao Yu'er and Hua Wuque, whom he met by chance in front of a bookstore in the city.

This vast world contains countless adventures, and this time he actually had the opportunity to get a glimpse of the [Ming Yu Gong] and the [Marriage Clothes Magic Gong].

Chen Xuan secretly thought that if there was a chance, he might be able to find Xiao Yu'er and go explore the Yihua Palace hidden in the world.

But before that, he had to solve the problem of the Qinglong Society.

Thinking of this, Chen Xuan sealed Ni Hui's energy channels with his backhand, and then with a rude blow from his palm, all her clothes flew away.

Ni Hui was so frightened that she said "Ah", but Chen Xuan just said indifferently.

"Don't get me wrong, I'm not interested in you, I just want to make sure you're not hiding any poisons or hidden weapons."

While talking, Chen Xuan briefly looked at Ni Hui.

Although what he said was reasonable, Ni Hui was a girl after all, and her face suddenly turned crimson.

But she didn't expect that Chen Xuan would suddenly kidnap her, so she didn't have time to bring any hidden weapons, otherwise she wouldn't have hurt people with just a dagger before.

In fact, she possesses a unique hidden weapon [Tiannu Flower], which is a simple imitation of the Tang Sect's top hidden weapon [Buddha's Furious Tang Lotus].

It's a pity that it can't be used at the moment.

Chen Xuan looked at Ni Hui's body slowly and leisurely, rather than looking for some hidden weapon, he was just looking at her.

Ni Hui gritted her teeth and said with a trembling voice.

"Have you seen enough?"

"What's wrong with this? The cake you gave me at Ganlu Fang yesterday was poisonous, did you know?"


"Seeing that you are young and in good shape, how about you consider becoming my concubine?"

When Ni Hui heard this, a trace of unconcealable shame, anger and murderous intent flashed in her eyes.

I think she is the daughter of Ni Baofeng, the master of Zangzhen Pavilion. In the past, Zangzhen Pavilion was a well-known place in the world.

Even if she is ruined now, she cannot be someone else's concubine for no reason.

Chen Xuan's reaction to her was not surprising. In fact, he never thought about accepting her, he just mentioned it casually.

This girl's appearance is not bad. To be honest, she is definitely more beautiful than the average girl, but she still hasn't reached Chen Xuan's level of vision.

After a brief inspection, he planned to ask someone to lock her up.

Unexpectedly, Ni Hui reminded me at this time.

"Mr. Chen, you only have three days, so you'd better get on the road as soon as possible."

Chen Xuan smiled jokingly, "Three days? Are you kidding? It took more than three days for me to go from here to Shuzhong."

As soon as these words came out, Ni Hui was stunned for a moment. To be honest, she really didn't expect this.


"Just be honest, these things are not something a little maid like you can figure out."

Chen Xuan said lazily, turned around and left, thinking to himself.

"Sure enough, that person is not Gong Ziyu, but he should be from the Qinglong Club."

In this cooperation with the Qinglong Society, the reason why the man in white proposed a three-day time limit was actually a test in itself.

The man wanted to test whether he knew about Peacock Ling, and also wanted to see his attitude towards the Blue Dragon Society.

The so-called three-day time limit itself is a broad term. If Chen Xuan agreed without thinking, it would make that person suspicious.

Chen Xuan didn't want to think too much now, he just planned to go to the Perfume Pavilion with A Zi.


Tingxiang Pavilion is located near Yanziwu, Suzhou.

Ruan Xingzhu's eldest daughter A'Zhu was adopted by Murong Fu's father Murong Bo and has always been regarded as the eldest daughter of the Murong family.

Not only were her meals and clothes extremely luxurious, a manor such as Tingxiang Pavilion was specially allocated to her.

Later, after the Xingzilin Beggar Clan Conference, the Yanmen Pass Massacre was exposed. Xiao Feng traced the leader of the Khitan warriors who intercepted and killed A'Zhu accidentally.

Duan Zhengchun and Ruan Xingzhu were in Xiaojing Lake at that time, and they had met sisters A'Zhu and A'Zi.

After Xiao Feng accidentally killed A'Zhu, Duan Zhengchun returned to Dali. A'Zi chased Xiao Feng to the Shaolin Temple, leaving Ruan Xingzhu alone in the Xiangshui Pavilion.

Listening to the waterwheel next to the Perfume Pavilion, you can occasionally hear the soft "squeaking" sound of the wheel axle.

In front of the Diaojiao Bamboo House.

A group of three people walked into the courtyard.

Standing in the middle was a young man, wearing a dark green thin shirt that was loosely draped, showing his strong body.

His hair was tied up casually with a hair crown, making him look a little lazy.

Beside him, there was a beautiful woman on each side.

The girl on the left looks to be about twenty-eight years old, with mischievous eyes and brows, and a hint of beauty in her delicacy.

The girl on the right is one or two years older. She is wearing a chiffon skirt, bright and holy, and full of scholarly youth.

It was Chen Xuan, A Zi and Wang Yuyan who were visiting.

The three of them came to the perfume-listening pavilion. Azi was so moved that she couldn't help but hurried forward and tried to shout.


After he finished speaking, no one in the bamboo house could reply.

Ah Zi's eyes darkened and she thought to herself.

"It seems that my mother is gone."

It's no wonder, this is A'Zhu's house after all.

Now that A'Zhu is dead, if Ruan Xingzhu were to live here, he would be looking at things and missing people, which would make him even more melancholy.

Ah Zi was thinking this in her mind when she suddenly heard a "squeak" sound on the door hinge.

I saw a beautiful woman walking out doubtfully.

She wore a light green long skirt that was close-fitting, and her slender waist was tied up like a water snake's waist.

A pair of bright black eyes are brilliant, shining like stars, and they are so flexible that they seem to be able to talk.

She has a beautiful face, with a kind of delicacy unique to a little woman, and her mouth seems to be smiling but not smiling. She looks very kind, far from that indifferent iceberg beauty.

In terms of age, she is now about thirty-five or sixteen years old.

But when Chen Xuan looked at her appearance, he only thought that she was only twenty-one or twelve years old at most, so she should be a young girl.

It's just that her figure has a bit more charm, which is a little different from young girls like Wang Yuyan and Azi.

Chen Xuan looked carefully and saw that although her clothes were tied neatly, her face was obviously in a hurry. He thought she changed her clothes immediately after hearing Azi's voice.

Although I quickly changed my clothes now, it was inevitable that I was in a hurry.

When she saw Ah Zi, her eyes suddenly turned red and she couldn't help but rush out and hug her.

The mother and daughter reunited after a long absence, and naturally they had endless words to say.

When Wang Yuyan saw it, she didn't want to disturb him. She just pulled Chen Xuan aside, but she was afraid that he would say something arrogant again, so she frowned and warned him.

"You must not talk nonsense for a while, which will make Mrs. Ruan unhappy and ruin the atmosphere of the reunion between mother and daughter."

"There's nothing unreasonable about this."

"You still said that!"

Wang Yuyan raised her hand, but she was uncharacteristically tough.

Chen Xuan didn't feel guilty and said lazily.

"The Heroes of Jiangshan Beauty, is it normal for me to have this thought?"

Wang Yuyan said angrily, "Bah~ You are willing to do it, but I am not willing to do it."

Chen Xuan smiled domineeringly, "That's not up to her."

As soon as these words came out, Wang Yuyan was very angry.

It's just that she is just an eldest lady who occasionally loses her temper. Faced with an unreasonable fool like Chen Xuan, she really can't persuade him.

Tingxiangxiang Pavilion was A'Zhu's house in the past. It has a quiet and elegant environment. It is surrounded by bamboo forests, streams, and waterwheels. Even if you sit here for a whole day, you will not feel tired.

Wang Yuyan was sulky for a while, but soon recovered, but she still felt unwilling to do so.

"Why are you so disgusting? You're just greedy and don't have enough, aren't you?"

"Yes, I'm just greedy for this novelty. I wish all the beauties in the world could be enjoyed by me alone."

Wang Yuyan thought he would tell her the reason for her difficulties, but she didn't expect that he was still as shameless as ever. She was so angry that she got up and wanted to leave.

But as soon as she stood up, Chen Xuan pulled her back and hugged her.

Although Chen Xuan was joking, he really meant it.

When he first found Gan Baobao, firstly, he was poisoned by the heart-gnawing dragon flames, and secondly, he had already had feelings for Gan Baobao, but in the end, he just broke the window paper.

The root cause of all the problems in this world sounds complicated, but is actually simple. In the final analysis, it is just a lack of ability.

Nowadays, Chen Xuan thinks that his martial arts skills are world-class, so it is natural for him to want to win the hearts of all the people in the world.

Of course, another reason for attracting so many beauties is that the secret Heart Sutra left by Emperor Xuanyuan also happened to require these Taoist companions to accompany him.

Wang Yuyan rolled her eyes at him several times.

She frowned, pushed Chen Xuan's mischievous hand away angrily, and said with a frown.

"To be honest, if I had known that you were so ridiculous and unrestrained, I shouldn't have relied on you."

"You should argue with Mrs. Wang about what you said. Otherwise, why don't you go talk to Li Qiushui?"

"Bah!" Wang Yuyan spat angrily. She felt even more embarrassed when he heard him talking about Li Qingluo and Li Qiu Shui.

The two of them chatted for a few words. Chen Xuan turned around and glanced at Ruan Xingzhu and Azi in front of the bamboo building. He originally planned to go over and chat for a few words.

But I didn't expect that I would see an acquaintance this time.

I saw a group of people walking slowly in the bamboo forest, and the leader was clearly the elegant young master of the Murong family, Murong Fu.

When Murong Fu was defeated by Duan Yu at Shaoshi Mountain, he felt he had lost face.

In order to save the situation, Wang Yuyan, who would rather abandon her childhood sweetheart, went to Xixia to recruit a prince-in-law.

Unexpectedly, when I went to Xixia, I was in vain again. I was frustrated for a while and almost went crazy.

But no one would have thought that his three mortal enemies, brothers Xiao Feng, Xu Zhu and Duan Yu, would actually fight to the death with Chen Xuan in the Qingfeng Pavilion Caves of the Xixia Palace.

In the end, all four of them disappeared, but Murong Fu regained his spirit.

Today he came to Champs Water Pavilion because he knew about Ruan Xingzhu and Duan Zhengchun, hoping to let her connect them and find an opportunity to restore the country again in Dali.

I just didn't expect him to lead the crowd in such a grand manner, but I took a quick look and found two familiar figures from behind in the bamboo forest!

Murong Fu was shocked and wanted to say a few more words.

Unexpectedly, when he looked closely, he happened to see Chen Xuan hugging Wang Yuyan, and without any explanation, he dug into her silk clothes.

However, Wang Yuyan didn't stop her. Instead, she seemed to be used to it and was even chatting casually with Chen Xuan.

Seeing the two people acting like a young couple, Murong Fu felt an unknown fire rising in his heart, shooting straight to the top of his head, making his eyes black and he almost fainted.

"Yu Yan... cousin... no... why? Why! Why didn't he die! Why was he with Yu Yan!"

Murong Fu roared in his heart and clenched his hands unconsciously.

When he saw with his own eyes the earth-shattering battle between the three brothers Chen Xuan and Xiao Feng, he naturally knew that Chen Xuan's martial arts was far superior to his.

"First there was Duan Yu, and then there was Chen Xuan. Could it be that the sky has no eyes, and my Murong family will never be able to restore the country to Yan?! Why! Why!"

Murong Fu was so furious that he even vomited blood. The guards at the side hurriedly helped him away.

When Wang Yuyan heard the noise, she subconsciously looked back and missed Murong Fu.

She looked around as if she was feeling something. She originally felt a little strange that Chen Xuan wouldn't let go of her if he didn't want to hold her, and even secretly pinched her twice.

Wang Yuyan frowned and pursed her lips impatiently.

"You are really like a dog. Why don't you have any rules?"

"Blame me, blame me, my husband couldn't bear it when he saw the madam."

"Bah~ As long as it's a woman, you can't stand it."

"That's not the case." Chen Xuan smiled, causing Wang Yuyan to roll her eyes at him again.

(End of chapter)

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