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Chapter 203 Lin Pingzhi Apprenticeship

Chapter 203 Lin Pingzhi becomes a disciple

The servant girl had just left.

Yilin explained.

"To be honest, this place is called Qunyuyuan, and it is a prostitution kiln."

After explaining this, she felt a little confused on her face.

Qu Feiyan did not think about it but said "Oh" meaningfully. He was not ashamed, but seemed to have opened his eyes.

She was not slow in thinking and reacted quickly.

"So, the young hero Linghu my sister is looking for is hiding here?"

"Yes, you are quite clever."

Yi Lin sighed with emotion, unable to help but secretly remember the scene when she first came here.

When she heard the word "prostitute", her heart beat so fast that she almost fainted on the spot.

But unexpectedly, this girl Qu Feiyan didn't panic at all when she saw the decorations in this house.

You must know that this prostitute is the lowest woman in the world. As long as any man has money, he can ask the prostitute to accompany him and play all kinds of tricks.

When she was brought to this brothel, she thought she was going to be sold into prostitution.

She was almost frightened to tears at that time.

Unexpectedly, Qu Feiyan was not only not shy now, but also not angry. He was even looking at the surrounding furnishings with interest.

Yilin knew that this girl had a lot of thoughts and she was just like a little witch who didn't shy away from meat and fish.

When she and Chen Xuan had such a heated argument, she must not have been a good person to deal with.

Thinking of this, Yilin said nothing more and just wanted to go to Linghu Chong first.

Unexpectedly, at this moment, I just heard the "bang" sound of the carved window pane.

Immediately afterwards, there was a clicking sound from the green tiles on the roof.

Then two long swords fell from the roof, and someone screamed again.

Before Yilin and Qu Feiyan could take a closer look, they heard the sound of footsteps again, and a person quickly passed over the roof and was already far away.

Yilin saw from a distance that the person seemed to be wearing a gray monk's robe, but he was actually a fellow disciple of his Hengshan sect.

Then an ugly man in green clothes fell down from the roof with a bang.

"Is this a disciple of the Qingcheng Sect?" Qu Feiyan on the side exclaimed.

As soon as these words came out, Yilin was also shocked.

I don’t know what happened on the roof just now, but the disciples of the Qingcheng Sect and the Hengshan Sect actually got into a fight.

Regardless of the cause and effect, what lies before our eyes is that their positions have been exposed.

Yi Lin did not dare to delay, so she hurriedly led Qu Feiyan, reached out and slowly pushed a red brick on the east wall.

Then a secret door opened on the other wall.

Qu Feiyan was shocked, he didn't expect that this brothel had such an arrangement.

Yi Lin led her and walked in boldly.

There was another small room inside, with no lights, just barely illuminated by the candlelight shining in from outside the secret door.

This room is very small, and can only accommodate a soft couch, but there is not much room for other places to stay.

The gauze curtain was hung low, and someone seemed to be vaguely visible inside.

Yilin walked over and opened the gauze curtain, only to see a person lying inside, with a green brocade handkerchief covering his face. The brocade handkerchief trembled slightly with every breath.

It seemed like someone had deliberately blocked it, or it seemed like a trick specially arranged for the purpose of healing.

Qu Feiyan walked over curiously, took a look, and turned around to ask.

"Where was he injured?"

Yi Lin said: "The wound on the chest was very deep, almost hurting the heart. He met the thieves of the Qingcheng faction and was injured helplessly."

While talking, Yilin pulled open the man's collar and saw a wound on the man's chest that was as long as one finger.

The blood flow has stopped, but the wound is very deep. It is obvious that the original injury was very dangerous.

Qu Feiyan was a brave young man. After calming down, he still had the courage to reach out and gently press the man's wound.

Yi Lin obviously looked a little miserable, and whispered: "The acupuncture point to stop the bleeding should have been passed earlier, otherwise how could I survive until this time?"

Qu Feiyan pursed his lips and realized that the acupuncture points around the man's wound had already been sealed, and the treatment was very clever, far beyond his ability.

Somehow, she suddenly thought of someone and said in surprise.

"Is it him?!"

Yilin seemed to have a tacit understanding and nodded.

"Yes, it was Chen Xuan who stopped the bleeding of senior brother Linghu. But he refused to save him, claiming that he didn't have medical skills, so he just left my senior brother here."

"...This does seem like something he can do."

Qu Feiyan was speechless for a moment, but he saw from the acupuncture techniques on Yilin that they were similar to those on Linghu Chong.

Only then did I guess that it was Chen Xuan's handiwork.

The two stood beside him silently for a while, listening to the man breathing evenly. It was obvious that his breathing had become smooth and his injury had improved.

Yilin walked over and uncovered the brocade handkerchief, and saw that although the man on the soft couch had his eyes closed, he had a thin face, sharp eyebrows and thin lips, and was extremely handsome and handsome.

Even Qu Feiyan couldn't help but take a second look and thought to himself.

"It turns out that Linghu Chong, the great disciple of the Huashan Sect, is hiding here."

After thinking about it like this, her mind suddenly changed and she said in surprise.

"When I think about it, I feel that you look so familiar to Linghu Chong, but it turns out that I have met you before."

"Have you seen me?" Yilin was stunned.

Qu Feiyan said with a smile.

"A few days ago, when I was returning to Yanloutou, my grandfather took me to watch you and Tian Boguang fight."

Yilin said "Ah", as if she was surprised and undecided.

Qu Feiyan seemed to have thought of something funny and continued to laugh.

"Brother Linghu, you are really good at talking. He said that he was the second best in the world in martial arts when he was sitting down. At that time, my grandfather and I really thought that he was so capable and thought that Tian Boguang was fighting

But what about him?"

The more happily Qu Feiyan smiled, the sadder Yilin's heart became.

Perhaps seeing that she was silent, Qu Feiyan continued.

"Later Tian Boguang ran away. Grandpa said that this kid has no future. Since he promised to become your disciple if he lost, he should kowtow and become your disciple. Why did he run away?"

Yilin then murmured.

"Brother Linghu just used a clever trick to save me, but he didn't really defeat him. Tian Boguang is indeed very good at martial arts."

Qu Feiyan couldn't help but sigh after hearing that she even praised Tian Boguang.

"Sister Yilin, you are really kind-hearted. That thief Tian Boguang has a bad reputation, so why don't you say something nice to him?"

Having said this, Qu Feiyan couldn't help but think of the scene after that.

At that time, Yilin was kidnapped by Tian Boguang and returned to Yanlou. Linghu Chong used his skills to barely rescue Yilin.

But he didn't want to be provoked by Yu Renjie from the Qingcheng faction again, and was eventually stabbed by him.

Qu Feiyan was also a big talker and said smoothly.

"Linghu Chong was injured, and you carried him around. My grandfather said, "This little nun is a passionate person. She is afraid she will go crazy now. Let's follow her and see."

While speaking, Qu Feiyan glanced at Yilin and couldn't help but laugh.

"At that time, my grandfather and I saw you so sad. My grandfather even joked that if you were so sad, if Linghu Chong didn't die, you would have to return to secular life and marry him as your wife."

The joke was so smooth that Yilin's face turned red and her ears felt hot.

Unexpectedly, Qu Feiyan was smiling while he himself drooped his head and said sadly.

"I don't know where grandpa is now. I still have many things to ask him."

Yilin didn't know what she was thinking, she just thought that Qu Feiyan was missing her grandfather, so she planned to say a few words of comfort.

At this moment, suddenly a cold voice came from outside the house.

"Linghu Chong! You killed my Qingcheng disciple Peng Renqi! Why don't you show up to apologize!"

"No, I'm afraid it's the leader of the Qingcheng Sect, Yu Canghai, who's here!"

Yilin and Qu Feiyan were shocked when they heard this voice.

Unfortunately, Linghu Chong was still here recovering from his injuries. How could he deal with the leader of the Qingcheng Sect?

Just when the two of them were stunned, they heard a sharp "swish" sound, and Yu Canghai rushed in!

Yilin gritted her teeth and picked up Linghu Chong's long sword beside the soft couch with her backhand. She rushed out to the sound of swords clashing, but it was because Linghu Chong actually made a move with Yu Canghai.

Yu Canghai obviously did not expect that a little nun would rush out of the room. Although he was stunned, he did not dare to kill her easily.

In one moment, Yi Lin fought with him more than ten times.

Qu Feiyan listened to the sound of the two swords clashing, and knew that with these quick sword moves, Yi Lin and Yu Canghai seemed to be evenly matched. But they definitely did not win.

Sure enough, before she could even say a word of warning, Yilin's eyes blurred, and the sword in her hand was directly knocked away.

Before he could clearly see the actions of the person in front of him, he was knocked to the ground.

I suddenly felt extremely desperate.

Only then did Yu Canghai say, "You little nun, even those who are eating fast and chanting Buddha are thinking of their lover!"

Yilin could no longer care about his joke, and felt a burst of sadness and despair in her heart.

She had a good impression of Linghu Chong, but now she saw that he was about to be in danger and she was powerless, which really made her feel extremely desperate.

And the most troublesome thing right now is that she herself is in a desperate situation.

Yu Canghai was originally the leader of the Qingcheng Sect. He had previously bloodbathed the Fuwei Escort Agency and wiped out Lin Pingzhi's entire family. He was a ruthless person himself.

Seeing that Yilin dared to attack him at this moment, he tilted the long sword in his hand and was about to kill her with the sword.

At the critical moment, another shout came from the room, and a half-grown girl rushed out.

"Stop! Don't hurt sister Yilin!"


Yu Canghai sneered and said nothing, but silently raised his sword.

In this world, strength is paramount, and these two little girls can boss the leader of his faction around with nothing but white teeth.

It's really ridiculous.

Even if he knew that Yilin was a disciple of the Hengshan Sect, Yu Canghai still wanted to teach these two juniors a lesson today.

Qu Feiyan knew something was going to happen as soon as he saw the look in Yu Canghai's eyes, and hurriedly ran over, pulling Yi Lin with him to escape.

But she didn't expect that Yu Canghai had no intention of letting her go. He swung his sword, and the tip of the sword trembled, making a sharp blade scream through the air, piercing her heart!

Only then did Qu Feiyan realize the ruthlessness of this world.

On the thin line between life and death, I couldn't help but feel miserable in my heart, my face turned pale, and I felt extremely hopeless.

At the same time, on the green tile roof of this group of jade courtyards, a young man wearing a dark green gown was squatting.

He looked at the three people in the yard with a half-smile, seemingly not caring about the tragedy that was about to happen.

"I let you run around, now you know how to suffer?"

Chen Xuan laughed secretly in his heart, originally planning to let Yu Canghai scare the two girls for a while longer.

Unexpectedly, I glanced out of the corner of my eye and suddenly noticed a stooped man with a hunchback hiding in the corner of the corridor.

Just as he was feeling strange, the selection system prompt suddenly popped up.

[You discovered Lin Pingzhi, the disguised young master of Fuwei Escort Agency, who is tracking Yu Canghai, the enemy of the family. Your choice is...]

[Option A: The Qingcheng faction has a lot of people and power, so they betray the leader Yu Canghai to save face, capture Lin Pingzhi, and offer him to Yu Canghai. 】

[Available rewards: The Qingcheng Sect’s reputation relationship is upgraded to that of a close friend, the position of guest elder of the Qingcheng Sect is obtained, the qualification to enter the Qingcheng Sect’s library, and the qualification to command elite disciples of less than 500 people. Yu Canghai’s favorability +

10, favorability of the Four Elites of Qingcheng +10.】

[Option B: Lin Pingzhi is really pitiful now that his family is ruined. Help him kill his enemy Yu Canghai.]

[Available rewards: Lin Ping's favorability +200, the relationship with Lin Ping is upgraded to an irreversible friend. There is a high probability of obtaining the clue of "Evil Sword Manual". Jianghu reputation +500, the Qingcheng faction's reputation relationship is reduced to hostile, Xiao

There is a probability of triggering a Jianghu pursuit order.】

[Jianghu Hunting Order: When killing a master-level knight, there is a certain probability that the alliance sects will be outraged, and then a bounty hunt will be launched. 】

"Evil-dispelling sword manual? Why have I forgotten this?"

Chen Xuan sat on the roof and raised his eyebrows unconsciously.

"Evil Sword Manual" is taken from the fragments of "Sunflower Collection", which is a first-rate swordsmanship that can be mastered quickly.

Lin Pingzhi once studied this sword move and rose to the level of a first-class master in a short period of time. He rivaled several masters of the Qingcheng Sect and finally killed Yu Canghai, the enemy of his family.

From this point of view, this swordsmanship is not weak.

It's a pity that the "Evil Sword Manual" and "Sunflower Collection" come from the same source. If you want to practice this skill, you must first go to the palace.

Even though the disadvantages are huge, the upper limit itself is not high. It is only on par with the "Yangwu Sword" and "Zixia Gong" of the Huashan School's Mahayana realm, and is even slightly inferior.

Chen Xuan thought that he was not so disrespectful, so he went to please Lin Pingzhi for this "Evil Sword Manual".

But just when he was about to ignore this little thing, something suddenly happened in his heart.

Chen Xuan suddenly thought of the greatest use of this evil-fighting sword technique.

Immediately afterwards, Lin Pingzhi, who was hiding in the corridor, had no time to react.

Chen Xuan waved his hand indifferently, and a soft force directly pulled Lin Pingzhi up from a distance of dozens of feet.

Then it was thrown behind Yu Canghai with a "bang" sound.

Yu Canghai's heart trembled, and when he looked back, he happened to see Lin Pingzhi's crooked eyebrows and flat nose.

It was immediately obvious that he was deliberately pretending.

When he looked carefully again, he was suddenly shocked.

"Lin Pingzhi?!"

"not good!"

When Lin Pingzhi saw that he had been exposed, he immediately stood up like a carp, turned over and ran away.

However, Yu Canghai abandoned Yi Lin's side, jumped up, chased after him with his sword, and caught him within a few ups and downs.

"Good boy, you are not a slow runner! Come with me, I have something to ask you!"

After saying that, Yu Canghai directly captured Lin Pingzhi and jumped to leave.

However, at this moment, there was only a sharp sound of "chi" in the air, and a line of blood spread in the air!

(End of chapter)

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