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Chapter 227 Good Fuer is Really Pretty

Chapter 227 Haofuer, she is really pretty

[The Yue girl picks lotus by the autumn water, her narrow sleeves are light and her sleeves are light, revealing her double gold necklace.]

[Picking flowers in the shadow, they look like faces, but the hearts are in turmoil.]

[It’s a stormy night in Xitou, the fog is heavy and the smoke is light, and I don’t see the company I came with when I came.]

[The faint sound of singing returns to the distant shore, and the sadness of separation leads to the south bank of the river.]

A burst of soft and melodious singing floated on the misty lake.

The singing came from a small boat. Five girls in the boat were singing and laughing, rowing and picking lotus flowers.

The song they sang was "Die Lian Hua" written by Ouyang Xiu, a great poet in the Northern Song Dynasty. It describes the scene of Yue girls picking lotuses.

Although there are only six crosses, the season, time, location, scenery, as well as the appearance, clothing, jewelry, and mood of the Yue girl are all described as if they were seen in person.

Especially in the second half of the column, there is a narrative in the description of the scene, and the narrative is lyrical, from close to far, with endless thoughts.

Ouyang Xiu served as an official in the south of the Yangtze River for several years. The landscapes of Wu and Yue were all integrated into long and short sentences. It can be said that his literary talent is soaring.

Jiaxing Nanhu, the Mid-Autumn Festival is approaching.

The lotus leaves are gradually dying, and the lotus flesh is full and full.

This scene at this time is just like what Ouyang Xiu wrote in his poems.

This song of lovesickness spread with the laughter of the boating girl, and finally reached the ears of a little Taoist nun standing by the lake.

She stood quietly under the row of willow trees for a long time. The evening breeze ruffled the hem of her blue-purple robe and the strands of the whisk in her neck, and her heart suddenly fluctuated.

Really, it’s like “the hearts are in turmoil.”

The singing sound gradually faded away, and then a gust of wind blew, faintly carrying the giggle of the lotus-picking girl.

The Taoist nun let out a long sigh, raised her left hand, looked at the blood-stained palm, and murmured to herself.

"What's so funny? These little girls are just singing without knowing the pain of lovesickness and melancholy in the lyrics."

It's on the South Lake hundreds of steps away from this Taoist nun.

A small boat glides across the turquoise and clear glass-like lake.

There were several childish boys and girls on the boat, two of them had red lips and white teeth, and they looked particularly pleasing to the eye.

The two of them were only in their prime for about twenty or eight years, which was a good time.

These two girls are cousins. The cousin's surname is Cheng, and her last name has only one English character.

My cousin’s surname is Lu and her given name is Wushuang.

They are half a year apart.

They are the two sisters Cheng Ying and Lu Wushuang of the Cheng family.

The group of people sang songs, rowed the boat out from the lotus leaves, and had a very happy time on the lake.

When the two sisters were laughing and playing, they didn't know what was happening in the Lu family's house at this time.

Their father, Lu Liding, raised his head and stared blankly at the wall.

I saw nine palm prints printed on the wall. Each palm print was as red as blood.

Lu Liding is not well-known in the world, and all his martial arts skills were passed down from his brother Lu Zhanyuan.

He is indifferent by nature, and his family is well-off, so he has never traveled in the world. It can be said that he has no experience at all, and naturally lacks the ability to adapt to changes.

At this moment, looking at the bloody handprints that suddenly appeared in his house, he vaguely thought of his brother Lu Zhanyuan's last instructions.

I still remember that Lu Zhanyuan once said that he had an enemy, a Taoist nun named Li Mochou.

People in the world call her "Fairy Chi Lian".

That woman was extremely skilled in martial arts and acted ruthlessly.

Lu Zhanyuan expected that after he got married, Li Mochou would come to seek revenge on him and his wife, so before he died, he asked Lu Liding to take his wife away.

But he didn't expect that Lu Zhanyuan's wife committed suicide on the night of Lu Zhanyuan's death.

Lu Zhanyuan has been dead for three years now, and it is indeed the time when Li Mochou came to take revenge.

Lu Liding felt melancholy and thought to himself.

"My brother and sister-in-law have been dead for several years, and the grudges should have been wiped out long ago. Then why did the Taoist nun come to my family?"

Here, Lu Li Ding was hesitating secretly in his heart, but he heard a servant hurried in and reported.

"Master, there are guests outside."

Lu Liding waved his hand and said, "You said I wasn't at home."

The servant said, "Master, that lady doesn't want to see you, she's just a passerby who wants to spend the night."

Lu Liding was startled, "What? Is it a woman?"

The servant said, "Yes, the lady also brought two children."

When Lu Liding heard that the female guest had two children with him, he felt relieved and asked, "Is she a Taoist nun?"

The servant shook his head and said: "No. He is neatly dressed and looks like he belongs to a good family."

After all, it is not common for people to stay in high-end hotels in Jianghu. It is more of a one-night stay to seek good luck.

Now that this orphan and widowed mother came to stay for the night, Lu Liding naturally couldn't drive them away, so he immediately nodded and said.

"Okay, just invite her to the guest room to rest and prepare some food for her."

At this moment, two sisters, Cheng Ying and Lu Wushuang, who had been out for fun, also came back.

The two walked into the house playfully. Seeing their noisy appearance, Lu Liding felt angry and sad, so he drove the two girls to the backyard.

Cheng Ying and Lu Wushuang walked to the backyard and saw two strange teenagers in the backyard.

These two young men were about fourteen or fifteen years old, and looked about the same age as the two sisters.

Several children were of the same age, so naturally they were easy to talk to, so Cheng Ying asked.

"Who are you?"

One of the young men said, "My name is Wu Dunru."

Another said, "My name is Wu Xiuwen."

Cheng Ying and Lu Wushuang looked at each other and introduced their names, so they were acquainted.

The four of them were just about to chat a few more words, when suddenly someone on the roof laughed, and a female voice said loudly.

"I will only take the lives of nine members of the Lu family! Everyone else is waiting to leave as soon as possible!"

Everyone in the Lu family's residence was shocked when they suddenly heard shouts on the roof, and they all walked into the courtyard.

Everyone looked up and saw a young and beautiful Taoist nun standing by the eaves. The moonlight reflected on her face. She looked to be only fifteen or sixteen years old. She had a long sword stuck on her back, and the blood-red sword ribbon was dancing in the wind.


Seeing this, Lu Liding said loudly, "I'm here, Lu Liding. Are you a boy from Li Xiangu's family?"

The little Taoist nun sneered and said:

"It's good that you know! Kill your wife, daughter, and servants quickly, and then commit suicide, so that I don't have to go to any trouble."

These few words were said in an understatement, and Lu Liding was not taken seriously at all.

Since he didn't want to talk much, Lu Liding immediately drew his weapon and faced him.

It's a pity that he has never traveled around the world before, so he was easily defeated by the Taoist nun after just a few moves.

In the Lu Mansion, some servants had already taken all the children out of the back door.

This unexpected incident caused chaos in the Lu family, and brothers Wu Xiuwen and Wu Dunru who came to stay overnight were also involved.

Fortunately, their father Wu Santong arrived shortly afterwards.

Wu Santong is one of the four apprentices of Master Yideng who is a fisherman, woodcutter, farmer and reader. He learned the Yiyang Finger from the Duan family of Dali, and his martial arts are quite good.

However, he was no match for Li Mochou. In a hurry, he could only take his two sons and flee through the door.

After a lot of fuss, he took his two brothers and ran into a woods. Suddenly he put down Xiu Wen and ran away with Dun Ru in his arms, leaving his youngest son behind in the woods.

Wu Xiuwen shouted, "Father, father!"

But he saw Wu Santong holding Wu Dunru and running dozens of feet away, and heard him shouting from a distance.

"I'll come back and hug you again!"

Wu Xiuwen knew that his father had always behaved erratically. He was speechless for a moment and subconsciously wanted to go back to the Lu Mansion to find his mother.

But he didn't know how far he, a fourteen-year-old or fifteen-year-old boy, could go in the dark at midnight.

Finally, he stumbled into a forest, hid under a tree and fell asleep.

When I woke up after a good sleep, I vaguely heard several clear and high-pitched chirpings of birds above my head.

Wu Xiuwen hurriedly opened his eyes and looked up, only to see two huge white eagles circling and soaring in the sky, with wings spread as high as ten feet.

He had never seen such a big eagle, and when he stared at it, he felt that it was strange and amusing.

Suddenly, I heard two low whistles from behind. The sounds were soft and crisp, as if they came from a little girl.

When the two big eagles in the sky heard the sound, they circled several times and slowly fell down.

Wu Xiuwen heard the sound and looked around, only to see a girl walking out from behind the tree, waving to the sky.

The two big eagles seemed to recognize people, so they folded their wings and flew down, landing next to her obediently.

When the girl saw Wu Xiuwen, she just glanced at him and caressed the feathers of the two big eagles.

But when I saw the two eagles looking up, they were very powerful. They were much taller than the girl standing on the ground.

Wu Xiuwen had never seen such a divine sculpture before and couldn't help but wonder.

"Girl, are these two eagles raised by your family?"

The girl's mouth was slightly pursed, showing an expression of contempt.

Wu Xiuwen was asking for trouble and was very embarrassed to talk. But when he took a closer look, he saw that the girl was wearing a light green robe with a string of pearls hanging around her neck. Her face was as white and tender as mutton fat.

Greasy and white.

Her eyes are flowing, her eyebrows are long and slender, and her facial features are also very delicate and pretty. At first glance, she is a great beauty.

Although Wu Xiuwen was a young man of fourteen or fifteen years old, he thought she was very beautiful and couldn't help but feel close to her.

But she looked contemptuous and arrogant, which made Wu Xiuwen feel a little ashamed of himself.

Perhaps seeing that Wu Xiuwen was silent, the girl stroked the eagle's back with her right hand, glanced at Wu Xiuwen with her beautiful eyes, and asked arrogantly.

"May I have your name?"

Wu Xiuwen said, "My name is Wu Xiuwen, and I'm waiting for my father. What about you? What's your name?"

The girl flattened her mouth and hummed, but did not answer.

Saying that, he turned around and left.

Wu Xiuwen was stunned for a moment and followed him subconsciously.

He saw that the girl was probably the same age as him, around fourteen or fifteen years old. She was short and had short legs, so she wouldn't be able to run very far.

Unexpectedly, as soon as he followed him, the girl jumped up and ran several feet away in a moment, leaving him far behind.

Look at that Qinggong body technique is far better than him.

Wu Xiuwen was not convinced and chased after him. However, when the girl saw him running closer, she suddenly stretched out her left foot.

Wu Xiuwen tripped over her and fell to the ground immediately.

He just happened to land on his face, causing his nose to bleed from the fall, and his clothes were stained with blood.

The little girl seemed to panic when she saw the blood, but she ignored it and just wanted to turn around and run away.

But unexpectedly, at this moment, I suddenly heard someone shouting in the forest.

"Fu'er, you're bullying me again, aren't you?"

The girl trotted away without looking back, just making excuses.

"Who said that? He threw it himself. What does it have to do with me? Don't talk nonsense to my father."

Wu Xiuwen heard the voice of the man in the forest and reluctantly climbed up. He saw that the person who came was a lame old man holding an iron crutch.

The man's temples were frosty, his appearance was haggard, his eyes were white, and he was obviously blind.

After all, Wu Xiuwen was still young and had never heard of the famous Jiangnan Seven Monsters, so naturally he didn't know this old blind man either.

Little did they know that this man was Ke Zhen'e, the "Flying Bat" and the former leader of the Seven Monsters of Jiangnan.

And the little girl he was looking after was none other than Huang Rong's beloved daughter, Guo Fu.


The causes and conditions in the world are complicated and difficult to guess.

Just when Li Mochou went to the Lu family to seek revenge, there was another cruise ship on the South Lake. It was painted with red paint and glazed with gold and jade, and it looked particularly noble.

Just listening to the melodious sound of the piano on the boat was so melodious that the tourists stopped to listen and thought that such masters of piano skills were playing the piano here.

But I didn't expect that on the cruise ship, there were three or five beauties sitting or lying on the boat, with pink arms and snowy buttocks, shining brightly, many of them beautiful, and there were also fine wines and delicacies, a variety of fruits, and various kinds of shrimps and crabs.

The man playing the harp was wearing a dark green gown and his hair was tied up in a high crown. He looked like a scholar with high aspirations.

But if you listen closely, you can hear that his mouth is full of obscene words and he is trying his best to make fun of him.

Although the several women around him had their own charming looks, they couldn't bear to hear his teasing. They either closed their eyes to rest, or drank to themselves, so they didn't pay attention to him.

Needless to say, this is Chen Xuan and his party.

Chen Xuan left Linghu Chong angrily, then turned around and put Ren Yingying under house arrest. Just as he was going downstairs, he saw little nun Yilin again, so he took her away without any courtesy.

Now he was worried that Yilin's father would not stop being a monk and come to find his daughter, and he was also worried that people from the Sun Moon God Sect would come to find their holy aunt, so he led a group of girls to Jiangnan.

In name, it is relaxing, but in fact it is relaxing for Yilin and Ren Yingying.

At the end of the song "Swordsman", Chen Xuan smiled proudly, even nodded with satisfaction, and asked casually.

"Feiyan, do you think I have improved a bit on this piece of piano music?"

Qu Feiyan spat angrily and said bitterly.

"What a fart, this is the only song that comes and goes, and you don't even think about who gave you the music score."

Chen Xuan didn't take it seriously and just smiled.

"The music score is one thing, but being able to play it is another. There are very few people in this world like you and I, who can pick out a piece of music at a glance."

Qu Feiyan said angrily "Bah~", then thought about it and reminded him angrily.

"You have been with us for so long and why don't you go and see your girl Yingying?"

"That's true. Maybe I haven't seen her for a long time."

"Hmph~ I haven't seen you for a few hours, but look at your face!"

Qu Fei was so angry that he clenched his pink fist and punched him twice angrily.

Chen Xuan didn't take it seriously, he straightened his sleeves with a smile and stood up.

But unexpectedly, at this moment, I heard a sudden "chirp" sound in the sky.

Chen Xuan glanced around and saw two eagles hovering in the sky far away.

"Interesting, are there such big eagles in Jiangnan?"

(End of chapter)

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