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Chapter 252 Little Red Horse

Chapter 252 Little Red Horse

Seeing Yang Guo's martial arts so outstanding, Li Mochou couldn't help but secretly hate him.

"Master is really biased and left this set of swordsmanship to junior sister. Most likely he wanted junior sister to use it to restrain me. Although this swordsmanship is wonderful, am I afraid of it?"

Thinking of this, he changed his moves and suddenly jumped up to the table, put his feet on the edge of the table, swayed back and forth, elegantly, like a lotus leaf moved by the wind, and said with a smile.

"Did that little slut teach you this skill? She must not know it herself, right?"

Yang Guo was startled, and there was an unknown fire in his heart, and he said angrily, "What did you say!"

Li Mochou smiled and said, "My junior sister once made an oath that if no man is willing to die for her, she will live in the ancient tomb all her life and never come down the mountain. Since she is following you down the mountain now, and you two are not husband and wife, then she is not What is a whore?"

Xiao Longnu was extremely sacred in Yang Guo's heart. How could he allow Li Mochou to tease her like this? She immediately said nothing, waved her long sword, jumped up on the table.

But his internal strength was not as good as Li Mochou's, so he didn't dare to step on the edge of the table. He only dared to crush a few rice bowls and vegetable dishes. He could still stand firmly in the middle of the table, and then he slashed and slashed horizontally, using a series of neat moves. sword moves.

Li Mochou held up the fly whisk, blocked the long sword, and said with a smile, "Boy, your martial arts skills are not bad. That slut treated you really well. She can be said to be affectionate and righteous."

Although he knew that Li Mochou's words might be intended to anger him, Yang Guo felt an unknown anger rising in his heart and could not calm down, so he shouted.

"Li Mochou! Are you a human? Can you speak human language?"

While shouting and scolding, Yang Guo drew his sword and attacked quickly.

Li Mochou said calmly, without being ashamed or annoyed, "If you want others to know, you have to do nothing yourself. The ancient tomb sent you two scum, it can be said that you have lost all face."

Although she acted viciously, she was always polite in her conversation and behavior, and her words were full of laughter. She actually said these words to make Yang Guo get into trouble.

The more Yang Guo listened to her talk, the more he became more and more miserable. If she just insulted him, then he didn't care.

But he actually slandered Xiao Longnu in this way. In his rage, his hands and feet trembled, and his moves gradually lost their order.

In addition, Li Mochou deliberately jumped on the table, and now the table is shaky, which is extremely challenging for her body skills.

When Xiao Longnu rests in the ancient tomb, she always lies on a long rope, and her body skills are naturally unparalleled in the world.

Yang Guo was obviously a bit weak. Now his palm skills were messed up and he could no longer stand still.

Li Mochou saw the opportunity, raised the fly whisk, and swiped it at his face.

If he was hit this time, it would be like a whiplash being swept across him, with extraordinary force.

Seeing that Yang Guo's head was about to be smashed to pieces, Yeluqi at the side finally saw that the situation was not good, picked up the two wine glasses on the table, and threw them at Li Mochou's back.

Li Mochou heard the sound of a hidden weapon behind her, and between the lightning and flint, she squinted slightly and saw two wine glasses being thrown towards her. She immediately took a secret breath and sealed the meridians in her back, wanting to kill Yang Guo, his henchman, first.

She only said that two small wine glasses were nothing to be afraid of.

Unexpectedly, when the wine glass was thrown over, it hit the two pulse gates of "Zhiyang" and "Center".

The huge strength made her back feel numb, and she couldn't help but secretly said, "Not good!"

She couldn't care about anything else for the moment, so she turned around and found that the person who threw the wine glass was the tall man in Mongolian attire.

She was secretly shocked. She didn't expect that there were so many unknown masters among these juniors.

While he was thinking about this, he saw the tall man pull out his long sword and said loudly.

"The Fairy Girl is too cruel, I'm here to ask for some advice."

Li Mochou saw him approaching slowly, with solemn steps. He looked like he was only about 20 years old, but the strength with which he threw the wine glass and the movement with which he drew the sword seemed to have more than 20 years of skill. He stared and smiled.


"Who is your Excellency? Where is your revered master?"

Yeluqi said politely, "I am Yeluqi, a disciple of the Quanzhen sect."

Li Mochou asked, "Is your respected master Ma Yu or Qiu Chuji?"

Yeluqi said: "No."

Li Mochou said: "Which one of Liu, Wang and Hao is it?"

Yeluqi said: "None of them."

Li Mochou giggled, pointed at Yang Guo and said, "This guy claims to be Wang Chongyang's disciple, so you and he are fellow apprentices?"

Yelu Qi was slightly surprised and couldn't help but glance at Yang Guo, "Master Chongyang has passed away a long time ago. Is this brother really his disciple?"

Li Mochou said with a faint smile, "My master has long said that Quanzhen's disciples are all scum who lie without blinking an eye. It seems that this boy has learned Quan Zhen. No wonder he can get along with my junior sister. They are really a couple."


"You... just say something again!" Yang Guo was naturally very angry when he heard this.

He jumped up and killed him directly.

Seeing this, Yeluqi also grasped the sword technique and drew his sword. It was the authentic Quanzhen sword technique.

This move is full of energy, energy, style, power and shape, all just right.

It seems unremarkable, but in order to practice to be so flawless, people with less talent may not be able to achieve it even if they accumulate a lifetime of merit.

When Li Mochou saw his sword move, she knew he was a formidable opponent and hurriedly concentrated on dealing with it.

But as soon as she raised her hand, she suddenly felt a numbness in her arm, and she suddenly said something bad to herself, "No, it was the two wine glasses that just hit my acupuncture points!"

At this moment, Yelu Qi and Yang Guo, one on the left and the other on the right, used sword moves to attack from all directions.

Li Mochou's heart trembled, and she tried to resist a few moves, but her arms were sore and numb that it was really difficult to sustain.

It looked like he was about to fall here.

At this moment, I suddenly heard several cries in the air, and then two large eagles swooped down from the sky.

The four-winged wind blew up, causing gray sand to fly all over the ground. The sound was astonishing.

When the three people who were fighting fiercely saw this, they could only retreat.

Yang Guo and Li Mochou glanced at the pair of white eagles, knowing that they were the precious animals raised by the hero Guo Jing and his wife.

Li Mochou secretly frowned. She was nicknamed Chi Lian Fairy, so she naturally had trouble dealing with such a chivalrous person.

Yang Guo, who was opposite him, was even more decisive. He pulled off a piece of rag and covered his face, obviously not wanting to meet Guo Jing and his wife.

He was ostracized in every possible way in Chongyang Palace, and of course he was blamed on Guo Jing, so he naturally disliked this hero.

Not long after, I suddenly heard the sound of horse hooves from the southeast, and a fast horse galloped over.

The horse's steps were extremely swift, and as soon as it heard the sound of hoofbeats, it was already running in front of it.

I saw that horse, long in body and high in legs, covered in blood red, and an extraordinary horse.

Riding on the horse was a girl in red, with her and her horse, blooming like a gorgeous rose, making her snow-white face even more pink.

When Yang Guo saw the pair of red eagle horses, he expected that the girl on the horse was Huang Rong's eldest daughter Guo Fu.

As soon as she reined in the horse, the red horse stopped.

The horse was calm and steady during the gallop without neighing. It was calm and calm throughout the whole process. It was really handsome.

Yeluqi grew up in Mongolia and had seen many horses, but he had never seen such a handsome one.

He didn't know that this horse was the bloody horse that Guo Jing got in the desert.

It was just a little red horse back then, and now it is considered to be in its twilight years, but it is different from ordinary horses after all. Although it is old, its muscles and bones are still strong, and its legs are as strong as before.

Yang Guo didn't have a good impression of his aunt Huang Rong, but when he saw the beautiful girl in front of him, who looked like a fragrant hibiscus, he still couldn't help but secretly admire her.

After the girl galloped for a while, there was a slight sweat on her forehead, and her cheeks were even more beautiful when reflected in her red dress.

She recalled the two eagles to look at them for a moment, then glanced at Yeluqi and others.

When his eyes glanced at Yang Guo's face, he saw that he was wearing Mongolian attire and had his face covered. He couldn't help but frown slightly, with a look of disdain on his face.

She just felt that this Mongolian man, with his face covered in broad daylight, was probably not some small bandit.

But he didn't want this look in Yang Guo's eyes to make Yang Guo secretly feel ashamed.

He met Guo Jing in his early years and was taken home by Guo Jing for a while. He also met Guo Fu several times.

However, at that time, little Guo Fu was even more naughty and mischievous than she is now, and because Huang Rong doted on her, she and Yang Guo often fought and were often defeated, so she could only make some unbridled sarcastic remarks to him.

Thinking about it now, Yang Guo was naturally filled with sorrow.

"You look down on me, why do I insist that you look down on me? Your father is a great hero of the world, your mother is the leader of the Beggar Clan, your grandpa is a martial arts master, and no one in the martial arts world does not respect your Guo family."

Yang Guo couldn't help but clenched his fists as he thought about it.

"But what about my parents? My mother is a country girl, I don't know who my father is, and he died in an unknown manner... Of course I can't compare with you. I was born to suffer a fate, and I deserve to be bullied by you!"

He stood aside and secretly felt sad, feeling that no one in the world treated him sincerely, only his master, Xiao Longnu, was sincere to him, but at this time, she didn't know where she had gone?

Just when she was secretly sad, she heard the sound of horse hooves and four more horses came.

Those four horses are all quite handsome, but compared with Guo Fu's little red horse, they are naturally far behind.

I saw a young man sitting on two of the horses, and two girls in white clothes sitting on the other two horses.

But it was the Wu brothers and Cheng Ying sisters.

At this moment, Chen Xuan was holding his wife Ning Zhongze on the carriage and digging water from the well. Little did he know that Guo Fu and the Cheng Ying sisters unexpectedly met Guo Jing and his wife in this town.

Guo Fu had a relationship with Wu Xiuwen before, and now that she was back with her parents, she was naturally very proud and hurriedly shouted to a group of followers to go back and find trouble for Chen Xuan.

Unexpectedly, they met Yang Guo and Yelu Qizheng fighting with Li Mochou on the way.

She only recognized Li Mochou. It happened that the Wu brothers and Cheng Ying sisters were enemies of Li Mochou, so she took action directly.


"It's the devil!"

"Devil! If you kill my parents, I will make you pay for it with blood!"

While they were talking, several people drew their swords and struck together.

Guo Fu said, "I'm coming too." After saying that, she took out the sword from the saddle, dismounted and stepped forward to help in the battle.

Li Mochou saw that the number of enemies increased as they fought, but they were all very young.

When I saw the two young men, their eyes were red as soon as they came up, and they were fierce and desperate. Their swordsmanship was surprisingly pure, and they were obviously disciples of famous masters.

Then the beautiful girl in red also attacked. As soon as she took action, the tip of the sword trembled slightly and shone brightly, obviously hiding a hidden move.

Li Mochou didn't recognize it at first, but after looking at it for a moment, she was shocked.

"Are you a girl from Huang Rong's family on Peach Blossom Island?"

Guo Fu snorted coldly and said proudly, "You actually recognize me!"

After saying that, "shuashua" came out with two swords.

Li Mochou casually blocked it with a fly whisk, thinking, "This little girl is very arrogant. With your little ability, you dare to be rude to me. If you weren't afraid of your parents, I would kill ten more of them."


Li Mochou had just been hit on the acupuncture point on the back by Yeluqi with a wine glass, and she had already begun to think about retreating.

Seeing Guo Fu appear now, I knew that Guo Jing and Huang Rong were probably nearby.

Immediately, the whisk was rolled back, and with a long laugh, he turned around and said, "Ling Bo, let's go!"

After that, the master and the disciple jumped up and flew far away in a few ups and downs.

Seeing this, Guo Fu hurriedly said, "She's scared! Chase her!"

After that, he raised his sword and rushed forward in pursuit.

The brothers from the Wu family and the sisters from the Cheng family performed light kung fu and then rushed over.

There were several young men and girls in the group who said they were very aggressive.

But I saw Li Mochou rising up, with a graceful and elegant air, not picking up a speck of dust between his steps. He seemed to be walking slowly and lightly, but every rise and fall could open up a distance of tens of feet.

Hong Lingbo ran with all his strength and could barely keep up with Li Mochou's pace.

Guo Fu and the others tried their best, but they still kept getting farther and farther away from Li Mochou and his disciples.

Seeing that Wu Xiuwen could not catch up, knowing that there was no hope of revenge, he had to slowly stop.

Yelu Qi and others were afraid that some of them would be lost, so they rushed to meet them. When they saw Guo Fu and others coming back, they went forward to pay homage to them.

These people are all about the same age, with Yeluqi being the older one, so they are all young people in the world.

Within a few words, the conversation became lively.

After chatting like this for a while, Yeluqi suddenly remembered, "Where is Brother Yang?"

Wan Yanping said, "He left alone. I asked him where he was going, but he ignored me."

He lowered his head as he spoke, obviously a little sad.

It turned out that when Yang Guo saw the Wu brothers arriving, he joined forces with Guo Fu and others to attack Li Mochou.

The relationship between these people was very close, and the swordsmanship they performed was extremely exquisite. They were able to force Li Mochou back in just a few moves.

He didn't know that Li Mochou left because he was afraid of Guo Jing and his wife, and he thought that their martial arts skills were no longer what they used to be.

Looking back on those days, he begged Guo Jing to teach him martial arts, but Guo Jing refused to teach him.

Now that he saw Guo Fu and others forcing Li Mochou back, he became more and more angry. He felt that Guo Jing seemed to be benevolent, but in fact he was so biased.

He also remembered that Huang Rong deliberately did not teach him martial arts, and that Guo Jing deliberately sent him to Chongyang Palace to be tortured by a group of evil Taoists. He felt filled with resentment and could not control himself.

Seeing Yeluqi and Wanyanping also approaching, they were eager to please and make friends, but they felt that everyone in the world looked down on themselves and liked to make friends with the so-called celebrities in the world.

Thinking of this, Yang Guo suddenly yelled and ran away, just running around in the wilderness. Unknowingly, by chance, he headed towards Huashan, one of the five famous mountains.

(End of chapter)

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