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Chapter 82 Time Management Master

Chapter 82 Time Management Master

Because Duan Yu was trapped in the Valley of Ten Thousand Tribulations, people from all walks of life were constantly fighting overtly and covertly.

This Valley of Ten Thousand Tribulations is now occupied by four evil men.

However, Zhong Wanchou suddenly didn't realize that he was still patrolling everywhere with some Jianghu people every day, always on guard against Duan Zhengchun and rescued Duan Yu.

In this way, it would be more convenient for Chen Xuan.

The sun rises three poles outside the window.

Gan Baobao pushed Chen Xuan slightly tiredly, Liu Mei said slightly.

"Hurry up and drive away, I have to go see Zhong Ling."

"She is already married at this age, why do you still visit her every now and then?"

Chen Xuan said lazily, not treating himself as an outsider at all.

Gan Baobao glared at him angrily.

He said he was impatient, but he had gotten used to his temper these days, so he just said.

"What do you know? There is no peace in the valley these days, not to mention those four evil people who are doing evil. Besides, if she goes to find Young Master Duan, she will probably get into trouble."

"What's the trouble? If something happens, you can come to me for help."


As soon as he heard him mention this matter, Gan Baobao became very angry.

Otherwise, if he had been asked to find Zhong Ling a few days ago, he would not have brought Mu Wanqing back to cause trouble.

Now she has been thinking about how to explain this matter to Qin Hongmian these days.

But when he thought of Mu Wanqing, Gan Baobao suddenly came back to his senses.

"Chen, why haven't you gone to see that girl Wanqing these days?"


"Why is it inconvenient? Did you hurt her?"

Chen Xuan smiled unconsciously when he heard this, gently scratched the bridge of Gan Baobao's nose, and said with a smile.

"Madam, does she think too much of Mr. Chen?"

Gan Baobao slapped his hand away impatiently, pretending to be indifferent.

"Don't follow these tricks. I was coerced by you and had no choice but to commit myself to you. I have no relationship whatsoever with your surname Chen."

"Really? That's not what Madam said last night."


Gan Baobao couldn't talk to him, so he had to change the subject.

"Then what happened to girl Wanqing?"

"It's okay. She has been detoxified now. I can't keep getting tired of her. If I am too enthusiastic, I might annoy her."

"Are you worried that she will be bored? Then why aren't you worried that I will be bored?"

"Madam and Mu Wanqing are probably different."

"Hmph! I know you think I'm easy to bully, but I'm not afraid to tell you. One day, I will take revenge on you like that woman in the valley!"

When she mentioned Dai Qisi, Chen Xuan's face suddenly darkened.

Gan Baobao wanted to get up, but Chen Xuan held her back indifferently.

"Why are you holding me? Let go~"

When she turned around, she saw Chen Xuan looking at her coldly, and she immediately realized that she might have said the wrong thing.

"Madam just said she wanted to take revenge on me?"

"...Where did I say that?"

Seeing that Gan Baobao felt guilty, Chen Xuan just sneered and said nothing.

Seeing his sneer, Gan Baobao knew his virtue and couldn't help but frown.

"You are really unreasonable. Do you have to bully me, a weak woman?"

After saying this, Chen Xuan didn't let go, but there was nothing she could do.

Wait until it gets late that day.

She finally stood up in a hurry and said anxiously.

"You are really a hateful villain! You almost delayed my business!"

Although Zhong Wanchou was willing to deploy manpower to patrol everywhere during this period, he was still very considerate to his wife in every possible way.

Even if I have a busy schedule, I will come to visit every evening.

It's just that when Gan Baobao married Zhong Wanchou, he still had Duan Zhengchun in his heart, so he had been living in separate places with Zhong Wanchou all these years.

As a result, the two never became a couple.

Zhong Wanchou knew that he was ugly, but he was devoted to Gan Baobao. He respected her like a goddess and never forced her to do anything.

Zhong Wanchou tried his best to argue that when Yin and Yang came together and separated, it was not something he created, but he just didn't want to make Gan Baobao angry.

Gan Baobao naturally felt a little guilty towards him.

Now, even though he was tricked by Chen Xuan, he didn't dare to say anything, for fear that Zhong Wan would get angry and fight with Chen Xuan, which would cost his life.

While she was putting away her makeup, she couldn't help but mutter a few words.

Instead of feeling angry, Chen Xuan found her more and more lovable.

It happened to be that he had been lying down for a day. He stood up straight away, put on a thin shirt, strolled behind Gan Baobao, and said with a smile.

"Since Madam has something to do, I'll take a look at Mu Wanqing."


When Gan Baobao heard this, he was so angry that the hairpin in his hand was crooked.

When Chen Xuan saw this, he leaned over with a smile and looked at Gan Baobao in the bronze mirror.

The two of them were reflected in the bronze mirror, like a newlywed couple.

Gan Baobao's heart trembled and he turned his eyes unconsciously, but Chen Xuan said.

"Madam, have you ever thought about leaving the Valley of Ten Thousand Tribulations and living somewhere else?"

"... Chen, don't try to deceive me with these sweet words. I'm not that little girl, so how can I believe your nonsense?"

She said she didn't believe it, but she couldn't hide the emotion on her face.

During these years in the Valley of Ten Thousand Tribulations, Zhong Wanchou was certainly considerate of her in every possible way.

But she actually knew that Zhong Wanchou just regarded her as a canary in a cage.

Zhong Wanchou was ugly in appearance and rough in character, and his love for her was actually probably due to his own inferiority complex.

Since marrying him, Gan Baobao has not left the Valley of Ten Thousand Tribulations for more than ten years.

Duan Zhengchun's name was what Zhong Wanchou often whispered in her ears.

The last time I went to Dali City, I happened to be bumped into by Chen Xuan. It was because Zhong Ling met Duan Yu that he never returned home.

She cried and made a fuss until she lost her temper, so she made an exception and left the Valley of Ten Thousand Tribulations.

This kind of life, although said to be considerate, is actually very miserable.

In fact, Gan Baobao also thought about leaving the Valley of Ten Thousand Tribulations and taking Zhong Ling to find Duan Zhengchun.

But now that more than ten years have passed, beauties grow old and youth is hard to come back, and I don’t know if the prince still remembers her.

After so many struggles, she actually wasted several years like this.

It wasn't until Chen Xuan mentioned it casually just now that it touched Gan Baobao's mind.

"Leave the Valley of Ten Thousand Tribulations?"

She was thinking secretly, and just when she didn't know what to do, Chen Xuan took the hairpin from her hand.

Without even seeing how he fiddled with it, the hairpin turned from crooked to straight, and Chen Xuan put it in her hair with his own hands.

The makeup was done, Chen Xuan came close to her ear and smiled.

"Madam is indeed unparalleled in her grace and beauty."

Gan Baobao felt his heart tremble, but after a second thought, he stood up pretending to be indifferent.

"You'd better tell Mu Wanqing these nonsense words of yours!"

As she spoke, she walked out of the room without giving Chen Xuan a chance to get tired of it.

But for Chen Xuan, he already knew that this matter had become a matter of fact.

Because he just received a system prompt, Gan Baobao's favorability level increased by 300 points.

He never quite understood how the favorability level was set.

Because I have rescued Huang Rong and Xiao Zhao before.

Both were raised to 9999 points, and they were equally admiring, but the reactions of the two girls were completely different.

Xiao Zhao was fooled around by him, but Huang Rong remained as cold as ever and still persisted in secret.

After this period of pondering, Chen Xuan finally understood the use of this thing.

This favorability degree is actually the same as the god-level selection system itself. It provides more of a deduction and quantification, and does not have a mandatory effect in itself.

For example, they are also very admired.

Xiao Zhao just admires Chen Xuan.

Huang Rong admired his martial arts achievements.

Furthermore, I met Gan Baobao for the first time in a Dali City inn.

At that time, the system prompted that one option was to take action directly, and there was a chance of winning the heart of a beautiful woman.

It can be seen that Gan Baobao himself is not resistant to this kind of thing.

She has been locked up in the Valley of Ten Thousand Tribulations by Zhong Wanchou for these years. In fact, she has been a widow for more than ten years.

In addition, she has a gentle personality, does not fight or grab, and even has a somewhat submissive temperament.

Being with Chen Xuan now is actually a matter of half push and half acceptance.

However, in this way, it would be troublesome to gather Taoist companions to study Xuanyuan Dongtian's secret book and mental method together.

After all, people's hearts are unpredictable, and it's hard to guarantee that there won't be anyone like Dai Qisi, who is strong by nature but unwilling to surrender.

When the time comes, I will have a lot of girls around me, and it will be quite troublesome to guard against them stabbing me every day.

"Forget it, forget it, don't think about it for now."

Chen Xuan shook his head, feeling more and more confused the more he thought about it, so he might as well go to Mu Wanqing first to brush up his favorability.

As he walked, he flew across the rooftops, and in a blink of an eye, he climbed over several covered bridges and arrived at another courtyard in the valley.

Taking a quick look, I saw Mu Wanqing sitting in the pavilion in a daze.

Chen Xuan lightly jumped to the ground and pretended to cough lightly.

Mu Wanqing suddenly woke up. When she turned around and saw Chen Xuan, her eyes dodged unconsciously.

Chen Xuan saw her posture and said directly.

"Miss Mu is still thinking about Brother Duan?"

"Of course not."

"Look at you, all your thoughts are written on your face. How can you deceive me?"

Chen Xuan walked forward without thinking about himself, picked up the teapot on the stone table and poured a cup of tea.

Mu Wanqing's personality is similar to that of her mother Qin Hongmian, outspoken and cheerful.

Chen Xuan's pretense of magnanimity caught her eye, but it was inexplicably to her liking.

Although the two have become a couple because of the detoxification matter.

But Mu Wanqing did still miss the young prince of Zhennan Palace who took off her veil.

But the more magnanimous Chen Xuan was, the harder it was for her to mention Duan Yu, she just said.

"Aren't you a guest in the Valley of Ten Thousand Tribulations? Why do you have time to come here every day?"

"There is no such thing as leisure time. Valley Master Zhong has been patrolling all day long. I am going to see Mrs. Zhong this evening. I just have time to rest for a while."

Mu Wanqing looked at his half-smiling look. Although it was a little strange, she didn't think about it and just said.

"Mr. Chen, I still want you to talk about what happened a few days ago."

"Girl Mu, just say it doesn't matter."

Chen Xuan picked up the teacup and took a sip of tea.

Mu Wanqing rubbed her hands uneasily, thought about it, and confessed.

"I actually don't like you."

"Yeah." Chen Xuan nodded.

Seeing his indifferent attitude, Mu Wanqing felt inexplicably disappointed.

"Don't you want to ask me why I don't like it?"

"Miss Mu and Mr. Chen have only known each other for a few days. I ask myself that I am not close to Miss Mu, so how can I ask Miss Mu to be devoted to me?"

"You are more open-minded than I thought."

Although Mu Wanqing said this, this matter was always related to the innocence of her daughter's family.

Back then, Qin Hongmian was abandoned by Duan Zhengchun, and she hated men in the world ever since.

However, her daughter Mu Wanqing was born beautiful and often attracted some dandies.

She then asked her to cover her face with a black veil so that she could not show her true face.

She was even asked to swear that if a man took off her veil, she would marry that man.

First, it prevents her from taking off the veil easily.

Furthermore, I hope she can truly choose the person she likes.

She didn't want Duan Yu to take off her veil now and become her brother. In addition, Duan Yu refused in every possible way in the stone chamber before.

Mu Wanqing felt that the relationship was probably going to end in vain, but now she found it difficult to accept Chen Xuan who had fallen from the sky.

Discussing family background, character and knowledge.

Duan Yu is the young prince of Zhennan Palace in Dali. He is a talented and handsome man.

Chen Xuan said that he was a wanderer with no fixed abode, making a living by working as a thug for wealthy families.

Not to mention his appearance, talent and knowledge, just because of his family background, he might not even be able to find a wife.

Although it was difficult for Mu Wanqing to accept it, it was a done deal, so she hesitated and spoke.

"I think if you want to pick a time, if you have free time, you can come with me out of the valley. I will take you to see my mother."

"your mother?"

"Yes, she is Qin Hongmian, who is known as Shura Dao in the world. Her personality is a bit more aggressive, but I think she won't hurt you."

Mu Wanqing said this to invite him to meet Qin Hongmian.

But Chen Xuan always felt like he was using Qin Hongmian's "Shura Sword" title to scare him.

But since Mu Wanqing has already spoken out to this extent, Chen Xuan naturally can't hide.

Whether this matter will succeed or not is another matter for now. You can’t be shy about the situation.

"Okay, then Miss Mu, let's set a time."

"Shall I set the time? Aren't you a guest in the Valley of Ten Thousand Tribulations? You can move around as you please?"


Chen Xuan's mind changed and he pretended to be heroic.

"Since it is a major event of marriage, how can I delay it?"

Mu Wanqing seemed to have a grudge in her heart. When she heard what he said so clearly, she unconsciously turned her face away and put on a cold face.

Seeing this posture, Chen Xuan probably couldn't get anything good from him, so he simply left and went back to find Gan Baobao.

"Miss Mu, I'll go and do some work first. I'll see you tomorrow."

After saying this, he turned and walked into the corridor.

Unexpectedly, Mu Wanqing, who had always been aloof, suddenly looked back at him, stood up and followed him without saying a word.

In fact, Mu Wan had become suspicious of Chen Xuan early in the morning.

She followed quickly and saw Chen Xuan leap up, as light as a swallow, and disappeared on the roof in an instant.

"What an amazing Qing Gong! His martial arts is so powerful?!"

Mu Wanqing became more suspicious and hurriedly chased after him.

Chen Xuan walked in a hurry. He returned to Gan Baobao's wing in a few ups and downs, opened the door and walked in.

Gan Baobao was taking off his makeup, and when he saw him coming back in a hurry, he couldn't help but frown.

"I think you bitch will die from this sooner or later."

"Isn't it also true that the lady died first?"

Chen Xuan chuckled and was about to hug Baby Gan when suddenly his ears twitched slightly, as if there were footsteps outside the door.

The next second, Mu Wanqing pushed the door open with a bang and walked in!

(End of chapter)

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