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Chapter 102: Wait until you are an adult to enter certain shops

The meeting lasted for two full days, allowing Minato to have a deeper understanding of the so-called alliance of small countries led by the Rain Country.

The Alliance of Small Nations, the full name is the Anti-War Alliance of Small Nations, a group of small nations that have long suffered due to war in the ninja world.

Most of the members of the alliance are small countries that were affected by the first, second or even third shinobi war.

There are even some small countries, with a land area less than a quarter of the size of Konoha, a sparse population, and no ninjas, but they have been ravaged and tortured by war just because they are adjacent to big countries.

As the strongest among these countries, the Rain Country could easily destroy their existence. It did not bully them, but on the contrary, the Rain Country tried its best to help them.

Infrastructure, money, employment issues, food issues and even security, there are many, many more. They are all provided in the name of long-term interest-free loans.

An interest-free loan is a loan that lasts for decades or even longer without a penny of interest.

From the perspective of Minato and Shikaku, this kind of aid is like a free gift to a certain extent. After all, things like currency may depreciate over time.

Just like in the Land of Fire, last year I could buy 30 kilograms of flour for 500 taels, but this year the price increased to 520 taels.

During the meeting, Minato only came as a witness or a special guest. At the beginning, he shook hands with the politicians from various small countries who were present and said a few words. After that, nothing happened to Minato.


He only had a pair of eyes and ears with him throughout the whole process. After hearing the delegations from various countries report their country's GDP and other growth figures last year, Minato couldn't help but sigh in his heart.

Smaller, smaller!

The layout of Konoha is indeed small!

The layout of the first Hokage was also small!

What makes all the ninjas integrate into the village regardless of each other? Look at the layout of the Rain Country.

They want to make all countries, ordinary people and ninjas indistinguishable from each other! The goal of their struggle is to make the ninja world no longer have wars or reduce wars!

This is the big picture!

When he heard that the entire population of a small country that had endured years of war and was harassed by ninjas from various countries before joining the Anti-War Alliance had enough food and clothing this year, Minato also sent his sincere congratulations and greetings.

Although I have almost never been hungry, I can still imagine the situation where people are sallow and skinny and don’t have enough to eat for a long time, and some people even starve to death every day.

Especially when he heard the lord of a small country wearing patchwork clothes lamenting that some cases of cannibalism had occurred in his country in the past, Minato felt even more numb.

I can barely imagine eating tree roots and chewing tree bark, but people cannibalize people...

How hungry do you have to be to do something like that? If you’re not so hungry that there’s really nothing you can do about it, you’ll definitely not be able to do it!

At the same time, Minato also felt some admiration for Yahiko, who was the supreme governor of the Rain Country. This kind of courage was unique in the ninja world, and even he could not do it.

After all, I still have to listen to the daimyo, and everything must be considered with the interests of the Fire Country and Konoha first.

To deal with things that threaten Konoha and the Land of Fire, one must be ruthless. This is what Konoha has been doing for decades.

Although I also want to change some inherent ideas, such as the concept of win-win cooperation, the obstacles are too great, not only artificial obstacles, but also some obstacles from inherent concepts.

The conference centered on the theme of remembering the past and facing the future, and the content covered various aspects including economy, culture, military and so on.

Under the witness of Minato Namikaze, the current Hokage of Konoha, the Country of Fire, one of the five major nations, some new documents were re-signed at the meeting.

For example, some collaborative mining and development of resources, more detailed new tariff policies, military assistance plans, training to help ninjas from small countries, and the formation of a joint army for peacekeeping purposes led by the Kingdom of Rain.

Listen, listen, if he didn't really have no power to do so, Minato would have wanted to sign his name for the name of the Fire Nation!

He was just a ninja belonging to the Fire Country, and Minato had placed his position very well. If he did such a thing as a substitute, Konoha would be impeached by the ruling ministers under the daimyo before long, and he might even be abandoned.

Even if I have a good relationship with the daimyo now, I still can’t do it!

Of course, there are also some things that he can decide on, and that is the daily newspaper about the alliance of small countries. Minato has decided to publish it in Konoha.

After all, the situation in the ninja world still requires constant attention.

Because he could not represent the Fire Nation, Minato finally expressed his congratulations on the successful conclusion of the Anti-War Alliance meeting in his own name. He also sincerely hoped that the Anti-War Alliance could continue to develop in this state.

On the way back, Minato was thinking alone, recalling what he had seen and heard during his trip to the Land of Rain, and recalling the meeting with many small nations.

I have to admit that Yahiko has many, many ideas that coincide with Minato's, but Minato has no way to start doing it at this stage because there are too many constraints.

The good brain of the colleague, Shikaku, rested his chin and analyzed: "If the alliance is allowed to develop like this, there will definitely be an additional force in the ninja world that is not weaker than the five major countries in the future. The five major nations plus an anti-war force with strong overall strength


"Indeed, the voice of peace will be louder."

Minato nodded and said.

Minato had also thought about the possible threat to Konoha and the Country of Fire before, but after meeting the young senior officials of the Country of Rain, this worry slowly disappeared.

"I'm afraid there will be another war soon. Hokage-sama, we have to prepare in advance."

Shikaku's expression was a little solemn. Let's not talk about the Fire Country Konoha. The other four major countries will never allow a force that is equal to them to appear!

As soon as there are signs, they will be strangled quickly!

"Hope it won't happen..."

Minato sighed, actually understanding Shikaku's worries that this kind of war cannot be stopped by one person's power.

What he can do is to use his own strength to reconcile. Although he doesn't know whether Konoha will be involved in the next war, if possible, he also wants to pursue peace.

Minato suddenly stopped and looked towards the distant town filled with the sounds of hawkers and shouts.

"You've obviously just regained your vitality, don't you think so? Gintoki?"

Gintoki, who was awakened by Minato from sage mode, was startled, and then said with a serious expression: "Yeah! That's right! Vitality! Very energetic! Isn't the vitality too much? Gin-san, I have been in sage mode for two whole days.

The mode! It’s so refreshing that I feel like the wrinkles on TAMA have disappeared! Natural curls are almost turning into straight hair!”


Shisui subconsciously exclaimed.


This chapter has been completed!
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