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Chapter 104: Guys who can't remember other people's names are optimists!

Danzo, who was paralyzed by the words "Daimyo's order", also kept saying MMP in his heart.

Over the years, this shady name has become more and more unsightly! Speaking of which, these retainers just let him go!

Aren’t you afraid that the country will lose its generals?!

Seeing that the atmosphere was getting worse and worse, Minato walked out to smooth things over: "Lord Daimyo, because today's alliance agreement concerns two big countries, it is necessary to be present."

"That's it..."

Why did you just listen to what he said?

In Danzo's heart, ten thousand grass and mud horses galloped past.

Why is the Mao Daimyo so kind to Minato? Why does he hate himself so much? This is unreasonable!

Are you not more reliable than this young boy?

Aren't you more kind and approachable than this young boy?

At this time, looking at the daimyo with a hint of embarrassment on his face, Minato, who knew that the other person was indeed feeling a little uncomfortable because of his hangover, smiled and continued.

"But judging from the current situation, the other party's envoy may not be able to arrive in the morning. Lord Daimyo, you can take this time to take a rest. Wait for the other party to arrive in the afternoon, and I will inform you after preparing for the meeting. What do you think?


As soon as the fan was closed, the daimyo showed full satisfaction.

"Yeah, just do as the Fourth Hokage said!"

But just after the daimyo turned around, the ninjas with good ears heard the daimyo and Gintoki's whispers that made people confused.

"Yin Sang, is that... very special shop that I mentioned yesterday open now?"

"Huh? That kind of shop only opens at night. By the way, Daimyo-sama, have you brought any money?"

"Bring it, bring it."


Horrible! What a shame!

Danzo cursed in his heart bitterly.

As Danzo's good friend, the Sandaime was thinking: Tonight? Tonight! Yossi, I will definitely be there to accompany you! Without me being present, it would be a fool's errand for the juniors to accompany the daimyo!

Didn’t you see that the last time you and the daimyo re-enacted the friendship between the first Hokage Hashirama and the daimyo who was not widely known at that time?

Can you do it? Can you do it? A group of brothers!

Although I have been feeling a little itchy between my buttocks recently, it’s not a big problem. Because this is proof of friendship and trust!

Looking at the Sandaime who was stroking his goatee and showing an inexplicable pride for some reason, Danzo thought that Hiruzen might indeed be suffering from some serious illness.

Should he say it or not, Danzo's guess was quite accurate.

It was not until three o'clock in the afternoon that the Kumogakure envoys, who almost got hung up in the public toilet halfway due to special reasons, supported each other and arrived in Konoha.

The people of Konoha who had been squatting for most of the day were tired of waiting, so they just raised their hands and cheered a few times in a symbolic way, and then went back to their houses to eat their own meals.

Looking at the Kumogakure ninja who had a bit of blood dripping from his butt that looked like it had been hollowed out, Minato really couldn't say what we should start now.

By the way, is Gintoki really that amazing? All of Kumogakure's ninjas are suffering from hemorrhoids?

Due to the other party's poor condition, after discussion, the Fire Nation side very considerately postponed the meeting for two hours.

Five o'clock, Hokage Building conference room.

The delegation from the Land of Thunder, which had recovered a lot, as well as the daimyo and Gintoki, whose condition was even worse for some reason, entered the venue one after another and took their seats.

"Hey, long time no see, Shiro Yaksha."

The top of the head was wrapped in gauze, and the forehead protector was tied diagonally to cover one eye. The suspected leader of the Kumogakure messenger gave Gintoki a cool greeting.


Because he couldn't remember where he had met the other person, but because it was such an important occasion, he couldn't turn a blind eye to it, and he couldn't refute the other person's face. Gintoki quickly responded.

"You...you are...that, sorry, where are you...ah no, well...long time no see!"

After saying that, Gintoki asked in a low voice to Shikaku beside him: "Hey, who is this person?"

"Isn't he an acquaintance of yours?" Lu Jiu wondered.

"I just chimed in casually. Actually, I can't remember it at all! By the way, do you know him?"

Lu Jiu was speechless: "No, the other party knows you. If you think about it carefully, have you met somewhere before, such as on the battlefield?"

"No, no, I can't remember it at all!"

Lu Jiu thought for a while and came up with a trick: "Ask for names. Sometimes when you hear familiar names, you will think of those in the past."

Gintoki replied in a low voice: "It's no good. Look, that person just spoke in the tone of an acquaintance. He was always playing with his life and pretending to be cool! If he asked, wouldn't the atmosphere be completely ruined? Wouldn't he be embarrassed?

Are you embarrassed? It’s very embarrassing, isn’t it? And on such an important occasion, you will definitely be so embarrassed that you hide under the table!”

Looking at the leader of the Kumogakure messenger, who was a little nervous, his body was shaking uncontrollably, and his face was a little red, Lu Jiu said silently: "It seems...it has been exposed. The other party is already trying to get under the table, that

People’s faces turn super red…”

"Well, wait a minute, I remember it seems to be...ah...ah...Asan-san!"

"No, no, no matter how you look at it, he will never be called that name. It is almost impossible for a ninja named Asan to exist in the ninja world! Not to mention that he is also the representative of Kumogakure's envoy!"

"Hey, hey, I'm not happy when you say that. What's wrong with Ah San? What's wrong with the name Ah San? Ah San is also working very hard, okay! You must know that Ah San is very, very dedicated to being happy every day.

Just try your best!"

Shikaku collapsed a little: "So who is Asan-san?"

"The dog next door to my house is friends with Dingchun."

Shikaku complained: "Isn't he even a human being?! Think of it quickly, that person is already dying. He is so angry that he is about to collapse! His face is so red that he is about to spurt blood!"

"It's over..." Gintoki showed a bit of annoyance and muttered while holding his forehead, "I can't even remember such a serious occasion. Who is this guy? Where did he come from?

Sansang, ah~ I can’t remember…”

"Wait a minute, I'll look through the list..." Shikaku hurriedly looked up the meeting list, "Let me see, the leader of Kumogakure's ninja...has no name!"

"Cough cough! Cough cough cough!" At this time, the leader of the messenger who really couldn't bear it coughed behind his hands, intending to remind Gintoki, "Kumogakure cough! The messenger cough! The leader of the ninja cough! Three times! Cough!

Ahem! Ahem on the battlefield! Ahem! Meet Ahem!"

Shikaku, who was very smart, once again leaned into Gintoki's ear and whispered in a low voice: "It seems that he deliberately mixed it with his cough to remind you. It seems to mean that he met you three times on the battlefield. This time...

As Kumogakure's envoy, I came on behalf of the ninja leader, the Fourth Raikage. His name... was not mentioned."

At this time, Gintoki also put his hands behind his hands and pretended to cough: "Cough cough cough! Three times on the battlefield cough cough! Got it cough cough! Name cough cough! What is it cough cough!"

Ninja leader: "Ahem! So I said cough! Kumogakure messenger cough! Ninja leader cough!"

Gintoki: "Ahem! That's why I said ahem! What's the name ahem!"

Ninja leader: "Cough cough cough cough! Kumogakure cough! Ninja leader cough cough!!"

Gintoki: "Cough cough cough? Is it called cough cough cough? Cough cough cough! Cough cough cough!"

Ninja leader: "Give me a moderate amount to stop my cough! Ninja leader cough! Ninja cough!! Boss cough!!"

At this time, Shikaku's IQ finally came online, and he whispered to Gintoki: "Well... shouldn't his name be called "Ninja Leader"?"

Ninja leader: "Ahem! That's right, ahem! That's the one ahem!"


Was your mother so casual when naming you?

"Then what...are you finished?"

Minato, who had witnessed the whole process and listened to all the words of several people, finally spoke.

Gintoki: "Ahem! It's started! Ahem! That... Asami-san!"

Don’t you still remember it?!!

More than one person complained like this in his heart.

This chapter has been completed!
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