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Chapter 130: Only with competition can there be progress!

Ichiraku Ramen Restaurant is very busy in the early morning.

It was really lively. With one Iruka and twelve students who had passed the test, there was no room in the store, so they had to add two tables outside before they could barely sit down.

Looking at the ramen bowls piled high next to Kagura who was still slurping his noodles, Iruka secretly made up his mind and went to the Hokage's office to ask the Yondaime Hokage for reimbursement.

Otherwise, all the savings I have worked hard to save over the years will be used up by treating students to eat ramen once. It may not even be enough!

Of course, Iruka didn't know that two jonins in the village had gone bankrupt because of raising Kagura, one was jounin Kakashi, and the other was a faceless white-haired middle-aged man from the ANBU.

“One more bowl!”

Kagura raised her hand again and shouted. But this time, the craftsman spirit of the island nation and the hand-made ramen that have been dedicated to ramen for more than thirty years did not meet Kagura's requirements.

"Sorry, Kagura-chan, uncle, I have used up the flour I prepared. If you still want to eat, please wait until tomorrow."

It can be seen that the fact that he got off work immediately after leaving the stall made Uncle Handpa feel very good.

"Let's leave it like this for today. It's not good to have too much food in the morning."

Umino Iruka, who withdrew all his savings, smiled a little reluctantly. He roughly estimated that Kagura alone had eaten up half of the savings he had worked hard to save for so many years!

"Indeed, it is not good to eat too much. Just be 70% full."

Hinata on the side spoke with her eyes bent, her spring-like smile and considerate voice moved Iruka deeply.

There are also students with considerate teachers!


After seeing the ramen bowls piled high in front of Hinata, which were only slightly shorter than Kagura, Iruka couldn't continue to be so moved.

There are about fifty bowls of Kagura, Hinata has a small thirty-cup bowl, Chouji...twenty-plus bowls, Naruto...also has a tenga...

If I don't get reimbursed today, I will jump off the Hokage Building, which is more than 20 stories high!

By the way, I forgot to mention that Konoha Village has undergone earth-shaking changes because of Orochimaru's diligent research over the years.

We’ll talk about the small changes later, let’s talk about architecture first. Compared with the Konoha of the past, the tall buildings in Konoha now are in an orderly manner.

Even the Uchiha clan has all moved into brand new modern apartments.

The entire Uchiha clan is like a modern large company. On the building with more than 20 floors, the oversized table tennis emblem of the Uchiha clan is particularly conspicuous!

Even, it is LED!

It's the kind that lights up at night!

As for the Uchiha family land, due to the good land growth in recent years, except for Nanga Shrine, most of the land that can be sold has been sold by Uchiha Fugaku, and most of the remaining land has been rented out.


After all, with the modern big bulid, there is no need for that kind of retro small ancestral land. It is enough to leave a Nanga Shrine to prevent people from scolding them for forgetting their roots.

As for those of the same race who are not ninjas, Uchiha Fugaku did not treat them badly, he spent a lot of money on them and did whatever they wanted.

Waking up from his apartment more than 20 stories high every day, wearing a bathrobe and holding coffee while looking down at the entire Konoha is what Uchiha Fugaku does every day.

There are four tall buildings in Konoha Village, namely the Hokage Building, which is the center of Konoha's governance, the Future Technology Building where Orochimaru is employed, the Konoha Guard Building and the Uchiha Clan Building.

Hinata Hiashi saw the building built by Uchiha Fugaku a few years ago, and he wanted to build one, but his family elders did not agree.

Let’s get down to business and return to reality.

Looking at Handi who refused to have another bowl of ramen, Kagura instantly felt unhappy: "Hey, don't always think so arrogantly that you are the only ramen shop in the village, Aru! Thinking that you are the only ramen shop in the village is why you treat your customers too much.

If you are perfunctory, one day the customers will go somewhere else!"

"No way!"

In an instant, his eyes widened as he hit his hands.

"I just didn't expect to sell so many ramen today so early in the morning, and I work hard to make every bowl of ramen perfect!"

At this point, Hand Da suddenly became excited, and his expression became solemn. Then he pinched his chin and whispered to himself: "No, I feel like there have been fewer customers recently. Is it really because of me?"

Are you slacking off because there are no competitors?”

"I'm sure that's not the reason." Xin Baji, whose forehead was covered with bandages, put down the soup bowl. "It tastes exactly like the usual one and is extremely delicious."

"Really? But there are indeed a lot less. Many regular customers in the past have become less and less over the years..."

"Is it because there are really competing stores?" Iruka joked.

"But I didn't hear when a new ramen shop opened in Konoha." Tetta folded his hands and fell into self-doubt, "Is it true that the taste of my noodles has deteriorated?"

"Do you still have to ask, Alu? In this case, there is no other way but to use the free sign to regain your reputation, Alu!"

Xinbaji immediately complained: "Why do you have to set up a free sign? Even if the popularity really declines, there are other ways? You just want to eat ramen for free, right? Talking about a new ramen shop..."

At this point, Xinbaji suddenly stopped.

"No, wait a minute, the new ramen shop... I think I know who it is."


The hand was shocked. Without knowing it, Konoha had a competitor!


Looking at the hand that came close to him with widened eyes, Shinbaji waved his hands and smiled: "There is a Hokuto Shinken restaurant in Kabukicho. The owner is called Nishiki Ikumatsu. The ramen made by Miss Ikamatsu is also very delicious."


The man walking at the front of the group of little ninjas was very aggressive. Although he was nominally saying that he was going to taste the competitor's ramen, the attitude was not like he was simply going to taste the noodles.

Iruka followed the graduating students helplessly, glancing at his wallet that had lost a lot of weight from time to time, and sighed silently.

Today, bankruptcy is certain.

On the way, looking at Kagura and Hinata who didn't look fat at all, Ino sighed and said, "I'm really envious. Kagura-chan and Hinata are both the type who don't gain weight no matter how much they eat."

"That's it." Sakura sighed.

"Huh, boring."

This is cool little brother Sasuke.

"It's so troublesome, why do we have to come together?" Shikamaru was still unmotivated, "If my mother knew that she came to a place like this, she would be blabbering endlessly."

"Actually, it's nothing. This place is no different from the main city of Konoha." Shinbachi said with a smile, but the various Kabukicho billboards in the background were mosaic due to their large size.

"What you said is completely unconvincing." Shikamaru sighed again, covering his forehead and trying not to let himself see anything inappropriate for children.

"Well, Shinbaji is right, there is no difference between this place and the main city of Konoha." Mitsuki said, and the way he walked leisurely proved that he had been to Kabukicho frequently.

"Have you been here?" Shikamaru asked.

"Well, my father will take my mother and me here when he has free time. I have an aunt who lives here."

"Classmate Siyue, I don't think that...is really much of an aunt." Xinbaji reminded him in a low voice.

At this moment, Naruto, who was attracted by a toy store on the street, pointed to the vibrating electric toys with mosaics and said to everyone: "Hey - everyone, there are ninja tools here that I have never seen before."

"Naruto, I can give this to you for free! You must know that you are my son's idol!"

The shop owner very generously put the special ninja tool into Naruto's hand.

"Hey? Is it really possible?" Naruto asked in surprise.

"Yeah, okay, okay!"

"Hey everyone, the boss gave me the ninja tool for free!"

Looking at Naruto holding an indescribable object, many people were silent, especially Iruka, who was a teacher of human names, and didn't know if he should explain to Naruto what it was.

Say it, you can't say it yourself. Don't say it, let the son of the Hokage walk around with something like that, the impact is really not good.

"Naruto, that kind of ninja is a ninja that may only be useful after you reach adulthood! And it is generally useless for men!"

In the end, Iruka could only find such an explanation, but just as he finished speaking, he suddenly saw that Sasuke's hands were stuffed with unknown objects.

"A ninja tool that I have never seen before, vibration and weak current..."

Looking at Sasuke who was frowning and thinking about the use, Iruka began to think about whether he should propose to the Hokage that health classes should be included in the future ninja school courses after he returns.

Even ninjas should master some of the most basic knowledge about gender, otherwise... how embarrassing would it be to see Naruto and Sasuke using this thing as a kunai to attack each other?

"In short, these things are not accessible to you at this age, so they are all confiscated!"

As the only adult and the only teacher who educates children, Iruka confiscated the electronic toys and other things in the hands of several people without any hesitation.

"Why is this..."

Naruto expressed his grievance, saying that he had already graduated and still had his things confiscated. Shikamaru on the side said that if he dared to take such things home, he would probably be lying in bed for the next three months.

At this moment, under the Xinbaji brand glasses-type navigator, everyone finally arrived at their destination this time - Beidou Xinxuan Noodle House, which was almost the same as the Gintama crew!

Looking at the sign with the four characters "Beidou Xinxuan" written on it, Shou Da didn't open the door immediately and went in. Instead, he sniffed his nose first.

"Well, you can smell it from the strong fragrance of the tonkotsu soup. This time the opponent is really not to be underestimated!"


Ring ring ring——

Hearing the sound of the sliding door and the ringing of the wind chime, Isatsu, who was busy at the front desk but still had the same look even though the set was changed, turned around and smiled softly.


This chapter has been completed!
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