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Chapter 141: Before saving the princess, please think about whether the princess will really like you!

"After I'm gone, you can go to Earth."

"It doesn't matter if you forget about Otsutsuki Chi's righteousness and fate."

"Find partners, make friends, and live for yourself."

"Human beings cannot survive alone."

These are the words that Toneri's father, who was seriously ill, told Toneri before his death three years ago. He was not from the Otsutsuki family, but he was speaking to his children from the perspective of a father who was worried about his children.

Although there are many puppets to ensure that Toneri has enough food and clothing, Toneri's father knows that human beings may not just have basic necessities of life.

However, Toneri finally stayed on the moon.

Although loneliness is indeed painful, it is difficult to leave the earth every time I think of the legacy of our ancestors.

On the slender dining table covered with white tablecloth, looking at Shion at the other end who was praising the delicious steak, Toneri uncontrollably remembered his father's words before his death.

I feel like I understand something.

"What's wrong?"

On one side, Kakashi, who had learned table manners decently, noticed Toneri's momentary daze and asked.


Toneri shook his head, but it could be seen from the slightly raised corners of his mouth that the other person was in a good mood, so Kakashi chose to strike while the iron was hot.

"Speaking of which, Toneri, if we restart the earth, won't all living things on the earth die?"

Kakashi is not stupid. Although it seems that communication is not difficult, he still has to take his time. If he starts preaching "that kind of thing is wrong", the other party will most likely become anxious.

If you can avoid violence, try not to use violence. This is what the Yondaime Hokage has advocated in recent years.

"Are you... also extremely disappointed with this ninja world?" Toneri was a little surprised. Before Kakashi could answer, he immediately added: "Don't worry about that kind of thing. Our clan has used all the male and female species of creatures on the earth for thousands of years.

Collected using special methods, they can serve as samples of ecological origin in the original state of the earth's environment."

Hearing this, Kakashi secretly clicked his tongue.

The Moon Man really wants to do big things!

Fortunately, it was discovered early. If it had been discovered at 1 o'clock in the evening, the earth might suddenly be gone one day!

While the earth is still fighting internally, the moon people have already set up the earth's one-click restart system!

Even the species are collected for you!

"What about humans? Male and female species of humans..."

"My wife and I will serve as the origin of the human race."

"Wife? Aren't you the only one here?" Kakashi asked again.

"I will marry her. This is our destiny." Thinking of Hinata, Toneri smiled again.

Before his father passed away, Toneri had gone to Earth with his father and sneaked into Konoha.

Although he had no eyes, thanks to Otsutsuki's special vision, Toneri took a look at Hinata from a distance.

Although for some reason Hinata was squatting alone in the backyard wiping her tears, Toneri fell in love with Hinata at just one glance.

Of course, Toneri didn't know that Hinata was crying because she had just learned about Naruto's equal nature, and he didn't even know that Hinata was no longer the weak and weak girl she was before.

"Then after being rejected, I came back and secretly hid in the room crying."

Ziyuan answered casually.

"No way! This is destiny! Those are all destined things!" Sheren said excitedly.

"Idiot, how can there be any destiny in such a thing as falling in love? You should get along slowly and cultivate your relationship slowly!"

"No, God has destined her best! She will definitely accept her destiny and be happy with me!"

"Goodbye. I guess when you go to find her, she must already have someone else she likes. Then you can come back alone and cry. Anyway, I won't comfort you, absolutely not."

"You...!" Toneri was a little angry, but in the end he suppressed his anger, turned his head and snorted: "It's up to you, I won't let you enter the reincarnation when the time comes, there will be only my wife and I.

A place where only friends can enter.”

Sheren told a lie.

During the reincarnation, it was the place where Toneri and Hinata slept during the period when the earth was destroyed and the earth's environment was reshaped. It contained the biological species that Toneri just talked about.

This time, Sheren mentioned one more friend.

"Between reincarnations? What is that?" Ziyuan asked curiously.

"Hmph," Toneri hummed, "There is a room where you can pause time and sleep until the new earth environment is shaped! Only humans who enter there can avoid the fate of being destroyed!"

Kakashi on the side was shocked again, and at the same time he felt that this person was so innocent that he had already leaked everything without even doing much research.

"Want to sleep with you?"

Ziyuan's face was full of disgust, and she immediately waved her hand: "No, forget it. Even if the end of the earth really happens, I don't want to enter that kind of place. I will stay with my important family and friends."

At this time, Toneri secretly calculated how many people could be accommodated in his reincarnation.

"Okay...Okay, if there are no more than ten people and you beg me, I will let...let you in."

What a good boy...

Kakashi sighed in his heart, although this Toneri is a tsundere, he is still a nice person, and he even allows him to bring acquaintances with him!

"Are you stupid? How can there be only ten people? I have more than a hundred friends alone!"


Shiren was shocked, could there be so many friends?

"Let me do the math for you. There are probably dozens of people in the Kingdom of Demons, as well as Konoha. When I first arrived in Konoha, I didn't have many acquaintances. Now I only have Lord Hokage, Miss Kushina, and Kaka.

Teacher Xi. And my mother told me that the people of the Kingdom of Ghosts should be treated as family members. Counting all the zeros and zeros, there should be 10 million people, right?"

"Too many! There is simply no room for so many people in one reincarnation! They will burst!"

"So I didn't even say I wanted to go in."

"If you don't go in, you'll die!"

Seeing Toneri who suddenly became anxious, Kakashi quickly acted as the peacemaker and said, "Well, both of you, calm down. It's too early to talk about this kind of thing. Let's eat first."

Kakashi knew in his heart that it would take time to change Toneri's mind and there was no rush.

"Um... Toneri, can I take a look around your palace after dinner?" Kakashi asked.

Just when Jijiri Nishi started his solo exploration work, on Earth, Gintoki and his team finally found the large cave located under the waterfall at the end of the river based on only some information.

small book booth

Because the cave was hidden in the dense jungle, it took Gintoki and the others a long time to find it.

The entrance to the cave was open, and as soon as a few people gathered together, they walked in with flashlights. After all, as far as Gintoki and the others knew, there were no enemies here except a big crab.

Several people were wary of the surroundings and groping forward in the dark tunnel. Kagura on the side was very experienced in explaining the key points of RPG adventure games to Kisuki.

For example, be sure not to touch the very conspicuous treasure chest at the corner. Another example is that the princess rescued at the end may be a careless woman. Even after being rescued, she will kick you cleanly when she sees a handsome guy.


Another example is that the so-called Princess is actually just a second-hand product, so there is no need to bother with a second-hand product.

"You're such a second-hand thing!" Gintoki punched Kagura's head angrily, "Are you going to completely deprive Mario of the meaning of existence? One-handed! All the princesses in the game are one-handed! Mark it down for me.

Stop it, bastard!"

"That's not Aru! Snow White is just one, two, three... the eighth-hand Aru!"

Upon hearing this, Xinbaji immediately started to complain in a crazy mode: "Which version of Snow White are you listening to? What does it mean to be a bastard? Who else is there besides the seven dwarfs!"

"Hachi, you are so disgusting." Kagura showed a look of disgust and contempt, "The seven dwarfs are all good people who really want to help Snow White! They didn't mess around with that kind of promiscuous woman, Al!"

"No, the more you talk, the more confused I feel..."

"Stop it."

Gintoki suddenly stopped. At this time, several people had arrived at the huge stalactite cave. On the rock wall above the stalactite cave, huge ninja characters were carved on it.

"That word is A-Hung's A-Ne," said Kiyuki, who had good grades in ninja school. "I guess its meaning is that this is the starting point of everything."

There is a spring with clear water here, which is bottomless. This spring is at the end of the cave, and there is no other exit.

Therefore, the smart Jiyue quickly thought of something.

"We need to dive into the spring next, right?"


Gintoki nodded, and then walked towards the spring. There was probably no danger.

"You guys, wait here..."

Before Gintoki finished speaking, he found that Shinbaji and Kagura, who had been arguing just now, were already standing beside him, and not only the two of them, but also Kiyuki and Sadaharu came over.

"It's true," Gintoki scratched the bird's nest on his head and murmured in a low voice, then raised his head: "Anyway, please pay attention to safety."



Gintoki and the others dived into the dark spring water.

The water here is very strange, even if it touches the body, it will not get wet. The corpses of microorganisms fill the entire spring water like snowflakes, and there are also unknown light insects that flicker like fireflies.

There was a faint light below, shining like ripples in the depths of the water.

A few people swam closer and discovered that it was water!

At the bottom of the water!

They looked at each other, nodded at the same time, and then dived into the water together.

However, in the next moment, four people and one dog fell into the darkness where they couldn't see their fingers. Although they should feel like they were landing, because of the darkness, everyone lost their sense of direction and didn't know where they were falling.

Suddenly, several people saw a glimmer of light! It was this glimmer of light that allowed them to regain their sense of direction.

As they continued to get closer to the source of the light, they finally saw clearly that the light was actually a huge bubble!

"It's about to hit..."

Jiyue was the first to react. He took out a kunai with a rope and threw it hard towards another kind of solid sand ball besides the light ball in this strange space aside. At the same time, he used his other hand to

It softens and stretches, preparing to save several people at the same time.

But it was already a little late, and several people crashed into the glowing bubbles...

When he came back to his senses, Gintoki found himself sitting in the corner of the last row of Matsushita Village School, holding in his arms the sword that Matsushita had given him.

Wiping the saliva from the corner of his mouth that seemed to have just woken up, Gintoki rolled his dead eyes and glanced at the scene outside the door.

The cherry blossoms are flying in the clear sky, it's spring.


The man's voice is so familiar that I will never forget it in this life, and then there is a punch that is so familiar that I will never forget it in this life...


The long-haired man bent his eyes and asked: "I have to call the teacher in class, do you want to do it again?"

This chapter has been completed!
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