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Chapter 143: Not only idiots, cats, and smoke can climb up!

Looking at Gintoki and Kagura, who couldn't stop teasing Shinbaji, and Shinbaji, who was in a state of frenzy anytime and anywhere because of being teased, Kiyue suddenly felt that he liked such a relaxed atmosphere.

It's different from the ninja teams I know. There isn't that much of a superior-subordinate relationship. It's better to say they are a teacher and a disciple than a bad friend.

However, even though they are bad friends, they have a tacit understanding. When they are noisy, they are really noisy. They can touch each other's noses on each other's clothes and kick each other's feet.

When we get serious, we can become a rope and support each other towards the same goal in a tacit understanding.

Jiyue didn't know if she could blend in, but she already had the desire to blend in.

Gintoki stared at the same dead fish eyes that were as unmotivated and extremely lazy as ever, and calmly saw all the changes in Kiyuki's expression, including the slight daze at that moment.

After picking his nostril with his little finger, Gintoki casually patted Kitsuki's shoulder, which was also falling at the side, which was considered as rubbing his nose.

"Don't worry, Mr. Tom."

With that said, Gintoki took the lead and landed on a big maracas below. At the same time, Kagura and Shinbaji also landed on the maracas in tacit agreement.

Kiyuki, who came back to his senses because of Gintoki's careless words, followed a few others and landed on the maracas. For some reason, Kiyuki always felt as if Gintoki had seen through what he just thought.

From those words, "Don't worry," Jiyue felt a tenderness unique to this man that could be described as a bit dirty.

Of course, she was still disgusted, so Jiyue took out a handkerchief from her pocket and carefully wiped the boogers on her shoulders.

"We're almost there, right Aru?"

Kagura stared at the water surface below that was like the one at the beginning, and wiped the saliva from the corner of her mouth.

Kagura, who has also watched the theatrical version, knew that after crossing the next layer of water, she would see a giant crab. This was something Kagura never told anyone about along the way.

This crab is so big that there is a high probability that there will be no crab war in Wanshiwu. To put it simply, it is definitely enough to eat for everyone in Wanshiwu.

"Salt, vinegar, soy sauce, iron pan"

At this time, Xinbaji began to check the equipment that Qi Sadaharu was carrying, thinking about how to get more crab meat from Kagura and Gintoki when they divided the crabs later.

"Okay! Come on!"

Gintoki, who looked at the whole person's style suddenly changing into a delicious food, Kiyue, who didn't understand this, was confused, but then suddenly saw Kagura beside him, drooling and holding a knife and shovel.

, incarnate as the little master of China.

Even Xinbaji changed his appearance, swallowing saliva, holding a knife and fork, staring at the water below with splitting eyes.



Gintoki shouted, and then the three of them struck like arrows from a string!

Although she didn't know what the three people were doing, Ji Yue, who found it interesting, also followed them.

The few people who climbed out of the water were alert to the surroundings.

This is a stalactite cave that is almost identical to the one we jumped into before. There are countless bubble balls and maracas rolling on the ground.

Those balls in the water were probably made here!

Kiyue came to this conclusion immediately. Just when he was about to remind the three Gintoki people that there might be enemies here, before he could speak, he saw three people shouting and rushing towards a certain direction at the same time!

A closer look revealed that there was a huge crab in the direction the three of them were running towards!

Around the crab carapace, which looks like a rough rock surface, there are several long and sharp spines sticking out.

The crab's right claw is ten times larger than its left claw. If it is pinched, even a giant tree will be pinched off by the lazy waist in an instant!

But what was a little strange was that these three people were not afraid at all, and rushed forward with spatulas in their hands while drooling.

Then they were wrapped in the bubbles spit out by the big crab and fell into the illusion.

Jiyue, who was not very good at complaining, sighed helplessly, then stretched out her arms to pull out the three people trapped in the bubble illusion.

The crab walked very steadily, and while it was tightly bound by Kisuki's outstretched hands, the swallowed Gintoki opened its belly from the inside and called for life.

Shinbaji was lighting a fire aside, while Kagura was still sleeping with snot bubbles hanging from her nose because she had fallen into an illusion earlier.


Holding Kagura's belly, which was even more exaggerated than that of a pregnant woman about to give birth to quintuplets, she burped and exhaled a contented breath.

"If you can eat enough crab meat, this world is really a good world."

Xinbaji said, holding his full stomach.


Dingchun, who was lying on the side, closed his eyes and shouted, with the same satisfied look on his face.

Ji month:

After eating and drinking to replenish their spirits, under the leadership of Gintoki, everyone climbed up the cave, because there was only one way here.

On the cave wall, huge colorful crystals criss-crossed towards the cave. The group of people were traveling in this incredible space filled with hundreds of crystal stones.

The breeze blows in front and the sound of the waves can also be heard.

After passing through the cave, the lake that appeared in front of Gintoki and others was as graceful as the sea, with ripples of light. There was no doubt that this was the reflection of the sun.

And more than that, when you look into the distance, you can't see the horizon, and the ground seems to be completely upside down. Looking above you, the sky is not a blue sky, but forests and lakes.

At this moment, Gintoki suddenly felt that he had made a mistake. He should have brought a ninja like the original Sakai. After all, none of them could fly, so there was no way they could go there.

Before he could finish thinking about it, Gintoki suddenly felt as if he was tied up by a rope. When he looked down, he saw that he was indeed tied up by Kagura.

"Yoshi! That's enough, Aru!"

Kagura, who was holding a piece of rope, said this, and then, without waiting for Gintoki to speak, he gritted his teeth and swung Gintoki hard.

Amidst Gintoki's screams, Kagura let go, and the latter rushed into the forest in the sky like a cannonball at extremely fast speeds.

Looking at the other two ropes in Kagura's hands and the direct gaze, Kiyuki, knowing what would happen, silently stretched out his hand.

"I don't need a rope."

The worst thing was that of Shinbaji. Not only did he hit a tree hard, but Kagura, who was tightly holding one end of the rope and relying on the inertia of Shinbaji, flew up and then stepped on him hard.

After this, two people in Gintoki's team were injured, and both suffered serious brain injuries. One was Shinbaji, and the other was Gintoki.

After landing, Jiyue wrapped her arms around a tree several times to relieve her strength, but was finally unscathed.

As for Kagura not being injured, that's because of her pure racial talent and the fact that she has a flesh pad.

Gintoki, whose head was wrapped in layers of bandages, and Shinbaji, who was similarly dressed, followed Kagura and Kisuki through the forest with speechless expressions on their faces.

Of course, he was also wary of something at the same time.

After all, in the movie version, there were a lot of puppets in this forest. But the strange thing is that Gintoki didn't see even a single puppet.

Just as Gintoki and others were hiking through the forest, Toneri and others in the palace had just woken up from their sleep.

A certain room in the palace.

On the bed, looking at the children sleeping soundly on the left and right, Kakashi, who had stayed up all night, felt like he was going to collapse.

Shion used the excuse that she didn't dare to sleep alone at night in such a strange place to climb into Kakashi's bed.

Toneri didn't say a word when he came, he just hugged his own pillow and slept on the other side of Kakashi with unusual determination.

Kakashi didn't know that Toneri's sleep last night was the sweetest he had had in a long time.

After all, there is finally a living person beside me.

When sleeping, Toneri felt as if his father was by his side when he was still alive. Toneri didn't know that this feeling he had was called fear of loneliness.

"Hey, it's already dawn."

Kakashi covered his forehead and reminded helplessly. Shion and Toneri, who had already woken up, reluctantly got up after hearing this.

During breakfast time, a female puppet came over and whispered something into Toneri's ear.

Kakashi only heard Toneri whisper back "Don't worry about it for now" and "Keep an eye on it", but didn't hear the rest.

"What's wrong?" Kakashi asked.

"It's okay." Sheren smiled and concealed the fact that someone came through the passage and killed the guard Crab who had been guarding his home for hundreds of years.

Kakashi didn't ask again, lowered his head and continued to eat his breakfast, preparing to continue exploring and investigating the castle after breakfast.

The breakfast is very rich, including fresh vegetables, fruits, eggs, and milk. According to the chef, these are all grown and raised in the forest by the servants.

"Speaking of which, is there anything interesting here?" Ziyuan raised her head and asked.

After hearing a question he wanted to hear, Sheren chuckled twice and said: "If you beg me, after breakfast I will reluctantly and mercifully take you for a tour."


Toneri, who was choked by Shion's answer, looked a little confused and didn't know what to say next.

At this moment, Kakashi on the side kindly helped Toneri out, and he bent his eyes and said to Shion who was at the long table.

"Shion, just let Toneri take you around the castle in the morning. I have something to do and want to take a look around by myself."

Knowing that Kakashi wanted him to help and leave Toneri to investigate alone, Shion could only reluctantly nod in agreement.

"All right"

"Toner, can I take a look around by myself?"

Kakashi asked Toneri again.

"Yeah, okay."

Toneri nodded, trying hard to hide his inner joy. The word "friend" that his father once said turned into a sweet meaning and quietly entered his heart.

Kakashi, who had been investigating for a whole day, did not find any key clues. It was as if some traces had been manually cleaned up, and the castle was completely empty.

There are even very few books with written words, and most of those books with written words accuse the world created by the Sage of Six Paths, and tell some kind of simple but extremely extreme justice.

This is also the reason why Sheren has such an overly simple view of good and evil at the moment. Growing up in this kind of environment and receiving this kind of education, it is normal to become what he is now.

But the strange thing is that Kakashi can't dislike Toneri because he is too simple, just like a pure child.

This chapter has been completed!
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