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Chapter 22: Don't be stupid, what you can't forget is just an excuse, there is nothing that humans can't forget!

The Kingdom of Rain, a hidden cave.

The place where Danzo and a group of members of the Roots are stationed.

Danzo was in a very uninterested mood today, really uninterested. If so many of his subordinates weren't watching, he might have even started humming a tune.

I didn’t expect that Hanzo actually believed it!

He actually believed that the Akatsuki organization was secretly planning to seize control of the Kingdom of Rain! He also really believed that the other party killed his men!

This idiot is so easy to fool!

Speaking of which, when I met Hanzo this time, why did he age so much? He was so skinny, and there were so many wrinkles on his face, and he even started to use a cane!

Thinking of the skinny old man he saw a few days ago who couldn't stand evenly, Danzo was also filled with regret. He deeply felt that time is not forgiving, and the demigod who was once so glorious and proud of the ninja world turned out to be like this.

Looking at Danzo who was sighing, he realized that it was lunch time, and his subordinates also hurried over, knelt down on one knee and offered tuna rice balls to Danzo.

"Danzo-sama, have something to eat."

Looking at the rice balls served by his subordinates, Danzo did not accept them, but thought of something and actually smiled a little kindly.

Oh my god! Alarm bells rang in the little bitch’s heart. His own Danzo-sama actually showed a kind expression that he had never seen before!

Something big is going to happen! Are you going to silence me?

Is Danzo-sama trying to silence someone?!

The loser who felt that his head might not be there at the next moment also closed his eyes and was ready to die. It would be useless to argue, Danzo-sama would not listen!

But at this moment, the loser suddenly heard a rustling sound in front of him. When he looked closely, he saw his Danzo-sama taking out a lunch box from his knife bag!

Was he prepared on his own?

The bastard thought, judging from Danzo's expression, this must have been prepared by some important person before Danzo left.

Opening the wooden lunch box and looking at the two sandwiches inside, Danzo couldn't help but raise the corners of his mouth, showing an extremely pleased expression.

He is indeed the root of Konoha and the darkness of Konoha, but even if he is himself, how can he not care about anything at all?

I also care about family ties.

Danzo would feel heartbroken every time he thought of his ineffective brother who passed away due to illness this year, leaving behind a four-year-old niece and a two-year-old nephew.

Although he was incompetent and not a ninja, he was still his biological brother, and yet he passed away like this and let his brother give up his younger brother.


Danzo, who felt bitter in his heart, picked up a sandwich that looked very delicious on the outside, and at the same time thought of his sensible and obedient four-year-old niece.

He started cooking on his own when he was only four years old. He even prepared a lunch box for himself when he heard that his uncle was going on a long trip!

How could you not be moved?

Sword, don't worry!

As long as their brother is here, Xiaomiao and Xiaoba will have no worries about food and clothing in their lives! When their brother becomes Hokage in the future, they will enjoy a lifetime of glory and wealth!

Your daughter and son, brother will definitely help you take care of them!

Danzo, who was starting to feel a little sour in his heart, did not think about it any further. If he thought about it any further, he might not be able to bear the thought of exposing his true feelings in front of his subordinates.

This is not good.

Therefore, Danzo reorganized his mood and facial expression, and slowly put the sandwich into his mouth with a cold face.

Hmm! The sandwiches made by Xiao Miao are really delicious!

Especially the fried eggs here...

Then, Danzo lost consciousness.

Looking at Danzo, whose eyes had doubled in size and his eyes were dull, the members of the Roots were a little confused.

"I am... who is here?"

Seeing Danzo tilting his head and asking such a question, the root members present panicked instantly.

"Lord Danzo!"

"Hold on!"

"Hey! The accompanying medical ninja! Hurry up!"

"Danzo-sama! Nothing can happen to you!"

Looking at the panicked stranger, Danzo narrowed his eyes.

"Are you... kidnappers?!"

"Lord Danzo, we are your subordinates!"

"Who is Danzo-sama?" Danzo asked again.

"It's you, Danzo-sama!"

"I am Danzo-sama?" Danzo looked suspicious.

After the diagnosis by the accompanying medical ninja, a conclusion was drawn.

Danzo-sama is suffering from amnesia!

"What to do? At this critical moment!"

"We obviously made an appointment with Hanzo to take down the Akatsuki leader today!"

"Damn it!"

"I heard that amnesia can be cured by hitting the head."

I don't know if it was the pure subordinate who suddenly said this. In an instant, all the root ninjas stopped.

After being silent for a few seconds, they all began to accuse the companion who had just said such words of being treasonous! He had no martial ethics! He had no sense of dignity! He was just a beast!

The scolding lasted for nearly five minutes. I don’t know who among them suggested something like this: "How about giving it a try?"

Five minutes later, Danzo, who was huddled in the corner of the cave, squatting on the ground facing the stone wall and silently eating a sandwich, suddenly felt a sense of oppression above his head.

Just about to look up...

Bang! Boom! Crack! Boom! pia...

When Danzo opened his eyes again, the black eyes had completely occupied the white areas of his eyes!

"who I am?"

At this moment, all the root members burst into tears!

"Um, could it be because I didn't exert enough force?"

I don’t know who said this suddenly.

In short, even half an hour before the time agreed upon with Hanzo, Danzo still had not recovered his memory.

Therefore, in order not to delay things, the root ninja also left the accompanying medical ninja to let him settle Danzo, who was clamoring for a hug, a lift, and a horse. The rest of the people separated and used transformation skills to pretend

Danzo, run straight to Hanzo's place!

Although there is something wrong with Danzo-sama’s head now, Danzo-sama’s plan cannot be stopped! We are Danzo-sama’s most loyal subordinates!

An open space full of rocks and no green plants.

The rain didn't stop. Yahiko and Nagato looked at the thin old man above them who was escorting Konan, and their hearts twitched at the same time.

Who leaked the news?

The fact that Akatsuki will eventually seize the power of the Rain Country is obviously a secret that only the highest level within Akatsuki knows!

On the surface, Akatsuki is just an organization that loves peace and likes to rescue victims and gain reputation among the victims!

What should we do? Nagato? Do you want to show off your cards now?

Yahiko glanced at Nagato and winked. Since he had long wanted to seize power, he had been making preparations. Even if Konan was blacklisted, it would not affect Akatsuki's plan!

Let me first ask Xiaonan if she is prepared...

Nagato glanced back, and then the two of them quietly observed Konan's reaction. Konan, who had a good understanding of each other, understood what the two meant in an instant.

He also moved his little finger secretly.

It means - you can escape! But you may not be able to suppress Hanzo!

This chapter has been completed!
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