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Chapter 29: Guess who is the wronged species!

It would be great if we could find a sustainable way to make money with little loss of resources in the Country of Rain.

The three of them couldn't help but think so in their hearts.

What is abundant in the Land of Rain that is also renewable?

Then the three people thought of something at the same time.


"No, no, no, you can't sell water for money."

Yahiko shook his head and sighed bitterly, there weren't that many people in the ninja world who were short of water, except...

Once again, the three of them thought of something at the same time and looked at each other - all three of them thought of a country that borders the Kingdom of Rain, and that although it has a vast territory, it lacks cultivated land due to drought.

Luo Sha, the fourth generation Kazekage, has also officially become a potential big grievance in the hearts of the three people at this moment...ahem! A potential big customer!

"But how to transport water there?" Yahiko asked again.

Xiao Nan rolled his eyes: "Are you stupid? How can we transport it there? Of course we have to dig a river."

"This amount of work...will we lose money?"

"Do you have any foresight?" Xiaonan, the Finance Minister of the Kingdom of Rain at this time, also showed a bit of disdain, and then talked eloquently: "This kind of project will be a loss within a few years, but if it can really be negotiated,

It is a long-term business. As long as there is no war, the Country of Rain can continue this business. At that time, it will be a net profit. This business makes money in the future, not the present!"

"The future..."

After murmuring this sentence, Yahiko also started to think.

Yahiko is not stupid either. He quickly figured out this kind of thing. As the source of life, water is inseparable from the other party. If this business is successful, it will indeed provide the Kingdom of Rain with a continuous and stable income in the future.


It will be difficult to let the other party use the water that is used to the Kingdom of Rain. And if the Kingdom of Sand wants to cause trouble, close the water gate yourself. You will see if there is no riot in the Kingdom of Sand.

It's over.

Water can carry a boat and it can also overturn it. This is the truth that Teacher Gui has emphasized many times. People start to make troubles because the water stops. Sunagakure, you have to see if you can stay safe.

In the five major countries, if the ordinary people's dissatisfaction with the hidden village is too high, it can also affect the position of the shadow.

Yahiko, who felt that this business might actually work, was the first to leave, preparing to discuss the feasibility of the deal with other high-level officials of the country.

If everyone agrees, someone will be sent to the Kingdom of Sand to propose a cooperation intention for water transportation and sales.

Just when Yahiko and the others were thinking about how to get the wronged Rasa into trouble, Orochimaru, who was packing things at the root underground base in Konoha Village of the Country of Fire, couldn't help cursing in his heart.

First of all, it was because the old man from the Third Generation asked Jiraiya's apprentice to serve as the Fourth Hokage in the first half of the year, but he rejected his own self-recommendation.

As for why I could only learn from myself instead of being taught by my good comrade Shimura Danzo, let’s talk about this comrade’s very serious intermittent amnesia!

In half a year, I lost my memory five times!

Each time it takes about a month. Every time I regain my memory, I stay awake for no more than a week before relapsing again!

Not to mention the doctors, even I was at a loss to find the real root cause of the disease!

Moreover, according to my own observation, Danzo’s intermittent amnesia may be contagious!

Once, while staying with Danzo who had just regained his memory, several members of the Roots who reported on their work during his amnesia also lost their memory along with Danzo that day for some unknown reason!

And among those great grievances, there is myself!

What exactly happened that day? After recovering my memory a month later, I couldn't recall the scene at that time. In short, I just stayed together and then lost my memory!

I heard from people in the village that Jiraiya deceived him that he was his younger brother, and then he actually deceived him into helping him get materials! He was even caught by the Konoha Guards!

Then the Sandaime went to the Konoha Security Department to pick him up with a cheerful look on his face. As for why he had such a happy face with an expression of relief that "this disciple is finally normal", few people knew the reason.

And then...it was today, I regained my memory today.

All in all, this root cannot be left alone!

Until Danzo's horrific intermittent amnesia is cured, he will never come back again!

And Jiraiya, it’s a good thing you ran away quickly and didn’t stay in Konoha, otherwise the friendship between us would have come to an end!

Don't let me see yours again!


"Orochimaru, has the experiment made progress?"

Danzo pushed open the door and couldn't help but frown when he saw Orochimaru packing his things.

"In order to be hidden, I will change the place to conduct the experiment. We can communicate with each other using snakes to prevent being discovered by the village."

Obichimaru, who was wearing a mask, said this, and at the same time silently took two steps back, mentally wary of Danzo's approach in case he suddenly fell ill again.

Danzo nodded and said, "Yes, that's okay. Hiruzen and the Fourth Generation have indeed heard some rumors about gossip recently, so it's best to keep their distance first."

Obishimaru nodded with a smile on his face, but in his heart he was saying mmp.

Stay away from me!

I don’t want to lose my memory!

"Huh? Mr. Orochimaru is not staying at the root anymore?"

Listening to the crisp children's voice, Obishimaru also looked at the short-haired little girl who took out the little head from behind Danzo. This was Danzo's niece - Shimura Myo.

"What a pity. I'm quite interested in Mr. Orochimaru's research. Can human experiments or something like that also help women develop a second time?"

"Tsunade may have experience with this kind of thing."

Orochimaru replied, he really couldn't understand why a child as young as Mao would be so persistent in that kind of thing? She had asked herself this question more than once and asked herself to study this aspect.

Women are really a bunch of incomprehensible creatures.

Orochimaru thought this from the bottom of his heart.

"Well, Mr. Orochimaru, since you are leaving, let's try the delicious and delicious egg pancakes I made today."

Danzo felt a little emotional at this time. Didn't he come to see him and bring him food? Why did he bring snake pills to him again?

Danzo is a poor patient who has been awake for less than a month for most of the year. Although he was often in great pain at first because of this unexplainable and incurable disease, he gradually got used to it later.

After all, what can I do if I’m not used to it? It can’t be cured.

Every time he wakes up, Danzo writes down all the things he needs to do in the next month and gives them to his closest confidants. When he loses his memory, his confidants pretend to be themselves and issue orders to carry out tasks on his behalf.

This matter of intermittent amnesia must not be made known to others. Once Hiruzen learns of it, he will definitely abdicate himself on the grounds that he has not recovered yet and is no longer suitable to be the leader of the Roots.

All in all, after eating the farewell/condolence egg pancakes, Orochimaru and Danzo both fell ill and lost their memory at the same time!

Then, the next day, a certain white-haired ninja who had been traveling a few days ago also appeared in Konoha Village, taking a younger brother with long black hair and a pale face to continue his career in collecting materials.

"Hey, hey! Hurry up! I'm tired of waiting, Orochimaru!"

In the Konoha bathhouse, in the men's locker room, Jiraiya urged Obichimaru who was carefully holding a kunai and working on digging the passage to the women's locker room.

"Don't worry, we'll drill it right away, brother!"

Seeing Orochimaru responding nervously to him, Jiraiya secretly smiled.

He didn't mess around, this was the order of the third generation. He said that letting him, a person who has a deep bond with Orochimaru, talk to him more might stimulate his memory recovery or something.

It’s normal to take a bath together and chat!

I have absolutely no selfish intentions! You can learn from the sun and the moon!

This chapter has been completed!
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